Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Nine




WHEN WE REACHED the station, Trevor and I were ushered into two separate rooms. I reiterated everything that had happened the past two days, only leaving out Jason and the fact that he’d almost date-raped me. They recorded my statements with my mother sitting next to me, holding my hand. When she heard how I’d met Breaker in Griffin’s, she made the sign of the cross and scolded me in front of the detectives. It was embarrassing.

“I didn’t want to go inside there either,” I told her. “But, Krystal insisted.”

“Why did she insist?” asked Detective Stone.

“Because it was her birthday and she needed to talk to Tank.”

They began asking me questions about Krystal and Tank’s relationship.

“I don’t know too much about it,” I said. “I mean, they’ve been dating but she mentioned something tonight about breaking up with Tank.”

Stone suddenly perked up. “She did? What was her reasoning?”

“To be honest, I think she was getting bored. Krystal doesn’t like to stick with one guy too long. Plus, he’s kind of bossy. At least, that’s what she said. I don’t see him enough to know for certain.”

“You don’t think she might have tried to break it off tonight and he became angry?” he asked.

“No. I mean, I guess I don’t know. Um, didn’t you mention that the person who called it in said she was taken by two men wearing masks?”

He nodded. “Yes, she did. But, we need to check every angle. In case Tank is somehow involved.”

“To be honest, I can’t imagine that he is,” I replied. I could tell from the look in Tank’s eyes that he really cared for her.

“You just said you didn’t know him very well,” reminded Stone.

“I know, but...”

“He hangs out with a rough crowd,” said Stone. “They certainly aren’t choir boys.”

“Indeed,” said my mother, sniffing. “Those bikers are all nothing but thugs.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, for the love of God, Mom. You don’t know them so give it a rest.”

“I don’t have to know them. And neither do you.”

Arguing with her was pointless. She was so stubborn. Sighing, I turned back to Stone. “I just can’t see Tank doing something like that. She said that most of the time he was like a big teddy bear toward her.” I left out the part of how she was afraid to break it off with him. I just didn’t believe Tank was the kind of guy who’d kidnap or hurt her.

“Yet, she wants to break up with him?” he said.

“Krystal gets bored. That’s the way she is and always has been. In high school, she used to have a new boyfriend every month. So, wanting to break up with him isn’t a surprise. “

He began asking me about the Gold Vipers.

“Seriously, I don’t know very much about them,” I said. “I just met Trevor yesterday, through Tank. All I know is that they’re a club and it’s like one big family.”

“What’s your relationship with Trevor?” asked Stone.

My mother’s hand tightened on mine.

“We just met. I don’t know, yet.”

“Can I give you some advice?” he said, staring at me hard.

I shrugged.

“Stay away from him and the rest of his gang. We’ve got records on almost everyone associated with the Gold Vipers. Everything from narcotics to arson to theft. You don’t want to be involved with people like that. They’ll bring you down with them if you’re not careful.”

“What about Trevor?” asked my mother, leaning forward. “Does he have a record?”

“No, surprisingly, he doesn’t. That just probably means he’s good at keeping a low profile. He knows how to play that game and not get caught.”

“Or, he’s not playing any game and he’s just a decent human being,” I countered, getting angry.

Stone smirked. “He comes from trash. His father’s in prison for drugs and his mother’s been in and out of jail most of her life. He’s in a gang of hoodlums, which is right, by the way, Ms. Nikolas,” he said, nodding toward my mother. “They are really nothing but a bunch of thugs.”

“See,” she said, waving her finger at me. “I told you.”

I sighed. “Just because they are doesn’t mean Trevor is.”

“Defend him all you want, but ask yourself this – why would he want to be associated with people who continually break the law if he’s such a decent guy?” asked Stone.

“I don’t know, maybe because he has nobody else?” I mumbled, rubbing my forehead. “You know, I thought we were here to talk about finding Krystal and Breaker?”

“We are,” he said, shuffling papers. “Which reminds me –”

Another officer walked through the doorway and motioned for Stone. “We have some information.”

“Oh. Good.” He smiled at us and stood up. “I’ll be right back.”

“You heard what that man said about this gang,” said Vanda, after he left. “They are nothing but trouble.”

“I know what he said, but Trevor is a good guy.”

“How do you know?” she said angrily. “You keep defending someone you don’t know, Adriana.”

“Because sometimes, you just do,” I replied angrily.

“You’ve only known him for two days.”

“Yeah, so? It’s not like we’re getting married.”

“You may as well after what went on in your bedroom,” she mumbled, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

I sighed. “So what? I’m twenty-one years old. I’m not a child.”

“I know, but –”

“Mom, you have to learn to trust me,” I said, grabbing her hand. “I know Trevor is part of this gang, but he’s much more than that. I can feel it. I can also feel that he would never do anything to hurt me.”

“You’ve just met. How do you really know?” she asked, looking weary.

“I don’t know. It’s something in my gut, I guess.”

She sighed. “You’re all I have, Adriana. If anything happened to you, I... I don’t know what I’d do.”

I squeezed her hand. “I know, Mom. But, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“I will always worry about you,” she replied, blinking back tears.

“I know, but learn to trust me. Okay?”

She let out ragged sigh. “I do trust you. It’s him I don’t trust.”

“Try? For me?”

“I will try, but if he hurts you, so help me...”

The door opened up and Stone walked in. The look on his face was grave.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

He sat down across from me. “I have some troubling news.”

My heart stopped. “What is it?”

Stone put his hand over mine. “We found your friend, Krystal. She’s been murdered.”

“What?!” I shrieked, pulling my hand away. I covered my mouth. “She’s been murdered?” I began to cry. “No! This has to be a mistake!”

“Krystal’s mother has already confirmed that it’s her,” he said. “I’m so sorry.”

“Where did they find her?” asked my mother, who had her arm around me as I sobbed.

“She was found in the parking lot of Griffin’s. She was... rolled up in a blanket.”

“Oh, my God,” I cried, picturing it. “Those bastards!”

“It gets worse. From what it sounds like, whoever left her there was sending a message. In fact,” he sighed, “I probably shouldn’t even tell you this, but I want you to know what kind of people we are dealing with.”

“Tell me what?” I said hoarsely, waiting for him to continue.

“Someone carved the words ‘Revenge Is Sweet’ on her stomach,” he said, his eyes hardening.

“What does that mean?” asked my mother.

“I believe this was payback for Breaker’s murder. Look,” he said, pinning me with his eyes. “This could have just as easily been you. Hell, maybe it was supposed to be, since Breaker was obviously obsessed with you.”

“What?” cried my mother. “You think they were trying to target Adriana and got Krystal, instead?”

“It’s possible. There’s obviously a war going on between these two gangs and an innocent girl was murdered.”

“That’s it!” cried Vanda. “You are never seeing that man again. Krystal is dead and I’m not losing you, Adriana. Promise me you won’t see Trevor again. Promise me!”

Stone handed me a box of tissues. “I’d have to agree with your mother. Especially now that there’s a murder investigation going on. You need to stay as far away from this character as you can.”

The pain in my heart seemed unbearable as I pictured Krystal’s beautiful, smiling face. We’d been best friends for so many years. Now she was gone, and for what? Revenge? Because of me?

“Fine... I promise,” I mumbled, wiping my tears. “I won’t go near any of them.”

“You’re making a wise choice,” said Stone. “You know that, don’t you?” 

The only thing I did know was that my best friend was dead... and nothing else mattered.