Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty




FOR THE NEXT three weeks, Trevor and I spent as much time together as we could. When we weren’t making love, we were taking walks, renting movies, or he was teaching me how to cook.

“I have to say, this is a good fucking omelet,” he said one morning after I’d stayed overnight. I’d made him something called a “Denver Omelet.” I’d found the recipe online. “Your cooking skills have greatly improved.”

“I have a good teacher,” I said, smiling as I poured him another glass of orange juice. His compliment made me giddy, though. I actually enjoyed cooking and wanted to please him. It was a trait I knew had come from my mother. Making her man happy.

He set his fork down on his empty plate and pulled me onto his lap. “This is great, isn’t it?” he whispered, moving my hair to the side. “I mean, it feels like were married sometimes. I like it.”

I grinned. “You do?”

He kissed my lips. “Don’t you?”

“I guess so. I mean, I know sometimes married couples don’t have sex very often,” I teased.

“That’s never going to be us,” he said. “In fact,” he gulped down his orange juice and then pushed everything off of the kitchen table and onto the linoleum, startling the hell out of me.


“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

“Good.” Although nothing broke, there was still a mess.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he stood up and walked over to the refrigerator. He grabbed a bottle of maple syrup and walked back over.

“I need dessert,” he said, grabbing the front of the white muscle shirt I was wearing. The one he’d loaned me.


He ripped the cotton away from my chest and tossed it aside. With one hand on my right breast, he reached down for my panties.

“Don’t you dare rip them; they’re my best pair.”

Trevor grabbed me around the waist, picked me up, and set me down on the table. Then he pulled my underwear down and placed them by his nose. “Mm... they smell nice, too.”

My face turned red.

Chuckling, he pushed me down on the table and wrapped my legs over his shoulders. His face became serious. “I’m going to make you come so hard, darlin’.” There was a hungry fierceness in his eyes that made me instantly wet. “Then I’m going to fuck the shit out of you until you’re screaming my name and I’m coming all over your beautiful body. Afterward, we’re going to go and buy you some new panties. The crotchless kind, so I can take you anywhere and everywhere. You feel me?”

My throat became so dry that I had to swallow. “Yes. I feel you, Trevor.”

He grabbed the bottle of syrup and held it over my crotch. My eyes widened as I realized what he was about to do.

“Are you really –” I asked as he squeezed the bottle. I squealed as the cold syrup hit my labia and dribbled down. I shivered. “It’s... cold.”

He set the bottle down and grabbed my hips. “This is where I warm it up.”

When Trevor’s lips touched my sex and he began licking, I gasped in delight.

“Mm... that’s yummy,” he whispered, flicking his tongue up, down, and around my clit.

Moaning, I grabbed his head, wrapping my fingers in his hair as he sucked and devoured the maple syrup. Then he added his fingers, pressing deep, finding that spot while his tongue worked that magic on my nub. He kept a steady rhythm as the pressure began to build and the need to release became more and more intense. Soon, I was squirming and pushing against his face, pulling at his hair, and squeezing my nipples all at the same time, until he added just enough pressure to make me scream out an orgasm that rocked me to the core.

“That’s my girl,” he said huskily.

“Oh, my God, Trevor,” I said, trying to catch my breath.

He stood up and shoved his jeans to the floor. “I’m not finished with you,” he said, pulling me off the table. Grabbing me by the hips, he turned me around and bent me over his dinette. Then he was ramming into me, his hands on my breasts, both of us grunting like wild animals.

“I love this,” he growled into my ear as he leaned over me, pounding away at my pussy. “I love you. Fuck, I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I replied, my eyes filling with tears.

Gasping, he thrust into me two more times, and then stiffened up as he came, holding me so tightly that I could barely breathe.

“Trevor, too tight,” I whispered hoarsely.

He chuckled and released me. “Sorry,” he said, pulling out.

“It’s okay.”

He turned me around and looked into my eyes. “You are on the pill, right?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I told you that last week.”

“Good, but I just want you to know that if anything ever happened, I’d take care of you and the baby. You know that.”

I nodded.

He relaxed. “So, did you mean it?” he asked, smiling again. “Do you really love me?”

“Yes,” I said, grinning up at him. “I love you, Trevor.”

He pulled a strand of my hair. “I love you, too. I wasn’t just saying it.”

“I didn’t think you were.”

“I want you to be my Old Lady,” he said suddenly.

I stiffened up. I knew how much this meant to bikers. I just wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of being just his ‘Old Lady’. “Explain exactly what that means.”

“You’re my woman. Nobody else will mess with you. You’re going to wear my patch, Kitten.”

“So, in the biker world, you wear a patch. Not a... ring.”

He grinned. “I’ll get you a ring, too, babe.”

“As in...”

“An engagement ring,” he said. “I want you to marry me.”

My eyes widened in shock. “Marriage?”

“Eventually. Isn’t that what you want?”

“I...” I smiled. “Yes. Of course.” I felt so much love for him in that moment that I didn’t think I’d want anything less.

He kissed my knuckles. “Well, then. That’s that. We patch you, first, and then once you’re finished with school, we get hitched.”


“When do you want to tell your mother?”

I sighed. She was going to flip her lid. “Do we have to? Maybe we could tell her on our fifth anniversary?”

He chuckled. “I hear you, darlin’, but she needs to know. She’s going to be a grandmother someday. I want kids, you know. Lots of them.”

“Okay,” I replied, excited that he wanted kids. Something told me he was going to be a wonderful father. “We’ll tell her. After you get me a ring.”

“She’s going to know when we buy the ring,” he said. “Obviously.”

“Oh yeah,” I said, laughing nervously.

“You know we can’t go anywhere else to buy you a ring. She already dislikes me. If I went to another jeweler, she’ll really fucking hate me.”

“True,” I said, my stomach already in a multitude of knots as I thought about telling her.

“It’s going to be all right,” he said, staring into my eyes. “I’ll take care of you. You know that, right?”

“I know.”

“Good,” he said, kissing me again. “Now, why don’t you go and take a shower. I’ll clean up and then we’ll go and talk to Slammer about our plans.”

“Okay,” I said.

I left the kitchen, feeling nervous about the whole thing. Although I loved him, I was still scared about what it meant. Now, I’d have to wear a patch, not to mention a ring. I’d promised my mother that I’d keep the biker world separate from what he and I had together. But now, I knew it couldn’t be. It was all or nothing.

As I took my shower, I began to relax. I’d met some of his friends who were in the Gold Vipers the last couple of weeks, and they seemed nice. Their Old Ladies had also been very cool. They weren’t at all what I’d pictured them to be and were definitely not pushovers. In fact, they seemed very independent and well respected.

I can do this, I thought, drying myself off with the towel. I will do this.

After I got dressed, I walked out of the bathroom and that’s when I heard him arguing with someone.

“It’s not mine,” said Trevor in a firm voice.

“It is yours, Trevor. He’s sterile and you’re the only other person I’ve been with.”

My heart stopped.

It was Brandy.

“You’re lying,” he said loudly.

She began to cry. “No, I’m not. Listen to me, we can do this. Didn’t you always say that you wanted a son, Trevor? Now we can have one. We can start over.”

“I don’t want to start over with you, Brandy. We’re done.”

I turned the corner and both of them looked at me.

“She’s pregnant?” I asked, my voice hollow.

“Yes, I am,” she said haughtily.

He gave her a venomous look. “So she says, I doubt it’s mine.”

“But, it could be?” I asked.

“It’s yours, Trevor! We were together six weeks ago. I’m six weeks pregnant!”

I’d known him for five.

I grabbed my purse and walked toward the stairs.

“Wait a second, where are you going?” he asked, coming up behind me.

I turned around. Deep down in my gut, I knew the baby was his. I just knew it. “Obviously you two need to work things out,” I said, my eyes filling with tears.

“Bullshit,” he said. “She can leave. Not you.”

“Trevor, I’m carrying your child. We’ve known each other for two years. You’re going to kick me out of here for her?” snapped Brandy.

He turned around and pointed his finger at her. “Shut the fuck up, Brandy. You can’t just walk back into my life, say you’re pregnant, and think that everything is going to go the way you want it. Even if it’s my fucking kid.”

I let out a ragged sigh and headed downstairs for the door.

He flew down them and grabbed my arm. “Wait. Don’t you leave me, Adriana.”

“Could this baby be yours?’

He sighed loudly. “I don’t know. There’s a chance, I guess. It happened before I met you. It was a mistake, obviously.” He pulled me into his arms. “I hope to fuck that you believe it.”

I nodded.

“I’ll make her leave,” he whispered into my hair.

I pulled away. “No. I’ll leave. You two have a lot to talk about.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed angrily. “This is such fucking bullshit.”

“I know. Call me.”

Trevor’s face was filled with anguish as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply. “I love you,” he said, releasing me.

“I love you, too,” I answered, turning away quickly to avoid his eyes.

“I’ll call you.”

All I could do was nod, I was so choked up.

After I left the house, I cried.

Now that she was pregnant, I knew our relationship was doomed. I was so upset, that I stopped and grabbed a bag of fast-food, not even sure what I’d ordered. I brought it back home and scarfed it all down. Ten minutes later, I threw it all up and cried some more.



TREVOR DIDN’T CALL me until the next day. He apologized and said that Brandy was going to go in for DNA testing in the next couple of months, to make sure the baby was really his.

“So, where is she now?” I asked.

He was quiet.

“Did she leave?”

He sighed. “I let her move in.”

My heart stopped. “What?”

“She doesn’t have anywhere to go, but listen to me. I hate that fucking bitch. She’s only here because if she is carrying my child, I want to protect him.”

He was already calling the baby, ‘him’.

“I understand,” I said, the tears spilling from my eyes. He wasn’t breaking up with me but it sure felt the same. My heart was being crushed and neither of us were really even responsible.

“Are you crying?”

“No,” I lied.

“I love you, Adriana. No matter what happens, I still want to marry you. Even if this baby is mine, this thing won’t affect ‘us’. You feel me?”

“Yes,” I lied again. Somehow I knew that if the baby was his, it was over for us. Really over. 

Turns out that we were both wrong. Things definitely changed and Brandy wasn’t the only one... pregnant.



End of Book 1

Book 2:  Does Adriana have the courage to fight for her man? Plus, find what other surprises are in store for the couple. Read It Now


Or Save money and purchase one of the boxed sets:


The Biker Boxed Set Books 1-4



The Mega Biker Boxed Set