Road Trip Riot by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Four


‘she is what?’ Vincent stands erect and alert for the first time in days. I cant help but gawk for a moment as he begins to pace. Question gives me a questioning gaze and I shrug with a go-with-it look on my face

‘they must be in Francistown by now.’ Question closes his laptop, ‘her phone is showing there.’

‘where the hell are they going?’ Vincent stops to look at him

‘how should I know?’ Question shrugs.

Vincent mutters expletives under his breath while I throw myself on the nearest couch and reach for the remote. Its almost time for the news.

‘who is possibly driving them there.’ Vincent wonders loudly, ‘what type of car are they driving.’

‘I’m thinking the one they ran off from the ceremony with.’ Question says and rubs between his eyes because that’s the only way he cant squirm under Vincent’s glare.

‘that death trap.’ Vincent growls. I grin as that day flashes in my mind. I only ever met Nancy personally, sweet girl. I was to meet her two best friends during the wedding who according to Vincent were a piece of work. But the way that car vroomed out of there was no woman’s driving or I would have to believe Vincent’s theory about Nancy’s friends being a nut case.

‘if that woman is driving--.’ Vincent pauses and I open the TV, yes the six o’clock bulletin has just begun. I lift my feet onto the coffee table.

‘I think they are going for a trip or something.’ Question offers. Seeing Vincent dramatic has set him on edge. I am enjoying this because I have been waiting my whole life to see the man lose his cool. I lean back on the couch as the headlines are being run.

‘where?’ Vincent snaps

‘how should I know—don’t go all Tarzan on me dude.’ Question shoots back.

‘you know Que—there is a time in life that you need to get over movie obsession.’

‘oh are you trying to motivate speak me Vee—go do it in the mirror.’

Wrong thing to say to a wound up Vincent right now. In fast movements he has already fisted the material of Question’s shirt in his hands by the collar. Question splutters and tries to raise his hands in surrender but Vincent’s expression tells him that he has to start taking.

I focus on the news which I am not even hearing

‘alright dude I know where they are headed.’

‘where?’ Vincent practically growls

‘they are taking a road trip to Kasane.’ Question mumbles before quickly adding, ‘but dude I think the girl needs her space, they will return eventually her two friends have jobs here in Gabs.’

Vincent lets go of him, Question staggers until he falls on one of the long couches while Vincent comes to throw himself to the one next to mine. He looks relieved. That means trouble. It doesn’t take him two seconds to spell it out.

‘guys we are going for a road trip.’ He announces smiling for the first time since the wedding, ‘Question you get us the fastest car.’

‘I am not going anywhere Vee—Que is right, give the girl her space.’

‘did I stutter?’ Vincent mutters staring ahead.

Que and I share a look. The bossy bastard. I don’t know how we have been close our whole lives or why Question sticks around at all.

‘man I have a job and I’m not your little servant,’

That earns me a glare I ignore and fix my eyes on TV, they are already at the last bulletin and rounding up.

‘I am not asking Josh.’

I press my lips together. He doesn’t have to threaten me anyway. I was so going with him. Not that I had any interest in reconciling the two but because I cant let Vincent drive in this condition. He will end up with tickets and trouble that his uncle Harold would gladly probate him for. I am always caught up in the middle, tried to avoid it but I cant so I try to not let the situations happen.

So for the sake of my sanity, if its Nancy he needs to get back to normal, its Nancy that we get him. Spoiled arrogant son of a bitch.