Rumors of Christmas by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Twelve Months Later


Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, Love

divine; Love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the


Worship we the Godhead, Love incarnate, Love divine; worship

we our Jesus, but wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token,love be yours and love be mine;love

to God and others, love for plea and gift and sign.

As they finished harmonizing, surprisingly well, the three well-dressed busybodies made their way to a nearby pew and took a seat. As they whispered to each other, Andre limped toward a place behind a small wooden pulpit.

“Thank you for that song ladies. Ahem. Weddings are wonderful, aren’t they? Especially at this time of the year. I’m sure many here will still remember the simple beauty of the wedding of Bill and Grace Neidermeir. As we should, marriage is a noble institution and true love is a fine ideal, one worth waiting for...apparently, even up to ten years.

Speaking of which. The sermon has been preached, the songs have been sung, so that means it is now time for the main event. Would our two celebrants please step forward.”

Hearing this, Evelyn, dressed in a beautiful white gown, strode toward the front of the Church. There was an awkward silence as the entire congregation craned their necks, scanning the interior of the Church. Looking for the groom.

Andre chuckled. “Don’t be shy Adam.”

Simon and Marie had been waiting for this development. They smoothly lifted Adam from his seat and pushed him toward the front of the Church. As Adam staggered toward his fate, Simon and Marie took a seat with the other guests.

“That’s it...yes, right there is fine...Ahem. Do you Adam, promise to take Evelyn as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and cherish from this day onward?”

“I do.”

“Do you Evelyn, promise to take, Adam as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and cherish from this day onward?”

“I do.”

“Then by the powers invested in me by the Provence of Manitoba, I pronounce you man and wife.” As if on cue, the busybodies began to sob. Andre laughed to himself and then continued. “I thank you all for coming and that concludes our service for today.”

Wedding guests rose from their seats and began to mingle. Meanwhile, at the front of the church, the busybodies gathered for an emergency conference.

“You know. This is all very nice. But I can’t help but wondering about something...” Gertrude pointed toward the other end of the room.

“I know what you mean...I noticed that too, they’re very strange.” Hilda surveyed the crowd as concern graced her slender face.

“And they keep gettin stranger.” Margaret seemed about to spit but then thought better of it .

“I’ve got a feeling that they’re up to something.” Gertrude seemed like her old self again as she began to outline her theory to her fellow scientists. As they continued to speak, Marie made her way through the crowd to her father.

“That was an excellent sermon father.”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s pretty easy for a Frenchman to preach about the things of love.”

“Still, you did it very well.”

“I guess I’ll accept that. As long as they don’t kick us out of town because of it.”

“Why should they? Gladstone is our home as much as anyone else’s.”

“It’s sure starting to feel that way.” A smile of fatherly pride graced Andre’s face as he surveyed his beautiful daughter. “How did things go out there at the Mullers today?”

“I’m happy to say that boy Adam and I helped bring into this cruel world is now a perfectly healthy one-year-old toddler.”

“I’m proud of you. Even Herman Muller has started saying your doing fine work. Your English is getting better too.”

“You know. When I first got to Gladstone. Some people told me to stay away from Evelyn. That she was rude. I don’t know why, she’s a wonderful person, and she’s an excellent English teacher.”

“Adam thinks so too by the look of it. I guess we should do our duty as family and congratulate them properly.”

Andre and Marie made their way toward the newlyweds who still stood at the front of the Church. They both looked like they wanted to head for the hills, but at least they were finally married. Therefore, they could head for the hills together.

“Well. You finally did it Adam. How do you feel now?” Andre took Adam’s hand and shook it with a confidence that only comes from knowing the truth.

“Scared. ”

“You should be scared. You’re stuck in Gladstone for life.” Andre turned his attention toward Evelyn. “But I can’t think of a better person for you to get stuck with.”

Evelyn blushed. “Neither can I.”

“Congratulations again. And thank you for allowing me to be the one to finally get you two hitched.” As Andre and Marie continued to congratulate the new couple, the busybodies had received a surprising revelation.

“I’m convinced. There’s something suspicious going on here.” Gertrude’s commanding voice was booming out over the chatter of the crowd. Andre frowned as he took in the sight of the three busybodies. They were standing on the stage, binoculars in hand, examining someone out there in the crowd.

“What kind of sinister plans do they have for Gladstone?”

“Why have they have been watchin us all this time?”

“Come on ladies. We better find out what those people are up to!” With that, Gertrude and her henchwomen plunged into the swirling mass of people. With a well-placed push here and a shove there, they began making their way to some destination known only to themselves.

“Hold it ladies!” Adam stepped into the path of charging busybodies as if he were trying to stop a herd of mad cows. “We’re all going over to my place.” He glanced at his new wife. “I mean...”

“Our home for supper.” Evelyn completed.

“Of course...we’ll join you there soon!” Hilda proclaimed.

“As soon as we investigate all them people over there!”Margaret pointed to some people at the other end of the room.

“I don’t think so.” Andre had managed to join Adam. Together they stared down the tribe of women that had given them so much trouble. “The only thing we need to investigate is the Christmas feast that Simon and his wife, Ruth, have prepared for us.” At the urging of Andre, Simon and Marie each grabbed a nearby busybody. “Follow me ladies...shows over for today.”

As Andre led the way out of the building, Simon and Marie herded the busybodies out behind him. Still, even as they walked, the busybodies couldn’t help but to offer helpful advice to the wedding guests they passed along the way.

“Maybe you don’t believe in celebrating Christmas.”

“But trust me, you should.”

“And if you can’t trust us, who can ya trust?”
