Rusty by G. A. Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

“I must say I admire the guy who played Alan,” Wayne said as he drove me home after the play, which had indeed been well acted. “If that was all I had, I’d be ashamed to get undressed in the bedroom, let alone in front of an audience.” I hadn’t thought he was particularly small, normal I would have said, but Wayne was implying he was much bigger. Did I really want to know? I asked myself. I decided I didn’t. Being with Wayne had been pleasant but I had no interest in him physically.

“The woman was more than OK though. Nice firm tits; could perhaps have been a little bigger.” I decided not to comment on this either. I thought both were daring to bare as much as they did. “Disappointed she kept her knickers on. That was unfair seeing how the man was stark, bollocks naked.” I decided not respond. “I reckon he must be gay,” Wayne continued after a short pause. I didn’t understand how he could have come to that decision but he soon answered that puzzle. “There’s no way I wouldn’t have been aroused if I was that close to her, even if it was on stage. He was as limp as last week’s lettuce.”

Back inside the house, Wayne told me to sit down and put my feet up. The treat wasn’t over yet. Intrigued, I did as I was told. Seconds later, he returned with two wine glasses full of champagne, the best, he assured me. I wanted to say I’d already had wine with the meal and a vodka and tonic during the interval and that I didn’t really want anything more to drink, but felt it would be churlish. If this was to be part of my treat, I would relax and enjoy it.

We chatted about his cousins and his aunt and other inconsequential things and before I realised it, my glass was empty and Wayne had refilled it. But he also came and sat on the sofa next to me. “To one very beautiful woman,” he said as he raised his glass and clinked it against mine. I told him he had beer eyes. “I mean it,” he insisted. “Have you enjoyed your treat?” Of course I had, I replied. “Good food at a top restaurant, an enjoyable night at the theatre, first class champagne. It’s been a great evening; but it doesn’t end there.” He moved closer and put his arm round me and pulled me closer to him. “We can make it a fantastic night.”

I jumped up as I realised what he was suggesting. “I’m sorry if I’ve given you the wrong impression, but there is no way that is going to happen. I’ve enjoyed the evening, and I like you as a friend, but nothing else. And if you feel I owe you something because of what you’ve spent this evening, then you’ve seriously misjudged me. Now I’m going to bed. Alone! Goodnight.”

It was probably only two minutes after I’d switched the light off that I heard the bedroom door open and the light was switched on again. Wayne was standing at the end of the bed, naked, and with an enormous erection. He had suggested he was well endowed and now I had no reason to doubt it. “I can’t stop thinking about you, and this is the effect you have on me,” he stated without the least embarrassment. “Women have always told me that size is important, especially after experiencing it. You won’t be disappointed.”

“Get out! I shouted at him. “Get out of my room and out of my house, NOW! I don’t want you here a minute longer.” He protested that he wouldn’t try anything else that night. “Too right you won’t,” I shouted. “I made it clear I wasn’t interested. I can’t trust you, so I won’t have you in the house, my house, any longer. And don’t think you can sleep in the car on my drive, because I want you out sight, out of my life. Forever! Don’t ever think of coming back.”

He was stunned by the ferocity of my rejection. “Mum said you liked me,” he muttered. “Said if she left us on our own for the night, she was sure we’d click and have a good time.” I began to wonder if her absence was planned and there wasn’t an emergency with her niece. I challenged him. Sheepishly he agreed. His cousin had been in hospital a couple of months previously but was now fully recovered. Cynthia would be leaving when she returned the next day, I decided.