Samantha's Proposal by Ruth Daniel - HTML preview

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SHE WANTED to go out to see who was pulling such an act, but she didn't want the scene in front of her staff. Better to do it in the privacy of her office. The person had better be one of her brothers. She didn't think anyone else had the gut to try that with her.

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard the knock and in walked Mark Grinder.

She went very still in her seat. She’d prayed and hoped that episode was behind her, had spent days reprimanding herself until she felt reprimanded enough. Then her self-pity had ended, and shed almost succeeded in not thinking about him at all. Almost.

“Hello, Samantha.” Coming towards her with a knowing smile across his face, “Missed me?”

Standing in front of her, he bent now, barricading her with his both hands on either side of the chair. 'I've missed you. I couldn't stop thinking about you.'

Still dazed and dumb-founded, she blinked. Twice. And pushed against him to stand up. He easily stepped back, looking around her office. Not on earth would she be intimidated in her own territory.

'What do you want?' Her voice sounded strange to her own ears.

His gaze drifted back to hers and smiled, 'I realized we got off a bad start and I came to speak with you.'

She frowned deeply. Making it obvious. She wasn't sure what he was getting at, but she supposed he was right. They did get off wrong.

For the first time, she noticed he was wearing a black suit. Probably coming back from the school where he taught. She knew nothing about this person and yet, she had almost spent the rest of her life with him. Now merely thinking about it, she shuddered.

He was still looking at her. Waiting for her to say something: anything.

“About what, exactly?”

He began to laugh and before she could form a coherent thought, he spoke, “You should have seen the look on your secretary's face when I told her I was your fiancé.”

Not funny at all. She'd seen the look on Stacy's face. It had been surprise and disbelief.

“... she didn't believe me at first.” He continued. “I had to pull the act to get her to respond.” Then he stopped laughing and looked at her intently with a slight frown. “It was almost like she thought it was impossible for you to have a fiancé.”

His fingers barely touched her face and she jumped back. Nobody had ever done that to her before. Nobody had ever made her feel the sensation that had prompted her to want to respond. Her skin tingled from where he'd touched and not to encourage him, she kept from placing her hand there.

This was not a game she wanted to play. She would make him go very far away and explain to Stacy it had been a joke.

Or not. She didn't owe Stacy any explanation.

“I want to take you out for lunch. He murmured; his face, mere inches from hers.”

Samantha resisted the urge to meet his gaze. She was too overwhelmed to look at him, instead, her gaze reverted to the laptop keyboard blinking on her table.

“Thank you, but I...”

“I just want to talk, that's all.” He closed the distance and she jumped back skittishly. Understanding the sign, he stepped back. “I told your secretary I was taking you to lunch.”

Her heartbeat was still racing despite the non-committal shrug she gave. It really wouldn't hurt. She thought.

With the jigs her heart was already doing, she didn't think it was a good idea. But then, they would be in public and nothing could go wrong. He must be reasonable enough.

And of course, she didn't want her staff to think being engaged was an idea too alien for her.

∞ ∞ ∞

“The weather is cool for a walk.” He told her as they stepped out of the gate.

She nodded.

She'd been awfully quiet since they left her office. He hadn't meant to touch her. The urge had been too strong, and he'd wanted to feel her pulse to confirm why she was so uncomfortable around him. Well, now he had the answer. And the answering need of his own.

They headed towards the restaurants a few blocks from her office. He'd never been there before, always thought it was out of his league. Then. Now, he could comfortably take her there because he'd found out it wasn't as expensive as he'd thought. And he could afford it now.

They walked on in silence. This wasn't what he'd had in mind. In fact, nothing he'd had in mind had worked so far. And he enjoyed just walking beside her in companionable silence.

Halfway to their destination, she stopped. He did the same and glanced at her. Seeing she didn't take any step farther, he went to her, wondering what she was thinking about now.

“What do you want?” Her voice held a note of firm resolve.

He sighed. Nothing was going as he'd planned. Paying her back for the insult kept backfiring.

“You.” He said simply.

She laughed but it lacked mirth. Done your own thinking, I presume.

He didn't bother lying. “I did. But I haven't stopped thinking about you as a person.” That was true enough.

She was smart enough not to argue that point and instead, repeated her earlier question.

“I want you. I could do with the cash too and the other incentives but beyond that, you intrigued me and I want to find out more about you.”

Not exactly what he'd had in mind yet again. And he'd been telling her the truth. As much as he wanted to play her at her own game, she'd captured his attention, most especially after seeing her again.

She boldly looked him in the eyes, “Why?”

He thought she knew the answer to that question but wanted to hear him say it.

“I don't make a living doing this sort of thing. I think you know the why.”

She shook her head. “I changed my mind. It was impulsive to begin with and it's not what I want or what Id settle for. I'm sorry I dragged you into it. But I no longer have interest in it. Good day, Mr. Grinder.” She started to turn.

He grabbed her and with more force than he'd intended, pulled her against him. Momentarily, he lost track of what he'd intended to say as her eyes grew larger, and she tried to avoid collision by placing her hand firmly between them.

He shouldn't have done that. Same way he shouldn't be doing what he was about to do next.

Tilting her chin upward, he captured her mouth in a kiss that left no room for resistance, taking them both by surprise. His hesitation was brief as he tasted that first sweet essence of her, knowing that he was a goner. If he managed to keep his head above his heart, he might just find the will to stop.

Oh, she pushed in futility against him. It did not take much effort for her to give up the fight. Lesser effort for her to respond, tentatively at first, then, her hands moved to circle his neck. She responded, like she'd never been kissed before, more like a school girl receiving her first lesson. It pleased him to no end to be the one teaching her, tantalizing her senses with first subtle, then demanding tug of her lips. The need to capture her very essence into himself had him tittering on the edge of sane phenomenal bliss.

She seemed to pull him into herself, not that he was protesting and the way she wiggled to get closer emanated a growl of approval from him. Possessing her mouth in an age-old tango too natural to deny, he twined his tongue with hers, giving as much as he took.

The blood roared in his head and her heart beat rapidly he could feel it rhyme with his. He plundered her senses, and he heard her moan in response. His body reacted violently, and he went very still, staring at her face, with half-closed eyes, realizing what had just happened. She looked dazed as the desire in her eyes slowly ebbed away, awareness causing her eyes to widen in shock and surprise.

Swallowing, he let go of her and stepped back seeing as her eyes cleared, and she became aware of their environment. Embarrassment had her lowering her gaze as she stepped back, turned, and started back in the direction of her office.


She didn't turn but kept her head down and continued walking. He hadn't planned for any of this. Nothing he planned had worked. He'd only ruined it farther by embarrassing them both. Kissing her had never been part of his plan.

Turning to go after her, he felt the vibration of his phone and reached for his pocket. It stopped before he could answer it and closed his eyes. The Chief Judge had given him six missed calls. How swell.

And he'd been making out on the pavement of a major road. He'd exceeded all forty-five minutes of his lunchtime. He contemplated going after her, wondering at this rate, the reception he'd receive. The vibration of his phone had him changing direction. He needed to return to work. He wasn't sure how his missing his boss calls would translate.

And now feeling guilty, he knew he had to apologize to Samantha for what he'd done.

∞ ∞ ∞

Oh, what had she gotten herself into? What had she done to herself? Why did she have to suffer for a mistake that was past? How could she get past it?

Samantha never made mistakes. She was too reasonable a person to find herself in compromising situations. Shed trained herself for it. But lately, she found herself entrenched in enough of them to last a lifetime.

She'd prayed never to see him again. Two months that prayer was answered. How glad shed been.

The dread of meeting him some place public and having him embarrass her had seemed more and more far-fetched as weeks rolled by, and he didn't suddenly appear. She should have counted on it, been more prepared to see him. What had she expected?

Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she’d meant to skip lunch before he'd shown up at her office. Shed wait till she got home before eating.

A slight knock came and the door opened.

Not bothering to lift her head, she pretended to be asleep. Her secretary hesitated, then dropped something on the table and left. The moment she heard the soft click of the door behind Stacy, she lifted her head, noting what had assailed her nose. She groaned and reached for the bag. Stacy was a God-sent. Just what she needed right at the moment.

As she lifted the pack out of the bag, a paper fell out on the table. Ignoring the paper as the payment receipt, she opened the pack then darted her eyes to the paper again. That did not look like a payment receipt.

She dropped the food and reached for the paper. Her hands trembled slightly when she opened it.

I may have had a lot of things on
my mind but insulting you
was never my intention.
I apologize if my actions may
have made you uncomfortable.
Mark Grinder.

She balled the paper about to fling it far away, then grudgingly smoothed it over and placed it on her table. He'd apologized. It didn't make her feel less embarrassed thinking about her own response to him, but at least, he had the good sense to apologize.

She buzzed the intercom and seconds later, Stacy appeared.

“Please, call Mark Grinder and tell him I'd like to see him.”

Stacy hovered in the entrance before she closed the door and left.

Samantha sighed. It was becoming a habit seeking out trouble. She could just leave well alone sleeping dogs lie.

Her stomach growled again, reminding her what was most pressing. She uncorked the bottle of soft drink first before diving for the burger. She was just finishing off when her secretary entered. Stacy dropped a folded paper and left.

One Mr. Morris answered the call
and said he'd let Mr. Grinder know of
the contact immediately.

Buzzing the intercom, Stacy entered almost immediately. “Your note is very encrypted.”

Stacy stepped farther into the room. “I used the number he called the office with two months ago. He doesn't seem to be using that number anymore. But Mr. Morris, who answered the phone said Mr. Grinder was at work.”

Still at work? Teachers never left school premises for lunch.

“Thank you, Stacy.”

When the door closed behind Stacy, she put down the remainder of the drink. She knew absolutely nothing of this person. How could she be so certain that he'd not lied about his other job? But she knew.

Powering on her computer, she began to type.

∞ ∞ ∞

Mark stood on the sidewalk contemplating going home and wanting to see Samantha again. She was becoming an itch he couldn't shake off as easily as he had planned. Could it be because of the still beauty that held him entranced each time he pictured her?

Sometimes while working, he'd find his mind drifting to that first time he met her. He couldn't believe two months had gone by, yet her face kept popping into his mind at unsuspecting moments when he should be busy working.

Seeing her again today had momentarily robbed him of his breath. She wouldn't know what beauty lies in her. She was all shades beautiful in a quiet kind of way. His heart recognized the risk of getting involved with her. And yet...

The kiss had been a mistake. At the thought, he smirked. And I really don't want to see her ever again, came a sarcastic response to that thought.

Yes, the kiss had not been planned but boy would he like to do it again! All his rationalized and planned speech flew out the door when she stepped out of her office. An odd feeling of dread had thumped at his chest, tugging and pulling his heart to run the other way. Wouldn't that be the best solution for him?

Look at him, standing by the roadside and thinking how to steal another kiss from a woman who didn't share the same feelings for him as he did for her.

But he was wrong. He had felt the heavy and erratic beat of her heart when he pulled her closer. Her pulse had skittered, and she had responded like she would like to devour him as well. If she hadn't made that sound, jarring him back to consciousness, would he have ravaged her right there on the road? How far would he have gone to have her for that one stolen moment?

Could it be possible that she was over 30 years old yet untouched? The thought had hunted him since she left him that afternoon standing by the roadside.

The slight horn of a car brought him out of those disturbing thoughts. He frowned at the black saloon car parked in front of him as a huge man in a black suit stepped out from the front seat and opened the back door, gesturing for him to go in.

He recognized the man as a security aide to a very wealthy and influential man, the reason he was standing by the roadside indecisive.

His sighed. It would be futile to refuse. The first time they had come to pick him up, he had refused to go with them. Two burly looking men had picked him up off his feet and roughly deposited them into a tinted black Sedan.

∞ ∞ ∞

“She's your daughter.” Mark accused immediately the door was shut firmly behind him, and he faced the stock of a man sitting in his massive chair, which bellowed his height; George Barigha, businessman and the richest black man in the world.

The huge table dominating a section of the space was obviously made to intimidate those who dared come into the office.

The office was sparsely furnished, a single portrait of the city's skyline hanging on the wall and the filing cabinet neatly tucked into one unobtrusive corner. What clustered the huge table were mostly files and the computer set at the left end of the table.

His gaze returned to the man whose gaze was just as piercing and knowing. He wasn't a small man- was quite tall with a huge rounded stomach, a kind of norm for most rich Nigerian men. What was that saying he heard, 'if you want to know a rich Nigerian man, look at the size of his belly and the tone of his skin.'

The eyes reminded him of Samantha. That was what gave the man away. But this man's slightly gray hair and the hard-penetrating glare directed at him was nothing as sweet as his daughter's.

Mark hardened his own expression. He wouldn't let this man intimidate him. “You told me she was your niece.”

“Yes. But I didn't ask you to kiss her. Your job was to befriend her and watch over her.” His eyes were the only indication that he was angry.

Mark didn't cringe. He should have known the watchdogs trailing him would report back to their boss. “So, are you going to fire me? I've still got a normal day job, you know.”

George Barigha gave him a lopsided grin. “You think Gracie was the reason you got that job? Far from it. She doesn't have that kind of influence.”

Was it fear or dread he felt? “What do you mean?”

“Let's just say that Chief Justice Forase owes me a lot of favors. You are just one he's fulfilled.”

He knew how influential wealthy people could be. He just never experienced it first-hand. It was not something he was thrilled about.

“You didn't follow my orders.” George informed him with a hard stare.

To play it down and not appear timid, Mark grinned like a typical cad. “I think you know that I don't always take orders. Besides, she didn't mind the kiss.”

Maybe, he shouldn't have added that part because the man's eyes grew dark, and he rose to his full height, a predator about to catch a prey.

“I'm sure you know how innocent she is. She's never been touched before.” His eyes pinned Mark to the spot, “Until you.”

Mark didn't know if he should respond or not. What he felt was acute anger and disgust. Samantha was not a child and her father had no right to have such an information about his daughter.

“And because you touched her, our deal changes.” George said, reaching for a file on his table.

A slow, painful dread gripped his heart. He should have known that men like George Barigha never fought fair. They fought with claws and fangs.

George threw a file in front of him and stated simply. “You must marry her.”

Mark flinched, taking a step backward; anger and fear pushed him to respond without thought. “That wasn't what we agreed on.”

“You changed the wager the moment you touched my daughter.”

“You can't do this to her. She doesn't deserve to be bullied into anything.” Mark clenched his fist, his eyes dropped to the floor.

He violated the rules. He knew that. Keeping his hands to himself would have saved him the cost on his emotions. And he had not thought beyond the moment except to get a taste of her. He had not considered how her father would react. All he'd responded to was his hormones. Now, he'd trapped himself. And her. She didn't deserve this- not his game her father was playing with her life. And because his head was down, he missed the gleeful and triumphant look on the man's face as he lowered himself back to his seat.

“No. It is you who is doing this to her.” He replied sternly, cloaking his expression of joy.

Cornered and knowing George spoke the truth, Mark forced his gaze up to face his nightmare. “What is I refuse? Is there no other way to save her this entrapment?”

“I find another who best qualifies to be her husband.” He stated matter of fact.

Mark's response was immediate. “No!” And quickly composed himself. Anger wouldn't help him win with this man. “I'll do it.” He swallowed, wanting to have a little solid ground. “But it'll be my way.”

Eyes narrowed at him. “And what way is that?”

“Allow me to win her heart first. She has to have a choice to fall in love with me on her own terms.”

George regarded him closely. After a brief silence, he asked. “You realize that you have to give up your dream to become a judge, don't you? I told you how much she stays away from politics and judges get dragged into enough of them.”

Mark swallowed heavily. This was worse than a life sentence. He was given no choice. But he'd rather lose his choice than watch her father trade her off to some other man who would be in it for the gain. He had too much integrity. Which was why he'd rejected the check. But he was beginning to care for her, too much so that he was willing to give up a lifelong dream just to have her.

He made a resolution in his heart. He wasn't going down without a solid promise. 'You can't meddle ever again.'

George Barigha actually smiled. “You have my word on it.” Before Mark's relief could suffice, he added. “Only after the wedding.”

This fight was far from over. They'd meet again. He knew it in his gut and was not looking forward to that next meeting. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he retrieved it to check the text message. It was from his neighbor, telling him one lawyer woman wanted to see him.

His jaw clenched. It could only mean Samantha had tried to reach him. He should stay away from her to think through how he was going to start getting ready to winning her. In his heart, he was psyched she wanted to see him. The smile that slipped on his face was unconscious but George Barigha saw it. And guessed the reason for it.

“I believe this meeting is over.” Mark said, eager to leave and get to Samantha.

“You have eight months to carry out the deed. Or…”

That he deliberately left the statement hanging didn't scare Mark so much this time. His happiness was to see Samantha even if he never got to have her.

With a slight incline of his head, he gave George a salute and left.

George leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin.

∞ ∞ ∞

Mark entered the office just as Stacy was going out. He hoped Samantha was still around.

“Hello, Stacy.”

Stacy stopped and looked at him, then smiled. “Good evening, sir.”

She sounded pleased to see him. And 'sir'? That was dandy. “Is the boss still around?”

“Oh yes, sir. I believe you got my message?”

“Yes. Morris called me. Thank you very much.” He began inside.


He whirled around to face her.

“Perhaps, you should drop your personal number with me, sir, for emergencies. Boss wasn't pleased with the response I gave.”

Interesting. “Okay.”

She gave him her phone, and he dialed in his number.

“What’s she up to at this late hour?”

Stacy shrugged, then caught herself. “She doesn't make it a habit expect it is very important case she has the next day.”

Turning, he paused. “She has a case tomorrow?”

“Yes.” Stacy glances at the darkening weather.

“Have a good evening, Stacy.” He managed a smile.

“Oh, you too, sir.” She hurried on.

Suddenly, his mood wasn't so cheery.