Scandalous by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

Melissa was exhausted and apprehensive the following morning. She had hardly slept all night. After she watched Jason on the news with her sister they had talked some more but none of it really helped and she had spent the night tossing and turning before getting up at her usual time of 5am to go through her morning ritual like an automaton.

All she could really think about was him.

Although she hadn't articulated it clearly in her mind, every part of her that counted knew what her decision was. She would spend the day with him and worry about being found out later.

Her heart wouldn’t stop beating and the jitters just wouldn't go away.

Find out who he is. She told herself.

The thought flashed through her mind. She was amazed she hadn't done it before. She had never snooped for personal information on anyone before, let alone a client but she had never been involved with anyone quite like Jason Demovic before.

Screw it. She thought. This is about more than me. What if I can't look after Suzy anymore. The thought made her choke up with emotion. If she couldn't pay Suzy's medical bills she had no idea what would happen to them.

She looked at her watch. It was only seven thirty. She still had time. She ran to her laptop, lifted the lid and then held her fingers in mid-air over the keyboard.

Still she hesitated.

Hadn't she learned enough about him last night watching him address the United Nations? What else did she need to know? The man was a saint and a sex God all rolled into one.

But David had said that he had a problem with female therapists and was effectively destroying the careers of not one but two of her peers.

Her sister had said something about his interest in women's rights stemming from his father's treatment of his mother.

She had watched him climb into a limo with three bimbos, one with no panties on, but then last night she had seen him stand next to her idol, Fernanda Salazar, surrounded by women who he was helping to empower with the financial clout of his personal empire.

How did all these pieces of the puzzle fit together?

She reached up to close her laptop just as a Facebook PM came through. It was from Suzy.

'Make sure you dress sexy tomorrow. You've got competition! Check out this link.'

Melissa took a deep breath. Did she really want to see whatever highly edited piece of internet gossip her sister had sent to her?

"Damn it!" She hissed, and then clicked through. It was a video clip on the Fame TV website.

There he was again being hounded by the abominable Chauncey Tales. This time he was coming out of an exclusive Manhattan lingerie boutique with a thin and extremely attractive blonde woman on his arm that Melissa recognized as the girl who had been involved in the upskirt-no-panties debacle.

The woman didn't look happy.      

'Did you buy panties for Beth Lindsay Jason?' Chauncey Tales asked.

God that woman is annoying. Melissa prayed she would never meet her in person. She represented everything Melissa did not understand about modern celebrity culture. She marveled at the patience with her that Jason displayed.

'We bought a lot of things Chauncey. In fact we just spent over ten thousand dollars, but that's nothing when it comes to my beautiful baby here.' He turned and kissed the skinny woman next to him.

Melissa felt her temperature rise.

"Screw you!" She heard herself say, but she couldn't take her eyes off the screen. Damn you Suzy. Her sister could be so insensitive. This was the last thing she needed to see.

She paused the video and scrutinized Beth Lindsay.

So he likes skinny blondes with blue eyes. Quelle surprise.

She looked at her own soft auburn hair, fuller figure and green eyes in a wall mirror and hated herself for feeling unhappy about her appearance. The very idea was ridiculous.

She hit play again and Chauncey Tales' grating voice assaulted her ears once more.

'Does that mean we won't be getting any more upskirt shots from Beth now that she finally owns a pair of panties?'

Jason smiled again. Nothing seemed to faze him.

'No way. This girl is all mine now.' He squeezed Beth Lindsay to him and Melissa felt another hot surge of jealousy go through her. "Isn't that right honey?" Beth just nodded. There was no mistake, she was clearly in a foul mood and obviously she wasn't as used to dealing with the gutter press as Jason was.

The couple got into a limo and Chauncey and her crew chased after them but the clip ended there.

Melissa hit play again.

She paused on each clear shot of Jason hoping to learn something about him. What that could be she had no idea. His look was enigmatic. Did he really love that girl? Were they really an item?

"Bitch." She hissed and then found herself siding with Chauncey Tales.

'Does that mean we won't be getting any more upskirt shots from Beth now that she finally owns a pair of panties?'

She played the sound bite again and chimed in herself; "Yeah really, put on some drawers you skank."

She paused on each clear shot of Beth Lindsay. She couldn't say she hated her really. In fact she looked quite normal, intelligent even.

Something was off about the whole thing.

Still she felt her strong competitive streak rise.

"Who does that panty-less little whore think she is?"

She watched the limo pull away again and hit repeat a few more times. When she came up for air and looked out the window she had to do a double take. The exact same limo had pulled up outside her apartment.

She looked at her watch. It was exactly half past eight.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." She jumped up. She was only half dressed and hadn't had breakfast. She had spent a whole hour playing and replaying the video clip obsessively.

"Oh my God." She ran to the bedroom to find her clothes but the doorbell was already ringing.

"Shit." She smoothed down the old t-shirt she was wearing and pushed back her uncombed hair. The doorbell went again. Still she didn't move.

Her cell phone went.


Then the doorbell and the phone at the same time.

"Oh crap."

Now there was the thump of a fist on the door and she heard Jason's deep resonating voice penetrate her front door.

"Melissa. Are you in there?"

"God damn it!"

"Is that you? Are you okay? I'm calling your cell phone and you're not picking up. I'm coming in."

She looked down at herself, she was wearing nothing but her underwear, odd socks and a short t-shirt that barely covered her ass. When she looked up his face was at her living room window.


He looked at her and grinned. Of course he did. An infuriatingly smug and annoyingly sexy grin. He held up his phone and took a picture before she could react.

"Jason!" She shouted angrily, running towards the window to draw the drapes. He was filming her now, in all of her semi-naked rage. "What do you think you're doing?" She screamed as she yanked the curtains over so hard that one side tore loose from the curtain rail and collapsed down on top of her bringing the curtain rail with it.

She pushed the mess from her head and looked up again.

He was still smiling, but this time it was his George Clooney, Brad Pit, I'm as rich as Bill Gates smile.

He held up his camera one more time and it flashed in her eyes. She made no effort to resist. It was a disaster. He already had enough pictures to hang her out to dry, so what was one more going to do?

"Very, very, sexy." His voice sounded clear but distant through her double glazed windows. "Especially those socks. I might need some alone time with these pictures after you're done psychoanalyzing me."

She looked over his shoulder and saw her neighbor standing across the street; a stern older woman in the medical profession. The lady give her a cold look. Melissa returned a weak, defeated smile which was not reciprocated.

"Are you going to let me in?" Jason exaggerated his expressions to help with communication through the thick glass. Melissa nodded her head.

So much for getting a step ahead by researching him on the internet.

She walked to the front door and opened it. Jason stood looking at her.

"Are you coming in or not?" She said peevishly.

"Wow." He said slowly, drawing out the syllable.

"Come in already, I'm freezing my butt off here."

"I can certainly see that." He said.

"Come in or I'm closing the door."

He stepped in and then stood there grinning. He was going to milk the moment for everything it was worth.

"Wow." He repeated.

"Go on. Enjoy your little moment of glory like a true bully. Which is all you really are."

"I'm sorry Melissa, but…" His smile got bigger.

"Go on. Say whatever it is you have to say. I don't need clothes or makeup to bolster my self-esteem. I'm completely comfortable being who I am."

"And I'm not complaining. Not at all. I mean… wow."

"Will you quit that already? I'm going to get dressed. Wait here. There's coffee in the kitchen if you want it."

He watched her turn and walk to the bedroom.

"Double wow." He said.

She turned on him.

"I'm about ready to cancel our time together if you don't stop that right now."

"I'm truly sorry Melissa but that is about the sexiest just out of bed look that I have ever seen. And those ankle socks--"

"Stop it." She said and turned to continue her journey down the hall to the bedroom which suddenly seemed like a long walk with Jason Demovic eyeing her up from behind.

Self-conscious didn’t come close to describing it.

"Dress casual." He said. "It suits you better."

Anger spiked through her and she halted outside the bedroom door. Who the hell was he to give her orders about how to dress?

She took a breath and let it go.

She didn't feel like arguing the point while semi-naked in her hallway.

When she emerged from the bedroom forty-five minutes later she was buttoned up into her most conservative workday clothes, hair scraped back into a bun and stern rimmed glasses perched on her nose. She looked like a female Sigmund Freud.

Jason took it all in with raised eyebrows.

One small victory. She thought. We need to get this power balance thing between us straight again.

"Wow." He said, yet again. "I was wrong. That look is way more sexy."

"Screw you." Melissa said. This was too much.

"Okay then." He said matter of factly. "Let's get going. Just out of curiosity, is that what you call casual?"

"What's casual about any of this? You're practically blackmailing me into a date."

He moved closer to her but she gave no ground.

"My God." He said. "This is far worse than I thought."

"What's worse?" She asked shakily, he was very close to her now and she could feel her heart going again like a jackhammer.

"Fuck this." He growled as he pulled her to him and slid his hand deftly into her tightly wrapped hair and pulled her head back.

Before she could protest his lips were pressed to hers and she felt the hair-band and bobby pin that held her tightly wound bun slide away. He walked her backwards into her bedroom as he rained hungry kisses down onto her neck.

"Jason…" she said breathlessly into his ear, but he ignored her. She didn't know what she wanted to say anyway.

Soon she was down on her bed while his insatiable mouth devoured her breasts, her abdomen and then sank in between her legs. She was still fully clothed but wildly on fire as she felt the full force of his implacable desire. She had taken the time to package herself up like a parcel going long distance but all that was unraveling fast under his merciless onslaught. His mouth breathed hot air to her pubic mound and pussy through her thick skirt and underwear, stoking her throbbing clit to life. Her legs instinctively opened and her skirt ride upwards to expose her panties.

He paused for a moment, hovering above her with his hands pushing her knees outwards.

"You're wet." He said with a gasp and then plunged his mouth between her legs again, his head disappearing underneath her skirt. The heat of his breath through her panties made her back arch and then his teeth clamped onto the fabric and began to draw them down, his nose dragging through her moist hair and down into her naked pussy. He hooked the panties down with his chin and then buried his tongue deep inside her. Her hands pushed down on his head as white hot sensations of raw sexuality shot through her.

It had been a long time.

"Please, I don’t know if I can take it."

His tongue found her throbbing clit and began to lave relentlessly. She pulled his head in closer and began to scream. There was no going back now. His hands held her legs wide apart so he could push his tongue deeper. She tried to clamp her legs shut but it was useless. She pulled her skirt higher to find his hair and then pulled hard on the thick wavy locks, struggling to contain herself but it was all wasted energy. Her moans and screams pealed out as he licked her endlessly higher to a gushing orgasm, every muscle in her body straining. She released his hair and pushed her skirt down over his head, throwing her own head back over the side of the bed.

This can’t be happening. Anguished thoughts rampaged feverishly through her mind. Please, God… please let this all just be a dream…

It had never been like this before. Nothing had ever been like this before.

And this was only his tongue!

A long, slow, desperate moan slid out between Melissa's taut lips and then her body went slack, shuddered once or twice more and then lay there; legs wide open, panties still low on her hips. She looked up and watched the mound of his head beneath her skirt slide out and then lift up. There was still an intense fire in his eyes. She had been licked, laved and sucked to climax but he was still on the other side of his orgasm, still climbing.

Dream or no dream, Melissa wanted him deep inside her and right now instantly wasn't soon enough.

She opened her legs again and slid her ass towards him, wrapping her thighs around his hips.

"Come on." She said. "Finish it off. Fuck me properly now." Her words shocked her but it was way too late for repression, sexual or otherwise, the rules had already been broken so why hold back now?

"Fuck me like a man." She said.

He put his hands on the bed either side of her waist and then pushed his throbbing cock against her. The size and the heat made her eyes widen. She wanted more.

But then he drew back, lifted himself up again, pushing his back against her tightly wrapped legs.

"That's just for starters Dr. Price." He said, forcing a grin to his tortured face. "But we have to go. I don’t have time to fuck you just yet so you'll have to wait."

She clamped her legs harder around him.

"I'm not waiting. You can't do what you just did to me and then not finish the job. You're not going anywhere."

There was kind of angry desperation in her voice. She hadn't considered sex in such a long time but now that she had been brought sexually to life again she remembered vividly how urgent orgasm had always been for her when she was with Conor. When she needed it, she needed it. Now this one experience with Jason Demovic put any man she had ever been with to shame and he hadn't even taken his damn shirt off.

"Fuck me." She demanded, pleaded.

His powerful hands reached around behind him and gripped her ankles.

"I'm not ready yet." He said seriously. "Now let me go before I have to teach you a lesson. We've got a plane to catch."

Her legs tightened. Jason smiled and then slowly lay down on top of her and squeezed his massive erection in between her legs. His lips were close to hers and he looked directly into her eyes.

"When I fuck you, it's going to be so deep," he thrust his hardness against her, "and so wild, that you're going to forget your own name." He thrust again and lowered his lips to her collar bones. She let out a moan and spread her legs wide. He took the opportunity and stood up quickly.

"But you're not ready yet." He said, leaving her lying on the bed in a daze.

What was his problem now? Why wouldn’t he do it? There was no reason to hold back any more. The gut wrenching orgasm he had given her had only served to whet her appetite. If this was the start of a date she wouldn't be able to focus on anything else until he had satisfied her fully.

"Straighten yourself up Dr. Price. Although you look pretty damn good just the way you are… freshly fucked…" he half closed his eyes and blew some air out between pursed lips. He looked as though he was holding back.

"Not quite." Melissa said accusingly, but he refused to be baited.

"We need to go. I'll be outside." He said.

He rose from the bed, and walked to the door.

"Oh, and one other thing," he said without turning around, "don't shower. I like the way you smell right now. Don’t change it." He left the room quickly before his erection got the better of him and closed the door behind him.

Melissa came up on her elbows like a woman emerging from a deep sea diving bell.

What the hell just happened there? She thought.

She wasn’t sure if she should be ecstatic, enraged or in tears, but whatever the case, she knew she needed a shower and fresh underwear, although apparently the shower could be skipped.

"You're a mystery Jason Demovic." She muttered as she got up and went to her dresser. "But we are going to get to the bottom of it, I promise you that." She searched through her drawers pushing all her usual underwear aside until she came to a set she had never worn before. They were a gift from Conor and at the time she had found them tasteless and typical of everything that infuriated her about her selfish ex-boyfriend. However, they had been chosen by him--a man, presumably because he found them hot. She pulled on the tiny shard of sexy black lace and looked at herself in the wall mirror.

The face that looked back at her was deadly serious, intense. She hardly recognized herself.

Don’t ask. Just don’t ask. She said to herself, disobeying every principle of her psychoanalytic training. Everything about what had just happened felt wrong, but also completely right. And her reasons for putting on the sexiest underwear she could find in her wardrobe…

Just don't ask Melisa, don’t go there. She knew if she asked the question her analytical mind would kick in and pick everything to tiny pieces and then feelings would be gone, the intensity would evaporate and drain away, maybe even forever.

She tied up her bun again and put on her glasses that had fallen to the floor. Walking to her living room she was prepared to take no prisoners. The deed was as good as done. David had no right to interfere in this and anyway, he should have no reason to find out. She would worry about her hearing later and just enjoy her Saturday afternoon the way other people did; not worrying about her practice, her sister, her clients or anything else.

And trying to provoke a highly sexed, but psychologically conflicted billionaire into fucking her within an inch of her life.

Sure. She thought sarcastically. Just another typical Saturday afternoon. Just like every other single woman in New York City.

She continued her march up the hallway.

"Let's get one thing straight Mr. Demovic." She said as she neared the living room, "Just because you did what you just did once doesn't mean that you have my permission to do it again. My understanding was that we were going on a date today, not that I would be at your sexual beck and call." She smirked at the thought. After all, being sexually at the beck and call of Jason Demovic wasn't such a bad place to be. She rounded the corner into her living room and saw him seated at her desk looking at her computer.

"Then what's this all about?" He asked, turning the laptop around to face her. A still image of the video clip with himself, Beth Lindsay and Chauncey Tales was on the screen.

Shit. Damn you Suzy.       

Melissa thought quickly.

"That's just research." She said. "You've already done your obsessively thorough background check on me, so I'm just evening up the odds here."

Jason read out the accompanying message.

"Make sure you dress sexy tomorrow. You've got competition. Exclamation mark."

Melissa's embarrassment began heating up into anger.

"Don't you have any respect for people's privacy?"

"Dr. Price, please. You're the one snooping around on the internet looking for information about me. Do you consider gossip taken from the Fame TV channel to be reliable information?"

"It's just a stupid link my silly little sister sent to me."

"Not so silly that you didn’t take her advice."

"What are you talking about?"

"She said dress sexy and boy did you nail it. Skimpy t-shirt with peekaboo panties and odd ankle socks? Don’t tell me that wasn't calculated to put a rod in my pants and make me drag you into your bedroom. I think I like your sister already."

The thought of a sexual predator like Jason having an interest in Suzy put Melissa into protective big sister mode.

"Leave her out of this Mr. Demovic, she's just a kid."

"She's a lot more than just a kid. I'd say she's a very brave woman who's shown extraordinary strength."

"What do you know about my sister?"

"Everything. Just like you said, I ran an obsessively thorough background check. I know that Suzy is on a kidney dialysis program while awaiting a donor organ. I know she's had this condition for four years and that she puts on a very, very brave face about it. So I'm not sure 'kid' is the right word to use."

Melissa sat down opposite Jason. He might be a sexual predator, and she had no complaints about that for herself, but he was making sense about her little sister. More than she wanted to acknowledge.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I haven't given her enough credit. So look, she sent me this link because I told her I had a date with you today and it turns out she knows everything about you."

"I'm sure it's all entirely true." He said with good natured sarcasm.

"She just sent me that clip because she's excited that I've even met you and forget about the fact that I'm going on a date with you. She's a huge fan of yours if that means anything to you."

Jason's face had become serious and unreadable again.

"I guess it wouldn't." Melissa continued. "After all, you have all those women chasing you around all the time and that skinny girlfriend of yours, God help her, so what's one poor little sick girl to you."

Jason shook his head.

"You're confusing me Dr. Price. I don't have a girlfriend and that's partly the reason why I'm here. I didn’t say this was a date. Not just a date anyway and as for your sister, it's not that her interest in me doesn't mean anything, it's just that I have never thought of myself as having 'fans'. Enemies yes, people who envy me or people who are out to get something for themselves, but not fans. It's an interesting thought."

"Well you've got one in my little sister. She knows more about you than I do. In fact, to be quite honest with you, I had no idea who you were when you walked into my office and I still don’t really know you any better than I did then. Not even after…"

Melissa found it oddly awkward to refer to their sexual experience despite how recent it was.

"Come on." He stood up. "Today will change all of that. We're going to get to know each other very well over the next few days."


Jason sighed. "We've lost enough time Dr. Price. Not that it wasn't a wildly thrilling time--"

"That's what I mean. What was that in there just now?"

He looked very serious as he walked to her side of the table and then went down on his knees in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Her body had become rigid with anticipation.

"He put his hands around her ankles and moved his head down to her knees. She felt his breath on her skin and tingles of desire skittered upwards between her thighs causing her to take a sharp breath in.

"That," he said, looking up at her with his lips almost touching her knees, "was just for starters. I didn’t want all that tension hanging over us on the ride to the airstrip. Plus I've wanted you down there," he nodded very slightly towards her abdomen and pussy, "ever since I laid eyes on you." He applied the gentlest of pressures to her ankles, sliding them almost imperceptibly apart.

Her heart was racing, her engorged clitoris pounding and raw from her recent release.

"How did you know I would even let you?" She said. "What if I had just told you to get out and never come back again?"

His hands pushed a little harder and she longed for him to take her again, deeper this time, more completely.

"I knew you needed it Dr. Price. I can tell. I can always tell. I may not understand myself as well as I understand women and their uh…" he searched for the right word, "needs." he said with deadly seriousness and then pulled her feet suddenly away from her, straightening her legs and separating her knees.

"That's why I need your help. This is more than a date. I need your help, but as you won't take me on as a client then I need to get it some other way."

He pressed his full lips to the inside of her right knee and then to her left. Melissa arched her back in response and pushed her hands down onto her thighs. A tiny moan escaped her.

"That doesn't sound like blackmail to me." He said.

Melissa straightened up again and drew her feet in.

"Am I free to go then? If I say I want a rain check on this 'more than a date' thing then you'll get out of here and I don't have to worry about what Jason Demovic the powerful billionaire is going to do in order to get his way?"

He released her ankles, stood up again and straightened his shirt and jeans. Melissa felt disappointed. His performance in the bedroom had been spectacular but this damnable teasing left her wanting more, aching for more.

"You want me to blackmail you, don't you?" He said.

"Nonsense." She blustered.

"You're getting off on this." He smiled.

Melissa stared at him, daring him, wondering just how true that statement really was.

"Okay Doctor Price, what if I told you I knew enough about you and your life to make you beg to get inside that car with me and do anything I want you to for the rest of the day. Anything I please." He had that crazy serious look again that was thrilling and terrifying at the same time. Melissa wasn't sure she wanted to call his bluff, but short of just caving in and going with him meekly she wasn't left with much choice.

"I'd say you were deluded Mr. Demovic. I'd say you're lost and I'd say you need my help a lot more than you think you do."

"So you're little sister is a 'fan' of mine, is she?"

"She is. To me you're a lost little boy who needs his mommy to look after him." Melissa smirked, trying to match his annoyingly provocative smiles.

Come on Demovic, let's see how tough you really are.

"How do think your little sister would like a visit from this lost little boy who needs his mommy?"

Melissa's heart jumped. She knew only too well what that would mean. A visit from a bona fide gossip TV celebrity and super hot eligible billionaire bachelor would rock Suzy's world. Her little sister's social life had been nil since the onset of her illness and all she did these days was shuttle back and forth from her apartment to her hospital bed. It would be an unforgettable life experience to have someone like Jason visit her.

"You would do that?"

"No. Not a chance. I'm far too busy and we have a jet waiting for us. Maybe you can find another celebrity billionaire to do it."

Melissa's mouth hung open.

"You are going to use