Scandalous by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen

Jason stepped out of his car and told his driver to go and park around the block. He could have taken one of his many luxury vehicles to Melissa's office but something told him he wouldn't be in a fit state to drive after their session today.

He had addressed world heads of state, gone nose to nose with some of the most hard bitten business leaders in the game and never broken a sweat, but this morning his heart was pounding.

What the hell will she make me do today? He thought.

As far as she was concerned she only had one more day to fix a problem he had been facing since high school. She was clearly an unorthodox thinker, willing to push boundaries, and she had managed to gain some leverage over him by stealing his journal. However intense their sessions together had been before, today was threatening to be something mild altering, life changing, soul destroying.

He just hoped she would be as good rebuilding him from the ground up as she was at tearing him down from on high.

When he arrived at her clinic door the reception area was already open but there was no sign of Sandy. He had tried grilling him by phone as to Melissa's plans today but he had insisted he knew nothing. He was still waiting for his fifty thousand dollars and the other favors he had been promised for divulging sensitive details about his boss.

The absence of the his questionable confidante made Jason vaguely anxious, but also excited. They would be entirely alone together. He felt like he was walking into a trap but at the same time he was compelled, fascinated, intrigued beyond his own control. Even if she had held no intrinsic power over him he would have continued on. The blackmail techniques weren't necessary. He desperately wanted to be there. Dr. Melissa Price held the key to his freedom and he needed to know if she would be able to unlock it today.

He went to knock on her office door that hung slightly ajar, but at the last minute the steady gaze of her piercingly intelligent eyes through caught his own from the far side of her desk. He felt a thrill go through him at the sight of her. His cock stiffened, his balls moved. She was in her full professional attire which, as always, threatened to drive him wild. No-one held power over him like she did, no one was a match for him except her. So few people had the courage to go up against him and those that did had always paid the price. He still intended to win and to make her pay that price, but her courage and daring had turned him on to the max.

He would enjoy finally cutting her down to a more suitable size, even if she did manage to help him. Especially if she did.

"Come on in Jason. Don't be shy." She said.

"Where's my property?" He looked around the room.

"Don't worry about that yet. We need to have our session first. Then we can talk about returned property."

He fumed silently, his emotions a volatile mixture of rage, excitement, fear and raw sexuality. He wasn't used to being controlled and he couldn't tell if he was loving it or hating it. The vast repercussions of her betrayal of his trust made it all the more irresistible. He had always loved risk in the business world. In sex and romance, or what passed for romance, absolute control had always been his thing.

But that was beginning to change.

"Sit down." She said authoritatively. "Over there." She pointed to a chair in the middle of the room and he obeyed.

"So what's next Dr. Price? Planning on fixing me up in the next sixty minutes? It might be the quickest fix in the history of shrinking."

"Tell me about the re-union. And don't leave anything out."

He shook inwardly, realizing that he had always known that this was what she would go for, even if he hadn't wanted to admit it to himself.

"Don't be afraid." She said. "I'm the one person you can trust in all of this, even if you aren't able to believe that yet."

"Is that so?"

"I already have enough on you to damage your professional reputation for a lifetime. Don't you think if I wanted money from you I'd have asked you for it already?"

"If money was all you wanted then maybe I wouldn't be shaking in my boots right now."

Melissa worked hard to control herself. Only a block of stone encased in marble wouldn't have felt the sexual tension between them. The air was thick with it and she could feel her body reacting violently to his presence, to his words, to his barely restrained excitement.

But she had to hold on long enough to get the truth from him, just long enough to help him, and then nothing else would matter.

"Tell me what happened." She said.

"Okay." he said and looked down at his hands.

"And look me in the eye as you do so." She added.

He immediately lifted his gaze. For the time being at least she held all the cards and despite everything some part of himself still believed she truly wanted to help him. Another part of him that was causing some discomfort in his trousers didn't care about anything except getting the woman in front of him out of the business suit she was in and onto his cock.

And he wanted his property back.

"She tricked me again."

"How? How could she do it to you again? "

"I never believed it was her idea the first time. The way she hesitated, the look on her face, the way she asked me to believe in her no matter what and then whenshe whispered 'sorry' into my ear before she took the blindfold off…" he put a shaking hand to his face, covering his brow.

"Don't do that." Melissa said forcefully. "Look at me. Tell me the whole truth. You need to tell this to someone without any fear. You have nothing to be ashamed of and I certainly won't judge you."

Her words were forced. As she watched his strong frame first buckle and then straighten itself up under the force of his emotion, all she could think about was the powerful man before her and the incredible need he would satisfy in her once he was whole again. Her therapeutic instincts told her he was on the brink of a breakthrough, if she could just hold on.

"Keep talking." She said.

"Like I told you before, I was about to leave when I felt her hands on my shoulders, just like the last time she had touched me and then her breath, her perfume, the lightest touch of her hair right next to me. She said just one word. The same damn word--sorry--breathed it right into my ear. When I turned to face her it was like I was eighteen years old again. She was just as beautiful as ever and I was lost for words, as though the last eleven years of my life had never happened. She took me by the hand and led me away behind her. She checked out room after room down this long corridor as though it was all spontaneous. She whispered to me along the way that she wanted to make it up to me, that she hadn't stopped thinking about it even after all these years, how badly she had treated me. Eventually she found an unlocked door and the room was empty but it had a chair out in the middle. 'Perfect'. She said. I was in a daze. I could feel it. I knew it was going to happen and it was going to turn out right this time."

Just like he could feel it now.

"She sat me down on the chair and then pulled out two blindfolds from her bag. They looked just like the original ones we had shared. God, I was shaking. It was all so real, like being taken back in time to a place I didn't ever want to see again but still couldn't resist. It was all going to be good this time. She asked me to put the blindfold on her and I did, just barely, I was shaking so much. She smiled and said she wouldn't have ever believed that Jason Demovic the billionaire could be so nervous. I said I wasn't Jason Demovic the billionaire, just Jason the high-school prom date. She asked me if I was still in love with her and… God… I nodded my head."

Melissa felt her face flush with rage. She would show him. If she ever got her way, she would show him. Typical stupid guy; idiotic enough to believe he loved that selfish, twisted woman.

"She got me to do it all again. I sat down on the chair, blindfolded. She told me she was taking her clothes off and then naked, ready for me. She walked around behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. Then she hesitated, just like she did before, like it was all rehearsed--and I guess it was. She asked me if I had kept my promise. If I had saved myself for her and I said yes of course I had, that I had never loved another woman, never made love to another woman and never would. She asked me if I had become rich because of her and I said yes, it was all for her. She said she didn't believe me, that she'd seen me with all those women year after year, on magazine covers, in the gossip news. I told her I hadn't loved any of them, that it had only ever been lust, just empty sex, but no love. She made me promise her that I would never do that again. That I would wait until the right woman came to me and… Jesus Christ, I said it, like an idiot I promised her again."

Melissa was having more and more trouble controlling herself. Rage and hatred weren't part of the therapeutic process, at least not on the part of the psychotherapist but she had never wanted to harm someone as badly as this woman Tracy Dunleavy.

"She leaned in one more time and ran her hands down my chest, her lips came close to my ear again and she asked me if I remembered what she had said to me last time. I said of course I did, how could I forget and then something snapped in me. Maybe it's an instinct I've developed over time, something drew me back. I grabbed her wrists with one hand and pulled off the blindfold with the other and there they all were, everyone of them, grinning and laughing like it was all some big harmless prank, waving their pathetic little smart phones around, most of them fat and bald, all dressed up in their cheap clothes."

"What did you do?"

"I called for my guys. I'm never disconnected Melissa. Not even now. My guys were at the door in seconds and I told them that no-one was leaving until every phone was accounted for, every recording device. Boy did they squawk but my team is pretty intimidating. Every device was wiped clean of any image of me and everyone signed affidavits swearing them to secrecy. The one or two who protested were taken aside and caved in quick when separated from the pack. I know all those clowns, everyone of them, inside and out, I've followed them all their lives since high school. You should have seen their faces. In fact, if you want to I can show you considering I filmed every one of them squealing about their rights and blah, blah, blah."

"So you beat them. You got them back for what they did to you."

"It would appear so, wouldn't it."

Melissa waited, looked into his eyes, reading him like a book.

"Except for her." She whispered.

Jason nodded and lowered his eyes.

"She tricked you again. She convinced you that she was put up to it."

"She told me they made her do it and that she thought it would all be just a big joke and that it would make what had happened all those years ago seem harmless. She swore she had never wanted to hurt me."

"And then she betrayed you."

"Tracy was the only one I didn't ask to sign an affidavit. She went to the media, to my old friend Chauncey Tales but even Chauncey wouldn't do anything with it. Not without pictures anyway. Chauncey even told me all about it, warned me that some old high school flame was out to get me. Ms. Tales isn't quite as bad as some folks make her out to be."

"But it still hurt you, even though she didn't get away with it."

"Worse than before. At least I was able to be with women after the first time, even if I couldn't feel anything, couldn't love, but since then, God, I can't… I just couldn't trust anyone… no-one… not until…"

His voice was choked, struggling. Melissa's eyes were huge with expectation, devouring him, hungry for his words, wanting to believe that she was the one.


"Don't say another word." She said. "It's over. This ends today. It ends right now."

Jason was white with fear, rigid with excitement. Melissa stood up and drew out two dark velvet bands from her pocket. She closed the distance between them and held the ribbons out to him.

"Blindfold me." She said, every word sending licks of excitement through her entire body. She was pretty sure this would cure him but it might also destroy her.

She didn't care anymore.

Her entire short career as a therapist she had been teaching people to live out their fantasies in safety as a mechanism for healing. Now she would do the same herself, everything would be sacrificed to her fantasy of healing without the fear of law, professional ethics or instinctive, visceral, cultural taboo. She would experience real fantasy today; she would heal the man in front of her not only with her words, with her education and her mind, but with her body as well.

Jason stood up, just inches away from her and took the blindfolds. He placed one carefully over her brow, releasing her hair from the tight bun on the back of her head and allowing it to cascade down her back.

He put his blindfold on.

"Undress me." She said.

"That's not how it goes." He whispered. "She never allowed me to undress her. You have to undress yourself." He said in a low, intense whisper. A thrill ran through Melissa. He was asking her to undress, right there in the middle of her office floor, still blindfolded.

"Okay." She said and began to unbutton her jacket. Each layer that came off left her feeling less powerful, less in control, more piqued with excitement. She heard him moving too, removing his own clothing and then felt his hand on her abdomen, assuring himself of her nudity.

Jolts of pleasure coursed through her, darting from her abdomen to her pussy and then firing her aching clit into life.

"Melissa, I'm not sure I can do this." His voice sounded so different, so unsure; the voice of Jason Demovic the humiliated eighteen year old. She needed to stay strong. His hand was still against her naked flesh. She reached for his arm and pushed it away. He had certainly removed his shirt at least. The thought of them there, together, naked in her office was almost more than she could bear.

"It's asking too much of you." He faltered. "And maybe it won't even work."

"Since when is Jason Demovic afraid of anything." She said, appealing to the strength of character she knew was at the core of his being. "Since when is Jason Demovic afraid of any man or of any woman?"

She couldn't see the man in front of her but she knew he must be rock hard with excitement. He had been silenced, just like the teenage Jason. Melissa took a breath and began to recite what she had rehearsed all night long, repeating the words that had been seared into her memory when he had related the story to her.

"I need to be alone with you before the prom tonight." She said, almost in a whisper. She heard Jason inhale sharply. She went down onto her knees before him, moving slowly, unsure of the distance between them.

"I hate lies." She said. "You need to promise to tell me the truth and only the truth."

She put her hands slowly to his knees and felt the power of his contracted thighs, taut with desire and restraint.

"I'll always tell you the truth." He whispered.

Melissa giggled, copying her predecessor flawlessly in everything except her lies. She felt Jason shudder under her touch. He was agonized.

"It's too real." He hissed but Melissa ignored him.

"I need you to give me money." She said.


"Whenever I want it."

"I’ll do it. I'll make myself rich for you, I'll make a million dollars and give it all to you."

Melissa laughed and then quickly ordered him to keep the blindfold on.

"Keep it on. Promise me you'll keep it on until I tell you you're allowed to take it off."

Barely audible he whispered his response.

"Are you still a virgin Jason?" She asked.

"It's too much Melissa."

"Just answer."

"I can't."

She needed to change her direction, just slightly.

"Have you ever made love to a woman and meant it?"

"Never." He said, in anguish.

"Do you have fantasies?" She asked. "Sexual fantasies?"

"Of course." He answered.

"Do you think about me? When you fantasize, is it me that you're thinking about?"

He didn't answer.

"Do you think about me, your therapist, Dr. Melissa Price, in your sexual fantasies?"

"No-one else." He whispered.

"Then get down on your knees before me." She ordered him, barely capable of controlling her breath.

"Yes." He said.

She felt his breath against her naked abdomen and she walked slowly, carefully behind him. She reached out her hands and found his broad, naked shoulders and put her lips to his right ear.

"Why are you doing everything I ask you to do Jason Demovic, like such a good little boy."

"Because I want you. I've wanted you ever since I first laid eyes on you. You're the reason I've never been able to make love to anyone else and feel it in my whole adult life. I've been waiting for the one, all this time."

Melissa didn't say a word but she was wet already. She knew she had to wait, just like Tracy Dunleavy had made him wait before humiliating him in front of his high school enemies, but it already seemed like an eternity to her. What if he broke before then? What if someone knocked on the door and broke the illusion. She was on fire with desire, ready to take him inside her, knowing that he was ready for her too in every way possible.

She put her lips close to his ear again.

"Whatever happens next you have to promise to always believe in me."

"I do. Of course I do. I wouldn’t be here if I didn't."

"You've got to believe in me no matter what."

"I do."

He could feel the heat of her desire next to him, smell her body, her hair, her perfume and every taut muscle screamed out to take her as he had taken innumerable women in the past, totally dominating, controlling, breaking them with raw sexuality and animal desire.

Melissa kissed his neck and he thought he would lose control. Was it therapy or torture? He couldn't tell the difference.

"Will you ever love anyone but me?" She said.

"Never. I swear. You're the only one."

Melissa tightened her hands on his shoulders, they were rock hard, just like the rest of his body. She kissed his neck again and prepared to whisper one last defining word into his ear. Jason waited, terrified. It was all coming back to him far too real now and he could half believe that even this woman, this talented, highly intelligent and brilliant young therapist would betray him as well. Hadn't she done so already? By doing what she was doing she had already proven she was capable of violating every law of professional ethics in the book, not to mention good, ordinary common sense. Why should he trust this stranger at all?

He struggled to prevent himself from tearing the blindfold away to see what was really going on around him. He waited for the word but instead he felt her draw away and then slowly walk around in front of him. He was harder than he had been in his whole life. If she came near him he wasn't sure he could control himself for even a second.

Melissa was filled with an indescribable lust and was wetter for him than she had been for any man in her whole life. Guilt ran through her at the thought of how much pleasure she would take from this, her final act of therapeutic healing. Was she really interested in healing this man? Or was this just some crazy acting out of an unconscious fantasy of hers that had gone unnoticed during all the years of self-analysis?

She moved closer to him and felt his breath on her abdomen again.

Her body didn't care about any of the psychological and ethical fears that plagued her. The logic of the body made it all very simple; he's erect, he wants you, you're wet. Take him. Now. Inside you.

She put her hands on his shoulders and heard him cry out in pain, the fantasy had finally changed. By now Tracy had already torn the blindfold from his eyes but that wasn't the case this time. His hands reached out and found her thighs, slid up the back of her legs to her ass and pulled her in close. She let out a gasp that had nothing to do with her rehearsed dialogue. His powerful arms drew her in so that his lips and tongue could find her taut abdomen, then her quivering pubic mound and finally her wet pussy. She cried out in earnest now as he lifted her higher, as though she weighed nothing at all. She buried her hands into his thick hair to steady herself while his marauding tongue invaded her soaking cunt and found her throbbing clit in an instant as though he were expert already in the geography of her desire.

Another moment and he was lowering her back down, the wet lips of her lust sliding down his chest and abdomen as she wrapped her legs around his muscular torso. She felt the diamond hard tip of his desire press against her softness through his pants and in a moment she had released him, his cock springing forwards and finding her starving pussy in seconds.

Melissa was already screaming in pain and pleasure as he pushed slowly deeper.

It was all over.

She was finally doing it, sleeping with a client, treating a patient with sex, breaking all the rules and saying goodbye to a life of study, scholarship and professional excellence.

And she was doing it on her office floor.

"You're mine now." He said huskily as he laid her down on the plush rug that had caused sparks to fly between them on the first day they had met. Her body was hungry for his. As large as he was she gripped him with her cunt and demanded more, but he was generous and held back nothing.

His lips found her neck, her shoulders, her ears, his tongue plundered her red lips and drank deep from the fountain of her desire. Each kiss throbbed violently in the shaft of love that bound them together.

He was a man like no other.

His strong thighs pushed against her defenseless flesh, his rock hard abs slammed to her pubic mound, squeezing her hungry clit between the insatiable thrusting of his shaft and the violent contractions of his lower abdomen.

She was shrieking, almost in fear and Jason sounded like an animal devouring its prey.

So this is what those women were all chasing after. It wasn't just money but the full Jason Demovic experience. No wonder they ran after him in the chic bars and night clubs of New York and LA.

"You're mine now." He said again more fiercely. "Say it." He was intense in his demand. "Say you belong to me. Tell me you're mine."

He was still thrusting and each surge sent Melissa higher. She thought she had experienced orgasms before but now she realized what pale things they had been in reality when compared to this.

And they weren't finished yet.

Jason was unstoppable, insatiable and seemed nowhere near satisfying himself. His body was pushing hers to ever higher crescendos of pleasure until she didn't know where it would all end.

"Say you're mine." He demanded. "Say you belong to Jason Demovic."

She wanted to scream it out; I'm yours, I belong to you Jason Demovic, but something held her back. A lifetime of being in control, a lifetime of understanding uncannily the minds of others. She knew this was what he wanted, but not what he needed.

"Say it." He shouted, pinning her arms above her head, pushing her wrists back into the soft rug while his powerful back and perfect ass thrust his determined manhood deep into her writhing body.

She felt the blindfold pulled roughly from her eyes and looked up to see a wild, thrilling desperation in his hunted gaze. She smiled slowly, seductively, forcing control onto her lips. Instinctively she knew what to do.

"Not yet." Her words came out hoarse and broken. "You haven't proved yourself to me yet. I'm still not satisfied."

The words were a red rag to the bull of his sexual desire. He fell on her again and thrust ever deeper, but slower now and watching her intently as he did so, gauging her response to his every move. If Melissa could read emotions and repressed memories like a mystic, this was Jason's forte; he could tell unerringly what a woman wanted, what she desperately needed. He rolled them over together and then positioned her on top of him, gazing into her eyes all the time, watching her excitement grow. He knew she wanted to be there, looking down at him for the next wild orgasm. He smiled as she began to moan, her body pounding down on his as he thrust upwards. She began to scream uncontrollably but his body still showed no signs of tiring. Melissa had lost count of the orgasms that had rocked her by now and when she looked down at him again he had the same intense and desperate look.

"Say it Melissa." He said. "I won't stop until I hear those words. I'll never let you go." His hands squeezed hard on her ass as though to reinforce the threat and another tight orgasm exploded inside of her.

"You're not finished yet." She gasped. His eyes blazed with fear and desire, searching hers.

Before she knew what was happening he had lifted her up and was walking across the office floor with her still straddling him. He was big enough and experienced enough to lift her like a doll and still stay inside her, throbbing with unceasing, untiring desire.

He laid her down across the big cabinet underneath her display of Fernanda Salazar prints and began to slowly work her, stroking and caressing her arms, her neck her, breast and nipples, her abdomen, her mound, her thighs, all the time thrusting, invading, provoking her to more ecstasy, more pleasure, more desire. The bright colors of the prints suddenly looked wildly erotic in a way she had never seen before. Every print seemed to be a wild depiction of abandoned acts of love. It was like a light had been turned on in her brain, as though she were seeing the pictures for the very first time

The orgasm that followed, quite literally, took her breath away.

When she opened her eyes again she was still lying on the cabinet and the prints were hanging at odd angles across the wall from the pounding of their bodies.

She looked around and saw Jason nowhere.

Pushing herself from the cabinet she found him lying on the floor, spent, his eyes closed. She put her feet to the ground and stood over him, watching his perfect naked body adorn the floor like a study in the perfection of the male human form. Her desire took hold again and she knew she still wasn’t finished with him. Not yet.

Lowering herself down onto him she felt his cock grow quickly underneath her pussy. His eyes opened and he looked at her in despair and confusion.

"You didn't say it." He said.

"We’re not finished yet." She said firmly, maneuvering his already rock hard member inside her and watching him writhe in renewed pleasure. In seconds he was thrusting hard upwards against her while she thrust down hard against him. She wanted to scream out in wild pleasure but she knew she had one more thing to do.

She pushed her hands against his bunched and straining chest, in awe of his physique, and then slapped him across the face to open his eyes.

"Say it." She hissed, continuing to work his shaft with the strength of her whole body, but as yet nothing seemed to diminish him.

"No." He mouthed the words and shook his head.

"Say it." She said more forcefully, working him even harder and resisting the near uncontrollable desire to scream out.

He shook his head again and groaned.

"Say it now." She shouted and slapped him again. The force of his huge body thrust up against hers as though his life depended on it and her clit screamed out in agony and ecstasy.

"I love you." He gasped.

"Say it again, God damn it, and say it like you fucking mean it this time." She hissed, clamping herself down on his raging cock.

"I love you Melissa, God damn it, I love you." His body gave one last monstrous thrust and Melissa shrieked out as the supernova of her orgasm shuddered through her and at last she felt him weaken inside her.

She collapsed down on top of him, desperate to cling to his body but he pushed her off of him and struggled away.

"What are you doing Jason? Where are you going?" She reached out for him, grasping at his ankles.

He shook his head and began looking around for his clothes.

"I think our time is up." He said.

"What time?"

"Our time in therapy this morning. It's been a… " he stopped, catching his breath, "a very productive hour."

"What?" Melissa scrambled to her feet. .

"I think that was the breakthrough I was looking for. You've done extremely well Dr. Price."

"You can't leave."

"I told you I have to go. Our therapy is done for now." He straightened his jacket. "Good look with your hearing tomorrow. I don’t think you'll have anything to worry about."
