Scandalous by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Two


Suzy eased down onto the sofa and threw her head back as though in ecstasy. She stayed in that position for a long time. In fact she was feeling better than she had in years, maybe better even than she had ever felt in her whole life. She had become so used to the grinding routine of kidney dialysis that she had forgotten what it felt like to feel fit and healthy. Now six months after her surgery she was almost completely pain free and feeling ready for anything.

One side effect of being well again that she hadn't counted on however, was the violent and aggressive return of her long suppressed libido. It was as though all the years of dating and sexual experimentation that she had missed as a teenager due to illness, were now fighting to get out all at once.

Sometimes the intensity of her new thoughts and feelings even frightened her a little bit.

If only her big sister Melissa would stop treating her like an invalided little girl then maybe she could really go out and start to catch up on all the fun she had missed during the dialysis years.

The doorbell went and she got up carefully from the sofa, still not quite used to the freedom of being without pain.

She was expecting Melissa and her boyfriend, the indescribably gorgeous and charming Jason Demovic to spend the evening with her. Although she loved both of them she would really have preferred them to go and spend the evening together alone. She really didn't need people to 'babysit' her anymore. In truth, she also felt kind of uncomfortable when Jason was around. Even after nearly a year he still flustered her and with all these new hormones surging through her body she felt awkward and guilty when he was in the vicinity. He was her sister's boyfriend after all, and she owed the two of them so much already that she hated to impose on them even further.

Not to mention that the pair couldn't keep their hands off each other and that she really didn't need to see tonight, or on any other night.

She opened the door trying to fake a welcoming smile for the happy couple but her mouth gaped open when she saw who was standing there. Even though she had only met Jason's little brother Zachary a couple of times she had seen him regularly on the Fame TV channel, usually being pestered by Chauncey Tales and surrounded by beautiful women and ultra cool looking friends. Since Melissa had begun occupying all of Jason's spare time the paparazzi had begun to focus all of their unwanted attention on him.

He seemed larger and definitely more strikingly, jaw-droppingly handsome in real life than he did on the small screen.

He also looked as surprised to see her as she was to see him..

"Where's Jason?" She finally said.

"I'm Zach." he said, allowing one of those famous, sexy Demovic brother smiles to play across his just slightly parted lips. "I'm here to babysit but I can always leave if you don't need me."

Suzy stared at him in awe.

"Or I can stay if you want me to?" He smiled again and Suzy's heart fluttered wildly.

"Yes please." She said. "I mean, that sounds way too uh… what I mean is please come in, just come on in, uh... Zach."

He nodded his head knowingly as though she had already consented to something deliciously forbidden, and then stepped inside the front door.

He glanced around the untidy apartment.

"Suzy still goes for the student dorm look I see." He had only visited her home once, shortly before her surgery and had been mildly appalled at the disorder. "Where is Kidney Kid anyway?"

"The Kidney Kid?" Suzy was at a loss.

"Sorry, I mean Suzy. Where is the little fighter anyway? And who," he paused to look into her eyes, making her knees go a little weak, "are you?"


"Are you the beautiful nurse I've been hearing about?"

He delivered the line flawlessly; as though it were the most casual thing in the world to compliment her looks seconds after meeting her. Zach wasn't a people person by any means, but he did know how to get what he wanted when it came to women; he rarely put a foot wrong when he had one in his sites.

"Beautiful nurse?" Suzy repeated, still confused and slightly shocked.

"Yes," he looked down his nose and raised an arch eye-brow. "Are you sure you're a nurse? I'm pretty sure I could get you an introduction to one of the modeling agencies in Manhattan. With a cute little tush like yours I think you'd be in high demand. You'd have to be very nice to me though."

He sounded entirely serious, just as though he were making a business proposition.

"Cute little tush…" Suzy's jaw was on the floor. He was referring to her ass but the use of the antiquated word and the businesslike inflection were enough to throw her off.

He cracked a smile every bit as sexy as one of his big brother's. Somehow Jason was able to get away with these remarks where other men flunked even with charming compliments. The directness and absolute confidence followed by the play-with-me movie-star smile was totally disarming. Zachary had it down to a tee as well.

Therefore the stinging slap across the face surprised him.

"What did I say?" he said with complete innocence.

"Did Melissa put you up to this?"

"Melissa? What are you talking about?"

"My big sister. Is this some kind of weird joke?"

"Melissa is your sister? You mean…" He did a double take. The last time he had met Suzy she was an invalid. In fact this was the first time he had seen her post surgery. At the time she had seemed like a child to him, waif like, emaciated, lost and hopeless. Against his sterner nature he had been touched to the core. Animals and children. If he treated a good portion of the rest of the world with contempt he wouldn't hear of any harm to an animal or a child.

"What the…?"

"Like you didn't know." She huffed at him.

He gave a broad sexy smile. Typical Demovic; unflappable, unstoppable. Make a huge ass out of yourself and then just grin and charm your way out of it.

"You grew up." He said. "I'm sorry."

Suzy crossed her arms and didn’t know what to say. She was the injured party and yet she was the flustered one.

"It's only been eight months since we last met you ignoramus."

"I didn't know we were counting, but I do apologize. For not visiting and of course for paying you a compliment on your cute little tush."

Suzy's jaw dropped again and she looked down at the floor with a quick involuntary backwards glance to check her ass. Of course she couldn't see a thing.

"But I think we both know it's the truth, don't we?" He continued.

Suzy's fluster level was rising to uncontrollable. Since she had gotten ill as a teenager she hadn't spent much time with boys, or in the case of Zachary and Jason Demovic, with men. Chronic illness doesn't make you very popular in high-school and she had just begun to grow up when the illness had hit. She had only ever had one boyfriend and he had long since moved to another state, gone to college, moved off even farther away and eventually lost contact altogether, barring the occasional Facebook update when she was lonely and decided to cyber stalk her ex.

"I think we both know just how cute that little tush of yours is, don't we?" Zachary repeated, as though she hadn't understood him.

"I heard you the first time." She said.

"Are you blushing?"

Suzy didn't move. She has slowly turned crimson underneath the veil of auburn hair her bowed head provided.

The tactic was useless. Zachary raised his right hand, index finger ready to gently lift her bowed face. He was beginning to enjoy himself--maybe it wouldn't be such a bad gig after all.

But then he remembered why he was here and what their relationship was. He drew his hand back.

"Of course not." Suzy huffed. "Why would an ignoramus like you make me blush." She turned away from him and headed towards the bedroom but tripped on the rug and was headed straight into her ficus plant when a huge pair of strong arms plucked her out of thin air.

She floated towards the ceiling as though on a fairground ride and when she came to a stop he was holding her effortlessly up against his chest, bride over the threshold style. She felt the beat of his heart through his powerful chest and felt his breath against her ear.

Her own heart thundering inside her heaving chest.

What the hell was going on here?


End Of Sample

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Totally Inappropriate


The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Volume Three



When is the attraction between a hot, healthy 27 year old man and a needy 25 year old adult woman just too damn inappropriate to be entertained?

Harrison is the youngest and wildest of the multi-billionaire Demovic brothers. His family hopes he will finally settle down but there's no sign of it happening yet. With his bad boy good looks, his Silicon Valley bank account and viva Las Vegas attitude to life there is no slowing him down.

Bella Wilson is a 25 year old woman with a secret to keep that just won't stay buried in her past no matter how hard she tries. She's watched her two closest friends be swept away from her by the simmering good looks and billionaire bad boy charm of the two older Demovic brothers.

If only things were that simple for her, but any hint of interest from billionaire hunk number three, Harrison Demovic, will only make her world crumble around her that much faster.

She needs him. She wants him. She craves his touch, but she has to run and hide from him as fast and furious as she can to save both her world and his.

Only problem is, Harrison Demovic is a hunter; a predator of love who won't take no for an answer. He will do whatever it takes to get his woman. What she doesn't know is that he's got a few secrets of his own.

Will Bella succeed in escaping his love and saving his life? Or will he track her down and be pulled inexorably into the dark world of her past?

Download now to find out if Harrison and Bella's love can take on the world and win in this crazy, simmering love story gone wrong in all the right ways!


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