Seasons of the Prairie by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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A Summer of Learning 6


I felt like my world had caved in on me. I had worked so hard for my first teaching assignment and what did I have to show for it? Nothing but trouble. Was God out there? Did he still love me? I had a hard time believing it at that moment. But, I had a class to teach…so, I did the best I could under the circumstances.

How was I to know what was to come on my sixth day of teaching?


A flower waved in the wind. A lovely intruder that had somehow managed to shove its way to the surface of the hard-packed street. John Grant held a large wooden box in his hands as he focused his attention on the object of beauty before him.

“You still finding new things to take pictures of around here?” Bernard remarked.

“There’s always something to take a picture of.” There was a click as John tripped the shutter. “It’s amazing the technology they have these days.”

“Ah. I see. I might need your skills. A few nice pictures might be just the thing I need to give me an edge during the election campaign.”

John straightened. “Bernard, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are some things going on around this town that you should know about.”

“Oh. What is it now?”

“It’s Rebekah, she’s got everyone thinking that new schoolteacher has been chasing after you.”

“Ha. If anyone has been chasing me, it’s been Rebekah herself.”

“I think that is pretty obvious to everyone. But, you know Rebekah. As unpleasant as she is, she still has a certain influence. Her family connections, ahem, if you know what I mean.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” Bernard sighed. “Rebekah is the perfect example of someone raised with far too much money and far too little common sense.”

“I can’t say that I disagree with you, but we still have the problem at hand.”

“All Miss Auclair has been doing is teaching me how to read. And I asked her to do that.”

“You and I know the truth of the matter. Still, Rebekah has convinced the school board that they need to vote to remove her at the meeting tonight. They’ll say it is all due to conduct unbecoming a teacher.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“I’m sure you’ll stay on as chairman, but given the mood that your fellow board members are in now, your reading teacher is going to have to leave town.”

“This isn’t right.” Bernard sighed. “Miss Auclair has actually been doing a pretty good job.”

John thought for a moment. When he spoke again it was hesitantly, as if he expected resistance. “There is a way you could stop this you know.”


“By standing up and doing something that might cost you the election.”

Bernard looked worried. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Pastor John placed a heavy hand on the shoulder of his friend. “What I mean is this…”