Seasons of the Prairie by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Interlude: A Miracle of Fall


I’ll never forget that beautiful spring and those two children who taught me a lesson back then. I tell ya, I sure needed somebody to help me learn how to turn my frown upside down that spring. My relationship with Selena got better after that.

Some days I’m sure she wished that she hadn’t married me but I did my best and we persevered. Now in the colors of fall, our love is stronger than ever before. Even though the effects of the depression are evident everywhere these days, we press on.

Our store is doing well. Mail order had become a big part of our business. Our slogan is that we are the warehouse of the Canadian West. And, since it is true, we are very busy.

Be careful with that fine china, those were the orders of Selena. Just before she went to meet the train hauling a few boxcars full of goods for our store. Did I listen? No. That’s why there were shards of my carelessness splattered all over the floor.

If that wasn’t enough to cause me stress, those two Stauffer boys walked in.

“Good morning!” I said, looking up from the mess that I had created.

“What’s so good about it?”Bobby retorted.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“No thanks,” Edward said with the air of someone who would never need help…with anything. I must say, it was quite the attitude for a 12-year old boy.

“Okay. Well, if you need any help finding something. Let me know.”

“I need a way to get to Plumas.”

“Not right now!” Edward glared at his younger brother. “We have to get a birthday present for our new mother.”

“Awe, do we have to?”

“Yes,” said Edward with the confidence of someone used to getting their own way.

“Well, you better hurry, the store will be closing soon,” I said, still examining the results of my failure.

Edward and Bobby moved through the store, examining various items.

I was supposed to have the store clean at closing time. But I guess that won’t happen now. Huh. By the look of it, that china isn’t as bad as I thought. I’ll just sweep up these loose shards and…wow…those boys don’t seem too happy. I wish I could do something to cheer them up. Something in memory of what they did for me in spring. Something big and spectacular. But what?

Bobby peered at a basket at his feet. “What’s this?”

“It’s a basket of seashells silly.” Edward laughed at the comical sight of his little brother shoving his nose into the basket for a closer look.

“Whatever. Just buy it. Mother will have to like it.”

“Just a minute. Look at this.” Edward modeled a straw hat. “What do you think?”

Bobby looked unimpressed. “I think we should get going.”

“Not yet. Look! This one is even better!” Edward placed a fine-looking red hat on his head. “See, it’s the latest fashion.”

“Mother will love it! Come on. Let’s go.” Bobby strode toward the cash register as his older brother trotted at his heels.

“That’ll be one dollar, please,” I said as I took my place behind the cash register.

“Here you go,” Edward said as he placed a small pouch full of change on the wooden counter.

“Hey! I need that money for our trip to Plumas!” Bobby snapped.

“But our new Mother needs a birthday present!” Edward retorted as he snatched the bag back into his greedy little hands.

“Give it!”

“No! It’s mine! You give it!”

I stepped between the two boys and plucked the prize into my own hand. “What’s the problem?”

“Edward made me go shopping with him.”

“Oh. Is that so bad, shopping with your older brother?”

“Yes,” Bobby looked as if this was the most serious thing he had ever said. “Edward always makes a mess of everything.”

“Well, you know, something beautiful can come out of the messiest situations.”

“But I wanted to go to Plumas. Pastor John said he had something special for me.”

“What? You don’t believe me? Watch this.” I threw a deck of cards on the counter. “Pick one and don’t let me see it.”

“Alright.” Bobby plucked an item from the mess before him.

“Good. Now, remember the card. I’ll shuffle it into the deck here.”

Edward and Bobby watched me intently. For now, the feud was forgotten, which of course was the plan.

“Now, take this deck of cards and throw it as hard as you can. Don’t be shy. Throw it over there where there are no displays. ” I handed the deck to Bobby and watched as he obeyed my instructions.

The cards flew everywhere. It was an impressive display of chaos.

“Where do you think the card is?” I asked. The two brothers didn’t have an answer. So I walked over to Bobby and made a show of pulling the card from his ear.”Is this the one?”

“How did you do that?” Edward looked confused.

“Are you magic mister?” Bobby said as he looked up at me with his wide childlike eyes.

“Ha. He’s only magic if he can hide the card in his palm.” Selena walked over and lifted my hand to reveal the extra aces hidden there. “See. There’s no magic to it. "

“Oh.” The brothers said together.

“Now, your mother and father are outside, waiting to take you to Plumas. Why don’t you head over there? The store is about to close.”

“Alright!” Bobby exclaimed as he ran toward the door.

Edward grabbed the birthday hat and followed. Just before he reached the door he paused and turned back toward me. “Do you think Mother will be surprised when I give her this?”

“I’m sure she will be,” I said. Smiling at the sincere hope I saw in his eyes.

“Good!” He replied just before heading out.

“And what about you?” Selena approached. “Did you get that china set out as I asked?”

“Well, it is funny that you should mention that…I…”

“What was so hard about that?” Selena bent down to examine the china box. “I had some broken pieces in here. What did you do with them?”

“I swept them up. You didn’t need them, did you?”

“No. I’m just glad the rest of the pieces are still good. Now, what do you say we get them set up where they are supposed to be?”


Well, I tell ya, I’m sure glad my wife decided to help me set that up. There are some things that a man’s hands aren’t very good at. You know, it seems like every day we hear a new story of some mess, somewhere in the world. It is easy to get discouraged when we hear some of these stories. But, it’s true, isn’t it? Something beautiful can come out of the messiest situations…I mean, look at the story of me and Selena.

Nobody would have thought we had a chance. But, look at all the time that has passed and we’re still going strong.