Seasons of the Prairie by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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A Violent Winter 2


Photo by Andreea Ch on

“It amazes me how you managed to string him along for so long.”

“I didn’t do much. He was the one who asked me to meet with him. I…I only…went along with him and did what he asked.”

“You only managed to make friends with the son of the richest man in town! You wouldn’t have found out about that gold train otherwise. We’re going to be rich! Think about it, after tomorrow we can be a family, you, Jamie, and me.” Jefferson twirled his thick black mustache. “Won’t that be wonderful?”

Selena stared at the three men sitting across the table from her. Each one of them was unshaven, muscular, and had a distinct air of danger around them. However, there was one man who had more appeal than the rest.

When she had immigrated to British Columbia after the war, he had spotted her on the dock, alone and frightened. He had offered her his protection and helped her make a life for herself. In so many ways, she owed him her very life.

She could never let him go, no matter how much she wished she could.

“And you make sure that you have Jamie waitin for us at two-thirty. The gold is due to be unloaded then. We’ll need her little fingers to work the lock on the safe.”

“I’ll be there.” Selena shivered as a picture of Walter’s smiling face flashed across her mind. “You won’t…you won’t hurt anyone…will you?”

“Ha. Do I look like the kinda man who likes hurtin people?” Jefferson grinned, revealing the sparkle of a gold tooth. “We’re all good citizens, aren’t we boys?”

The men on either side of him smiled. One of them spewed a dirty stream of tobacco juice toward the wooden floor.

“Selena you did good. Real good. At first, I didn’t believe Jefferson when he told me that you’d make us rich. I’m sure glad he proved me wrong.” Larry stuck another plug of chewing tobacco between his lips and began to chew. “Don’t let it go to your head though. We’ll be watchin your every move tomorrow. Don’t forget now.”

Selena wilted as his whiskey-soaked breath filled her nostrils.

“Alright boys, that’s enough!” Jefferson slammed his fist upon the table. “Go on now. Git! We need some alone time.”

“Alone time? Sure boss.” Larry laughed as he winked.

“An make sure my horse is fed while you’re out there. We might need ta make a quick getaway.”

“Sure. Sure.” Larry waved at Pete, who stood and joined him by the door. After a quick glance at Selena, the two henchmen left.

“Listen. I know I’m a thief. People will yak about us, but I don’t care. After this job, I promise you that I’ll go straight, no matter what it takes.” Jefferson’s voice took on a distinctly threatening tone. “Sendin ya over ta rich Walter was just business. Understand?” He stared into her eyes. “Trust me. You don’t need him when you’ve got me.”

Selena lowered her head in a gesture of submission. “I understand.”

“Good.” Jefferson released his grip on her arm. “Now I better sneak outta this town while the sneakin is good. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” The floor creaked as Jefferson strode across it.

A wooden door slammed somewhere below and then he was gone.

Jamie had watched the whole scene through a crack in the bathroom door. After the men had gone she had watched her older sister deflate into her wooden rocking chair.

Her sister wasn’t crying. She never did. However, it was obvious from her expression that something was seriously wrong.

Jamie left her hiding place and moved toward her. Together they sat, two young women, enjoying each other’s company.

“Do I really have to do what Jefferson said?”

“Yes. We talked about this, remember?”

“We did. But I don’t want to help someone like that.”

“Maybe not, but remember how much he’s helped us. We owe him everything.” Selena sighed. “But right now I need your help for something else.”


“I need to go out for a while. You stay here and mind the room, won’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Good girl.” She wrapped her sister in a powerful embrace. “No matter what happens, don’t let anyone inside. Alright?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Now be a dear and fetch my purse. Make it quick.”


Photo by Simon Matzinger on

Mildred sniffed as she surveyed the snow-packed street at her feet. There were wanted posters for Jefferson Little all over the province. How that swine had managed to sneak into town without being arrested was a question for the ages. Why he was involved with Selena was another question.

A question she would have answered or her name wasn’t Mildred Heckensnick!

The gas streetlights lining the street began to flicker to life as the darkness of evening descended upon the town.

The front door of the hotel flew open and then Selena was charging through it.

Mildred saw her opportunity and thrust her cane forward, sending her prey somersaulting down the wooden steps toward the street.

“Hello again.”

“Why did you do that?” Selena’s eyes flashed fire as she stared up at her enemy.

“Why did you run? I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Did you follow me?”

“Yes, I saw that you were disturbed after our little visit earlier on. I wanted to talk to you some more about it. So, yes, I followed you here.”

“You shouldn’t have done that.” She pulled her coat closer to her body.

“Why not?” Mildred licked her lips as she moved closer to her prey. “Is there something going on around here that an honest citizen shouldn’t know about?”

“No! Of course not,” Selena pulled away from the hands clawing at her. “Why would you ask a question like that?”

“I saw Jefferson Little and some of his men sneak out of the Hotel just before you did.”

“What does that have to do with me?” Selena took another step backward as fear shot through her.

“Nothing, I hope.”

“Listen, Mildred, if you know what’s good for you, just leave Jefferson Little alone.”

“I’m just concerned about you darling. You’re a sweetheart. Why would you associate with dirty scoundrels like that?”

“I can keep whatever company I like, thank you very much!” Selena snapped as she lifted her skirt and marched off along the street of snow.

For a moment, Mildred considered the option of chasing her, then, decided against it.

There was nothing to be gained by pressuring a woman that didn’t want to be pressured. She would be patient. One of these days the truth would come to light about this woman. As for the issue of Jefferson Little, she knew exactly what to do about that.

Mildred was a good citizen and she would do her duty.

Everyone in town, especially Selena, was in danger with a swine like that around.

The Mounties weren’t that far away.

It didn’t take Mildred long to reach their office.

The newspapers said that Jefferson Little was a man of surprises. Perhaps one of the Mounties in town could arrange a suitable surprise for a man like him.