Silent Light by John Naa - HTML preview

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‘That was all such bullshit,’ Trisha repeated.

The officer had left after copying their names and details into his notebook, and warning them he would be back and not nearly so friendly if they went wandering again where they weren’t supposed to go. Michaela stood staring out the window after him.

‘Yeah. Why such an overreaction, do you think?’

Trisha was fiddling around with glasses and bottles. ‘Like the average male, can’t stand gay girls,’ she said.

Michaela turned around. ‘Sure,’ she said. ‘There was some of that with Officer Friendly there, but what I want to know,’ she took the drink Trisha held out for her and held it up in a silent toast. ‘What I want to know is why he was called in at all. Selena’s sleazy boy must have been pissed at us being there this morning.’ She took a sip of her drink. ‘And that’s what’s interesting, don’t you think?’


Trisha planted herself on the table and sampled her drink. ‘Let me get this straight. You’re saying you reckon Sleaze Boy is up to something and he wants us out of the way. So he called Officer Friendly in to warn us off?’

‘Trisha, that’s exactly what I reckon.’

Trisha considered this. ‘Huh,’ she said. ‘Interesting.’ She looked over at Michaela. ‘So are we warned off, do you think?’

Michaela sauntered over to the table and placed her glass down. She smiled at Trisha and leaned close. ‘What do you say, Nancy Drew? Up for a bit of sleuthing?’


Trisha smiled her cat smile back. ‘I’d have to say, Sherlock, that the hunt is on.’ She tilted her head. ‘Wouldn’t you agree?’

Michaela leaned closer, touched lips, licked the taste of bourbon off lips in a quick flick of the tongue. ‘I’d have to say,’ she whispered, ‘that you’re a far more attractive sidekick than Watson ever was.’

Trisha snorted, brushed her lips against Michaela’s. ‘Why Sherlock,’ she laughed, ‘you old devil.’ She ran fingers through Michaela’s hair. ‘Do we have time for some rest and recreation before solving this case?’

Michaela scooped the smaller woman off the table, wrapping Trisha’s legs around her waist. ‘Rest and recreation are essential for healthy bodies and minds,’ she said.

Trisha swung her legs down and landed lightly on the floor. She slipped her hands under the edge of Michaela’s tee shirt and spread them over the warm skin. Michaela moaned under her breath and worked on the buttons on Trisha’s shirts, undoing them one by one, pushing Trisha back against the table as she did so. She planted her lips on Trisha’s and pulled the shirt right off, dropping it to the floor. Running kisses down Trisha’s neck she cupped her breasts in her hands.

‘Beautiful,’ she whispered. ‘Exquisite, gorgeous, beautiful.’


 Trisha tipped her head back and leaned against the table as Michaela’s mouth roamed down over her hot skin and found her nipples, standing erect under her lips. She dragged her fingers through Michaela’s short hair and arched her back.

Michaela fumbled blindly with the zipper on Trisha’s cargoes, tugging them down over her hips, knickers and all. Trisha kicked them off and allowed herself to be lifted onto the table. Michaela stood and pulled Trisha against her, ripping at her tee-shirt until they had skin against skin, lips against lips, heat against heat. Trisha groaned against her and Michaela slipped down between her legs, pushing them gently wider until she could slip her tongue into the hot wetness there. Trisha leaned back on her elbows and closed her eyes, the head was thrown back, her breath coming in throaty little moans until her whole body tightened and she tipped over the edge with a sudden, sharp cry.

Michaela held her as the orgasm shuddered through her body. She trailed wet kisses up Trisha’s smooth belly until lips met again. Trisha, recovering, leaned into the kiss and sent her own hands questing, pushing at Michaela’s jeans, seeking and finding the heat between thighs. Michaels moaned and opened her legs, leaning against the table for support. Trisha thrust her fingers deeper, rubbing, pushing, pleasuring until Michaela almost forgot to breathe and climaxed, shuddering, blinded.


They were silent a minute or two, catching their breath.

‘Oh my God,’ Michaela was the first to speak. She leaned her face against Trisha’s neck and licked at the salty skin there.

‘Hell yeah,’ Trisha agreed. ‘I can’t believe you just fucked me on Dr. Alison’s dining room table.

Michaela pulled her head back and stared at Trisha in shock. Trisha’s face was flushed, damp curls sticking to her forehead, and what could only be described as a triumphant grin on her face. Trisha gave her a quick kiss and laughed.

They leaned foreheads together and Michaela began to laugh too. She laughed harder and in a minute they were clinging to each other kissing and laughing like a pair of lunatics.

Later, stretched out on the rug in front of a roaring fire, Trisha trailed a foot up Michaela’s naked leg. She took a sip of her drink.

‘So, you have a plan?’ she asked.

Michaela tied the belt of Trisha’s robe. ‘Why? Haven’t you had enough yet?’ she asked.

Trisha gave her a poke in the ribs. ‘Not that, Sherlock. I’m talking about our little mystery. I wouldn’t mind a night of unbroken sleep, so I’m just wondering if you’re going to have us running around outside again tonight?’

Michaela rolled over and lay on her back, arms behind her head. She stared at the ceiling, thinking. ‘It’ll be interesting actually,’ she said, ‘whether anything happens tonight.’

‘There’s been shit go down last two nights,’ Trisha pointed out.

‘That’s right,’ Michaela agreed. ‘Which makes me wonder if there’s going to be anything happening tonight.’ She lay back on her side and traced a hand up under Trisha’s robe. ‘Because I’m betting that if Selena’s son is behind anything, he’ll give it a rest tonight because he’ll be too worried about us at the moment.’

‘Yeah, okay I can get that,’ Trisha agreed. ‘But if you’re right, what’s the guy trying to achieve anyway?’ She got up to refill their drinks. ‘I mean, why would anyone stuff around making up ghosts and shit? It’s pretty damned dedicated, don’t you think?’


 ‘Thanks,’ Michaela took her drink and swirled it so the ice cubes tinkled. ‘We need to know more about him,’ she decided. ‘Because you’re right. Why would someone bother with that? What’s he trying to achieve?’

Trisha prodded at the logs on the fire. ‘We could be barking totally up the wrong tree on this, you know?’ she said.

Michaela looked at her. ‘I know,’ she said. ‘But something is going on, and I’ll bet anything you like that’s no ghost running around out there.’