Sleeping Love by Austin Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Jovita  Nelson and Denver Tracey were arguing with each other.

“Denver, I won’t have it. You and that little girl, Konya Evans, I want to know what’s going on between the two of you?”

They were down at Randy Chin’s sports bar on Westminster Road in Eastwood Park Gardens that Monday evening. They were both drinking sorrel beers outside the bar.

“From she started working at your firm, you have been all  over her. Both of you go to lunch every day. You drop her at  school. I understand that she and her boyfriend have broken  up because of you.”

He laughed and took some more of his beer.

“She’s a colleague of mine. What’s wrong if I drop her home from work or take her to classes, sometimes?”

“Are you sleeping with her and me at the same time?” He took some more swallows of his beer.

“I’m not sleeping with that girl, point blank. People have been  coming to you with all sorts of rumors, but none of it is true.”

“I don’t want to be in any fights with her over you. She looks  to be very feisty.”

“You’re makin a fuss over nothing. There is nothing going on between me and Konya.”


The following Saturday,  Konya and Bally were at a party in Three Oaks Gardens. She was surprised to see Denver there  with Jovita. His younger brother, Kemar, also attended the  party. She danced with Kemar, who showed an interest in her.  This sparked a jealous rage in Bally. Kemar was almost as tall  as his brother. He was dresse in shorts pants, a short sleeves sports shirt and sneakers. His girlfriend, Jessica warned her not to get interested in her boyfriend. She had on a jeans skirts, tank top and slippers. Jessica was a tall, thin, brown complexioned girl. Konya thought that she was in her early twenties. Jovita was a medium sized copper colored girl and was in her middle twenties, she guessed. She was wearing a jeans pants, a polo shirt and slippers. She realized that  Denver was a good dancer. She knew that he had a baby mother, but she was not at the party. She finally got the chance to dance with him, when Jovita took a breather and went to eat some food.

“Is that guy, Bally, your boyfriend?”

“Let’s just say that we’re good friends.”

“If he isn’t your boyfriend what are you doing here with him?

“I could ask you the same thing about Jovita?”

“She just begged me to take her to this party as her boyfriend was not around.”

“Why does everybody keep asking me about you? Who did you tell?”

“Nobody, why would I?”

“I don’t know.”

She laughed as the song finished playing and they saw Jovita approaching them. For a moment she thought that the girl was going to curse her. But she only cut her eyes at her and went into Denver’s arms. He was wearing a short khaki pants, a sports shirt and sneakers. She was just wearing a blouse and skirt and slippers. Kemar came up to her.


“Can I have this dance?”

“No, I have to return to Bally.”

“Just this one dance.”


She had to admit that both brothers were better dancers than Bally. Kemar was about her age, she thought. They didn’t have time to talk as Jessica was nearby. When the song finished playing, she made her way over to Bally. She could see from the look on his face that he was in a sour mood.


“Imagine, I brought you to this party and you hardly want to dance with me.”

She took a seat beside him. He was drinking a soda. He was wearing a tall sleeves sports shirt, a dressing pants and sneakers.

“Is it because I danced with Denver and Kemar?”

“And which other man at this party are you aiming to dance with?”

But she refused to answer and the two of them sat there fuming at each other.

“I’m not your girlfriend again Bally, remember. We just came to this party as good friends. We have had too many break ups.”

“Ok, so I won’t take you out again. You think I don’t know who you want to go out with. I’ve heard that you’re sleeping with him.”

“Bally stop it, please take me home!”

He did take her home. They fussed all the way home.

“I don’t know why you’re quarrelling with me? You go out with any woman you please.”

“I think you and this guy, Denver, have something going on.”

“For your information, he and I have nothin going on.”


She was at her desk that Monday morning when her cell phone rang. Kemar was on the line. She was surprised. It was the last day in February.

“Kemar, how did you get my number?”

“Let’s just say a little bird gave it to me. Can we go out this evening?”

“What would Jessica say if she knew I went out with you?”

“She doesn’t have to know, nor does Bally. I’m leaving her, it’s you I want. Ever since I saw you at the party I can’t take my mind off you.”

“Kemar, I’d advise you to stick to your girlfriend.”

“So, you don’t want to go out with me. I’m a very interesting guy, you know. Or maybe you prefer Denver. He’s going to break your heart one of these days.”

“I’m not in a relationship with your brother.”

“I don’t believe you. I think he and you have something going on.”

She was getting impatient with him.

“Bye, Kemar,” she said and ended the conversation.


The next day just as she returned from lunch, where it was raining cats and dogs, her cell phone rang, Jovita was on the line. She wondered what was this call all about.

“Konya, are you and my boyfriend, lovers?”

“What kind of question is that, Jovita? I’m not sleeping with Denver, so please back off and leave me alone.”

“I’m not going to back off until I find out what’s really going on between the both of you. I’m prepared to fight you for him, Konya.”

“Listen, Jovita, if I want Denver, I’ll have him, despite what you and any other girl might say or do.”

“Oh, so you’re a bad girl. Are you telling me that you can just walk in and take him away if you want?”

“I’m just telling you like it is, girl. If I want a man, no girl can stop me from getting him.”

“Oh, so you’re a big girl?”

“Of course, I’m a big woman. I’m young but very experienced in the ways of the world.”

“You could have fooled me. But he is not in your class. You’re a little country girl as far as I’m concerned.”

Konya laughed.

“I’m from Ocho Rios, and as far as I’m concerned that’s not country.”

But Jovita had already cut off the call. She looked outside, the rain was coming down harder now. She had to beg Denver a ride to school this evening if the rains continued.


She had just reached home after classes when she heard Arlene and her boyfriend, Rod, quarrelling over the phone. 

After putting down her bag and books, she went to relax on the veranda when she came out to her.

“Rod’s girlfriend just came to fight me. He has been keeping other women with me.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to leave him of course.”

In the three years since coming to Kingston and living with Arlene, the girl was first along with Ruddy then it was Doug and now Rod. She thought she was changing boyfriends too often. She didn’t go there for fear of upsetting her.

“Konya, I’ve heard that you and Denver are having a steamy love affair.”

“Who told you about me and Denver?”

“One of his girlfriends, Jovita, who else?”

Konya didn’t reply.

“Do you know anything about him? He has two baby mothers in Vinette and Chantelle. While Vinette is a quiet girl, Chantelle is even worse than Jovita.”

Konya was shocked, but tried not to show it.

“Despite what Jovita told you, Denver and I are not in a relationship.”

“I think both of you are lovers. That guy is a player. He’s going to break your heart. If Jovita, Vinette and Chantelle can’t tame him, then I don’t know who will.”

“I’m not one of those women trying to cool him down though.       We’re just colleagues as far as I’m concerned.”

“You know I don’t believe you though.”

“Suit, yourself,” she told her as Arlene disappeared into her room.

That night she thought about her life and what to do about Denver. He had told her that he had a child with a woman whom he was living with. She had to assume that his first baby mother was Vinette. She didn’t want to be caught up in any baby mother drama.


The next day Wednesday, she borrowed his car to go to Half Way Tree to conduct some personal business. As she came out of the car in Clock Tower Plaza, she saw Bally about to go into a store. They waved to each other. She knew that he knew that although she didn’t own a car, she was a competent driver. Sometimes if he was feeling tipsy, he had let her drive them home from a party.


She was at home that night when Bally called. She was at her study desk when he called.

“I knew it all along that you and that guy, Denver are sleeping together.”

“Just because you saw me driving his car doesn’t give you a license to go around accusing me of being with him.”

“So, aren’t you sleeping with him? I know you are. Jovita said that she had a big quarrel with you over him. You told her that you were prepared to fight her for him.”

“She is a big liar. I never told her anything like that. And for your information I am not along with him.”

“So why don’t you want to stay with me.”

“You have a new girlfriend. You’d better stay with her, goodbye,” she said and ended the call.


Thursday evening she and Denver sat talking.They were at Emancipation Park. People were jogging on the running track, others were lying around on the soft grass. They were seated in one of the benches.

“Okay, so you want to know how many baby mothers I have?”

“Well, you told me that you only had one and you were living with her and your daughter.”

“I have another baby mother by the name of Chantelle.”

“You might have told me about her from the very beginning and let me decide. Now I feel so confused.”

“I’m sorry, I know you would have been turned off.”

She took up her bag. She didn’t want to be caught up in any baby mother drama as she had told herself the other night..

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going home.”

“Want me to take you?”

“I’ll take the bus.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”