Storm Clouds Rolling In & On To Richmond (Books 1 & 2 in the Bregdan Chronicles) - PDF Preview

Storm Clouds Rolling In & On To Richmond (Books 1 & 2 in the Bregdan Chronicles)

Storm Clouds Rolling In & On To Richmond (Books 1 & 2 in the Bregdan Chronicles)


You get the first 2 books in the series for FREE! Prepare to join millions who are already HOOKED. Unforgettable characters that will capture your heart. Rich, accurate, historical detail.These are the hallmarks of Ginny Dye’s work. The bestselling Bregdan Chronicles novels have captured the hearts of fans all over the world. This enthralling saga encompassing the Civil War & Reconstruction has 21 books right now, but many more are coming.Book Description: Carrie had always lived a charmed...
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