Story of a Secret Heart by Cassi Ellen - HTML preview

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Family lunch

At lunch, my extended family and I had so much to talk about. It really was lovely to see them, and for the first time in months, I was surrounded by family. After lunch, they took me for coffee and dessert and the conversation turned to their very good family friend, Guy. Although it was lovely to be surrounded by family after being away from home for six months, I was so hung over I really didn’t feel like being set up with what really now was a stranger whom I found a little annoying. Nonetheless, they were very keen to tell me how he now owned his own business and was doing very well for himself. Unlike me, I thought to myself. Hung over after a one-night stand with some man I don’t know (and no I didn’t even get his number), and no I haven’t had a shower today! Oh, yes, and I know I’ve put on weight!

After they insisted on giving me Guy’s number so we could catch up, they drove me home and I jumped straight into bed. I woke up at 9pm that night and started having a few drinks with my girlfriend and very yummy French housemate. He was lovely, and when I had first moved in, we did have a bit of a fling, but things seemed to fizzle out very quickly. Another relationship I formed that blatantly wasn’t going anywhere. I think maybe because French women are notoriously thin, and at the time I was chubby, to say the least; my insecurity, not his. But we remained good friends. After a few drinks, I decided to text Guy and ask him out for a catch-up drink. What’s the worst that could happen? I thought. God, I’m an idiot when I’ve been drinking. The text went something like this:

‘Hi, it’s Cassi. We met a few years ago when I came to Sydney to visit my family. I just had lunch with them and they gave me your number. You took me shopping in the city for four hours when you should have been at work, and you drove me home one night. I don’t like cockroaches. Then you came to the UK and stayed with me for a while before you went travelling around Europe. Do you remember me? And do you want to catch up for a drink?’

I wanted to make sure he knew who I was and so had gone into great detail, maybe too much detail, but I think that was nerves and alcohol. Within a minute, he had texted back with a simple ‘yes.’ Yes, to what? I thought. You know who I am, or you want to have a drink? God, this man was annoying, I thought to myself. My girlfriend and I then spent ten minutes trying to decode his one-word text message, when he started phoning me! At that moment, we both completely freaked out and started screaming like complete girls, throwing the phone across the room like it had a cockroach on it. My other flatmates rushed out of their rooms, wondering what the hell was going on. Obviously, I didn’t answer the call, but texted him with some excuse that I was busy. Seriously, who does that! After a few text messages back and forth, we arranged to meet up for some drinks that week.

On the Thursday, I left work early so I could decide what to wear. At twenty lbs heavier than when I left the UK, I decided I looked like a small hippo in everything that fit and opted for a pair of stretchy black leggings and a low-cut black top. Not the most attractive outfit I have ever worn but life is different when you are backpacking, clothes and appearance are always an afterthought, plus I hoped the low cut top would distract him from my weight gain.

We were meeting at his office, which was a tall, very impressive building with a security man on the door. I was too scared to go inside; after all, I had been backpacking for months, and to be quite honest, I looked like a tramp. Just to be clear: In the UK, tramp means homeless person. I know, after a very awkward incident with one of Guy’s sisters, that Australian people often refer to hookers / prostitutes as tramps.

When I phoned and explained that I was at his office but would just wait outside for him, he came down to get me. I have no idea whether he noticed my weight gain or not, but I don’t think he was very impressed by the backpacker look I was now rocking. He was accompanied by at least six very geeky looking boys, who looked like they belonged in the comic book store from the Big Bang Theory and who were all staring at me. At the time I assumed it was because they thought I looked like a tramp but later, I found out they had all waited back late at the office so they could see the girl who had caused Guy to take a four-hour lunch break all those years ago. In their world, I was famous.

Guy told me he just needed to finish one more thing so would I mind accompanying him upstairs. The office was absolutely amazing, with views as far as the eye could see, and I began to realise why my family had talked about his achievements so much. I was very impressed. Ambition was the trait I found most attractive in men, and I instantly regretted not making more of an effort for our date.

At first, I was so nervous about seeing him again. We hadn’t parted on good terms, but after literally only five or ten minutes, we had rekindled the friendship we once had. He took me for a drink in Darling Harbour, which was very nice, but next he took me somewhere I will never forget. Men, if you ever want to impress a girl in Sydney, take her here. It is called Horizon Bar and has absolutely amazing views of both the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. I was absolutely blown away. Looking back, this was probably the moment I started to fall for him. He was so kind and sweet, and although we were from different cultures, we got on extremely well. He took me home that night in a taxi, and he kissed me good night. I couldn’t wait to see him again.‘Fate decides who comes into your life, your heart decides who stays.’ — Unknown.