Sweet Desire Part 1 (Within Your Embrace series book 1) by Tanita Rose - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



She stepped out of the shower and was just about to get ready when her phone rang with the distinctive sound of Meghan Trainor, All About That Bass. Andrea herself programed the song for her ringtone, she said it spoke volumes to just who was calling, plus it was sassy just like her.

She laughed and hurried out of the bathroom without dressing, she didn’t even put a towel around her, so she walked out dripping wet, and of course the phone wasn’t in her room. The song was at an end so she hurried along searching for it and listening from where the sound was coming from. For God’s sake, where the Hell did she put it?

She was yelling “I’m coming, geez” to her phone, willing it to show itself, she was looking behind the cushions on the sofa, throwing them out of the way when she heard a slight clearing of the throat.

She froze at the distinctive male sound and closed her eyes, willing it go away, it was just in her head, a side effect of her overactive imagination and her dream earlier. He was not standing behind her when she was butt naked. God! She was naked! She turned around gasping at the sight before her, at the distance she heard her phone chime its final toll, but it was long forgotten.

There he was. He was real. Wait. She closed her eyes and opened them again to make sure that he was truly there or if this was just an illusion she conjured at the sheer desperation she felt earlier and her pitiful attempt to convince herself to finally let him go.

When she opened her eyes he was still there with that distinctive smirk on his face she found so adorable and beyond attractive and one she wanted to smack off his face on more than one occasion, including now when she was standing naked before him... Shit, she was naked... still. God Sophie, your scattered brain. She grabbed a pillow form the sofa and pulled it in front of her in an attempt to shield her body from his view.

“Sophie,” he acknowledged with a slight nod of his head. “Great... seeing you... again.” He smirked, obviously fighting a smile.

Yup, definitely wanted to smack it off. Jerk. And what was he even doing here? She knew he had a key for emergencies, but he never used it before, so why now. She felt her cheeks flame in embarrassment and she just stood there, clutching the too small pillow before her chest, trying to hide her most important parts, hoping she was succeeding and too afraid to look, if she wasn’t.

“Wha... what are you doing here? Andrea isn’t home… obviously.” She said in barely a whisper, praying for the earth to swallow her whole to spare her this mortification.

“I know, I’m supposed to wait for her here. She called earlier. And I’m assuming that was her calling your phone.” He looked her up and down, stopping at the little pillow, just staring. She didn’t know what to say, or do for that matter. “Remind me to thank her later.” Huh? What? Did he just say? Her eyes flew to his face and she saw pure unadulterated desire shining from his eyes, those same blue eyes she dreamed of earlier and every other night since she was sixteen.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed the show, because it will never happen again.” She tried to put as much righteous indignation in her voice as she could, but by his reaction she failed on that account.

“I wouldn’t mind another runway show. It was quite spectacular.” Was he making fun of her? Or was he serious? God, please let him be serious, her treacherous mind was yelling inside her head. “But you better get dressed, Andrea will be here any minute. We don’t want to shock her... too much anyway.” She was still staring at him, that look in his eyes, still present but in a smaller quantity, was mesmerizing.

She didn’t want to look away, she was afraid she would miss something important. She didn’t yet know what or why, but felt the slight change in the air, a shifting of sort, she looked up at him, and he was watching her. Her breathing stopped for a minute or so and she had to gasp some much needed air back into her lungs.

His eyes darkened further, they were no longer that brilliant blue, but a darker shade, almost stormy in a sense, which seemed fitting since a storm was brewing right here in her living room. She felt it in the tightness of her chest, in the light-headedness of her head and she swayed slightly, almost dropping the pillow she was clutching in the process. His eyes focused on her fingers as if he knew what she almost did. As if he wanted it to happen, which was ridiculous. Or was it?

“Sophie.” His voice woke her out of her stupor and she turned and ran to her bedroom, completely forgetting not only her front side was naked, but also the back. Which meant she just flashed him. Great. Just great. Once Andrea found out she would never live it down. Hell, he would never let her live it down.

She quickly dressed in a pair of tights and an oversized shirt that was hanging over one shoulder revealing the strap of her pink bra, which she almost forgot to put on, and mentally prepared herself for walking back into the living room.

He was still standing in the same spot as before, he hadn’t moved an inch. She rocked back on her feet, clenching her hands behind her back to hide her nervousness. “So... Why are you here exactly?” Good, that sounded almost normal. Right?

He gave her that half smile of his, quirking his lips at one side. Oh, my. She sighed. Could the man be any more gorgeous?

“As I said earlier, Andrea called, said she needed to see me and, if I could come by the apartment. I was in the neighborhood so I was early and I let myself in since no one answered the door when I rang. I assume she’s at her boyfriend’s?” He said the word boyfriend with such danger filling the word she almost winced in reaction.

“She is. Um. They spend a lot of time together. He’s nice. And very sweet to Andrea. They’re really good together.” She felt the need to defend them and their relationship since she got the distinct impression he didn’t approve of Adrian, Andrea’s boyfriend. She smiled, they had quite a few laughs about that one, Andrea and Adrian, how in the world they found each other.

“Are they now?” He made it sound like a dirty word, and right on cue, she blushed bright red.

He stepped closer to her and she froze. He lifted his hand and brushed it across her flaming cheek, it felt cool to the touch and a welcome reprieve. She looked into his eyes uncertainly. “Such a pretty red.” And she blushed even hotter.

He laughed softly, cupping her cheek and chin in his big hand, making her gasp in bewilderment. His thumb was brushing up and down on her cheek, delivering a heartbreakingly soft caress. She would have melted into a puddle at his feet, if he hadn’t been holding her up with his other hand at her hip. Huh. When did he put his hand there? She was so absorbed by the expression of wonder on his face and his sparkling eyes, she tuned everything else out.

“So soft. Like pure silk.” He whispered. He leaned his head down, stepping closer towards her body, his hand moving from her hip to the small of her back. She looked up into his eyes, but his were closed and she basked at his nearness, his cheek pressed against hers, he buried his hand in her hair, his fingers loosely weaving themselves around her damp curls.

She felt him breathe her in and she shuddered in response. It was just too much to handle. He was here, with her, touching her, it was more than she could ever hope for and yet she craved it all the same. For him to claim her, take her, make her his in all the ways he knew how, and if the rumors were true, he knew a lot of ways to do so.

He moved back, looking at her, smiling reassuringly, cradling her head between his big hands and she felt safe, here, with him, she felt secure, and even though it was so incredible to believe, she felt cherished and cared for.

He leaned towards her, slowly, frustratingly slowly, but she knew he would set his own pace, determined his own rules, and she preferred it that way. He brushed his nose alongside hers and she trembled, sucking in much needed air.

When his eyes flared she knew he would kiss her, and he did. He slowly lowered his head, first only lightly brushing his mouth on her hers. A kiss so light it was barely there, but so damn powerful it shook her at her very core.

She would deny him nothing. Everything he asked she would give without restraint or remorse. Not even a thought for the consequences sure to come. No. At this moment she was his.

He deepened the kiss, but only by a margin. His tongue sliding across her lips, teasing her corners, making her gasp. He took advantage of the opportunity and swept in, his tongue invading her mouth, exploring and teaching her how to use her tongue in return.




Damn, but she was sweet. And so refreshingly innocent and real. No artifice about her, but he knew that already. He watched her grow into the stunningly beautiful woman that was standing before him. He couldn’t control himself, not anymore, not when she was giving herself so freely, so willingly into his hands.

He tried over the years to hold back, to stay as far away from her as possible. He made some snide remarks that made her blush every time, just to keep her at bay, to stop himself from claiming her.

She was too young and too innocent for the likes of him. He was too hard, too cynical, too jaded for him to ever touch her innocence and bask in the glory of her warmth, and that beautiful soul he saw shining back at him every time she looked at him when she thought he couldn’t see her, or smiled when someone said something that made her happy.

Too often he would see her beauty crushed by the cruelness of life, her selflessness trampled by her parents’ disregard and that devastating smile diminished by uncertainty of her own worth.

She radiated from within, and she could put the sun to shame in its brightness. He vowed to always protect that innocence, that part of her that was so uniquely her it would be a crime, if she ever lost it. And then he had to remind himself she wasn’t his and likely never would be, so he had no right making vows in her name, no right to play her protector.

And besides, she was his little sister’s best friend, had been their entire lives. She was off limits, that’s what he always told himself, whenever he was too tempted to break his own rule to never touch, he would remind himself about Andrea, and their friendship. About the rift it would cause between them if he went there and broke her innocent little heart, and he would do just that, he would break her. He was certain of it.

So why was he still holding her, why was he still exploring her mouth, breathing in her intoxicating scent? He knew why. When he saw her standing there, completely naked, looking for her phone, his resolve crumpled at his feet in an instant.

His insides flared with desire and he had to exert every last bit of control he had left not to take her right there and then. Not to free his cock from his painful restraint and push inside her with all the strength in his body. He wanted to fuck her so badly he was literally aching for it, a first for him.

The lack of control was alarming, but the sight of her gloriously naked body made his cock leak and jump in attention. Painfully erect and barely restrained, he wanted her, badly, desperately, like he never wanted a woman before, but that wasn’t surprising.

When it came to Sophie, nothing was, not anymore. Not after years of yearning, years of denial and carefully controlled reactions at the mere sight of her.

He was surprised she never suspected a thing, by her reaction earlier and her clear bewilderment at his interest. He was apparently too good at hiding his thoughts and his feelings, even though he always thought she somehow saw right through him. And for a man so used to control it was like a second skin, a part of him, it was disturbing, to say the least.

He deepened their kiss and mated his tongue with hers, her little moans of pleasure and innocent surprise were driving him wild. He pressed closer to her body, rubbing his straining erection against her pelvis, and she responded in kind, surprising him with her boldness, and unrestrained hunger.

She wasn’t holding back, she wasn’t being coy or pretending in any way, she responded to his touch with all the innocent enthusiasm she contained inside her little body.

She went on her tiptoes, trying to get closer still, even though there wasn’t an inch to spare she gave it her best, burrowing into his chest, clenching her hands desperately in his shirt, dragging her fingers through his hair, pulling on the strands, causing a slight sting that only made him harder.

God, she would be a delight to have. At his disposal anytime he hungered for a quick fuck, or hours long marathon, exploring her body, learning those sensitive little points that drove her wild. Oh, yes. She would be amazing. So responsive. So willing to learn, and he had much to teach her.

She would be his star pupil. Excelling at every part of her learning course.

If he dared take what she was so innocently offering. She had no idea what it would mean to be his, what it would take to satisfy his hunger, his desires. Not even some of his more experienced lovers were willing to do some of the things that he wanted, that he needed in order to gain satisfaction, to take the edge off, to gain release.

He was demanding, he expected absolute obedience from his lovers, he controlled every single move during sex. His will, his command, was their desire, he made sure he chose his lovers accordingly and with no expectations for more.

One night, maybe a weekend when he was feeling particularly raw and desperate to fuck his demons away. There was no happily ever after or the words love and forever in his vocabulary. He had an urge and he satisfied it, in all the ways he knew how.

He usually went out of town when the needs inside him were too urgent and too strong to be let out with just anyone. There were clubs that served to quench his particular thirsts and he used them often. He didn’t need unnecessary gossip marring his stellar reputation, or that of his family.

And he was pretty sure his parents and sister would be horrified if they found out what he liked to do, or whom, in his spare time. Not to mention the circle of society’s elite he and his family were part of. Although, he knew some of them were even more fucked up than he was, and into way more nastier shit, but then again who was he to judge, as long as it was consensual... To each his own, what gets you going and all that.

So he avoided his home town for the most part, but not enough apparently, if you listened to the rumors going around. He told everyone he was with he liked his privacy and that he didn’t appreciate listening about his sex life in public, or for that shit to reach his little sister and the rest of his family.

They all swore they would keep their liaisons quiet, but as soon as he left their bed, he never allowed any of them in his, they started running their mouths. He always said it would be the last time he fucked anyone in his home town, but when the urge appeared and he couldn’t get away for the time being, he sought one out in a club, a bar, Hell, the country club.

They were all more than willing, they went to her house, or a hotel, if it was more convenient, spent a few hours between the sheets, against the wall, on the table, even the balcony, it was all good. As long as it kept the edge down for a few more days, at least until he could get away.

They meant nothing to him, just a convenient spot to put his cock in, hey, he might be a bastard, but he was an honest one. He never deceived any of them. He was truthful from the start, they knew exactly what they were getting and they all assured him they were fine with it, a few hours and then they would go their separate ways.

As soon as he started getting his clothes back on they started with the innuendos and the come hither looks, and when that didn’t work, there was the whining and the waterworks, in the end when they didn’t get their way, even threatening.

That got them his signature look, “do not piss me off, you’ll pay for it severely”, and they backed off quickly. For the most part. Some took a little convincing, but they all figured out it wasn’t wise for their health to try and play him.

And then there was this little pixie, with her grey eyes, so trusting and so vulnerable at times, he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in the finest of silks, only the best for her delicate soft skin, and hide her away where nothing and no one could ever hurt her. Hell, where no one could even look at her, no one but him of course, and she would be his, and only his.

He had to stop himself every time his thoughts ran that way. She wasn’t his, and she shouldn’t be. He would only destroy her in the end. Ruin that perfect innocence until only shame and disgust would shine from those grey pools that had him mesmerized like no others ever could.

He was a fool for this girl, this woman, ever since she started blossoming from the shy cute teen to the beautiful girl searching her way and transforming into the incredible young woman standing before him. So trusting and brave, giving without restraint, losing herself within his tight embrace and yet asking nothing of him in return.

Just the taste of her sweet lips had him on the verge of madness, and he barely sampled her exquisite aroma. She was pure sin bottled in a package of such innocence he should be damned straight to Hell for even thinking of sampling her flesh, and breaching that barrier of innocence he should have vowed to guard instead.

And he would have, if she shied away from his touch for even a moment. A moment of indecision and he would have backed away, making certain she knew what she was getting herself into. But no, she did not hesitate, she surged forward, bravely, without any indecision or confusion clouding those beautiful grey eyes.

She looked at him with such wild abandon all he wanted to do was grab her and run away with her somewhere where they could be alone without having to worry they would be interrupted before they were finished exploring each other’s bodies. And he planned to explore her body, thoroughly, and he would allow her to explore his, something he hadn’t let happen in years.

His lovers didn’t touch without permission, but he would grant it to her without hesitation, if she in return surrendered herself freely and completely to his care. He would cherish the time they spent together, and he would devote himself to teaching her all about pleasure, about those most primal carnal desires people enjoy so much, but are ashamed to admit it out loud.

He also admitted to himself that one night would never be enough. Not with Sophie. She deserved more than that, more than a night of meaningless sex, and when he was finished, to be discarded like yesterday’s trash, without thought, without remorse, as if she meant nothing. He could never do that to her, not to his sweet Sophie, the only person beside his family who ever meant something to him.

He cared for her and even that was hard to admit, he who had no heart, who was ruthless without compare. He who buried his emotions so deep he would not know where to look for them even if he wanted access to them someday.

Which he didn’t.

The taste of betrayal still a bitter thought in his mind. He did not forgive, despite the desperate pleas to do so, nor will he ever forget. It was a lesson learned the hard way, one he would never experience again.

He would not allow himself to become that vulnerable ever again. He swore off love the day he found the girl he planned to ask to marry him in bed having sex with his best friend, the person who accompanied him when he bought the damn ring. Just the thought of those two still burned his insides, until that torch of betrayal ignited the hatred he harbored in the singed empty space that used to belong to his heart.

She was too God damn innocent and pure for the likes of him, but at this moment he didn’t care. She felt good in his arms, incredible, beyond belief, this amazing little creature wanted him with a passion that burned inside him as well. And he would not deny her, or himself, the sweet taste of her elixir he was dying to sample.