Sworn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter twelve

‘That is mine.’ Says Hannah, I got to give it to her, the woman is brave. Right this moment that even I am scared of Taylor too. I don’t move a muscle as his grip on the file tightens, his knuckles turning pale and veins popping in his hand. I suck in a breath at the rage that is on his face and that’s when he snaps out of it, glances at me then he closes his eyes and take a calming breath.

‘First question and I want straight answers.’

Hannah nods blinking profusely.

‘Who are you?’

Hannah hesitates, I think she contemplates fabricating a story but thinks better of it by the dark look on Taylor’s face, ‘my name is Zara Maka.’

I have never seen Taylor this shocked before.

For long tense seconds we all just stand there, not sure what the next course of action is. Maybe I have watched too many movies but why do I keep imagining one of us grabbing the other by the throat and breathing endless threats of doom?

The moment is disturbed when Julian saunters into the room, ‘hey Taylor the car is ready- I don’t know why you had everyone pack up like we are on the run or anything but just want you to know that I will never leave your side no matter what.’

I know we are having a tenacious moment and Hannah could be as good as dead but I just can’t help it, ‘Eww Julian seriously? That kind of loyalty is unbecoming of you.’ I mutter casting his a brief glance before my gaze returns to Taylor whose countenance has now turned impassive.

‘Thank you Julian—we leave now.’ He walks to me and takes my hand, I flinch. ‘Please add Miss Hannah for the trip as well.’

Hannah bristles, ‘what? B-b-but I can’t just leave I have--.’

Taylor turns to her, ‘five minutes to be in that car outside while I still feel like seeing you walking around.’

Hannah blinks and suppresses whatever dark feeling she is dying to cast at him and marches out of the room. Julian scowls in confusion.

‘We are leaving now? I thought we are leaving tomorrow?’

‘Change of plans.’

‘Why are you bringing annoying Hannah, Luther’s annoying girlfriend to our trip?’ Julian asks

And of course I have to ask, ‘wait what?’ despite my reeling emotions I still turn to Taylor for an explanation, ‘why is Julian coming on this trip?’

Julian scoffs, ‘I thought you liked me better than him these days.’

Taylor ignores him and pulls me along as he strides out of the room. Soon we are out of the house and walking towards the car. Julian is right behind us because Taylor turns to him.

‘You ride with Hannah I want a moment with Heather.’

Julian nods despite the wondering look on his face. Taylor walks me to the passenger side and opens the door. I want to protest against his sudden change of plans and for continuing to boss me around. Everyone around actually but I don’t think provoking him will lead to any nice road right now. And I am too tired emotionally to bring any strong feelings upon myself anymore.

Without making eye contact with him I slide into the car seat and press my lips together as he comes to the driver’s side and seconds later the engine purrs to life. I don’t so much as glance back at the large house I have been holed up in for the past five days as we exit the gate and the gateman waves at us as we drive out.

I don’t think he even notices that none of us waves back at him, not like he should poke his nose into that. If he isn’t like Gertrude he probably figured making his bosses happy will land him in less stomach clenching moments like I am in right now.

And this is worse for me because I am not worried that Taylor just busted Hannah and figured I know about it and am probably a part of it—no, I am worried because he heard what I didn’t even mean to say, but it shouldn’t matter anyway it’s not like I have been showing him any kind of affection. Smart man that he is he should have figured it out by now.

My hands knot on my lap and I keep my eyes down. I have no idea what I am really feeling but it’s merged somewhere between hurt and fear and confusion. So lost in my feelings evaluation I flinch a little when Taylor’s finger touch my face.

He retreats his hand and doesn’t say anything as the car joins the main road. I almost sigh in relief when I see people just strolling down the streets and crossing roads going about their normal lives. Will I ever get over my definition of normal? Well who knows? It’s a free country.

It’s just thirty minutes’ drive to Sir Seretse Khama airport. Soon we are out of the cars and heading towards a jet Julian have chattered. In my distressed state I can’t help but wonder why the journey was so impromptu. Was it because Taylor found out about Hannah? That’s got to be it. But I have no one to ask because tensions are still really high as we all walk towards the jet. Even the people we meet on the way are eager to pass a polite greeting and vanish from our presence.

The pilot however gives Taylor and Julian a warm cheery welcome that somehow reminds me of Henry at the farm. He seems completely oblivious to Hannah just wanting to bolt. I just want out of here. Taylor looks like he wants to kill someone. Julian—well, is Julian.

Soon we are seated and saved refreshments. It’s going to be a very long two hours fifteen minutes especially since Taylor has wedged himself beside me and I think it’s wise for Hannah to sit as far away from him as possible.

I should say I find Julian’s changed attitude towards her remarkable. He is looking at her with a set of different eyes and I can tell two seats from here that its annoying Hannah like hell. Poor thing is already scared out of her wits. The scene makes me almost laugh out loud.

Well almost because I remember where I am and I quickly wipe the smile off my face and look at Taylor to know if he’s seen that. And yes he has because the man has his eyes completely glued on me. His lips twitch a little.


‘What? I can’t look at you?’

‘No you can’t—not especially when I am so mad at you.’

He raises both his eyebrows, ‘you are mad? I am not sure whether to be mad at you or hurt, but at this point both feelings are the same.’

‘I didn’t do anything wrong.’

‘I will be the judge of that.’

‘you won’t be the judge of anything— not now maybe not ever, you can just drop me off with your servants and take off to your other detour again without acting like you are sticking around.’

Something flashes in his eyes but I am determined to believe that he is selfish and he is not sorry. Because that makes all this less complicated.

‘We had just married, and we just learned the baby was on the way. Despite everything that was happening why did you have to leave me?  When I needed you the most.’

I take a deep breath and turn my face away from him because the damn tears have started welling up again. I can’t do that. I need to be strong—well mostly because of the next things I am going to say.

But the words get stuck at the tip of my tongue. My logic and sense tell me that I am just so overwhelmed and angry about so many things right now, honestly sometimes I’m not really sure what I am mad at.

‘I want to say I am sorry for leaving because I am but I know it won’t be enough. Leaving was a mistake, I wish I can undo the hurt I caused you Heather.’

I turn to look at him. He seems sincerely sorry and regretful. But I don’t think that still can close up the freaking hole inside my chest. If it wasn’t for the people around me—yeah well the bastards turned their backs on me as well. As soon as they hear Mr. Abiwu is involved they all turn tail and make way for him as he does the hell whatever he wants.

Taylor brings his hand to cup my face, ‘I am already paying for it—hearing you tell a stranger that you wish you’d never met me was like a dagger in my chest Heather.’

‘Hannah is not a stranger—she is my friend.’

Well partner in crime—friend, doesn’t matter the word friend has been so diluted nowadays anyway it means a whole lot of other things.

He opens his mouth to say something, I suspect a cynical reply but thinks better of it and then says, ‘okay—by the way I am never leaving you again unless you kill me off your side.’

‘That’s not funny.’

He leans in and kisses my forehead.

We don’t talk for the rest of the trip. Besides I fall asleep for the last hour flat until Taylor gently taps me on the shoulder telling me that we have arrived. Something must have happened during the hour I was asleep because by the time we make our way to the waiting cars Julian and Hannah are chattering and playful like a bunch of lovesick teenagers. I look at Taylor questionably and he rolls his eyes, openly frustrated by his uncle’s spontaneous personality. Well I guess I had underestimated him a little bit. How did he soften Hannah up in two hours? She must have told him all the secrets by now.

This time we all enter the same car. Taylor is driving and Julian takes the front passenger seat because I demanded to sit with Hannah in the back. Taylor is about to say something when Julian touches his shoulder.

‘Let her sit wherever she wants.’ He says rolling his eyes, ‘you are driving anyway, you won’t be able to do anything.’

Taylor slides a gaze at his uncle that says- seriously? While Hannah coughs in her hand to hide a laugh. And I have no idea what the joke is all about,

‘What was that all about?’ I ask Hannah when we are seated and buckled up and she gives me the same look Taylor had given Julian until I shrug and mouth a ‘what?’

She smiles like a loon again and doesn’t say anything. I relax against my seat. It’s good to be away from Taylor for a moment where I won’t be dealing with all my conflicting emotions. I just wish I was enraged a little bit more than I am. Truth is I am annoyed that I am just happy he is here and nothing else matters. Well I refuse to be a blind lovesick puppet.

Julian decides to play music and he plays the song Start of something good by Daughtry, singing along as well. Well he can sing well with much effort but that’s beside the point. My gaze slides to Hannah beside me who is sharing a reprimanding glare with him in the rearview mirror. This time I hide the laugh under a cough.


Taylor is very attentive and gentle as he practically lifts me from the car and sets my feet on the ground. I grind my teeth at him but only for a fraction of a second before my gaze, attention and breath is stolen by the scenery before me. It’s been months since we’ve been here but the place is just like I am seeing it for the first time.

The memory of our time here comes to me in slides and I can’t help but wear a smile on my face. My gaze flickers to Taylor and I can see that he is thinking about the same thing. I remember the first day we got here and waltzed somewhere out here over the sunset.

Our moment is broken by Hannah’s exclaiming, ‘mamamia slap me and tell me I am having a dream.’

‘The one in Maun is nicer.’ Julian mumbles as he starts towards the cabin.

Hannah is grinning excitedly at the beautiful cabin and her eyes rise to Taylor whose countenance is alight with the memories of our last time here.

‘Hey—since you don’t look like a serial killer right now, do you think maybe you can keep that up and let me explain myself?’

Taylor’s countenance darkens immediately making Hannah’s smile slip

‘Or maybe not.’ she half walks and half jogs towards the house.

I scowl at him, ‘please don’t wear the grumpy face I want to keep my sanity.’

‘I will not smile at anything that tends to compromise your safety.’

‘Hannah is not dangerous.’

‘Don’t even say it like that.’

I tug at his arm hard, when he tries to walk away pulling me along of course, ‘I know everything now Taylor you may as well give up trying to keep me out of it,’

He looks at me for a long moment, ‘I don’t intend to.’

Good at least we are making progress.

When we walk into the living room I can’t say that I am surprised to find Celine and Lawyer there—but when Judith stands I practically gasp and wrap my arms around her when she comes to me.

‘I am so glad to see you.’ Judith flashes me a smile when we let each other go.

‘Me too.’ I say earnestly.

‘So that means you are no longer very mad?’ she raises her eyebrows suggesting what she means.

I roll my eyes, ‘I still think you could have fallen for a less dangerous man.’ I mutter to her while others exchange greeting in the room, lawyer and Celine eyeing Hannah with the same surprise Taylor had on his face this morning. ‘But what do I know?’

Judith snorts, ‘you two look really good together—you are like the epitome of a fairytale.’

I raise a hand at her, ‘no speech about my love life, I already had an earful this morning.’

‘From who?’ she looks at me up and down, ‘I haven’t seen you for days but you are practically glowing. Not that you already didn’t turn into some glowing queen when you became pregnant.’

‘No don’t say that either—that’s what Alex said the day he and his crazy partners kidnapped me.’

‘He said what?’ Taylor wears a hard scowl as he comes to stand by my side.

Judith rolls her eyes, ‘hey Taylor—how about a proper greeting since you demanded me to come here?’

‘He did what?’ I give Taylor a disapproving gaze and he smiles sweetly at me.

‘I think you will be good for her, she has hard feelings for everyone in this room except you.’ His eyes flash adoringly down at me and I feel my face heat a little. The man is always going to be dangerously attractive to me I guess.

Judith purses her lips, ‘she isn’t on speaking terms with me either since I started dating Lawyer.’

I gape at her, ‘ah seriously how can you say that out loud?’

Just then Lawyer comes to casually snake his arm around Judith’s waist and hold her close, ‘we are going to shout it out.’ He flashes a smile at me, ‘you look great Heather.’

‘Just say hello and save me the compliments Law—why are you even here anyway?’

Lawyer sighs and looks at Taylor, ‘you look tanned—I can’t say that I am thrilled to see you.’

‘Same here cuz.’

‘I am not the annoying cousin—she is coming over right now.’ Lawyer says.

‘Heather,’ Celine throws her arms around me without even checking my face because if she did she would have stayed fifty feet away from me. She lets me go and sighs contentedly, ‘come one you can’t be mad at me forever.

I roll my eyes, ‘you are right, it’s tiring.’ I say with a heavy sigh, ‘I am so mad at every single person in this room, and I am not even the problem.’

Celine takes a step back. She is looking at Taylor, ‘drop the murderous look boy—look at the bright side—you have her here with you.’

‘I decide what the bright side is going to be.’

‘No—no bossing around anyone here.’ Lawyer speaks to Taylor like he is talking to a five year old child, ‘we are here to work together.’

I scoff. ‘No shit.’

Judith nudges me, ‘don’t curse you will corrupt the baby.’

I press my lips together while glowering at her. ‘how are we all going to work together—Taylor wants you and Celine’s heads, Julian I—well I don’t understand him at all—I don’t want Judith to be involved in this still and Hannah should be kept away from Taylor as well he’s been practically trying to tear her apart for a reason I haven’t figured out yet.’ I point out nodding towards each person for emphasis.

Judith folds her arms across her chest and glowers at me. Lawyer sighs somewhere between exasperation and humor. Julian makes Hannah stand behind him while shooting warning glances at Taylor and Celine just snorts and chuckles.

Taylor takes the situation into his hands, ‘we are grown-ups we will be fine.’ And his smile is too sweet I actually blink at him in response, ‘you are here to rest—to be away from the pressure which you don’t need in your present condition.’

A few heads nod in agreement around the room. I gasp and gape at all of them

‘No way are you all keeping me out of this. I am pregnant not paralyzed.’

‘Honey, you need to sit down.’ Taylor says in a voice that can melt the ice caps.

I don’t protest as Taylor leads me to a couch and sits me down. Man I am so tired and heavy in all the places that induce a long sweet nap.

‘Where are my manners?’ Celine says, ‘I will get refreshments.’

‘I will help.’  Hannah chimes in and Julian firmly pulls her arm when she is about to bolt from his side.

‘Judith help Celine.’ Lawyer tells Judith. Judith nods and follows Celine into the kitchen. Hannah glances between Lawyer and Julian towering over her while Taylor relaxes beside me.

‘Do we have to tie her up?’ Julian isn’t looking at Taylor but I know he is waiting for Taylor to command it.

‘I am in the mood for something a little dramatic.’ Taylor responds in a bored tired tone.

I hadn’t seen that chair in the room before but Julian pushes a thoroughly freaked out Hannah down it and comes to the couch chuckling under his breath. Lawyer however doesn’t move away from the girl. He leans closer and peers down at her

‘I wonder what Luther would say about this?’

‘It will be okay for you if you didn’t have a girl that you cared about.’ Julian takes a coushin and places it on his lap not even sparing a glance at Lawyer. Lawyer gets the message and moves away from querying Hannah. After spying on them for two years and playing bimbo you would think she had grown a back bone in regard to them but. But looking at her state now I think it’s high time she starts regretting her decision.

Lawyer comes to sit beside me making me to be sandwiched between the two of them. Taylor casts him a scowl and Lawyer smirks in return.

‘So.’ I glance at each one of the men, ‘who is telling us why we are all here?’

Hannah shakes her head from the chair Julian had planted her in, ‘you guys are onto destroying the man-man contract aren’t you?’

‘Han the best thing for you is to not let a word out of your mouth.’ Taylor says without looking at her.

‘Well you all need to get over being pissed off that I managed to pull the rag under your feet and just get on with it.’ She snaps

‘This is not what I had in mind.’ Lawyer hisses beside me casting a dark scowl at Taylor, ‘couldn’t you just lock her up in a safe or something?’

Julian scoffs, ‘that’s your best idea?’

‘By bringing her here you have reduced the weeks to days… couldn’t just let the boss deal with her?

Hannah shivers across the room.

‘He would have killed her on the spot.’ Julian says, ‘he’s been incredibly calm these days—you know what happens when he lets out his suppressed anger.’

‘So what? One man down and we would have had a chance in hell to go through with all this—you didn’t think about it did you?’ he directs his eyes to Taylor.

‘Lawyer you might want to be careful what you say right now—it’s because of you Heather ended up at the house.’

‘Well shit happens, but don’t change the subject.’

Just then Celine and Judith re-enter the living room with trays of food and refreshments. Celine glances at Hannah in the chair and flashes a wicked knowing smile at Julian and Lawyer. Judith looks at the sitting arrangement I am stuck in, her mouth forms a frown before she kicks Lawyer’s leg gently.

‘What?’ he mouthes at her making hand gestures. Judith tilts her head to the side telling him to move. Lawyer sighs resignedly and stands from the couch. Judith immediately occupies his space.

Lawyer gives her a look and I don’t miss the wicked gleam in his eyes that makes Judith look flushed for a fraction of a second.

‘As a way to thank you for giving me a second chance I will keep these insane men away from you.’ Judith tells me seriously.

‘I’d like to see you try.’ Taylor stretches his arm around the couch above my head before his palm cups my shoulder and pushes me closer to him. I raise my eyes to give him a look and he winks in return.

There is a low bell ringing sound and all eyes turn to Celine who is standing in the middle of the room with a glass and a fork in her hand.

‘Okay now that we are all settled—let’s get right to it.

Only Hannah has the ‘finally’ look on her face as Celine continues, ‘this is as far away from anyone as we can get and I assume we have exactly two hours before we can speak freely.’


‘You do realise that if she gets to hear all this she is not leaving our sight ever—dead or alive.’ Lawyer nods towards Hannah who blinks profusely at the dead or alive comment.

Celine growls at him, ‘what’s your problem with her?’

‘She sleeps with Luther.’ Julian surprises us all by answering and doesn’t even compose his angry expression when five set of eyes settle on him and a dead silence fall in the room I can practically hear the crickets outside.

Then like a tidal wave we all speak at the same time.

‘What the hell Julian?’

‘Are you kidding me you guys? We only have two hours.’

‘This is a way imbalanced group.’

‘You people are not serious at all.’

‘Hey I’m just saying—no hard feelings.’

‘You are an idiot.’

‘Birds of a feather Law, you stole someone’s girlfriend and scared the crap out of the man.’

I shriek, ‘you did what?’

Taylor’s arm tightens around me and I vaguely hear him telling me to calm down.

‘What did you do to Malcom?’ my eyes flicker to Judith who looks guilty as hell.

‘That was so uncalled for.’ Celine is telling Julian, ‘what is wrong with you?’

‘Malcom is fine.’ Lawyer rolls his eyes, ‘you keep asking about him like he even cares about you.’

‘Heather he is not murdered okay?’ Judith tries to give me a reassuring look.

Oh wow—how can she completely turn all loyal team Lawyer such that she is not even worried about her childhood friend?

Celine laughs out loud at what Julian has just said and Hannah is fighting a smile while Julian has a triumphant look on his face.

‘Fine if you must know.’ Judith folds her arms across her chest looking exasperated, ‘Lawyer threatened to cause a snakes-on-the-plane scene in church is Malcom so much as breathes a word of it.’

I am taken aback, ‘wow that’s a creative threat.’

Judith clears her throat, ‘he had a large snake around his neck when he made it,’ she shivers and I look at Lawyer with the instinct of inching away from him even though he is a safe distance away from me.


A startled correct silence thuds among us at the deep penetrating voice. Six pairs of eyes train to the door where two figures are standing against the sunlight. The man who I assume is the owner of the voice is massive, buffy and over six feet tall. His steely eyes and menacing frown on his lips show how he is not impressed with the scene before him.

Six pairs of eyes settle on him as he fully enters the room followed by detective Alice. A few of us including me suck in harsh breaths as the woman in her full policewoman domineer and posture says, ‘hello everyone... cozy day isn’t it?’