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TST, 2020

“Leo, it wasn’t me.” Daliah said, holding Leo’s arm.

“I know.”

“Trust me, I didn’t call them.”

A knock proceeded.

Leo smiled. “Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.”

“I didn’t betray you.”

“Open the door.”

“I’m sorry, Leo.”

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”

The knock proceeded.


“Open the door.”

Daliah opened the door. The guards surged in and took Leo out. The place was full of guards. The faces of students, who were happy seeing Leo a few hours earlier, were now the sad faces. Freddie walked in front of him, an envelope swinging in his hand.

“Leo Felix, you are no longer a student of TST. Take whatever belongs to you. Go away and never come back.” Freddie handed the envelope to him.

He took the envelope. He lifted his eyes to the sky. His heart was very heavy. He tried a smile but it never came out. This was the place he wanted to leave since the first day he arrived and now he’s been given a chance to leave. Why was his heart aching?

“Take him to my office, we have an unfinished business.” SJ said.

The guards pulled Leo.

“Hey, thank you and I’m sorry.” He whispered to Daliah as the guards pulled him away. He was rushed to SJ’s office.

In SJ’s office, the guards searched Leo from head to toe. They removed his clothes and searched them. They found nothing.

“I need the cards.” SJ said after clearing the room.

“It’s too late.”

“Where are they?”

“You won’t get them.”

SJ pounded the table. “Where are they?”

“Very far…”

“You have just given away something that your father has been fighting for, for many years.”

“I was trying to save my mother.”

“From what..?”

“A disease and a very dangerous man...”

“You were kidnapped.”

Leo stared at the rotating fan.

“Who kidnapped you?”

Leo breathed heavily.

“We don’t have much time.”

“Why is everyone after those cards? For money...?”

“Who kidnapped you?”

“Are you telling me that my father, a hopeless drunkard…” Leo chuckled, “had a lot of money in the bank which is worth fighting for?”

“Not everything is as it appears to be.”

“What’s going on?”

“I need the cards.”

“Someone already took them out.”


“I don’t know the person, I was just following orders.”

“And to whom is he taking the cards to?”

“A man, a very dangerous man…”

“The one who kidnapped you..?”

Leo chuckled. “The one who knows that you burned the prohibited library, not to secure the document that can save school but to secure the cards to save yourself and Patrice.”

SJ exploded out of the chair.

“The man who also wanted me to ask you this, does Freddie know everything?”