Teased by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Melanie normally arrived with the rest of the crew to the aircraft first in order to get things ready for the passengers. But today, she was escorted like royalty to the steps of the Drummond Family’s personal jet. It was all she could do to prevent her head from spinning as Alex put out his hand like the perfect gentleman to help her down from the runway vehicle. He smiled and nodded for her to go first and she felt a flush of self-consciousness. She would have to mount the steps one by one with him following close behind her, getting a front row view of her rear tightly packaged into her flight attendant's skirt. She wished she didn't have to wear work clothes for this. These days it felt like she was never out of the uniform since she worked every flight she could in order to barely cover her rent and expenses.

Just so this rich playboy can have his private jets, she thought. Then pay you over $12,000 for one single trip.

She could feel him following behind her.

I hope you're enjoying yourself. She thought.

She needed to stay focused. The last thing she wanted to do was totter over and trip up the steps. How charming would that be? Nevertheless, she couldn't help but put a little sway into her hips as she carefully mounted higher.

He's the boss after all, might as well give him what he wants. Somehow, the thought was exciting to her. This powerful man behind her, the owner of this sleek jet and employer of everyone at Drummond Airlines was her boss, and she was going to serve him for the next nine hours like a palace slave.

I need to get some air and come back down to earth. She thought. Most likely, all he wanted was a bag of salted peanuts with a seltzer and she just happened to be the only available employee to serve him on his South Pacific jaunt. He had probably bedded hundreds of beautiful girls and plenty of flight attendants among them. He was way out of her league and even if they did get involved, it wouldn't be for long. Probably only long enough for him to 'do' her and then move on.

But she wasn't that kind of girl.

No way. Just earn your money, pay the nursing home bill, and then get back to reality again.

So then why was the highly improbable thought of something happening between them exciting her so much?

This flight threatened to drive her crazy. It was going to be one long nine-hour stretch.

She was almost at the last step when her footing went and she felt herself slip backwards. For a moment she panicked, fearing where she might land, combined with the indignity and the embarrassment. She was a flight attendant for God's sake. How many sets of air stairs had she climbed over the last six years? Hundreds, maybe thousands, and never a slip on any of them. And now, just when Mr. Super-hunk Gorgeous Billionaire who also happened to be her boss’s, boss’s, boss’s, boss is right behind her, she keels over like an idiot.

Right into his arms.

"Whoa there!" He said, effortlessly scooping her up as though she were a doll. "I don't want to lose my beautiful air hostess before I even set foot on the plane."

His mouth was close to her ear as he spoke, his breath causing just the slightest tingle as his strong arms wrapped themselves around her, encircling her, protecting her. Mitch had put his back out once fooling around and trying to lift her into his spindly arms. There was no sign of that here.

"Mr. Drummond--"

"Alex." He said firmly.

"Alex... just because I'm flying with you to Tahiti--"

"Hmm, you make it sound almost romantic when you put it like that."

"Just because I'm a flight attendant on your holiday doesn't mean that you got what you wanted."

"What do you think I want?"

He was still holding her. A whole lot longer than was necessary. She wanted to care but made no move to liberate herself. It had been a long time since someone had held her like that. She had been so busy trying to make ends meet and traveling the world these last few years that she hadn't really had time for relationships, apart from her recent disaster with Mitch.

Alex slowly set her on her feet again. His rugged cheek brushed against hers as he lifted her, his arms rippling with powerful muscles, his hands lightly swept across her hips as he released her.

Melanie could feel blood rushing to parts of her body that weren't appropriate for someone who was on duty and standing right in front of her boss.

"I'm sorry." She stammered. "I just want to do my job, that's all."

"Don't apologize," He said. Everything sounded like an order from him, but in a kindly way. "That's all I want too, really." His easy smile belied the intense burning of his eyes as he stared into hers.

Inside, the aircraft was pure luxury from floor to ceiling. It was a Boeing Business Jet. Not a flashy aircraft, but a very expensive luxury nonetheless. Working in aviation, Melanie had often seen these on the runway or in the sky and knew the value to be somewhere between $50 and $60 million. She had never been on one and although she had often flown business class and occasionally first class with her flier miles, nothing could compare to the absolute luxury aboard the custom designed interior of this aircraft.

"Do you like my ride?" Alex said casually.

"Where's the galley?" She asked.

"The galley?" He seemed perplexed. "Oh, you mean the kitchen area, of course. This aircraft may be a little different to what you're used to. But don't worry, you'll soon get used to it and feel right at home."

Home was right. It was larger and more spacious than her apartment. The fixtures and fittings were all the most expensive, nothing had been spared. Unlike any aircraft she had worked before, there were no rows of seats. Everything had been taken out to form comfortable five-star dining arrangements, an entertainment area with the largest flat screen TV she had ever seen and a chill-out space that would put most people's living rooms to shame.

"The master bedroom is over here." He said, indicating an area to the far end of the living spaces. "The other bedrooms are adjacent."

"This is really beautiful." She said. "Where's the rest of the cabin crew?"

"You're it!" He smiled. "Don't worry though, it's just me and my brother and we're both low-maintenance. Just as well, it isn’t all three of us. It’s little Drummond, the younger one who’s got some crazy notions about himself. He’ll grow up though."

Sure. She thought. Two spoiled brat billionaires on their own private jet. How low-maintenance will that be? Just as well, it’s only these two. Three of these guys? Even for twelve grand, I don’t think I could handle that for ten days.

"How about the flight crew?" She asked, staying work focused.

"You're looking at him."

Her jaw dropped.

"Well, not just me. There's my brother too. In fact, he's a little more into flying than I am, so he'll be in the cockpit most of the time. It's a fairly straight run through."

What the hell had she been roped into? Just her, alone, no crew, and no pilots other than the two most powerful men she had ever met in her life. Talk about an imbalance of power. In addition, she was feeling all hot and bothered about this one. Was it a dream come true or a nightmare?

"Is there somewhere I can freshen up?" She needed a moment or two alone just to compose herself. The truth was that she had missed her morning routine and badly needed a shower.

"Sure," he said, "let me show you. You can use the en-suite area from the master bedroom. There are others but this is the nicest and since you are going to be the prettiest member of our flight crew, I think it only right that you should have full use."

It was yet another inappropriate comment but still she couldn't help blush just a little bit. Here was this Grade-A hunk, charming as hell and richer than God, paying her compliments. She would have to pinch herself to wake up!

Sure enough, the bathroom was beautiful. There was even a hot tub! Melanie hadn't been in one in years. Her crappy little apartment didn't even have a bathtub, let alone a hot tub and even her shower was intermittently functional at best.

"Take all the time you need," Alex said, "we're just waiting for the pilot and then we can pick a time slot for when we want to leave. We're kind of on our own schedule here. You can even grab a shower or take a bath if you want to. I'll let you know when we're ready for takeoff." Melanie smiled awkwardly as Alex closed the door gently behind him. She was having trouble relating normally to all this power and luxury. Private jets and personal schedules at the airport. This was just ridiculous.

She thought about taking a bath but soon discarded that idea. He had only been joking, right? Still, a shower would be good. In fact, it was essential. She desperately needed to freshen up before things got under way.

She began to undress, carefully folding her uniform to keep it immaculate for her passengers. She tied up her hair to keep it dry while she showered and then removed her underwear. Luckily, she had chosen something attractive and not too cheap that morning.

Jesus, what difference does that make? She caught herself. What am I, a teenager at the prom? I don’t intend stripping down to my drawers for either of these guys, no matter who they are!

The shower felt good. The warm water was even and the force of the flow was strong, causing her skin to tingle and making her feel fresh and revitalized. She caught herself imagining what it would be like to share a shower with her boss, the man who usually used this bathroom. He was tall and broad; would they even fit into it together? Their bodies would be forced into tight proximity. They would have to touch each other just to get clean.

God, it had been so long since she felt male hands on her that weren’t attached to some old businessman copping a feel on some late-night flight.

Her eyes were closed as the warm water cascaded down the curves of her body. She began to massage the expensive shower gel into her breasts and legs, gradually coming to her inner thighs, and lower abdomen.

"What are you doing in here?"

Melanie nearly fell over in the shower as the booming male voice challenged her.

"Oh my God!" She shrieked. Then she realized she had nowhere to turn. The shower door was curved Perspex with only a thin frosted floral and leaf design to barely obscure her. Luckily, the shower had generated a lot of steam in there too.

It was Alex and he was just standing there, staring at her with cold eyes.

"Alex! I thought you said it was okay to take a shower." She tried to cover herself with her soaped arms and the loofah but it was useless, he was free to enjoy the curves of her rear and the long wet lines of her waist and legs.

What a creep. She thought.

He stood there without a word, just staring, the way he had at the check-in counter when they had met that morning. It was the same entitled look as though he had every right to stare and enjoy, as though her body were his property.

"You said it was okay." She said.

"I didn't say any such thing." He replied slowly, his eyes lingering on her parts of her that didn't include her face. "But hell, I guess it's not so bad. I said a little less makeup but I didn't mean this much less." He chuckled. "I'll see you on the flight." He turned and abruptly slammed the door shut as he left.

What in the hell? Don't tell me I'm on a nine-hour flight with a psycho. She thought. Christ, I hope his brother is more normal than this. Maybe this crappy job isn't worth it. Not even for a free trip to Tahiti. Not even to keep my mother in...

No. That thought ended it. She would put up with whatever he could throw at her. Twelve thousand dollars was nothing to him, but it was everything to her. After all the minimum wage years she had put in for him at Drummond Airlines, this was something she deserved.

She finished her shower quickly, just washing off the soap and then buttoned herself back up into her uniform. Time to go to work.

She opened the door and started as she saw that Alex was standing right outside the door with his hand raised, ready to knock.

"Hi there." He said. "Did you get a chance to freshen up alright?"

Back to charmer mode. She thought.

"I don't know." She said. "Based on what you saw, what do you think?"

He looked puzzled.

"Well, based upon what I can see right now I'd say yes. Most definitely." He took her hand very gently and then in his commanding way said, "Follow me. I'd like you to meet my brother before we prepare for takeoff."

Melanie didn't move. Alex turned to her, his eyebrows raised in question.


"Mr. Drummond, I'm not sure that I can take this flight with you after all."

He let go of her hand.

"Well, okay, but can you at least tell me why?"

She opened her mouth to speak but just as she did, someone appeared from the cockpit. He was identical to Alex, in every way. He was even dressed the same.

Alex followed her eyes to his brother advancing down the aisle.

"Oh," he said, "this is my brother Sebastian. Sebastian, this is--"

"We've already met." His eyes locked onto Melanie's and she recognized the same cold stare, the one from arrivals and then just now in the shower. So that mystery was solved. One cold, arrogant, asshole billionaire twin brother and one drop dead, gorgeous, charmer from heaven billionaire twin brother.

"Who do you think asked to have her on the flight?" Sebastian said, without taking his gaze from Melanie, still giving her that up and down stare as if he were sizing her up to put a price tag on her.

"I don't get it." Alex said. "You asked for her? I thought Mitch was in charge of that stuff?"

Sebastian turned to his brother.

"Hey, we own this company, right? Mitch just works for us. I saw this girl on the way in--"

"She has a name, Sebastian."

"Whatever. I saw this girl with a name on the way in and I figured we could use someone, let's say, a little more youthful and energetic on our flight than the usual crew."

"This is Melanie." Alex said, with hidden meaning that she didn't understand. Sebastian's eyes were blank with incomprehension.

“Okay, I heard you. She has a name."

"I don't think you did. This is..." he looked at Melanie and then changed direction. "Forget it. So where is Margaret, our usual flight attendant?"

"Margaret isn't well today and I knew if I left it to Mitch, he would replace her with some other..."

Alex glared at his brother.

"...with someone I wouldn't be happy with. Then I saw Melanie here and she looked..." he paused and stared at her with burning, intense, deep set eyes, "... she looked just perfect, so I told Mitch to get her on the flight, and that was that. Now here she is."

"Oh yeah," Alex said, "about that. Melanie was just saying that--"

"Oh no, Alex, that's just fine. As long as Mitch and everyone say it's okay and since Margaret isn't well..."

Now that she knew Alex was just a nice guy and not some wacko Jekyll and Hyde, there was no way she was going to miss this opportunity of a lifetime. Just as long as she could take Sebastian's weird arrogant behavior, and as long as Alex didn't get the wrong idea, then this would be a trip to remember.

"Well that's just great, Melanie." Alex said. "Glad to have you aboard." He gave her that irresistible smile that she was becoming a little addicted to and then took his strong hand in acceptance.

"Glad to be aboard, sir." She beamed back at him.

Sebastian stood beside them and glowered. "Get ready for a long flight Melanie." He said. "You'll be paid damn well for this, so you better be every bit as good as we need you to be."