Teased by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


"If you want to know who's who, just look at his ass." His hands were almost in the dirt now.

"It's too late for that, little bro. She already knows who's who."

"There's birthmark on his left butt cheek, just take a look. That's Sebastian."

"Go on Melanie, take a look." The dominant brother nodded over his shoulder. "Take a good look at my ass, why not? The mark you'll find there is what distinguishes me from my brother Sebastian who is about to be wrestled into the sand here."

"Do it, Melanie!" The lower brother shouted. "At least you'll always be able to tell us apart then."

Her hand trembled as she reached over and with her index finger gently drew the underwear down to reveal the sculpted ass cheek and the soft crevice of his butt. She gasped a little and fought it back, trying to hide her desire. It was all too unreal.

The guy's butt was flexing and straining to hold his brother in place and wrestle him down. Melanie imagined that butt straining and flexing on top of her, digging deep within her to find pleasure and satisfaction, thrusting, burrowing, and pounding. Her breath became shorter as her finger slid lower against the warm marble of his ass and then she found it, the tiny mark that distinguished the identical twins. A tiny crescent shape curved into his flank like the ranch brand of a prize animal.

She withdrew her finger and left the shorts where they were, pulled half way down, her gaze, lingering, hungering. Maybe it was the unfamiliarity, the humidity, the disorientation, but she felt herself begin to pass out again and instantly the wrestling match was over as both brothers leaped to her aid.


One week later, Melanie was feeling a whole lot better, although she had still not regained her memory. She knew she was a flight attendant with Drummond Airlines and according to the two handsome magazine models with her, they were in fact the Drummond Brothers. Both of them were billionaires, if she remembered correctly.

She was trapped on an island with two billionaires, both of them young, apparently single, ripped, tanned, and walking around bare-chested in shorts most of the time.

It was hard to believe they were two pampered rich kids. Looking at them, Melanie would have believed wild animals on the island had raised them. Hunting and fishing came naturally to them; although there wasn't much to kill on land, there were plenty of fish in the lagoons and offshore. The first day they had built effective lean-tos to keep them sheltered during the night. They had built one each to give her privacy but when she woke screaming with an island rodent staring her in the face and stumbled through the moonlight into one of their quarters, they had thought better of it and set to building a more permanent dwelling. After all, they didn't know how long they were going to be out there. It was better that they stick together. Still, they struggled to give her privacy, constructing a room within the large hut for her alone.

In the beginning, she had begun to panic from the loss of memory and insecurity. But when the two men proved more than capable of providing for her needs and then when supplies and other useful things began to wash up on the shore, from the plane wreck things almost became normal -- if it hadn't been for the crazy two guy billionaires and one flight attendant scenario.

Melanie tried to make herself as useful as possible by barbecuing fresh fish and preparing meals from the washed up supplies. There was plenty of vacuum-packed lobster tail and pheasant for some reason and clearly, the men preferred one or the other.

Still she couldn't tell them apart.

What was she supposed to do? Ask them to pull their pants down to take a look at their asses whenever she was in doubt? Not that she would have minded, but not the most practical solution.

The sun was going down into a vast rose-colored sea. Yet another indescribably beautiful sunset with no cameras to waste time taking photos. She was getting used to just existing and living in the moment, enjoying each subtle pleasure of being alive. It was such a change from the constant stress of her life in LA, running back and forth from one place to another, dodging parking fines, struggling to pay her rent, trying to stay one step ahead of constant jetlag, all while keeping her horny passengers’ hands off her. In the reality she lived from paycheck to paycheck, always thinking ahead to her next flight or bills to pay.

Here, life was easy. Her two companions took care of everything, the sun shone every day. All she had to do was relax and prepare wonderful fresh meals of tropical fish and fruit and let the sun turn her pale skin a golden brown.

Maybe I could live here forever. She thought.

"It's breathtaking, isn't it?" Alex sat down beside her. She had decided just to call both of them Alex because it made things easier. The brothers had agreed that one of them, the one with scar on his butt, would wear an armband made from a strip of denim on his right arm to help her distinguish them. But both of them insisted on being called Alex, which infuriated the two of them equally.

The one next to her didn't have on the armband; the one whose butt she hadn't seen. Not yet at least.

"It almost makes you want to stay here forever." He said.

"I was just thinking that."

"Can I sit next to you?" He asked.

"Of course you can." She patted the warm sand next to her. "Where's your brother?"

"Who cares? Probably working out or doing something dumb like that. Wondering how he can be Number One out of the three people on this tiny island."

Melanie didn't respond. She didn't want to hear them talk bad about each other because she knew one of them was lying, and to listen to lies like that would just make her stop liking them at all.

"You know I don't want to hear you talk trash about each other."

"I'm sorry Melanie, forgive me. Look, the important thing is that you're here. We are here -- you and me -- so we can get to know each other better."

Her heart began to race. He was so close to her and they were alone, surrounded by the most beautiful sunset, ocean, and forest she had ever seen.

"I mean, it's been a whole week now and it's time for us to catch up to where we left off."

"Where did we leave off?"

It seemed he leaned in a little closer to her as he spoke. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek.

"I was hoping you would remember by yourself because if I just tell you, well, you might not--"

"I might not what?"

He reached out his hand to her, brushing her long, sun-bleached hair gently aside and softly caressed her cheek. She didn't resist.

"Look, it's just better if you remember yourself, okay?"

He leaned in a little closer to her. His warm clean masculine smell surrounded her. She could just make out his strong jawline in the twilight and the careless tussle of his dark, wavy brown hair.

"Hey guys?" A voice came through the brush. "I have a couple of pheasants on the spit by the barbecue. Oh yeah, and a lobster tail, too." He added sardonically.

The man next to her rolled his eyes.

"The lobster tail is yours, smart guy."

"No way. It's all yours; you know how you love that stuff."

Melanie didn't get the whole deal with the lobster tails. Both of them had made a big thing of not eating it for the whole week. Obviously, it had some significance.

"I'd like the lobster tail please." She said.

There was a short silence, then a chuckle next to her.

"Hey, go ahead and give me one of those things, bro." He said. "They might grow on me, you never know."

Melanie smiled as well. There was something irresistible about this man; these men. Even if the subterfuge and silliness of them not wanting to tell her their real names or which one of them preferred lobster was kind of juvenile and crazy.

"You know what?" She said. "There's something we need to do."

"Anything you want." He said.

"Yes, anything." The other brother was near them now.

"I need to take a really good look at you guys. Both of you."

"What you see is what you get Melanie." The man seated next to her said, his eyes dark with intent but also projecting complete innocence.

"I mean a really, really good look so I can begin to tell which one of you is which."

"You already have the armband." The one standing said.

"That's true, but if it falls off or if you decide to switch it for some bizarre reason, then how would I know?"

"Why would we do that?" The seated one said.

"No, she has a point Sebastian." The standing one said.

"Don't call me that." The other one jumped to his feet.

Melanie stood up quickly.

"Boys, don't start all that again." She couldn't let them get into another fight, even if her heart was racing at the thought of these two perfect males fighting over her.

"Come on. Come with me. Let's get back to the camp where I can take a good look at both of you in the firelight. I need to find something I can recognize easily."

"There's nothing." The one without the armband said. "Apart from the scar on my little brother's ass which you already saw."

"That's no good. Will I need to ask you to drop your shorts every time I want to know who's who?"

"That's no problem." He said. "I'll do it now, even with this lying douche-bag around."

"Stop it!" She said firmly. Melanie couldn't take much more of this. They were so far away from the world; so far away from everything that was normal. They couldn't risk allowing themselves getting locked into some crazy state of mind through the isolation. Weird things would begin to seem normal and then who knows what kind of crazy things were liable to happen?

She reached out and took each of them by the hand. The men were compliant. Strong, tall, powerful, and willing to trust themselves to her completely as she led them through the moonlight and the soft, lush tropical island forest towards the campfire. When they reached camp, she stood them next to each other and with their backs to the fire.

"This is really no good, Melanie. We're identical twins -- genetically indistinguishable. Even our own mother found it impossible to tell us apart."

"That's not true." The one with the armband said quietly. "She was always able to tell us apart. Let Melanie try and see if she can figure it out."

"Melanie, no one wants you to be able to figure us out more than I do, but this is a waste of time. I'm telling you."

"Shut up, the two of you." Her heart hadn't stopped racing. She wanted to get this over with quickly. Just find some easily identifiable difference, then eat and go to bed. Melanie didn't know what was happening to her anymore. She wanted to stop herself from getting into some kind of isolation syndrome but here she was, about to physically examine two alleged billionaire twins for physical differences, by the light of a full moon and a campfire.

Could her life get any more bizarre than this? Maybe the isolation syndrome had already taken hold.

She looked up at the two silent men gazing down at her. One with eyes as innocent as a child, staring at her, straight into her eyes, almost pleading. The other was calm, confident and strangely caring. He held her gaze just for a moment and then looked down to the sand; his dark eyes were two moonlit pools of mysterious intent.

She approached them cautiously, as though they might take fright and run into the forest. Melanie stifled a nervous giggle. It was all so crazy and yet so exciting. She came closer to them and her eyes began to examine every detail, passing from one to the other, seeking even the tiniest permanent difference. The one without the armband never left her gaze for a moment, while the other held it only fleetingly, for seconds each time, and then backed down into darkness and the shadowy indentations of the sand.

There were differences all right. Maybe not physical, but certainly psychological and emotional. She would have to choose names for them, based on who she felt they were.

Her eyes covered their tousled hair, their strong brows and firmly set jaws. Each had a day of masculine stubble on a firmly set jaw. She took another step closer in until she was almost touching the one without the armband. She stared into his dark brown eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul, or so she had heard. Maybe she would find the truth in there.

The man stared back, unflinching, as though he would absorb everything she had to give, as though they were connected and he would drink her in. Melanie could hear his soft, deep masculine breathing. She didn't dare blink. Somehow, she felt if she just looked long enough, she would know who he really was. A confident smile played around his lips, she had a vision of them together, as though in mid-air with him reaching out to her, longing for her, and she was longing for him as well.

She gave a little gasp and took a step back. He smiled. The vision was so powerful; more like a vivid memory than a dream. But it was crazy. How could they be floating together in mid-air and struggling to make love at the same time?

Now she went to the other brother and gazed into his eyes as well. He held it for several long seconds and then averted his eyes, as though she were shining too brightly for him. She felt the same supreme confidence but something held him back, a shyness of some kind that concealed a deeper, more powerful desire. Melanie stayed where she was, her eyes searching for his. She refused to let him go.

Look at me. Don't you dare run from me! She thought. Look at me and show me who you really are.

When he lifted his eyes again, he was all care and love. Whatever deep hunger he had momentarily revealed had been suppressed and concealed again. It drove her wild. She wanted to tear aside whatever veil was hiding his true self from her. He had feelings for her -- powerful ones. Maybe they were feelings that could barely be controlled and he had no right to hide them from her.

You just wait. She thought. You can't keep any secrets from me. Not now, not ever. I'll be right here in front of you every day until you let down your guard and then I'll be waiting.

He lowered his gaze again, almost as though he could read her thoughts and feared exposure to her. She stared at his bowed head a moment longer and then took a step back.

"Stand back to back." She said. The men looked at each other and then obeyed. Their broad tanned shoulders came together.

I speak and they move. The thought tickled her, almost frightening her as well. She hadn't asked to be the mistress of these two large men and their burning animal desires.

"This is ridiculous, Melanie. I won't do it." The shy one protested, taking a step forward.

"Do it." She said. "I need this. Do it or you can be Sebastian until we're rescued."

He stood back in line and made himself as tall as he could next to his brother. There was a very slight difference. Maybe a quarter of an inch in height or even less, in favor of the brother with the armband. It could just have been the contours of the sand underneath them though, and anyway, it wasn't enough to help her easily distinguish them.

"I'm the taller one." The man with the armband said quietly.

"Shut up, little brother. Let her decide for God's sake."

She put her finger to her lips to shush them both and felt a thrill of pleasure as the two tall hunks lapsed into silence. She wondered what else she could command them to do before they would rebel.

"Turn around again."

The two faced her again and with a trembling hand, Melanie reached up and ran her fingers through the taller one's hair. He closed his eyes as her hand found its way through the thick locks of his mane. She thought she heard him sigh and broaden his chest slightly as she touched him. He was obviously loving it but struggling to conceal it. She softened her touch but continued to stroke his mane.

By God, if you are lying to me Drummond Junior, you are going to suffer for it. She thought as she ran her fingers slowly across his brow and into his lush hair. He could smell her close to him and the truth was that it was driving him wild. He had been longing for her touch since the moment they met, but obviously not here, with his stupid brother standing next to him. The last thing he wanted was a damned erection right there out in the open, next to his sibling. If he didn't know any better, he would have said that Melanie was trying to provoke him.

"How long is this going to take?" He said in a low voice, his eyes still closed.

"It'll take as long as it takes." She said softly. Just as long as it takes you to crack you big, beautiful man.

She decided that was enough for now. He could recover himself, if he was able, and then she would return to him for more. It was time to see how the other one reacted.

She stepped to the brother who she felt was slightly smaller; the one without the armband or distinguishing crescent moon on his ass. He stared back at her brazenly and intently, his dark brown eyes filled with unreadable shadows. She stepped in closer to hold his gaze as she reached a hand up to his hair. A jolt of electricity crackled between them at the first touch and he smiled at the sound. Melanie involuntarily returned the smile as his brother fixed them with a brooding stare. She returned her stung hand to his hair and he bristled underneath her caress as though he longed to take her wholly, bodily, there and then.

This was different, so entirely different than his brother. There could be no doubt. Underneath that mouthwatering exterior, these men were two very different animals. There was nothing restrained here. This was pure, naked desire, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice. Her hand shook and her legs wobbled beneath her.

He was the slightly smaller one as far as she could tell, and his hair was a little coarser to the touch, but the electricity that passed between them was undeniable. She felt herself become aroused and quickly withdrew her hand because she didn't need to play with this brother. He was there already.

He smiled again, just barely visible in the flickering light of the fire. He could feel it too, and she knew it. It was her arousal this time. She could feel her nipples swell and gently stretch the fabric of her shirt. Melanie took a breath to control herself.

Not yet, Drummond. Not yet. Not even close. You're going to have to beg for this. They stared into each other's eyes for a little longer until she finally dropped her gaze to the sand.

You think you're Mr. Big but I'll take you down to size. She said the words in her head but didn't fully believe them herself. This one was the dangerous one; she was sure of it.

Almost sure.

The taller brother ground his teeth in silent, repressed exasperation.

"Can't you control yourself little brother?" He hissed, his eyes glaring downwards. Melanie followed his gaze to the growing protrusion in his brother's pants.

The aroused brother just smiled. He was utterly shameless.

"No, little brother. I guess I just can't. Not where Melanie is concerned."

In the flickering shadows, she couldn't tell if he was staring at her or not.

"How far do you want this game to continue?" The taller brother said.

"I'm good to go all night." The other one said.

"Can't you tell the difference already?" The taller one said. The smaller one just smiled, making no effort to hide the swelling revelation of his desire. Was it a cocky smile? Or maybe awkward and embarrassed? She couldn't tell. Either way, it was setting her on fire. She wasn't like this. Melanie liked to be romanced, protected, and cherished. She needed to trust someone and know them well before she got close to them, especially since her misadventure with Mitch. However, some crazy part of her was coming to the surface out there in the middle of nowhere.

With society and conformity a million miles away, what difference did any of those things make? The norms of society didn't exist here. It was just two gorgeous men and her.

Christ, Melanie. Get a hold of yourself. She was glad she was a girl. If she had been a guy, she would have had a boner the size of a well-developed cucumber. She swallowed down her desire, took a deep breath, and composed herself.

She already had what she needed. There was a gulf between these two men that just a little probing would always reveal and as she spent more time with them, it would become more obvious.

“Okay," she said with a sigh, "you were right." She said to the taller one. "I can tell the difference. And if there's any doubt, I can always just check your asses to be sure. I can't keep calling you both Alex so here are my names for you: Tall and Strong. Think you can remember that?" She was almost breathless as she spoke.

"Tall and Strong. I like it. And what's his name?" Strong said with a cocky grin.

Tall rolled his eyes again.

"Don't play dumb, Strong." She said. "He's Tall and you’re Strong. Got it? Anyway, I'm being nice to you. My first choice for you was 'Woody'." She glanced down at his bulge again. He grinned in the cocky, brazen, unashamed way of his that was turning her on against her will.

"I think you got off lightly with Strong." She said.

"Sure thing." He agreed. "Now come on, let's eat for God's sake. I've been waiting for this pheasant all day."

"The pheasant is mine, little brother." Tall said.

Strong just laughed. "Whatever, Tall. Let's just eat. Melanie must be starving too after all this foolishness we've put her through. Come on, let us be the flight attendants tonight, you make yourself comfortable Melanie. Find a good spot with a view of the stars, and let Tall and Strong take care of all your needs."

Let those rescue boats take all the time they need, Melanie thought, I'm good right here.