Teased by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen


When she heard the sound of footsteps crunching through the undergrowth of the forest towards her, Melanie was sure she had gotten her man. She saw the armband and knew that Tall had returned, unable to master his desire.

"Alex, I knew you’d listen." She secretly thrilled; was this to be the moment? After all these weeks on the island and after all those years of never finding real love, maybe tonight was to be the night; a man she adored would take her in the way she longed to be taken.

The man who stepped into the circle of light cast by the fire was utterly changed. He walked over to where she lay on the sand, propped up onto her elbows, still topless in the humid night air, her hair cascading back to the sand behind her.

The man's eyes burned with open desire. He reached to his armband, flung it away into the fire behind him, and then paused, devouring her with his eyes as though the vision of her set him on fire.

Take me.

She ached for him to make his move, but he just watched. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but what she wanted right now was for him to finally lose control without a word from her.

Still he hesitated, his eyes moved slowly from her hair down to her toes and she could feel them like a long, lingering caress.

"Lie down." He growled in a desirous whisper. Everything had changed. There was no hint of him wanting to hold back and she could feel electricity crackle in the air between them. She quaked with desire as she waited for his lust to boil over into action. Her nipples hardened, exposed to his commanding possessive gaze. Soon they would belong to him completely, along with the rest of her. She would belong to him and he would belong to her, the slave of his own desire.

Just for tonight.

Take me now for Christ's sake! She longed to scream at him. Did he want her to explode with desire? Was he waiting for her to do something? She began to writhe, at first almost imperceptibly, arching her back, her pert round buttocks pushing down into the sand, her whole body pleading to be taken. She was so wet for him already that he would slide smoothly, easily into her as soon as he dared to make his move.

He put one large, hot palm to her right thigh and she arched deeply in pleasure, the thrill of his touch shooting into her loins, the wetness between her legs flowing freely. Slowly he caressed upwards, along the length of her thigh, sliding underneath the scarf across her hip and then underneath the strap of her tiny bikini bottom. She felt the taut stretch of fabric as his hand burrowed deeper between her legs. A moan of pleasure escaped her and sensations of unutterable pleasure began to fire between her legs, up and down her thighs, and into her abdomen.

Her eyes found his again and the heat between their gaze was as hot as the tropical island sun. He watched her and she seared with pleasure to feel his burning eyes on her, watching every tiny move, enjoying every tiny moan that his fingers drew from her lips.

"Say it." He whispered.

Say what? What was he talking about?

He came closer, his right hand still deftly controlling the rise and fall of her ecstasy.

"Say it." He hissed into her ear and then allowed the tip of his tongue to find her slender neck, her delicate ear lobe.

What does he want me to say?

She would refuse to give him permission. That was her condition. If he wanted her, he had to be man enough to take her. Christ, wasn't he already doing that now?

"Do you know what this means?" He whispered. She was breathless now, moaning continuously. "One finger on you... " She writhed. "One touch... " Her back arched uncontrollably. "...and I'm gone forever." She threw her arms around him and clamped her thighs to his strong forearm, locking his hand between her legs, his fingers to the wet and swollen nub of her desire. Her moan of pleasure filled the nighttime of the island forest. Surely, Sebastian must be able to hear them and know what had finally taken place.

"I've just given up billions of dollars in wealth to see you like this." The powerful thrusts of pleasure coursing through her center were like nothing she had ever experienced before. No man had even come close. She clung to him, his giant rock-hard body absorbing every ounce of strength she had. At last, she collapsed back onto the sand and looked at him with eyes of uncontrollable desire.

"Take me." She said, barely able to breathe.

He smiled.

"Fuck me!" She begged, pleaded, commanded.

Now he moved more surely even than before, removing her sarong, sliding away her bikini and carefully folding and placing them beside her.

A memory suddenly came back to her... who had done that before? Another beautiful man in her past had done just the same thing, but there had never been anyone like Alex, Sebastian, or whoever he was. No one had ever been so powerful and yet so considerate and gentle at the same time, like a firestorm that stopped to carefully warm her toes before continuing on to destroy trees, houses, boats, and anything in its path.

Now he was over her, just as he had been before, his long tangled hair pouring over his broad, rippling shoulders and the pink head of his male desire poised between them, looking even larger, if possible, than it had before. God, she was ready. It didn't matter if she gave him permission or not, what difference could it make? She wanted him inside her now and forever, taking his pleasure from her, his prize possession; the jewel in his billionaire's crown.

His wild hair caressed her shoulders and breasts. His strong thighs forced hers willingly open, and he came closer.

She looked over her shoulder and saw her neatly folded sarong and bikini bottom. Something struggled to reach her consciousness, but how could it when she drowned in pleasure. Before Melanie knew what she was doing, she had reached her arms around him and pulled herself up to his chest, her own hard nipples pressing into the straining sinews of his flesh.

"Melanie." He whispered passionately into her ear.

His shorts were still half covering the perfection of his ass. God, there were more muscles on his butt than most men had in their entire bodies! She reached down with her right hand and pushed them down.

Oh my God! It was missing.


Now she remembered everything.

"Yes." He growled.

"Get away from me!" She hissed at him.

"Melanie, what is it?"

She bunched her fist and slammed it into his left temple. He rolled to the sand dazed. Melanie jumped to her feet, cast around for a weapon and then picked up a log from a pile of firewood behind her.

"God, Melanie. Please. What is it? What have I done?"

"Just get out of here, Sebastian."

"Melanie, no. I thought you felt the same way as me?"

She raised the log over her head.

“Okay, okay, I’m going. Please just don’t tell Alex. Please, you have to promise me!"

Melanie hesitated. They were alone on the island. Just the three of them. The last thing she wanted was for Alex to lose his head and do something crazy.

"Just go." She said. "I won’t tell him."

He went to his knees in front of her. "Thank you Melanie--"

"Wait." She interrupted him. "I won’t tell him yet. But if you keep up this charade, then I will." He stared at her. "If you come near me again, I’ll tell him everything." He was wracked with pain and despair.

"What have I done?" He whispered.

"Just go. Go now, before I start screaming for help."

He fled into the darkness of the forest.