Teased by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen


The next morning, Melanie woke alone by the smoldering campfire. For a long time she lay in a half-dream as the sun rose and felt the familiar tropical warmth penetrate her flesh. She lay in complete stillness for a long time, more deeply and completely relaxed, more utterly fulfilled than she had ever been. She didn't know, remember, or care why, but all she wanted to do was lie right there in that spot, never moving, and holding onto this feeling forever.

She was called back to herself by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps from the forest.

"Melanie, sweetheart, they're here. We have to go, come on!"

"Who's here?"

"The rescue team from the Drummond Security Corporation. Did you really think our family would leave us out here? Of course, they’d never give up looking. They landed on the other side of the island just this morning. They've been combing this part of the ocean for weeks, going island by island until they finally got to us. Let's go."

He put his hands to her shoulders and began to draw her up, but she resisted.

"What's wrong sweetheart? We need to go. Is there anything you need? Anything you want to take with you?"

She looked around, confused. There was nothing to carry with her except vivid memories of the happiest, most perfect, craziest, confusing and screwed-up time of her life. Nothing like this could ever happen to her again and it was all over now.

"I’m sorry. I just need time to--"

He put his arms around her. "There’s no time. We have to go."

She didn’t move.

"Is this it then?" She looked up into his uncomprehending eyes. "Does the dream end here?"

"Melanie, nothing has changed. This is where the dream begins."

She nodded her head, desperately wanting to believe him as he gently lifted her into his arms, kissed her soft hair, and walked into the forest.

"Who are you?" she said. He looked pained as he replied.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Who do you think I am?"

She thought for a moment, looked into his hurt but loving eyes. He had been so careful with her. She ran her fingers through his dark hair.

"Alex." She said. A smile lit up his face.

They continued through the forest in silence and before long, she could hear the hubbub of the rescue team. These would be her last moments in paradise before the illusion was shattered forever.

"Kiss me Alex." She said. "Please."

He reached his mouth down to hers, still holding her in his strong arms. She craned her head up to meet him, her arms clinging around his bunched, muscular shoulders.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He said. "Aren't you happy? Now we can get back to the real world and plan our lives together."

"I don't want this to end." She whispered. "I could stay on this island with you forever."

He hugged her close and kissed the top of her head again. "I know sweetheart, so could I. But you know we can't. We have to get back to the reality. Anyway, we own an island not far from here. We can come anytime and spend all the time you want out here."

"Is that what will really happen?" He set her down onto the sand, put his hands to her shoulders, and looked into her eyes.

"Melanie, don't worry. Nothing has changed. Everything I told you is true. It's going to happen just like we planned. Don't be afraid. Your old life is gone forever. I..." he stopped, "... we are going to take care of you forever."

That we made her heart sink. If Sebastian chose not to help them then they would struggle in worse poverty than even the bare survival she had before. If he did choose to help them, then he would be in control of their lives. She might never be free of him -- or of her desire for him.

"Tell me you love me." She said. He took her face into his hands, then cupping the back of her head and brushed her hair gently aside. He closed his eyes and then kissed her longingly, passionately.

"I love you." He said.

"Prove it." She whispered. "Make love to me right here, right now. This very second."

"Melanie..." He pleaded.

"Do it." She said. It was their last chance, before the dream was over forever.

He brought her gently down onto the forest floor, drew off the flight crew blazer she wore and gazed into her eyes. His lips pressed passionately to hers and his hand went lower to her waiting breasts, her abdomen, and her thighs.

"Oh. Excuse me sir." The startled pair looked up to see a professional looking man in his forties cast a shadow over them. "I'm sorry Mr. Drummond. I didn't mean to disturb you, but we need to go and your younger brother told me I might find you somewhere here in this direction."

They had been seen and the employee knew which brother he was. The choice was no longer in their hands.

Now the world would take over.