Teased by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-One


When they reached his downtown penthouse apartment, Alex carried Melanie romantically over the threshold as though they were newlyweds.

"Tonight is going to be very special." He whispered and the thrill of his lips so close to her ears sent a shiver through her.

His apartment was lavish with understated extravagance but still very much the domain of a highly eligible single male. She would soon change that though, making it the place where their love and lust for each other would be the most important thing of all. He carried her into the master bedroom and placed her carefully on the bed, as though she were a priceless artifact, easily damaged by rough handling. Rose petals covered the bed and were strewn everywhere around the room. A pair of fluffy love handcuffs lay framed in the middle.

"Were you expecting someone?" She said. "Or do your servants always lay out handcuffs for you just in case?"

"You know who I was expecting." He said. "She's here. It took a while, but I finally got her to where I wanted her all along." He grinned and sat down in the plush armchair opposite the four-poster bed.

"And what are these for?" She said, holding up the handcuffs with a disapproving look.

He smiled.

"It's just a little special something. I missed them on the island. We don't have to use them if you don't want to."

She clicked them open. "Oh, we'll use them alright." She said. Alex grinned from ear to ear.

"Strip." He commanded her. "You've been a naughty girl and finally I'm going to teach you a lesson."

"What you mean," Melanie said, "is that I've finally got you where I want you. I'm doing fine right here. You're the one who nearly got me fired. You're the one who's been a naughty boy. You'd better strip for me right now. Make it snappy, or I might have to punish you later for dragging your heels."

The smile left his face.

"Uh, Melanie, what I meant was that the cuffs were for you. I don't really do the submissive thing."

“Okay." She said sweetly and she put them behind her. "But I meant it when I said strip. Now get 'em off and don't mess around."

"Uh, yes ma'am." He said, his dominant nature a little confused by the unfamiliar turning of the tables. Standing up in his tailored executive suit, he began to undo his tie, slowly.

"Are you teasing me?" She asked.

"Why?" He responded. "Do you want me to?" He began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his sculpted body, still tanned from their time on the island.

Melanie could feel herself beginning to flush with desire as she saw more and more of her beautiful lover's body.

"I know exactly what I want you to do." She said. "And I'm tired waiting. I want it all for myself tonight."

He was stripped down to his shorts and his legs were as muscular and brown as ever. His strong erection was already pointing in her direction.

"Come over here." She said seductively but firmly. He padded over to the edge of the bed. "Stop there." He was right in front of her, the bulge in his shorts left little to the imagination. "Put your hands behind your back." He stretched his strong, bulging biceps behind him and waited.

"Are you going to hurt me?" He said.

"Maybe." She answered. Her right hand slid into his crotch as she stood up and he jumped slightly, his cock springing out of his shorts. She ran her hand over the tip and watched him close his eyes and shiver at her touch. Her own nipples were already standing to attention. She would have let him take her there and then but she wanted something more tonight. Something neither of them would ever forget. She was going to send him into such a frenzy that all of that cool self-control would shatter forever and he would become the sexual beast she wanted him to be.

She stood behind him, her breathing already fast and heavy as her eyes took in every detail of his smooth, strong back. She hadn't had the chance to study him like this on the island as everything had been so fraught with tension or shadowed in moonlight, half revealed in the flickering light of the campfire. Now she could see every detail of his flesh, every tiny ripple, every perfection and imperfection. She still couldn't quite believe he was all hers.

Running her hand down along his arm, she found his wrist and with a click locked the cuff in place.

"Melanie--" In a second she had his second hand in the cuffs. He spun around to face her. "Melanie, I told you I'm not into being cuffed, I need to be in control." His face looked anxious and angry.

"Fuck me now." She said to him, her intense eyes meeting his, willing him to unleash his desire.

"How can I?" He said, struggling uselessly with the cuffs. "I can hardly even get my shorts off like this."

"I think you can if you try hard enough." She began to unbutton her blouse, holding his gaze with her own. She could see the fire come back into his eyes, his erection sticking out of his shorts at full mast.

"My God." He whispered.

"You mean, My Goddess. Right?"

He gulped. "Melanie, this is, this is..." She was down to the sexy underwear she had on underneath. She had put them on just to make herself believe that they would be together tonight, but she had never thought she would be stripping down in front of Alex by this afternoon.

"Get these things off me." He said.

"No way. You're going to have to beg." She turned her back to him and undid her bra while he stared helplessly on.

"You're going too far, Melanie."

She slid her panties and stockings off, revealing her perfect ass and gorgeously long, slender legs. Alex began to worry that he might just come all over himself. He could sense that she was already wet; everything about her oozed desire. He had never had any problems in the prematurity department but he had also never allowed himself to be handcuffed in his own bedroom and then subjected to a cruelly sensuous personal striptease.

Even if he had been, it wouldn't have been Melanie, the girl he loved -- the woman he now called his own and to whom he belonged. His cock felt like it would explode and shoot off into orbit if she even looked at it.

"Melanie..." His words choked as she stepped closer in towards him and then circled around him like a jungle cat. Melanie had never felt so sexy in her whole life. She’d had plenty of boyfriends, many of them very good-looking or sweet, but none of them had risked a fortune for her. None of them had ever been as sadistically romantic as the captured man before her, standing there, exposed, and brimming with desire only for her.

She stood behind him and placed her hands on his broad laterals, and then slid her palms down his trim muscular waistline to the top of his shorts.

"Melanie..." he croaked.

"Now for my revenge." She whispered and began to pull the shorts down. She could feel the resistance of his erection as it bent downwards with the pull of his shorts and then the release as the shorts jerked down and his cock sprang up. She was so wet for him that she couldn't believe it herself.

"What revenge?" He asked.

"Don't be so innocent. You made me wait for weeks before you put a hand on me."

"It was to protect you."

"Protect me from what? The greatest sex of my life? Thanks Alex. Maybe I should do the same for you now."

"God, no." He hissed. "You can't leave me like this."

"Oh no? Maybe we should wait until all of this settles down. I mean we don't want to do anything prematurely." She said eying his cock with a grin.

"No way." He growled. "You're not getting out of here without taking care of this." He looked down to his quivering member.

Melanie went to pick up her underwear but he pressed his foot down on them. "Where are the keys?" He demanded. "They were in the lock when they were on the bed. You're naked now, so where are they?"

"You'll never find them." She teased. "If you want me you'll have to figure out a way to get me just as you are.

"Fuck it Melanie, don't do this to me."

She backed away from him. "Do you think the help will mind if I walk around naked in the living room?"

"I told you, you're not getting out of here." He rushed to the bedroom door to prevent her from leaving. "You put me into this situation and now you have to take care of it. That's only fair."

She moved back to the bed and lay down seductively. "If you get down on your knees and beg, then just maybe I'll take the cuffs off."

"God damn it, Melanie. I want tonight to be special."

She ran her hands between her legs, threw her head back, and moaned. She could feel her orgasm beginning to bubble under already.

"No." He said and ran to the bed, throwing himself to his knees in front of her, he pushed his head between her legs and began to lick, thrust, and explore. Shafts and bolts of electrifying pleasure pulsed through her, becoming more continuous as his tongue worked her clit.

It was too much. She tried to push his head back but he was too insistent, too hungry. His tongue pushed further, working harder and harder until she heard her own ear-splitting scream, feeling her nails dig into the silk sheets. It was lucky for him that her thighs clamped around his ears to muffle the shrieks.

When the last spasm of orgasm writhed through her and her legs opened, he lost no time in climbing on to her. At last he had fully let go, nothing would be held back, his full weight came onto her, and she opened fully to receive him. His cock was bigger than she had remembered and pushed massively against her bud, calling her to orgasm once again. With his arms locked behind his back, he couldn't stop her from wriggling him over to his back, still clamping him inside her. His eyes were wild with desire now as he watched her straddle him.

She was fully in control now. As he strained to thrust higher into her, she fought him back down, arching her back to find maximum sensation, jamming her clit against the diamond-hard base of his shaft. Her hands were to her head as the first waves of orgasm began to rise in her. She could feel him lifting her, his desperate eyes crying out to her for more. At last she beat her hands down onto his broad, exposed chest, crying out in orgasm just as his own thrusting reached its crescendo.

Once the final shudders of their lust and desire had passed, she lay on top of him. He was still hard inside her, but motionless. Every now and then she gave a squeeze just to remind herself that he was still there, still hard, still hers, and that this was not a dream.

"Melanie," he finally said. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it, baby?"

"It's a confession. And I don't think you're going to like it."

"I don't care what it is, Alex. You can tell me anything."

"I've never had sex like that before." He said.

"Is that it?" She squeezed his cheeks together and shook his head playfully. "Hell, neither have I. That must be what true love does."

"That's not the confession." He said quietly, his face very serious.

"What is it, sweetheart? You can tell me anything. There should be no secrets between us."

“Okay then. Do you remember when we first met?"

"Sure, I bumped into you like a big klutz and knocked that expensive bag out of your hands."

"That's right. I was angry at first but then when I saw your face I guess I just knew you were the one -- at least the smart part of me did. The dumb part was still worrying about being Alex Drummond and you being an employee of Drummond Airlines."

"That's all behind us now, Alex. Of course you were conflicted. You're a good man, you were thinking about both of us." She gave him a squeeze from inside of her and stroked his captive balls.

"I know sweetheart, but there's more. I didn't know Sebastian had already planned for you to be on our flight, but I was already thinking how I could do the same thing: get you onto our private jet, have you around me for a few hours, and be happy just being next to you."

She smiled at the thought of these billionaire brothers and their crazy date plans, arranging flights to Tahiti on private jets and then worrying if she was going to take it the wrong way. What girl could be that crazy? A date with one of these brothers on a paddleboat would be a dream, let alone a private jet en route to a tropical paradise.

"Do you remember I was piloting when the plane began to go down?"

"Sure I do. That was some crazy turbulence."

"There was some turbulence, that part is true. But that's not what made the plane go down."

She pushed herself up on top of him again and went tight around his still erect member. "What are you talking about?"

"Please don't be angry with me." He begged her. "Especially as I'm still in handcuffs with my dick inside you."

"It's too late to ask for me not to be angry. Just tell me what the hell happened." She tightened her grip on him and his cock responded by getting harder.

"I brought the plane down on purpose."

Her jaw dropped open and she gripped him as hard as she could. His body stiffened in response.

"You did what?"

"I brought it down on purpose -- so I could be with you."

"You crazy son of bitch!" She felt so angry but at the same time so hot, like flames were licking the inside of her thighs, his throbbing hot member was still inside her and she was becoming wet again.

"You crazy bastard! You could have killed us."

He was beginning to writhe in pleasure as she rhythmically squeezed him.

"There was never any danger. I'm a very experienced pilot. I just needed to do something." She was thrusting and riding him more systematically now, her hands leaning down on his chest her nails digging into his flesh.

"You were lying to me, to your brother, and to your parents all this time." She was beginning to moan.

"I had to leave it all behind. In Tahiti I would still have been Alex Drummond Junior, with the whole staff of a seven-star luxury hotel--", he grunted in pleasure, thrusting deeply upwards into her, involuntarily, "--people running around after me, you couldn't have taken me for who I really am, just plain old Al Drummond, just a guy crazy in love with you."

Melanie had gone silent now with white-hot desire. She wanted to punish him more than ever but also to fuck his brains out. She planned to do both at the same time. They had just had the wildest screeching sex she had ever thought possible, but now it was time to up the ante. She would drain him dry, break his heart, and leave him for dead while his ghost screamed her name in hell, crying out for more. She tossed back her long, wild, flowing blonde hair and clamped down hard on him, harder than ever, willing him to thrust ever deeper, to give more pleasure than she had ever imagined possible and at the same time to finish him off completely, compelling him to an orgasm that his body denied was ever possible.

"You crashed a $60 million plane for me, just so you could fuck me? You crazy, stupid, beautiful fucking asshole." She screamed and then collapsed on top of him again as he groaned out his last struggling orgasm.

They lay together for what seemed like an eternity. At last, he forced his eyes open and began yanking frantically on the handcuffs.

"Melanie, get these things off me now. I need to get out of here."

She sleepily opened her eyes.

"Let's just stay a little while longer. I don't want this moment to end so soon."

But he was insistent. "Melanie, come on. I'm not asking. Just get these things off me. You've had your fun, now let me go. There are things I need to do. Now."

Melanie sat up and began looking for the key.

"Come on Melanie, goddammit, hurry up."

Her heart began to sink as she searched for the key. Was this another side to Alex she hadn't seen? She finally got the cuffs open and he jumped from the bed.

"Get ready to go. We have to be at the airport in an hour."

"I don't understand, Alex. Honey, just tell me what's happening."

"There's no time to explain. I need to make some calls. You need to get your hands on a Drummond flight attendant uniform."

"Now you really have me confused."

"You still work for Drummond Airlines, right?"

"I guess so, I mean, wasn't that the final outcome?"

"And I'm still part owner."


"Well, some things are more important than lying in bed. Drummond Airlines is in trouble and that means we all have to do whatever is necessary in order to keep it afloat, and that means you and me, too."

“Okay, Alex. I'm sorry, I understand. I'll call Margaret and let her know I need a uniform. She'll have one ready for me by the time I get there."

He took her head in his hands and kissed her on the forehead.

"Great, now you're talking. Have the driver take you there." He was pulling on his clothes as he spoke. "I'll meet you in the executive lounge in an hour." He headed for the door.

"Alex, wait." She said.

He stopped and turned around. "What is it?"

"I love you."

He smiled. "Yeah, me too. See you at the airport." He slammed the door behind him.

Melanie sat in stunned silence for a minute and then made the call to Margaret. Maybe this was just part of being a billionaire's girlfriend. Whatever. She was still on the payroll and needed to pay her mother's bills. She pulled her things together and then buzzed the driver to collect her and drop her off at LAX.


When she arrived at the airport, Margaret was waiting for her at departures.

"Where the hell have you been, Melanie? There's a planeload of people waiting for us. Get your ass in gear and let's go!"

"What's going on?"

"We're short on crew. We need you to run a first class passenger flight. The bigwigs are already sitting in their seats. Come on! Move it!"

They ran to the executive lounge and she put on the uniform Margaret gave her as quickly as she could. Soon they were on the runway being driven to a small, private luxury jet.

"Who are these people?" She asked Margaret.

"Private group, all big shots. No room for screw-ups. That's why I need you with me."

She looked up and saw the pilot waiting at the top of the air stairs. He looked anxious.

"My God," she said, "is that Alex?"

"You mean Captain Drummond? You betcha."

He was waving frantically. When they got within earshot, she could hear the urgency in his voice.

"Come on guys! What's the holdup? We can't afford to mess this one up. Melanie, get your ass in gear."

The two friends jumped the air stairs two at a time and then stopped to make a dignified entrance onto the plane.

First class was filled with people she didn't recognize. The curtains were already pulled to separate it from the rest of the small but very luxurious plane.

Alex ducked into the cockpit, swearing impatiently under his breath and then his stern, deep voice came over the PA system.

"Apologies for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. Just some additional precautions to assure your safety and comfort as you enjoy your flight today."

"Precaution by the name of cabin crew member Melanie Hutchinson." One middle-aged, elegant, and very well-preserved lady sneered.

Melanie took her take-off seat in front of the lady and directed her gaze to the floor. Be professional. This was obviously an important flight for Drummond Airlines, which meant it was important for Alex, and therefore, more important than ever for her.

The small jet began taxiing to the runway immediately and within minutes, they had taken off. As soon as they were at cruising altitude, she went to the galley for a briefing by Margaret and to begin service to what would obviously be a demanding clientele.

"God, I feel so confused today." She to her friend as she smoothed her slightly rumpled flight attendant uniform down over her hips.

"Well, just pull yourself together Mel." Her Margaret said. "We don't have time for that today. These guys can make or break this airline."

"Who are they?"

"No time to explain. Here, grab this and get out there." She pushed the service trolley to Melanie and then turned back to the galley counter.

Melanie began to back out. She was so keyed-up that she let out a shriek as her heel dug down into the patent leather shoe behind her.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry sir." She turned around and came face to face with Alex in his pilot's uniform. He was tall, muscular, tanned, his thick wavy dark hair still tousled from their time in bed together. His square jaw line was set with determination. He put his hands to her shoulders.

"Melanie. For God's sake, just calm down, will you? I can't afford to screw this up."

"You're right, Alex -- I mean Captain Drummond -- I'm sorry. I'll get moving."

"Just hold on a minute. I need to make sure you're ready for this. Now take a deep breath."

Her heart was racing. She had to force herself to stop and breathe.

Alex smiled. "God, you are so sexy when you’re hot and bothered." Margaret lifted her head up from her work.

"Hmm," she said, "it's getting kind of hot in here for me. Why don't you let me handle the first service?"

"No, Margaret," Melanie protested, "really, it's okay." But it was too late. Her friend was gone, leaving her alone with Alex in his smart Captain's uniform.

"I'm so sorry, Alex. I don't know what's come over me."

"I don't know what's come over me, either." He was still smiling.

"I've got to get out there and help Margaret. I'm sorry. I won't screw up again." She went to squeeze by him but he blocked her way. She felt her heart beat faster. What the hell was going on?

"Where are you going?" He said.

"I've got work to do, Mitch. Let me out." She put her soft white hand to his strong forearm but he didn't budge.

"What did you call me? Did you just call me Mitch?"

"No I didn't. I called you Alex. Now come on, stop kidding around. These people are important to you -- to us -- to everyone at Drummond Airlines."

"I'm the Captain here, Melanie and I'm telling you I need you right here. There’s something I want to discuss with you."

Melanie's head began to spin. There was a weird déjà vu about the whole scene; the whole situation. Her heart was racing and she didn't know why. Alex was way too close to her for a captain on duty to be speaking to a flight attendant. Her skin tingled with excitement.

"What's it about, Alex? Can't it wait? I've got a whole planeload of people to look after."

"This is much more important than them." His lips came closer.

"Alex--" He pressed his mouth to hers and she felt all her will power collapse, her fears vanish as his arms surrounded her, and their tongues explored deeply. Alex reached behind him and drew the curtains over while he lifted her up effortlessly to sit on the counter in front of him and then kissed her again, longingly, passionately, powerfully. Her excitement began to rise to fever pitch then Alex pulled his lips away from hers and he drew the curtains back again. Melanie opened her mouth to question him but he stopped her.

"Don't speak Melanie, not yet."

He picked her up in both arms and then carried her out into first class where the passengers watched them. She was so confused she couldn't tell if they were all smiling and laughing or glaring in anger. She looked around and the dividing curtains between first class and the rest of the plane were aside.

She saw her mother in the front row, beaming with joy.

"Alex, what's going on?"

"Shh," he said, "It's still not time for you to speak."

She looked around some more and saw Mr. and Mrs. Drummond, also smiling, then noticed her friends from the various departments at Drummond Airlines. She was too stunned to think.

Alex set her down in the middle of the plane and then steadied her with his strong, comforting hands.

He went down on one knee and reached inside his jacket to take out a small box. Melanie's heart almost stopped.

"Alex, no--"

He put his fingers to her lips. "Still not yet."

He opened the box carefully and the sparkle of diamonds glinted. Melanie began to choke up.

"Melanie Hutchinson, you and I met at 10,000 feet, our current cruising altitude, and I knew it was love--" now it was Alex's turn to choke up. "I knew it was love at first sight."

There were sighs and murmurs of contentment from the assembled passengers, most of whom were now on their feet, holding cameras, video recorders, and mobile phones to capture the moment. Everywhere Melanie looked, she recognized another familiar friendly face wishing her goodwill.

"Melanie Hutchinson, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Melanie blinked her eyes and swallowed hard. It had to be a dream. No matter how hard she blinked, every time she opened her eyes it was still there. Alex Drummond, her lover and hero on bended knee before her. Friends and family were everywhere she looked, all surrounding her with love.

"Melanie, dear." She heard her mother say. "Go on and say something. Don't leave this poor young man hanging."

"Melanie." Alex said. "Now I need to hear you speak."

"I think we all do." Mrs. Drummond said. The atmosphere changed from elation to fraught tension. Suddenly a pocket of turbulence caused the plane to bank sharply and there was a gasp of shock from the crowd. When the plane leveled out, Melanie was in Alex's arms, gazing up into his eyes.

"Yes." She whispered.

"Speak up honey." Her mother said. "We can't hear you."

Tears flooded her eyes and Alex watched her anxiously.

"Yes." She shouted out into the crowd. "I've loved this man since the first moment I met him."

The crowd roared its approval as their lips locked passionately together.


The End


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