Teased by Drew Sinclair - HTML preview

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Chapter One

Three Days Earlier


"Do you have family values?" Alex Drummond said to the elegant woman seated before him in the private booth he had reserved for their meal. He was immaculately turned out, dressed in perfect smart casual, manicured and his dark hair just tousled enough to give the impression of not caring too much about his otherwise perfect appearance. Rugged but cultivated was the overall impression, like a movie star in an action role.

"Do you?" The woman said, staring intently into his eyes, searching for an indication of his feelings.

She had supermodel looks and a figure to match. Male eyes watched her surreptitiously from all directions in the Michelin star-rated restaurant of the Four Seasons hotel. She wore a gleaming white evening gown that perfectly complimented her flawless, golden brown skin.

"I asked you first." He said.

There was a silence. Alex studied the menu although he already knew most of it quite well. The award-winning exclusive spot was one he ate at often, even when he was alone.

"I don't know." The woman faltered. "It's an important question; one I would have to seriously consider."

"Oh, really?" He sounded bored. "To me it's totally unimportant--"

"Me too!" She said.

"-- what other people think. Family values are core. Fundamental."

"That's exactly it. Fundamental. And core."

"If you are a complete idiot."

"A complete idiot."

"So which is it?" He pressed her.

"I'm sorry," she said, "…which is what? I'm confused."

Alex snapped the menu shut. "You know what, Vivian?"

"Valerie, it's Valerie."

"I've lost my appetite. You can stay if you like. In fact, please do. Tell Andre to put it on the Drummond account."

The woman stared at him. She was rake thin. Size zero. If she did decide to stay and eat, the bill would be negligible at best.

"Do you know I speak French?" She blurted desperately. Alex looked at her. "And Italian. My Mandarin Chinese is also good."

"I'm sure you would make a very beautiful interpreter." He said.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"


"It's Valerie."

"Valerie. I really have to go."

"I have a Masters from the Harvard Business School."

Alex sighed.

"Valerie, you don't have to do this."

"I want to. I really want to. With you."

"Now I'm confused. What is it you want to do with me? We've only just met."

"I feel like I've known you my whole life."

"I'm going now."

The stunning blonde jumped to her feet and blocked his way.

"Don't!" She said desperately.

"Valerie, please get out of my way."

She stepped in closer and turned her eyes up to look at him seductively.

"I'll do anything you want." She whispered.


"Yes, anything." She put her hands to his belt.

"That's a relief, because I thought we were going to have to fight."

"I'll fight you if you want me to."

"No Valerie. Please just sit down. I have something I want to ask you."

"The answer is yes." She said. "Whatever it is."

"Great. Then sit down and close your eyes."

"Except for that. I don't want to close my eyes." She gripped his belt tightly again.

"Do it or I'll leave right now." He ordered.

Reluctantly she closed her eyes. He pulled her hands from his belt and then gently guided her back down into her chair.

"Begin counting backwards from 100." He said.

She opened her eyes again but he gently brushed them closed with his fingertips. "Shh. I've got something for you. I'll put it on the table right here. All you have to do is count all the way down to zero." She peeked through her fingers and saw Alex place a small dark box on the table. Then he wrote a note, folded it up, and placed that in the box as well. A thrill of excitement went through her. She had just met Alex Drummond, billionaire, that evening. He was a hard guy to be paired with through the dating website and it was rumored he was very picky.

But tonight was obviously her lucky night.

"Start counting and then keep going. If you stop or if you look then I'm taking it back."

"One hundred, ninety-nine..."

Alex stood up. "I'm going to stand behind you." He said. "Keep counting."

When she arrived at zero, Valerie peeked through her fingers. "Can I look now?" There was no answer. She looked around and Alex was gone, but his gift was still there. She grabbed the box and opened it frantically.

Inside was a single toothpick and a note.