The Almost Kiss by Nick Nwaogu - HTML preview

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Many writers have failed to become published authors, not because they couldn’t get a decent publisher willing to print their work, but because they ran out of steam before they could type out the last word of their book.

Without further ado, I would like to thank everyone who supported me in one way or another to get to the final word of this book.

For Amara, my one and only sister: You have always been my backbone. Thank you for always being there when nobody else was, and for lifting me up whenever I fall, especially when I had nothing more to give back but my gratitude. Your ever-encouraging words made me never stop trying harder each day. A million and one thanks to you!

For Joan, my best friend: Your love for books fascinates me. Thanks for your unwavering trust in me. Every day, I will continue to strive for excellence so that I may one day become all the words you have flattered me with.

For Clara, my insanity: Talking to you is easily the best part of my day. I want to thank you for always laughing at my bad jokes, and for constantly reminding me that I’m one of the finest writers you have ever met. Thanks for energizing me with brimming breaths of fresh air each time I experienced writer’s block. I promise to continue writing until I’m perfect!

For Mezie, Vera, Abiel, Whitney and the rest: Thank you all for taking some quality time out of your busy schedules to read my story, and for your very kind words afterwards.

Most sentimentally, for John and Rosalia, my lovely parents: Thanks for the countless times you two were always there for me even when I sometimes acted like a complete idiot and didn’t deserve it. I would have been utterly lost in this world without both of you so I want to say thanks for the sacrificial love.

For Createspace: Thanks for your first-class step-by-step publishing service. Thank you for putting my book before the eyes of thousands of readers. I’m indeed grateful for your consistent and excellent publishing solution that has persistently grown through the last fourteen years.

Thank you!

E dupe!

Na gode!


Nick Nwaogu
January 2017