The Almost Kiss by Nick Nwaogu - HTML preview

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——— ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ———

Recounting Valentine


Let’s rewind to the day before.

The restaurant that stood in the center of the estate was full, mostly with couples celebrating love. The dining room was diffused with a fine blend of soft, soothing jazz music and laughter.

Celebrations were in full swing.

Everyone was nicely dressed with a touch of red. Couples sat around small tables, holding hands and smiling as they whispered across the table to each other. Some dug into the delicious meal in front of them, while others toasted to the love they shared with half-filled champagne glasses.

It was February 14, 2016.

Saint Valentine’s Day.

Waitresses were all over the place.

One carried a tray of well-covered meals on one hand, another with a bucket of expensive champagne, and the third stood put in front of a table, jotting on a piece of blank paper the order of the couple seated before her. They were all attired in white long-sleeve blouses, black monkey-jackets, and tight thought-provoking mini-skirts that revealed flawlessly the curves of their hips and buttocks. Chioma and Uche sat around a table under a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Someone was yet to attend to them.

Chioma was tall, skinny, model-like, dreamy-eyed and very likeable. She had dimples when she smiled. Her red leather purse glittered as it reflected bright blinding lights from above. She definitely looked dazzling in her necklace, dangling gold earrings and long, red dinner gown that flew elegantly from her waist to the ground like a waterfall, and she wore an artificial red lips to match. Her natural long glossy hair covered her left eye and temple in the right proportion that abandoned her right eye to spell out all the beauty that rained down upon her face that night.

Uche, really conservative, round and large eyed, was dressed in a stylish white three-piece suit that fitted him just right, and a gold Rolex wristwatch that made mouths clamp shut. His tie had a perfect knot and his unpretentious and comfy Chukkas suggested that he was a bloke of taste, class and sophistication. The tables where Chioma and Emeka sat with their lover were in line with each other, separated by a table, in a manner that neither Chioma nor Emeka could see the face of each other’s partner.

Uche stared on and hard at Chioma like a lottery ticket with all five winning numbers. ‘You look beautiful tonight,’ he purred with a smile, expecting her to accept the marriage proposal he’d planned for the night. ‘What the fu…?’ Chioma quickly glanced away in disgust from the sight of a couple kissing at the next table. ‘What an eyesore? Must you kiss in public to tell everyone that you’re happily in love?’ she added in irritation without apology. ‘Gosh, I hate PDAs.’

Uche was vexed.

‘I just told you that you look beautiful and you’re giving me a lecture on public display of affection?’ he vented with his eyes shut and his hands held up as if he was about to bang on the empty table across them. Good Lord, he didn’t. ‘Oh my… I’m so sorry darling. Thank you,’ she said in a soft, pretty, friendly voice, not sounding sorry at all. Remembering that she should look over-the-top happy tonight, she painfully forced faint traces of smile to her artificial red lips. Again, her eyes wandered across the room. Both Emeka and Chioma were bored though committed to the ones who sat before them.

The extremely-handsome, freakishly-tall and perfectly-slender Emeka was dressed in a red beach shirt, a white khaki short, and a faded-brown loafers, much like a foreigner. From his strange accent and often use of western slangs, you can tell that he’d spent a handful of his life on foreign soil. His curly and well-moisturized hair slicked back nicely, and his big, brown eyes shined with adventure. His shirt was undone straight down, revealing his untainted white singlet and his 18-karat bling-blinga gold necklace with a pendant that hung down to his navel.

Emeka’s girlfriend Amara was dressed in a strapless white body-fitted gown that bared her cleavage and terminated far above her knees. She was curvy and stylish in high-heels. The orange bead necklace that hung around her neck almost made its way in between her protruding breasts. She wore a short black wig and a mighty reflective lip-gloss that made her lips practically irresistible to kiss. Her champagne glass was still filled with wine, while she tapped her fingers on the table that separated her from Emeka.

She was certainly nervous.

‘Guess what baby,’ Amara purred in excitement, rubbing her hands. Emeka’s face was masked with boredom. He wasn’t in the best mood for a guessing game. ‘You know I’m not good at guessing.’ Emeka dragged a sip from his glass. ‘So tell me what you’re so excited about,’ he continued. Amara grinned sheepishly. ‘I’m pregnant!’ she burst out excitingly. Emeka’s glass dropped from his right hand down to the table, spilling the content, and creating a sharp disturbing noise that drew the attention of some couples seated around.

The Valentine date was going on so well before she went on to spoil it by saying she was pregnant. Though his face was wide in grins and chuckles, his insides were shouting ‘kill me!’

It was then Chioma and Emeka caught sight of each other.

Realities dissipated.

Bright sparks slung from their eyes.

Instantly, the voices of their partners became distant whispers. Her long, artificial eyelashes fluttered under his firm gaze. His black-brown eyes reflected the lights of the room, and they were so glossy and perfect that Chioma knew that if she was any closer to him, she could see herself in them. Their eyes were locked for a moment too long, but the moment was short-lived as Chioma had to attend to a waitress standing before her.

‘What do you care for, madam?’

Chioma struggled to remove her eyes slowly enough, while his lingered on her exquisite, unfamiliar beauty for a while longer. ‘Have you ordered?’ Chioma asked Uche absently, oblivious to her partner’s presence for the last half-minute. Her attention was still tied around Emeka and Amara, and lurking around. Eyebrows puckered in concentration, trying to pick up any conversation going on between the pair.

‘Are you kidding me? Where’s your mind tonight?’ Uche throttled her. ‘I guess I left it at home,’ she smirked, flaunting her snow-white dentition, but he wasn’t gullible enough to be enticed by her unconvincing smile or to buy her jittery half-joke. She sounded rather silly to him. She lifted the menu off the table, and browsed slowly through its content. ‘I will have… simple baked chicken drumsticks and some Mexican rice,’ she read out, tracing the words on the menu with her forefinger.

Meanwhile, Amara had broken the news to Emeka that he would soon be a father, and his heart thumped and sank instead. He sat there sinking slowly into the depths of his own subconscious. ‘Will you say something?’ Amara throttled him, but he had already fled this world into a dream. ‘I think it is perfect timing. We have discussed the prospect of marriage and we have been dating for almost five years now,’ she sought to persuade Emeka who was still lost in love at first sight that he didn’t even hear a word been set free from her mouth.

‘I love you and I know you love me too, so why don’t we get married before the baby comes?’ Amara finally won Emeka’s attention with those last six words. He looked away from Chioma and burned Amara with a squint. ‘But we were careful. I made sure I was very careful anytime we were intimate,’ he lamented with a wrinkled forehead. ‘For the love of God, what does that even mean?’

Amara grew mad.

‘I… I’m…’ Emeka sighed under his breath. ‘We did not plan this, and that’s why I’m in shock.’

‘Shock? What nonsense!’

She had a harsh expression on her face as she glared at him in astonishment. Her hands were both fisted like she was about to fling a few punches. ‘We have been careful. That’s why I’m… shocked.’ He whispered the last word out of the corner of his mouth like he was afraid of someone else hearing him.

Tensed moments as Amara and Emeka stared hard at each other.

——— ✿ ✿ ✿ ———

Chioma and Uche were now having dinner. ‘The food here taste bad tonight,’ voiced Chioma after navigating a fork heavy with rice into her mouth. She stared at the table where Amara and Emeka were seated raising their voices at each other. She tried to catch up with what the pair were arguing about, but nothing.

‘Don’t even say that.’

Amara was infuriated.

‘You talk about it like it’s such a terrible thing to carry your baby.’ She was about to throttle Emeka but opted for a calmer approach, which was silence, and she stayed mute for the rest of the dinner date, and Emeka knew he was in deep waters.

‘I’m certainly not ready in any way to be a father,’ Emeka explained. ‘You know this already. My career had just started and financial stability is a long way coming. I’ve told you this countless times.’ Amara was mute, chewing her food stridently and irritatingly, in a bid to infuriate Emeka. ‘Say something,’ he breathed heavily, but Amara didn’t break her silence. She lifted her glass of wine to drag a sip, but dropped it gently. ‘Dammit, she really is pregnant,’ Emeka thought to himself as she painfully ingested the food in her mouth. He didn't dare say a word. He wanted some peace and quiet, and that was what he was going to get.

It was an unpleasant night.

Neither couple were having a great time.

——— ✿ ✿ ✿ ———

‘This is your favorite restaurant. You never complain about the food here. You even introduced me to this place,’ Uche fussed. ‘Is there something bothering you that I should know about? You don’t seem yourself tonight. Is there anything you are not telling me that I ought to know about? You know you can always talk to me about anything.’

Chioma was mute.

‘Will you look at me when I’m talking to you?’ Uche flew into one of his wicked rages. ‘I think it’s just the stress at work. My boss has been too demanding. The pressure is getting too much, that’s all,’ she broke her silence with blatant lies, imposing a smile on her unnaturally red lips. ‘But… I will be fine when I get some rest tonight.’ She stabbed a flesh of chicken. ‘You will be alright, darling,’ Uche purred, stirring the dinner towards a lighter mood for the marriage proposal.

Amara was unsettled.

She hadn’t swallowed the food in her mouth. She bent over to vomit, but locked her lips tightly with her right hand, fighting not to throw up. ‘Morning sickness already?’ Emeka whimpered with alarm. ‘How long into this pregnancy are you?’

‘You are asking how long into this pregnancy am I?’ Amara furiously managed to swallow the food in her mouth. ‘Am I in this alone?’ she blubbered, feeling queasy. ‘Lower your voice,’ Emeka commanded furtively. ‘What was I to say?’ he mumbled. ‘You should have asked how long into this pregnancy are we? Retard!’ Amara vented with insult.

Emeka murmured lamely.

‘What did you say?’

‘Nothing!’ he responded primly.

‘Are you worried that we won’t be able to have an abortion because the baby is already too developed?’

‘You know that is not what I meant.’

‘No I don’t. What did you mean? Enlighten me.’

‘I was just wondering how long you’ve known about the pregnancy without sharing it with me.’

‘Then keep wondering.’ She cocked her head to one side. Her eyes dawdled across the room, scanning for a waitress nearby. It froze shortly.

‘Excuse me!’ she called out to a waitress standing a few tables away. ‘Just a minute, madam. I’ll be with you shortly,’ a voice streamed into her ears. ‘Who has a minute?’ Amara sniveled before taking a deep breath.

‘What do you care for, madam?’

‘Where’s the ladies’ room?!’ she blared.

‘Are you alright, madam? You look unwell.’

Amara shut her eyes loosely, both hands fisted, breathing erratically like she was in labour. ‘For the love of God, will you just tell me where the ladies’ room is?’ Amara bawled, panicking the waitress. ‘You see that passageway?’ The Waitress pointed with her shaky forefinger.

‘Yes!’ Amara wailed.

‘Walk straight in. The door on your right. I’m so sorry madam.’ She spun around and flurried away. Amara reached for a tissue pack on the center of the table, and tugged off a tissue paper. She wiped her mouth clean, shoved her chair backwards, and lifted herself gracefully.

With poise, she sauntered to the ladies’ room. Emeka seized her right hand as she paced pass him. She immediately stopped dead in her tracks. She glared at her wrist and trained sight of his loose grip. She yanked her hand out forcefully and dashed off.

Emeka stalked her shadow.

Amara strained her eyes as she painfully watched the pair varnish into the passageway.

A tug of jealousy peddled in her heart.

Her expression changed.

Her face swiftly morphed from nonchalant to anxious.

——— ✿ ✿ ✿ ———

The moment had finally arrived and Uche rose to his feet. A classic romantic music started flowing from under the pianist’s fingers. Chioma looked flustered as Uche drew closer to her with pride and confidence.

The music filled her ears.

This definitely made her spirit rise.

Suddenly, he sank on his left knee, which spooked her. Couples around turned to them, and stared hard in excitement.

Uche reached into his costly blazer and revealed a small, hard, purple box. He flipped it open, uncovering a glittering diamond ring, which instantly caused a burning sensation in the center of her fragile heart.

A unanimous ‘wow’ echoed across the hall.

Uche waved the pianist to stop playing.

Everyone froze, falling into dead silence.

One could literally hear leaves fall.

For a while nobody moved.

‘We have been dating for eleven months now, but it seems like I’ve known you all my life. You have made the past eleven months of my life the best moments of my existence… You are a bundle of joy to me and I don’t want any man to steal this joy from me… Chioma Victoria Okafor…’

Then came the part that startled Chioma.

‘…Will you marry me?’ he asked gingerly.

 His voice boomed through the dining room.

Everybody took a deep breath.

Uche had just proposed in as romantic a manner as any African woman could possibly wish for, but Chioma stared hard on the ring with a face dressed in unreadiness.

The ring was perfect.

The words were heavenly.

However, they didn’t matter because she wasn’t in love with him. This made her heart heavy and unready to give him her all.

Meanwhile, in the men’s room, Emeka thought to himself as he stared at his gorgeous reflection in the mirror without breathing a smile, noting how fast his heart raced loudly.

He turned the tap on, ducked under the running water, and rinsed his face thoroughly. ‘Damn it!’ He gasped out in pain, staring at himself in the mirror again. He wiped his face and hand with a clean white handkerchief. ‘Goddamnit!’ He banged the door of one of the cubicles. He seriously paced back and forth in confusion, not sure on what to do next. He heard a pounding on the toilet door. He turned around to realize he’d locked it on his way in.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He needed to see Chioma’s face again.

Uche cleared his throat.

Everyone stood still.

Their eyes sparkled with anticipation.

An eager hush settled across the room.

Suddenly, voices began chanting ‘Say yes!’

‘Is anything the problem, my love? You’ve not been yourself tonight. Is tonight bad timing or you don’t want to get married to me at all?’ Uche poured out his fears. ‘Can you give me some time to think about it? Please,’ Chioma pleaded. Dripping with embarrassment, Uche slowly rose in shame. ‘Everyone, she is just having a bad hair day, that’s all. She’ll of course say yes in the morning when she is feeling much better.’

Uche’s eyes were heavily coloured red.

Eyes dispersed as people continued their chats, while Uche drowsily and unsteadily shuffled back to his chair like someone under the influence of strong liquor.

This wasn’t how Uche planned the night.

Everyone was to burst into applause and cheers after Chioma accepts his proposal, surrounding them enthusiastically and burying them with compliments and questions like ‘How did you two love birds meet?’ Unfortunately, things took the wrong turn, and Uche had a hard time concentrating.

Chioma unrepentantly scanned for a glimpse of Emeka, and there he was, swaggering from the passageway into the dining room. They locked eyes again and affectionately, and this time with a broader smile.

This confirmed Chioma’s suspicion.

Emeka fancied her.

The crooked but somehow adorable smile on his face, melted her heart, and made her blush until she decolorized.

Now of course, flirting with a stranger is of no harm especially when you know you will never see them again, but fate was playing a forbidden game and it was too sweet to be ended. Not yet.


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