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Chapter 3: Confidence

People feel good about themselves when they are around confident


people. When you exude confidence and feel great about yourself,


people (and most importantly females) will want to be around you.


You create a glow around you that women want to be a part of. They


can tell that you feel good about yourself and they want to feel that


way about themselves. They will draw close to you, hoping it will rub


off on them.


When I was younger, I wasn’t always confident around women. I


sometimes felt inadequate and unsure of myself. Instead of letting


this lack of confidence eat me alive, I went out and learned all I could


about how to increase my confidence. I went to the library and bought


every book imaginable about confidence. I started applying


everything I learned in my real life and eventually I became the


strong, confident guy I always dreamed of being. I’m about to share


with you the most important things I learned and the confidence


building techniques that made me who I am today.


Why you are actually just as good looking as Brad Pitt


Before I get into specific techniques about how to become confident


let me break down the myth that you must be the quintessential “good


looking” guy to get women.


What if I was to tell you that you are equally as good looking as Brad


Pitt? I bet you’d think I’m crazy. Well actually it’s true. The


expression, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is 100% accurate.


What is it about slight variations in facial and body structure that


make one person better than the next? It’s the way the viewer


perceives them. In fact, modern science is beginning to show us that


we don’t actually see anything with our eyes. What actually happens


is that we gather information from our eyes and create an image in


our brain based on millions of variables stemming from social


conditioning and pre-conceived notions. I want you to picture


someone who you’ve known for several years. How do you look at


them? Would you say they are attractive overall? Now think about the


first day you met them. Really try to picture how you viewed them the


first day you saw them. I bet it’s at least somewhat different than how


you view them now. More proof that you are really no different than Brad Pitt comes when


we examine the historical perception of beauty. In Ancient Egypt, fat


men were considered extremely attractive, as it indicated that the


person was rich enough to afford a lot of food and avoid physical


labor. While we spend time on the beach working on our tan, in the


early Mediterranean societies women were seeking out pale men.


This was an indication that a man was wealthy and didn’t have to


work outside. In fact, people used to cover their entire bodies when


going outside to avoid getting tan.


If a woman of today sees you having yellow teeth she’ll assume you


have bad breath and you don’t take care of yourself. In Japan and


Europe there was a time when men would dye their teeth black


because women found it attractive. Sugar at the time was very


expensive. Once they became aware of sugar's ability to rot teeth,


many rich, fashion-conscious people blackened their teeth to prove


how much sugar they could afford. For centuries men used to purposely scar their face because it


showed that they were brave and didn’t back down from battle.


Women found grotesque and numerous scars on a man attractive.


Fast forwarding to modern times - I remember seeing a special on TV


about the supermodel Giselle and Leonardo DiCaprio recently. They


were doing some kind of missionary work on an island in the middle


of nowhere. Based on our American standards, the people on the


island were hideously ugly. An interviewer asked one of the natives if


they’d like Leonardo and Giselle to stay on the island with them. Not


knowing that Giselle and Leo were dating, the guy answered that he’d


love them to stay but they’d probably never find mates because they


are so ugly. This guy actually thought that these two American icons


of beauty were the ugly ones! So back to my original point and the


really good news; YES - you are as good looking as Brad Pitt. That’s


the good news. The bad news is that women of our time and culture


are socially conditioned by everything around them to find him more


attractive than “us mere mortals”. While it’s certainly an uphill battle


to try to convince a woman that you are better looking than Brad Pitt


off the bat, with proper technique you can shift her perception of beauty. Think about it this way. For every feature on him, there is


some specific socially or genetically programmed reason why she


finds it attractive. Let’s examine a couple of Brad’s features and show


how eventually she can find your features equally as attractive.


Let’s look at his prominent cheek bones and strong jaw line and chin.


In Western societies, men and women of all races often agree that a


face with pronounced cheekbones and often a heavily-set jaw is


physically attractive. These are currently viewed as indicative of a


masculine, confident personality. Now, let’s say you have no


cheekbone structure and an extremely tiny chin but you are incredible


confident and masculine. In fact, you are the most confident man


she’s ever met. You have just set a new precedent for what confident


means to her. I agree that for the first meeting or two she’ll probably


still say that Brad is more attractive than you, but after a while those


old cultural views that she had associated with a strong chin can be


replaced by even more powerful associations about having hardly


any chin at all. A “chinless” guy will actually become her new symbol


of confidence and masculinity. If you were to break up with her, she’d


actually go out and search for a guy with a tiny chin because she now


assumes that it’s somehow associated with confidence. So what’s the lesson to be learned about all this? If you don’t look like


Brad Pitt, don’t worry about it. With extreme confidence and the right


techniques you will actually become her new standard for beauty and


masculinity. Keep this in mind when you are out meeting women. You


need to know that her view of beauty is so paper-thin and penetrable


that you have no reason to ever feel insecure. Be confident that with


the right attitude you can actually become the vision for what beauty


is in her eyes.


The Soprano Factor


Here’s an example that proves that a strong, confident personality


can blind a woman to the fact that you aren’t classically handsome. I


was hanging out with a group of girls I know watching Sopranos a few


of years ago. To my complete shock one of the girls bursted out


almost as if she couldn’t help but say it ,“Mmmmmmmm… he is


sooooo hot!”. On the screen all I see are Tony and Carmela Soprano.


I immediately think she couldn’t be talking about anyone on the


screen because obviously Tony Soprano is a fat, balding guy. So I


start looking around the room and see some photos on a table next to


the TV. In one of the photos I see a picture of one of the girls with her


arm around some guy. I assumed that must have been who she was saying mmmmmmm about. I didn’t really give it much thought and


kept watching the show. A little while later, one of the other girls says,


“Yeah, he really is hot”. I finally realize that they are talking about


Tony Soprano. How could this possibly be? I was so confused. These


girls were drooling over Tony Soprano like he was a piece of steak. I


asked the other three girls in the room if they thought he was


attractive as well. To my astonishment, all but one of them thought he


was hot. They said, “There’s just something about him. I don’t know


what it is”. I couldn’t believe my ears. This was the ultimate proof to


me that with the right attitude, ANY man can be considered attractive


to women. Now after years of studying the psychology of attraction, I


understand what it is they were talking about. Tony Soprano displays


a huge amount of confidence and strength. He speaks in a


commanding, authoritative tone. He’s the kind of guy that will put a


woman in her place if she gets out of line with him. He will call her out


on any silly games she plays. He is always in control of the situation.


So no matter how ugly you are, if you can get women to think that


you are strong, in control and confident – they will find you attractive!


This is great news for all of us that look more like Tony Soprano than


Brad Pitt.


Become The “Cool”, Confident Guy


Okay, so know that we realize the importance of confidence, let’s look


at some ways we can begin to develop it. I often have guys ask me


how to how to become a “cool”, confident guy. The first step to


becoming the guy you’ve always wanted to be is to close your eyes


and imagine every aspect of his character. Don’t rush through this.


Without a very vivid picture of who you want to become, you’ll never


become him. I want you to take a moment to ponder each one of


these questions: How does he walk? How does he move? What does


his voice sound like? Does he hold his head high? How does he


dress? I want you to go through every aspect of his character. Get an


extremely clear vision in your head of this fictional character. Now I


want you to say to yourself, “If I can see him, I can be him”. Now take


your face and put it on this character. I want you to brand this image


into your subconscious. In your mind, get used to walking around like


this guy. Get used to talking like him. Just as you wouldn’t expect to


be the best piano player in the world without practicing, you shouldn’t


expect to be a “cool”, confident guy without practicing. Become


comfortable with the new guy you’ve created. I want you to really


embrace the concept that you can be anyone you want. No guy was born a “ladies’ man”. Practice this visualization for at least 5 minutes


a day and you’ll become more and more comfortable being this




Another similar drill I want you to try is called “Acting as if”. Right now


I want you to stand up and try something. Come on, get up and really


do this! I want you to stand how you’d stand if you had 100 times


more confidence. Imagine that you were unstoppable. Stand how you


would if you were the most powerful, confident guy on the planet.


How does it feel? Get your chin up and your shoulders back. Now


step away from this book for a minute and walk how you’d walk if you


were 100 times more confident. Walk like you’re a lion marking his


territory. Walk with long deliberate strides. Take each step with total


self assuredness. Now I have to ask you – Why don’t you walk


around like this all the time? What are you afraid of? I’m sure you’re


thinking things like, “People might think I’m arrogant” or “It’s just not


me”. It’s these thoughts of fear that women can smell on you. You


need to erase these concepts immediately. Women respect a man


who’s not afraid to let the world know he’s confident. You have


nothing to be afraid of. Let everyone around you know that you’re someone important. What you’ll find is that they’ll start to treat you


differently. By “Acting as if” you’re someone confident and important;


you’ll start to actually become that way! For the next few weeks I


want you to take 5 minutes a day to practice standing and walking as


if you had 100 times more confident. After a while you’ll notice that it


will begin to reflect in your own natural stance and walk.


She’s Already Bought You


Companies across the country teach sales teams a very key rule that


helps them sell. They are taught to assume that the buyer already


wants what they are selling. In the same way, in order to be


successful with women you need to assume that she wants you.


Assume that she is interested in you and your body language will


follow along.


In the documentary “Pumping Iron” Arnold Swarzenneger says that


he called his mother before the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contest


took place to tell her that he already won. It’s no coincidence that he


was the 7 time champion. By the way, go out and buy “Pumping Iron”


as soon as you can even if you’re not into bodybuilding. The


confidence that Arnold exhibits in that documentary is incredible and inspirational. You can see that Arnold would have been irresistible to


women because he not only displays an amazing amount of


confidence but he’s really enjoying life. People just flock to him.


Everyone wants to be around him. Watch Pumping Iron once and


you’ll see why he has become so successful today.


Become The Ultimate Movie Character


Pick 3 movie characters that you feel exude confidence. Go rent or


buy the movies they are in and carefully observe every move the


characters make. Take notes on the characters. Listen to the lines


they say and the way they say them. Skip to scenes where they are


speaking to a woman and pause the movie after they say lines that


you find well delivered. Rewind and listen to the line several times.


Then practice saying the line out loud in the exact way they said it


and model their posture and stance. Get out a pen and write down all


of the details you possibly can. Where are his eyes looking? How


much distance is there between him and her? Is he using touch at


all? Do this drill with a least 3 movie characters and try to find


similarities between them. What is it that makes them seem


confident? If you can pin point EXACTLY what it is they are doing,


you can do these exact same things and seem confident as well.


Be A Master Of Your Domain


When you’re out with a woman, use deliberate, powerful movements


any chance you get. When reaching for a beer at the bar, grab it


tightly and pull it in to you. When you put seasonings on your food


use a couple of good hard shakes and then put the shaker down 20%


harder than you normally would. This shows you are in control of the


situation and that you’re decisive. You may not realize it, but she


processes all of this information. 99% of guys don’t realize that


something that seems as trivial as slow, wimpy, indecisive seasoning


shaking can turn a woman off. On a date you are being judged on the


hundreds of little, seemingly insignificant things you do.


Strong animals in nature make every move with power and authority.


You also need to learn mark your territory. An easy way to start doing


this is to take up more space. When you’re on a date, spread out and


enjoy being a man. Be the master of your domain. Literally tell


yourself, “I am the master of my domain and I enjoy it”. This thought


process will reflect in all of your actions from the way you open a door


to the way you sit in your chair and she’ll notice. Another way to establish and maintain dominance is to walk 2 steps


ahead of her (on the side closest to the street is you are walking near


one). This creates the illusion of leadership and protection. She


probably won’t realize what you’re doing consciously but she will feel


safe following your lead.


Thank you for reading this free preview of The Art Of War For
Dating System by Spencer Michaels. What you just read is just
the beginning of The Art Of War For Dating ebook course. The
rest of the ebook course offers specific techniques and the
exact dialogue you need to know to attract women. To order the
complete course which includes the full ebook, the Confidence
Builder audio program and free bonuses, go to:


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