The Assignment by Charles Coar Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen


Dawn was rudely awaken by Michael and Tim's sudden intrusion into her bedroom. She sat up, pulled up the sheets and looked at them.

“Good morning. Today is your wedding day,” Michael said tossing her gown on the bed.

“I'm not marrying you, Michael. Today or tomorrow!,” she told him. “That will change very soon,” he said as Tim grabbed her.

Dawn fought desperately, but Tim easily managed to hold her down while Michael pulled out a syringe. “You bastard! You, ahhh!” She felt the pinch of a needle, then a sudden rush of warmth that ran through her arm and into her body. Even though she continued to struggle against Tim, she couldn't stop the feeling of being weak. Her head seemed to be occupied with the strange visions she was now seeing.

Tim let go of her and she laid on the bed mumbling to herself and laughing while they watched. “Go bathe her, then get her dressed,” Michael told him “I only gave her enough to last a few hours. I don't want her giving me any trouble.”

“Come on,” Tim said as he lifted Dawn off the bed. Michael took her hand and gently kissed it. She laughed as Tim carried her into the bathroom. Michael glanced down at the syringe and knew he'd found a better way to control her. “You will be the perfect wife. Addicted to my kind of love.” He laughed loudly as he left the room.


Chris and Marguerite, along with a few men, laid on the hill side looking down into Cora. They could see the small platform in the center Square and people, poorly dressed, waiting for the wedding to begin.  Captain Hernandez walked around ordering his men, then stood proudly waiting for the big moment. He knew that Michael would give him free reign over Cora after the wedding, cause he was a man that can get things done. He knew that they would be arriving soon and all these people will have to bend to his will soon and he would be more ruthless than Michael ever was.

“Okay. Let's get ready,” Chris said before they went back down the other men.

“So, what's the plan? We definitely have to change it,” Marguerite asked while the men gathered around.

“We'll move in a little closer, and I want some men to mingle in the crowd. When the wedding starts, don't attack until I give the signal,” Chris told them.

“What's the signal?”

“You'll know it when you see it. Hopefully we can take enough of Michael's men out before they can react.”

“What about your people, Chris? Will they attack us?,” she asked

“If they're here, they'll only go after me,” he said. “Don't worry about that.” Chris paused a moment and then smiled. “Matter of fact, I might be able to use that to my advantage.”