The Assignment by Charles Coar Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter Two


The early morning sun was just over the Philadelphia skyline. The streets of West Philadelphia was set with people heading for work, shopping, and neighborhood stores either opened or opening. A brown and white two story house was at the corner of Simpson Street in the Overbrook section of the city, were Chris Westbrook lived. The house was nicely decorated, but really needed a woman's touch. Plaques and awards hung on the walls in the living room and on his coffee table sat his weapon, fully loaded. The sun light peered in through the window waking him. He opened his eyes slowly feeling the pounding in his head. He glanced around seeing empty bottles of beer and a couple of liquor bottles, along with a couple of pizza boxes with a few half eaten slices. The wall clock chime told him that his flight would be leaving in a few hours. He did not want to go, he had to be on that plane. Joseph Henderson, his long time best friend had spent the night offering condolences over his new assignment. Sitting up, Chris decided that since he had to go, he might as well get it done. Staggering in the kitchen, he made himself a pot of coffee, then jumped into the shower. After getting dressed, Chris looked into the mirror seeing how tired he looked. While brushing his teeth, the thought of seeing her again troubled him. It had taken a lot to get over her, even though he could never truly keep her out of his mind, but now they would be forced to be together.

Chris had been working for the government for the past eleven years guarding important people, including the President of the United States. Being labeled as the bodyguard, Chris knew what it took to be the best. He never let his feelings get involved with his assignments, and now he wasn't sure if he could complete this one.

After cleaning the living room, he sat down with is coffee. His ride to the airport would arrive soon and his suitcase was already packed and sitting by the front door. Glancing at the photo he had on his counter, he saw how happy they once was. It had been taken two days after she moved in with him. He'd never been more excited, with this new relationship, and how she wanted to see every sight in the city. Chris was however curious to know what she had been doing since she left, besides getting married. He also wondered how he would react to seeing her again. There was knock at his door, taking him away from his thoughts and questions, leaving a lot of blanks in his mind. Chris sight and grabbed his coffee cup, finishing the last of it, before taking his suitcase and leaving.


Dawn sat at the table I the interrogation room. Brian thought it would be the safest place for her just in case the cartel decided to come for her there. The station was on high alert and everyone was watching for any signs of trouble. Dawn felt alone since Allen was whisked away by federal agents. They let her take a shower in the locker room and change clothes, but being escorted around and being watched made her feel very uncomfortable, but she knew it was only for her protection, so she didn't complain. Looking down at her tray of uneaten food, Dawn thought about her plans that were not going to happen. She wanted to get her divorce and go to her parent's before looking for Chris. “Oh, God. My parents.” They needed to know what was going on, but they wouldn't let her tell them. It would jeopardize their lives as well as hers.

Pushing the tray from her, she didn't feel like eating. Besides the fact that the food didn't look appetizing at all. All she wanted was this nightmare to be over and wake up to the beautiful life that she had planned all along. Not being a prisoner.

“You should eat something. You've gotta keep your strength up,” Brian said shutting the door. He was wearing a dark gray suit and a white pressed shirt and black tie. His hair was neatly combed, not looking at all messy as it did yesterday.

“I can't eat this. I'm sorry. I just wish he would get here. I'm getting restless sitting here.”

“He'll be here in a few hours, Mrs. Hawkins, don't worry.”

“Brian, do you know who this agent is?”

“No, but he's suppose to be good,” Brian told her.

“I was just curious ,” Dawn said with a sigh.

“You shouldn't worry so much. We'll catch hi and you'll be back home in no time. Just try to relax and I'll get you some real food. How's that sound?”

“That sounds good,” Dawn said sitting back in the chair.


The jet that the F.B.I. Used was an hour away from landing at Hampton airport while Chris thought about the meeting he had with Matt Johnson, his supervisor. Matt was a twenty four year agent and this case would add a shinning pin to his career. Bringing down the Rodriguez cartel would advance him in ways that he could not imagine.

Chris sat in the chair facing his desk looking around. He had only been there a couple of times briefly, but now he had to wait for him to arrive. The Secret Service offered a lot, but he enjoyed the freedom of not living in Washington D.C.. Johnson's office always stayed neat without the piles of paperwork on the desk like the other agents. The window gave a splendid view of Independence Hall. There was a blue folder in the center of the desk and Chris was curious to know if the folder had something to do with his new assignment. It would take him from Philadelphia and he looked forward to it. He needed a change of atmosphere, which would help him keep his mind off of her. Matt Johnson walked into his office looking Chris over. His black plain suit was neatly pressed, his shoes were shinned to perfection.

“Do you why you're here, Agent Westbrook?,” Matt asked as he sat down.

“Yes. You have an assignment for me,” Chris replied.

“This is no ordinary assignment, but the most important one for this office.” Chris sat up in the chair, more curious and attentive.

“Have you heard of Michael Rodriguez?”

“He's the head of one of the largest drug cartels in Columbia,” he answered.

“Very good,” Matt said with a nod of his head.

“Yesterday in the small city of Hampton, a woman witnessed Antonio Rodriguez kill two people. One of those people was Paul Rodgers and the other was a stock boy,” Matt told him.

“Antonio is Michael's nephew I think, but Paul is just a petty crook,” he said.

“Agent...” Matt waved his hand dismissing what he was about to say. “Chris, your job is to protect this witness until we catch Antonio. And if we're lucky, he'll lead us right to Michael.” Matt slide the folder over to him. “This contains all the information about the witness and where you will taking her,” he told him.

Chris took the folder and opened it. After reading a page, he looked at a photo and sighed heavily.

“Is something wrong?”

“I can't except this assignment, Sir,” Chris informed him.

“Why not?,” Matt asked, now sitting up in his chair.

“Sir, I know her. We used to be together and it didn't end well,” Chris explained.

Running a hand over his head, Matt tried not get too upset. The bureau had been working on bringing down the Rodriguez cartel, but until now they had the best lead and no one wanted to pass it up, especially Matt. “Look, Chris! I don't care how you know her, or even how you feel about her. I need this witness to stay alive and you are the only one who can do that. They will come after her and that makes her the most important woman on earth! This is your assignment!,” Matt told him.

“I don't want it. Besides, you have other qualified agents who can handle this,” he told Matt. “Why can't you give it to Lloyd or Woffard?”

Matt stared at him a moment. “I'm only going to say this once! You are the best at this, Westbrook, and I don't care what you have to do, but you will do your job. This comes from the director himself!”

Chris knew there was no way he could get out of it, or avoid it. “Since I can't this, I'll do my job!”

A smile crossed Matt's face. “There is a map. It will show you the way to a private cabin about an hundred miles outside of Hampton. Only a few agents know of its location, so follow it precisely,” Matt explained. “Now this cabin is supplied with everything you'll need for at least a month.”

Sighing, Chris asked, “Who do I report to?”

“When you get on the road and just before you reach the cabin, you'll call agent Henderson. Are there anymore questions?”

“Yes. Who do I see when I get there?”

“An agent will pick you up at the airport and take you to the police station. After that he will leave, but the vehicle will remain. You will see Captain Brent Scott.”

“I have no further questions.”

“Good. Then I'll just wish you luck. I know you'll keep her safe and protected,” Matt said extending out his hand as he stood up.

Chris shook it and left the office. He knew this would be a long assignment and not a happy one.

Turbulence shook him from his thoughts and he looked out of the small window looking down at the familiar sights of Hampton below. The nervousness crept up on him slowly, and a strong anxious feeling grew in his stomach that wouldn't pass until he saw her, at least he hoped.


“Brian, it's almost six. Where is he?,” Dawn impatiently asked. “I'm getting sick of being stuck in this room. If I have to stay here another night, I'll just scream.”

Sitting in the chair beside her, Brian held her hand. “Don't worry he'll be here soon, then you'll be on your way,” he told her. “Matter of fact, Dawn, I'll miss you around here.”

Dawn let go of his hand and softly stroked his face. “Thank you, Brian. I know that I'll miss you too.”

“Let me see if he's here yet,” he said standing up and leaving the room.


Chris carried his suitcase as he followed the agent from the plane. He glanced at his watch and saw that he was running behind schedule. The warm breeze blew against his face, but his hands were slightly trembling. He was home, but it was anything than a social visit. Both of his parents had passed away, but they did the best they could for Chris. He leaned back and wondered what he was doing. Dawn shouldn't scare him so. She was the one that walked out on him. He would have begged her to stay, if he'd been there when she left.

Chris closed his eyes and thought about his youth and growing up in the rough part of Tampa. His childhood was one of hanging out and petty theft. The only thing he did enjoy was school, which turned out to be the only thing he was good at. At the age of thirteen, Chris had joined his first gang, taking it as something to do. Hanging out with his new friends got him into enough trouble that he thought about dropping out of school. They would hand out and rob other children for their money. It was a hard lesson he had to learn, but he learned it well when they murdered two people. The police were looking for any gang member to pin it on and Chris was scared for the first time. He wasn't with them when it happened and he didn't want to go to jail for it, so he moved in with his Aunt, who lived in Hampton and decided to finish school. After graduating from high school, he went to college to study law.

A smile appeared on his face as he thought about the trial he was testifying in. It was the day he met Dawn. The court room was packed and he sat there bored until his gaze fell upon a beautiful woman, who smiled at him from the jury box. She had long jet black hair and a clear brown complexion. Her smile took control and he remembered that he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Every now and then, he noticed that she would peek in his direction, giving him a sign that she was interested in him. After the trial was over, he asked her out to dinner and to his surprise she accepted. Their relationship took off, until the day she left him.

Chris noticed that they were traveling up Irving Street, giving him that nervous feeling again. He just didn't know what to expect from her. The car parked in front of the police station and he got out. He looked up at the three story building. “Good luck. The car will be out back when you're ready,” the agent said before handing Chris the keys. He walked into the busy station looking around. There were people standing in front of the main desk, along with a few reporters. He figured that someone might have leaked information that Dawn was there and they just wanted to follow up. They didn't understand how serious the situation was. A woman's life was in danger and all they wanted was to be the first to get the news to their paper first.

“Are you the special agent?,” Brian asked, hoping he was.

“Yes. Special Agent Chris Westbrook,” he said taking out is identification showing it. “I'm detective Brian Richardson. The captain is anxious to see you.”

Captain Brent Scott sat behind his desk looking at reports. He'd been on edge all day, knowing that an important witness, who could cause all kinds of problems for him, was at his station. She could do damage to a menace that has plagued the city for years. Brent ran a hand through his silvery black hair as he leaned back in his chair. After twenty two years on the force, it was the first time he had the spot light on him and he hated it. Trying to keep his officers from leaking the news and keeping everything quiet, so that no one would know that she was there.

The Mayor, along with the city council told him that they would be watching how he would handle things. He knew once the media found out what was going on and where, they would descend on him and that Michael would too.

Brian knocked on the captains door, then opened it, escorting Chris in. “Captain, this is special agent, Chris Westbrook.”

With a smile, Brent stood up and walk from behind his desk. “I'm glad to meet you,” he said shaking Chris' hand.

“Thank you,” Chris said.

“Do you need anything from us before you leave?”

“No,” Chris said.

“I just have to get on the road as soon as possible.”

“Okay. I just need you to sign some paperwork and she'll be in your capable hands.”

“I'll take you to her when you're done,” Brian said.

After a few minutes of filling out and sign paperwork, Brian escorted him towards the interrogation rooms. They walked down the busy hall and Chris knew it had been a long time and hoped that she would bring up the past. Reaching the room, Brian opened the door and Chris froze.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Hawkins. I would like to introduce you to special agent Chris Westbrook.”

“Hi,” she said softly. “So, you're suppose to protect me.”

Chris took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He didn't want to face her. In fact, he dreaded it, but it had to be done. Dawn looked at him and a flood of emotions took over her. All the love and hate was tearing at her all at once. “You can't... I don't... No!” She ran out of the room with Brian quickly following her. Chris walked over and flopped down In the chair knowing it would truly be a long assignment.

“I don't want to see him or talk to him! I don't want him protecting me!,” she told Brian.

“Listen to me, Dawn. I don't know what's going on. It's none of my business, but your safety is my first concern,” he told her.

“I don't want to be around him. Don't you understand?”

“Do you think he's gonna hurt you?,” asked.

“Oh, no. No.”

“Sometimes we have to do things that we don't like, but it's for our own good. I don't want anything to happen to you, Dawn. So if you just grin and bare it, it'll be over before you know it,” Brian explained to her.

She looked up at him and smiled. “Okay, Brian. I'll give him a chance for you.”

“Thank you, Dawn.”

Chris wondered if would accept him, but knew it would be one long headache if she didn't.

Still, he had no choice, but because if he didn't, she would die.

“Agent Westbrook,” he heard Brian say. “Mrs. Hawkins has decided to go with you.” Chris turned around to see her plain expression. “I'm glad that she did.”

Brian turned to her and smiled. “It was fun having you here. I hope everything works out for the best.”

“I'll miss you, Brian, and thank you for getting my clothes for me,” she said softly.

Brian smiled and left them alone in the room. Dawn turned her attention to Chris and remembered how they used to be and how they both had changed.

“So, where are you taking me?,” she sharply asked.

“You don't need to know right now, Mrs. Hawkins,” he told her.

“Why won't you tell me? I thought it would be a secret to everyone, but me.”

“Look, Dawn,” Chris said stopped the pretense. “I will tell you, but not right now.” He took out a small cross from his pocket. “I want you to wear this.”

“No, Chris. I want to know where you're taking me!”

He rubbed his forehead, frustrated with her determination. “Right now I can't tell you, but you will know soon enough,” he told her. “Now please put this on.”

“What's this? Did you get religion all of a sudden?”

“No. It's a transmitter. You push this button if we ever get separated and I”ll know that you're in trouble,” he explained.

“I'll bet you'll come looking for me!”

“Stop this, Dawn!,” he said. “Why can't you let this stay in the past? I made you unhappy with me and you moved on with your life. So drop it!” He extended out his hand, still holding the pin. “Now please put it on.”

Dawn reluctantly took it and pinned it to her shirt. “Do you feel better now?”

“Yes,” he said grabbing her suitcase. He still had the feeling that she would bring up the past every chance she could get. She would bring up all his wrongs and make their days together hard to deal with, but he had to admit that she looked just as beautiful as always.

They left the room and walked down the hall towards the back exit. Dawn remained quiet as they walked outside into the cool evening air. Chris unlocked the car door for her. She got in and he shut it, then placed her suitcase in the trunk along side his. Chris got in and started the engine driving off. He glanced over at Dawn while she looked out the window. He wanted to tell her that was still in love with her and that he had missed her so much. The silence between them was too much and he felt that something should be said. Even though her response wouldn't be that of a friend, he still wanted to hear her voice.

“Dawn, are you hungry?,” he asked.


“We'll stop at a motel and stay the night. We can get a fresh start in the morning,” he told her.

“Why?,” she asked.

“I'm not sleepy.”

“Well, I'm tired and it will take us some time to get where we are going,” he told her. Dawn sighed and continued looking out the window. “Whatever you want to do.”

Chris wished that she would stop acting like a spoiled child. He just needed her to talk to him. Just so he could tell her that he still loved her. To explain why he didn't come after her.

Chris spotted a motel down the street and pulled into the parking lot.

Dawn stared at him a few seconds before asking, “Why do we have to stay here? I'd rather get this done as soon as possible, so I can get far away from...” She sat back and didn't know why she said that. Those old attitudes and feelings were resurfacing and she didn't want that to happen. Her eyes teared up with sorrow for being so selfish and demanding.

“Don't worry, Dawn. When this is over, you won't have to worry about seeing me again.

For now, please do what I ask of you.” He felt so defeated and lost. “Please stay in the car.” Chris got out and sighed, then walked towards the front office. He didn't like this feeling and to have to deal with it for days on end.

“Can I help you?,” the manager asked.

“Yes,” Chris said glancing at the car. “I need a room.”

Dawn cried silently to herself hoping that everything was different. That she didn't walk out on him. That she was Mrs. Westbrook instead of Hawkins. She just didn't know why she couldn't let go of the past. She wanted to and not hold onto her feeling of abandonment.

The room was small, but cozy. A double sized bed was in between two small night stands. On the dresser was a television and a couple of advertisements. A telephone was on the one night stand and by the door was two chairs and a small round table. Red carpet covered the floor and a few paintings were on the walls. Chris shut the door and sat their suitcases on the bed and said, “We'll be leaving early in the morning.”

Dawn didn't say a word, but instead she went into the bathroom and shut the door. She slowly stripped out of her clothes, the tears streaming down her face. She wanted to call him in, take him into the shower and make love to him. A chuckle escaped her realizing that he wouldn't because she was married. He didn't know that she would be getting divorced soon. Stepping into the shower, she turned on the water.

Chris grabbed the grabbed the phone receiver and sat down on the bed and sat down on the bed. He dialed his number and waited. He thought about her and wondered what she'd been through. He wanted to know about her husband, if he was good to her.

“F.B.I. Special Unit. Special agent Henderson speaking.”

“Joseph, this is Chris.”

“What do you have to report?,” Joseph asked.

“We left the police station and we stopped at a motel on highway seventy five, an hour out of Hampton. The Gray Inn Motel. We'll stay the night, then leave at seven thirty,” Chris informed him.

“I'll pass it on to Johnson, “Joseph said. “Hey, don't you wish that you were on vacation now?”

“Yeah, but I'm taking one once this assignment is over,” Chris told him.

“Okay. Contact me when you get there and I'll have back up standing by in case you need it.”

“Thanks, Joseph.”

“I'm always here for you, buddy,” Joseph said before hanging up.


Joseph tapped his fingers on his desk, he debated if he should make his call now. Chris was his best friend, someone he could always count on. He didn't want to see anything bad happen to him, but the Rodriguez cartel was paying him good money for information. He felt bad about the other agents that died. Chris was another story. They met six years ago while they both were on assignment. Chris was on detail with the President and he was on a security detail. They instantly became friends and he was in the court room when Chris first met Dawn. Even though he didn't want any part of this, his private bank account was getting larger and soon he could just walk off the job and disappear a rich man. “I'm sorry, Chris, but I told you not to take this assignment.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. A woman answered the other end with a sweet tone in her voice. “He's at the Gray Inn Motel on highway seventy five. They will be leaving in the morning. I assure you that there will be no back up.” Joseph heard the click that ended the call. He sat back in his chair feeling somewhat nervous. He knew that after he made that final call, he had to watch out for himself. His girlfriend, which he actually loved, might have to be left behind, but with all his money, he would have no problem finding another one.

Manny Rodriguez had approached him three years ago with an offer, but Joseph refused, but changed his mind when his bills were more than the money he had, especially his gambling debts. He had racked up debts on sports and horse racing. He needed the money badly and there was no question about where his loyalties laid. He had to get hands on some money quickly to keep his lively hood going. He figured that if he didn't do it, someone else would. Joseph knew had to be careful once he made that call. Life in a federal prison wasn't what he would call as having a great life.


Dawn relaxed in the steamy hot water of the shower thinking about Chris. She remembered their first date and it made her smile. She thought that he looked so handsome and how she didn't want their night to end. The date wasn't anything extravagant, just a movie and dinner. Afterwards, they just walked and talked, telling each other about their dreams, wants, and desires. She had so many good memories of their love, but she was the one who ruined it and destroyed what they had.