The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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I GLANCED OVER AT THE table where Mackenzie was sitting. She saw me looking and I smiled coolly. We stared at each other until she looked down and went back to her food.

That’s right, bitch. This is my school. My lunchroom. My man.

I glanced over at Chase. He obviously didn’t remember drooling over her the month before. We’d been downtown, just walking out of Starbucks. That’s when we saw her pass by on a mountain bike. It had been hot that day and she’d been wearing shorts and a bathing suit top, her boobs practically falling out of it. Chase had done a double-take and I’d said something sarcastic. He’d laughed it off and said some crap about it being a guy’s natural reaction and not to take it personally. Still, it had really irritated me. He could have at least pretended that he hadn’t been staring at the bitch. But, that was Chase. He was sometimes almost too truthful. I thought I’d gotten over it until I saw her walk into First Period. Seeing her face, everything came back to me, and I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to see her fall flat on her face, so I kicked my boot out on purpose. Watching her trip and fall had been epic. Then, there’d been the incident at the locker. Seeing her stare at Chase had been the last straw. He was my guy and there was no way I’d lose him to a bitch like her.

“So are you still racing again tonight?” Sonny asked


“Yeah. Ten o’clock,” he replied.

“Sweet. I’m fucking bushed... but you know me.  I’ll definitely be there,” Sonny said.

“You’d better be, man. You’re the one who kept us up late anyway,” I said. “I’m just glad we don’t have football practice tonight.”

Laughing, Sonny stood up. “No shit. I’m still hungry. I’m going to grab something else to eat from the snack bar. I’ll catchya later.”

“What did you guys do last night?” I asked, when Chase and I were finally alone.

“I already told you. We hung out at my place. In the garage,” Chase replied, sounding irritated. I knew better than to keep grilling him, although something told me that there was more to the story than he was letting on.

I changed the subject. “So, is your dad out of town again?”


“Until when?”

“I don’t know. I think he might have mentioned Thursday he’d be back.”



Chase had the house to himself frequently. His father was a real estate investor and always traveling, which I knew Chase preferred. The two didn’t get along very well. His dad was moody and could be a real asshole. Of course, he was nice to me, so I never saw that side of him.

“Are you going to be at the shop tomorrow night?”

Chase worked part-time at Lenny’s Auto Shop. He seemed to know everything about cars and spent most of his free time tinkering with his vintage Mustang. With football, his job, racing, and hanging out with the guys, I barely saw him anymore. I’d complained about it so much that we even decided to take a little break from each other. But, I knew Chase. He had a lot going on in his life and I’d stressed him out by putting too much pressure on him. We loved each other, though, and I knew he just needed some time. I wasn’t about to give up on our relationship. We were meant to be together. 

“Yeah. After football practice,” he replied.

“Are you busy Wednesday or Thursday night? That new horror movie is out and I can’t find anyone to go with me.”

“Which one?”

I told him the title.  

He drank the rest of his milk before answering. “I don’t know. I have a lot of shit going on in the next couple of days.”

I studied his face. I couldn’t even tell what was going on in his brain anymore. “You’re avoiding me, aren’t you?”

“Not on purpose. You know how busy I am, especially now that we’re back in school. Besides,” he lowered his voice, “I thought we’d agreed to give each other some space.”

Before I could answer, Celine Stokes sat down across from us. She and I used to be best friends, but had drifted apart a little during eleventh grade. We still hung out a lot, but we weren’t as close. I still wasn’t exactly sure why.

“Hi, Mattie. Hi, Chase.”

We both said hi in unison.

“Where were you today?” I asked. Normally, she sat with us at lunch.

“I had an appointment with the counselor. I’m trying to transfer out of one of my classes.” She looked at my clothing. “I love that shirt. Who are you wearing?”

I glanced down at my V-neck blue chiffon blouse.  She knew my mother was always getting me designer clothing. The perks of being in the fashion industry. My mom worked for a purse designer and was in the process of trying to create her own brand. She said that one day, our last name would be a famous label if things turned out the way she planned. “Calvin Klein.”

“No Dior today, huh?” Celine said with a little grin.

“It’s only Monday,” I replied with a knowing grin. “Check back on Friday. Mom is flying in from New York.”

“You are such a spoiled hag,” she teased.

We both laughed. It was something we called each other for fun.

“I heard you’re racing tonight,” she said, looking at Chase.

He nodded. “Yep.”

“I thought so. That’s cool. What kind of a car do you have again?” she asked, playing with the bangles on her wrist. “It’s a Mustang, right?”

He nodded. “Shelby GT500.”

“What year?”

“’67,” he said.

She kept asking him questions about his car and I wanted to smack her. Not that I thought she was flirting, but I wanted to talk to Chase privately again before the bell rang. But, I had to be nice. Her older sister was an actress and had promised to take us both to Hollywood one day. To see the studios. 

“What’s all this sudden interest in cars?” I asked, after a few more seconds of them talking automobiles.

“I don’t know. I guess I just really love the old classics,” she replied.

I hid my eye-roll. She’d never expressed any interest in vintage cars before. Something seemed fishy.

“Are you coming to the race tonight?” Chase asked her. “You’ll get to see mine in action.”

Her eyes lit up. “Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t miss it.”

Celine had a boyfriend but I still felt... threatened. Maybe it was because Chase was giving her more attention than he’d given me in the last couple of weeks. And, as far as I was concerned, her boyfriend wasn’t as hot as Chase.

“I love his Mustang. It’s sexy and fast as hell. Almost too fast.” I thought back to the first time he took me for a ride and told her about it. “I almost peed my pants we were going so fast.”

Chase grinned. “I didn’t even punch it down all the way. Good thing I didn’t or you might have ruined my seats.”

I smacked him playfully.

“Are you going to be at the race tonight?” Celine asked me.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t miss it.”

She grinned. “Sounds cool. Maybe we could meet up beforehand and get food or something?”

“Maybe. Text me later and I’ll see if I’m free,” I replied, hoping that Chase would let me hang out with him before the race.

“Sounds good.” Celine got up and flounced away.

“So, you’re going tonight, huh?” Chase asked. “I thought this racing stuff bored you.”

“Who told you that?” I asked innocently.

“You did. You missed the last two.”

“Well, this one... I wouldn’t miss for the world.”

He gave me a puzzled look.


Chase sighed. “Nothing.” He stood up and grabbed his empty tray from the table. 

It felt like he was drifting away from me more and more every day. “You do want me there, don’t you?”  

“Of course. I’d like all my friends to be there.”

His words stung.

I was more than that.

Apparently, he needed a reminder.