The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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I STARED AT GUS... mind blown.

“Wait, what?” I replied, still wondering if I’d heard him right.

“You heard me.”

After being threatened by Mattie’s old man for street-racing, Gus was proposing a different type of competition. One that sounded more like a joke than anything.

I studied his face.

Was he serious?

He went on. “You heard what the sheriff said. He’ll throw our asses in jail if he catches anyone racing in Diamond Lake. So, I say we wager on something a little more interesting while we wait for the dust to settle down.”

“Why would I want to enter into something like this?”

He leaned forward. “Why wouldn’t you? Come on, Adams. I heard you’ve done more for less.”

“This is totally different.”

“Exactly. Which makes it more interesting.” Gus smirked. “You probably wouldn’t win anyway. I can understand your hesitation.”

I glared at him. “If I really wanted to do this, there’d be no competition. I’d have her panties down faster than you could jerk off thinking about it.”

He laughed. “See, this is why I can’t believe you’re not excited about this. You’re so goddamn sure of yourself.”

“Apparently, that makes two of us. Why this, though?”

“Because it’s fun. Not to mention, she’s different. She’s a challenge. Always has been.”

“So, you’ve tried before?”

“I’ve flirted casually. It’s hard to do during family get-togethers.”

“Maybe you’re just not her type.”

He shrugged. “Maybe not. Regardless, I think this will be a challenge for both of us. Especially after that shit you pulled earlier. I’m pretty sure she thinks you’re the biggest asshole on the planet.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Why should I trust you, or even her, for that matter? You two could be setting me up to lose.”

His face turned serious. “I’m not a cheater. I get off on winning fair and square. The money doesn’t even mean anything to me. My parents are loaded and my grandmother left me a trust fund, which I’ll inherit after graduation. For me, it’s all about the competition and prize.”

For some reason, I believed him.

“But, why this?”

He pulled out a sugar packet from the plastic stand and began playing with it. “Why not? It’s a unique challenge. Not to mention, she’s hot. Even you have to agree with that.”


“I don’t know. This sounds too easy.”

“Don’t be so sure of yourself. She’s a virgin. It’s obvious. I suppose most of the girls at Diamond Lake are sluts, so you’re not used to reading the signs—”

“Fuck off.” Even if it were true, I wasn’t going to let him talk shit about our school.

He laughed. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

My mind went over the wager again. I still couldn’t believe he wanted to place a bet on who could fuck Mackenzie first.

“How much?” I asked.

“One thousand dollars.”

“Fuck.” The money sounded nice. Especially if I was moving out of my old man’s house. But, what if I lost? I couldn’t afford to. A thousand bucks was a thousand bucks.

“We could go higher if you want,” he said, misunderstanding me.

“No. That’s the highest I’d go. But...” I scratched my chin. “I just don’t know.”

“You still don’t trust me.”

Fucking-A right I didn’t.

“It’s not just that. You two are friends. You already have an advantage.”

“What if I piss her off? We’ll both start off evenly.”

I frowned. “How would you do that?”

He was silent for a few seconds and then brought up that they were having a formal dance at their school to raise money for charity. “It’s next weekend.”

“I’m listening.”

He went on. “I’ll invite her to the dance, make sure she gets a new dress, and... stand her up.”

My eyes widened. “Dude, that’s cold.”

He laughed harshly. “Yeah, she’ll probably hate me.”

“Fuck yeah. It is pretty extreme.”

I just didn’t get it.

“It’s like I said before, I need a good challenge. I thrive on this shit. I want to prove that I can break her heart and still win her back.”

“I don’t think even you could pull that off.”

“Oh, I can and I will.”

I grunted.

“One thing, though. You can’t start romancing her until after I stand her up. That way, we both start off on the same playing field.”

“I guess that’s fair.”

“I’m probably going to fuck her one way or another anyway. But, if you can beat me to it, you’ll get bragging rights and some spending cash.”

“And if I lose, I’ll be out a grand.”

“Well, shit. I’ve never known any of you Diamond Lake boys to consider losing even a possibility. Especially you, Adams.”

He was right. Winning was, and always had been, everything. My old man had drummed the importance of that in my head early on. If you lost, it was because you gave up. You pussed out.

“So, you in?”

I sat there and mulled over everything Gus had said. In a way, I felt bad for Mackenzie. She clearly thought he was her friend and here the guy was, placing a bet on who could fuck her first.

And I thought I was a dick.

“How do we prove who’s had her first?” I ask.

“Get a pic of her naked.”

I drummed my fingers on the table anxiously. As long as he didn’t cheat, I had a damn good chance. Hell, I’d make sure I won. The money was something I really needed. Not to mention, fucking Mackenzie would be icing on the cake.

I sighed. “Fine. I’m in. But, we need to agree on some clear ground rules.”

“Of course.” He held out his hand. “So, we have a deal?”

I stared at it. “One question—did you fuck Mattie?”

“What do you think?”

His expression told me everything I needed to know. He’d gotten a piece. It didn’t bother me as much as it would have six months ago.

“Fuck it.” I shook his hand. “Sure, why not.”