The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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I WALKED OUT OF THE shop feeling like an asshole, especially after seeing that Mackenzie had purchased a new dress for the dance. I felt guilty and I wasn’t even the one who was going to stand her up. The worst thing was, I wasn’t even allowed to bad-mouth Gus. Of course, he wasn’t supposed to talk shit about me either. Whether he’d cheat or not, I really didn’t know. All of his talk about integrity seemed like bullshit, especially for someone playing a game like this. And yet, who was I to point fingers? I’d agreed to the contest and knew Mackenzie was going to get hurt at one point.

I rested my forehead against the steering wheel. “What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered out loud.

I should just end it.

Take the thousand dollar loss. Chalk it up as an expensive lesson learned.

Fuck it.

I pulled my phone out and send Gus a message.

Me: I can’t go through with this. I’m forfeiting.

Gus: You’re that worried you won’t win her over?

Me: That’s not it.

Gus: Right.

I wanted to tell him that I saw her today, with the dress, but was supposed to stay away from her.

Gus: Man up, Adams. Don’t be a pussy.

Me: Fuck you. It’s not about that. It’s about using a girl for a damn contest. A nice girl.

Gus: You barely know her. How do you know she’s nice? 

Me: Gut instincts.

Gus: I’ll give you until Friday night to make up your mind. Ten p.m. Either we do this, or you pay me cash. Deal?

I sighed and replied back.

Me: Deal.

AFTER STOPPING AT Taco Bell, and ordering a couple of burritos, I called Sonny.

“So, guess where I’m heading?” I said with a smile.


“My new digs.”

There was a long pause. “Say what?”

I told him about the studio.

“No fucking way. You really did it?” he asked incredulously.

“Yep. I’m all moved in.”

He groaned. “Dude... I’m so fucking jealous. Where’s it at?”

I told him.

“Time to celebrate. I’ll try and get my hands on some brewskies and head on over.”

“I have to work tonight. I’m just going home to eat and change.” Fortunately, Lenny’s wasn’t too far from the studio.

“What time are you off at?  I wanna see your place.”

“I’m working later than usual. I won’t be home until after eleven sometime. How about tomorrow? You, Bruce, and Tyler can stop by. We’ll get a pizza. It’ll have to be after seven, though.”


I told him that the studio was above a bait shop. “Guess whose grandma owns it?”


“The new girl. Mackenzie.”

“No fucking way.”


“I heard she’s been talking shit around school about Mattie. She’s super pissed.”

“Yeah, I heard the same thing. Mattie isn’t all that innocent either, though. She’s usually the one starting things.”

“You’re not defending Mackenzie, are you?”

“Fuck no. I’m just saying that if the new girl is really talking trash, it could be in retaliation. I’d stay out of it if I were you.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Hey, you still going to Jason’s party this Friday night?”


“Sweet. Can I crash at your place afterward?”

“Sure. We have to keep it cool though. I promised Rae there wouldn’t be any crazy business.” Which happened quite a bit when my friends and I were partying.

“Who’s Rae?”

“Mackenzie’s Grandma.”

“Jesus, Dude, when did you start being a Boy Scout?”

“Fuck off. I just don’t want to be kicked out of my new place.”

“I suppose. Does your old man know?”

“Not yet... but he will soon enough.”

I knew he was working late but would come home eventually and find the letter I’d left him. I told him about finding a place but didn’t leave an address. It was a small town and he’d find out soon enough.

“He’s going to be pissed.”

“Let him be.”

There was nothing he could do. For the first time in a long while, I wasn’t anxious about going home. In fact, I’d never felt so relaxed.

I went on. “Anyway, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I’m almost home.”

“Home... You lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

I smiled. “You don’t have it so bad at yours.”

He grunted. “Right. You saw what I’m living with right now. I love my mom, but she’s turning into a real drunk.”

“Maybe you should say something to her.”

“Like what?”

“Tell her you’re concerned that her drinking is getting out of hand.”

He snorted. “She’d tell me to mind my own business.”

“You never know. At least she’d know that you were worried about her.”

“I suppose. We’ll see. I’ll figure something out, eventually.”

“I know you will, bro. Just hang in there.”

“Easy for you to say, homeowner.”

I chuckled. “I’m not a homeowner. I’m a renter. But, it’s close enough.”

“Quit rubbing it in. You sure there’s not room for me?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I’m not allowed to let anyone live here with me.”

“We could keep it on the down-low.”

“I can’t take any chances.”

He snorted. “Just like I said. Boy Scout.”

I laughed.