The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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I COULDN’T STOP FUMING about my car and knew I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. As much as I wanted to force Mackenzie into paying for the damages, I was afraid to actively pursue it. I couldn’t lose the apartment, and I wasn’t going back to my old man’s place. I didn’t want to take that chance, so pissing off her grandmother wasn’t an option.

“Hey, bro. Did you confront the new girl about your car?” Bruce asked when we saw each other in the hallway after first hour was over.

“Yeah. She’s denying it.”

He grunted. “Right. Who else would do it? She was angry when she left the store. We both saw it. I’m surprised she left my car alone.”

“She probably didn’t know which one was yours. Anyway, Audra’s younger brother witnessed her vandalizing my Mustang. He has no reason to lie.”

He stared hard at me. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. There’s not much I can do.” From her reaction, I knew she wasn’t going to cough up any money, either.

“Hell, yeah there is. Make her pay for it,” he said firmly. “That bitch shouldn’t get away with this.”

I explained my predicament.

“Fuck. That sucks.”

I nodded.

“Are you going to get it fixed?”

“When I have the cash.”

I thought about the contest with Gus. If I won, it would definitely help cover some of the cost of getting the Mustang repainted. I just didn’t know if I could push aside my anger enough to be friendly to Mackenzie—let alone have sex with her. Although, I was no longer feeling guilty about using her for the bet. She was a cold-hearted bitch.

“What about asking your dad for help?”

I knew involving him would only make matters worse.

“No. He’d probably try and get me to move back home if he coughed up the money,” I replied, brushing off the idea.

Bruce sighed. “Well, shit. If you need anything from me, let me know.”

“Thanks, man.”

He took off and I headed to Chemistry. I sat down, and a few seconds later, Mackenzie entered the classroom. She avoided eye contact and sat down next to me.  

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I forced myself not to bring up the car again. As pissed off as I was, I knew it wouldn’t help me get the money and I was more determined than ever to win it from Gus.

Mackenzie, on the other hand, had other plans.

“I’m going to prove it wasn’t me who keyed your Mustang,” she said, looking right at me. “There should be video surveillance showing exactly who did it.”

“Okay,” I replied, a little surprised.

“I don’t know who Jack Freemont is, but he’s wrong.”

Caught off-guard by her determination to prove her innocence, I started having doubts now myself.

Had Jack been wrong?

Or was she playing me?

Not knowing what else to say, I shrugged. “I guess we’ll see.”

“We damn well will,” she replied firmly.

WHEN THE BELL rang for lunch, I decided to seek out Freemont and question him again. I hadn’t seen him since returning to Sports Mania last night. I’d found him skateboarding in the parking lot by himself. He’d sworn up and down it was Mackenzie who’d been fucking with my car. Now I wondered if I’d been made a fool.

Still not convinced, after fourth hour, I found Freemont at his locker, by all the other tenth graders. Everyone in the hallway stared at me in surprise as I approached Freemont, who wasn’t paying attention.

I tapped him on the shoulder. “Yo, Jack.”

He turned and stared at me in surprise. “Oh... hey. Uh, what’s up?”

“I talked to Mackenzie. She swears she didn’t do it.”

“Oh, really?” he asked, seeming nervous.

“Yeah. Are you sure it wasn’t another girl?”

He nodded and avoided eye contact. “I’m sure. It was her.”

“She said if I checked the security surveillance it would that prove she didn’t do it. I have a buddy who works there. His dad owns the place. I think I’m going to see if he can set that up for me.”

Jack swallowed hard, but tried to smile. “Oh, really?”


He suddenly looked severely anxious.

I lifted my chin and folded my arms across my chest. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

Jack’s eyes moved past me. “Uh, no.”

“Hey, what’s going on over here?” Mattie asked with a smile in her voice as she came up behind me.  “You two look like you’re up to something.”

Had she followed me?

I turned and looked at her. “We’re just talking about my car. You hear what happened?”

Her eyes got big. “Yeah. It’s horrible,” she said. “That’s why I came to look for Jack. I heard he witnessed it. I wanted to ask him about it myself.”

I looked at Freemont and jabbed my thumb in his direction. “He said he saw the whole thing.”

Jack nodded. “I... did.”

Mattie sighed. “It just makes me sick. I can’t believe Mackenzie took things this far. That’s really messed up.”

“She claims that she didn’t do it,” I replied as the bell rang.

Mattie snorted with an eye roll. “Of course she would say that.”

“I have to get to class,” Freemont said, shutting his locker door.

“Bye, Jack,” Mattie said.

He nodded and took off quickly.

“You don’t believe her, do you?” Mattie asked me.

“I don’t know. I’m going to see if Bruce can get access to the video coverage.”

Her eyes widened. “That’s right. His dad owns Sports Mania. I forgot about that.”

“Yeah. It was her idea to check the camera footage. Maybe Jack is wrong. Maybe it really was someone else.”

Or maybe I wanted it to be because I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Not just because she was gorgeous, either. The girl had fire. She’d stood in my face and had denied everything without batting an eye. Either she was innocent or one hell of a liar. One moment I wanted to throttle her. The next, I wanted to grab her and kiss her.

We started walking to the lunchroom, and I found myself looking for Mackenzie through the crowd. As pissed off as I’d been earlier, I really was starting to have my doubts now.

What if she was innocent?

I’d come down on her pretty hard. If she wasn’t the one who’d keyed my car, then I had some apologizing to do. The worst thing was that I technically wasn’t supposed to be nice to her until after Saturday.

A crazy thought hit me—what if Gus had been involved?

He’d have to know how angry I’d be. How I’d blow up on Mackenzie if I thought she’d been involved. It would give him quite an advantage.

Could he have paid off Freemont to lie?

I brushed the ridiculous thoughts aside. It sounded too far-fetched for even Gus.

Mattie suddenly stopped. “I forgot something. I’ll see you at the table.”


She turned around and walked away.

Meanwhile, I headed to the lunch line, still not sure what in the hell to believe anymore.