The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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I WOKE UP IN BED WITH a hangover and a half-naked chick lying next to me. If I had to be honest, both were pretty ugly. If that shit wasn’t bad enough, I was obviously going to be late for school and I couldn’t afford to be. One more Tardy and I’d lose my parking pass.

I shook the woman’s arm. “Hey, Amy. Get up.”

She frowned and opened her eyes. “It’s April,” she said in a dry, gravelly voice.

“Okay, April. What the fuck are you doing here?” I knew I hadn’t invited her to my bed. No fucking way. Crooked teeth, some missing. Smeared, drawn-on eyebrows. Rail-thin body, except for the fake tits. Twitchy, like an addict. Either this was a prank the guys had set up, or I’d hit rock-bottom and needed some serious intervention.

“I didn’t have a ride home.”  

Things were starting to come back to me in my half-drunken haze. Sonny, Tyler, Mitch, and I had snuck into a strip club in Lancaster, which was the next town over. Since the place was such a shit-dive, it hadn’t been too hard to walk through the front door. She’d been one of the dancers. I remembered something about her giving Sonny head in the parking lot. Being the horny bastard he was, he wanted more, so we’d brought her back to party at my place because my old man was out of town. It had never been my intention to fuck her, though. Or, be alone with her. How she ended up in my bed was beyond me.

“Did we have sex?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

She looked amused. “What do you think?”



I released the breath I’d been holding. 

She went on. “But, that’s because you were too drunk. You passed out on me.” She scratched the top of her shiny red panties. Not because she was horny. She had an itchy fucking crotch.

I felt the bile rise up in my throat. I needed to burn my fucking sheets. And I really liked these sheets, dammit.

“You need to go. I’m running really late,” I muttered.

“For work?”


“Oh, are you a college student?”

“High school,” I replied, hoping that would finally get her ass moving.

She stared at me in shock. “What? How old are you?”


I was actually eighteen, but whatever. She had to go.

“Oh, my God.” April scrambled out of bed and began pulling her shredded jean shorts on. “This is horrible. I can’t believe... look, don’t you dare tell anyone about this.”

“It’s our secret.” I would carry it to my grave. 

She reached down and picked up a yellow sequined tank top. “Seventeen. I guess it could be worse. So, what about the other guys?”

“Same age as me.”

She groaned. “How did you boys even get into the bar?”

I grabbed a shirt out of my closet and pulled it off of the hanger. “Does it matter?”

“I guess not. What’s your address? I need to call an Uber.”

“Not a good idea. My old man should be coming home any minute,” I lied. “He can’t see you.”

“Obviously. Can you drop me off somewhere then?”

“Nope. I’m already late. There’s a gas station up the road.”

She looked relieved. “Oh. Okay.”

FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, I was flying down the road in my Mustang, watching the clock and swearing at every red light. As luck would have it, I made it to school just in time for my first class. Unfortunately, I realized pretty quickly that I’d forgotten to do my homework and it was still in my locker.

Ms. Haven, my Physics teacher, wasn’t happy when I told her where it was. “Did you finish the assignment?”  

“Most of it,” I replied, sitting on the corner of her desk. I smiled and nodded toward her blue blouse. “You know, that color really brings out your eyes. You should wear more of it.”

Ms. Haven blushed. “Go and get your homework, Mr. Adams. Make sure it’s completed and in my basket by the end of the day.”

“Absolutely.” I nodded toward the red apple on her desk. I’d forgotten to eat and was starting to feel lightheaded. Especially after last night’s drunk-fest. “What kind of apple is that?”

“I don’t know. A Gala. Why?”

“I missed breakfast this morning. It looks really good right now.”

The teacher looked amused. “Go ahead. Take it.”

I grabbed the apple, pulled the edge of my T-shirt up, and polished it with the fabric. When I glanced at Ms. Haven, she seemed to be fixated on the apple. Or, maybe it was my abs. Considering that she was pretty hot for a teacher, I didn’t exactly mind. I’d been with older women before. Some of them had mad skills.

I grinned. “Thanks. I owe you one.”

Looking a little flushed, Ms. Haven picked up her pen. “No problem. Just, get your homework and hurry back please.”

I stood up and walked away from her desk, winking at Sonny, who was smirking.

“Thanks, I owe you one,” he mimicked quietly. “The big one.”

Laughing, I flipped him off.