The Dragonfly by Raymond Hopkins - HTML preview

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Marie was on the telephone, speaking to her mother. 

’That’s right, mum I’m coming next Friday night.  Don’t bother with a meal.  It’ll be quite late when I get in.  I probably won’t get away until after five.  Yes, I’ll get something to eat on the way.  But listen.  I’d like to bring someone with me, a friend, in fact, it’s a man.  I’d like him to stay for a couple of nights.  You’ve got plenty of space to accommodate him, which is something I can’t do myself without being totally immoral and that’s something, you may be pleased to hear, I doubt either one of us would care for.’

She listened with amusement to her mother’s gasp of amazement.

’Yes, I thought you may be surprised.  It’s not a thing I’ve done a lot of.  Well, all right, it’s not a thing I’ve ever done.  What’s that?  Yes, I think you might say he’s someone rather special.  His name is Donald Vicker, and he’s a writer.  That’s right, the author of the book I sent you.  What did you think of it?  Pretty good, isn’t it?  Well, we’ve got to know each other quite well in the course of the past few weeks.  Mum, this is the man I want and that’s why I want you to meet him.  You see, he’s made a start in his writing career, but only a start.  He’s not terribly well off.  That doesn’t matter.  Of course, I knew you’d see it that way.  What’s that?  Well, he’s very fond of me, at least.  He’s never actually said anything definite but I can guess he’s concerned about his financial situation and can’t see his way clear to anything more than friendship just yet.  Silly male pride, I suppose, but what can you do?  Yes, you’re absolutely right, I will think of something.

’What I want you to do, mum, is to give him the once over, so to speak and tell me what you think of him.  No, I’m not asking for your approval, mum, you’ll give that anyway, no matter who I brought home.  There’s no doubt you’ll like Donald and approve of him for his own sake, not mine.  It’s just that... well, I go all woozy whenever I’m near him and I can’t think straight.  Silly in a woman of my age perhaps but that’s the way it is.  The only thing is I’m wondering if I want him just to satisfy my own needs or to satisfy his as well.  In other words, am I being selfish?

’To explain, I’ve visited his house a few times.  Yes, all very moral.  It’s been early morning for the most part, although I never understood why that time of the day can’t be as immoral as any other time, apart from the fact that some of us don’t wake up so easily much before midday.  Anyway, I know what he has, what he owns.  It’s not much.  He can’t afford it.  Probably he will be able to later, when he gets his next books out, but that takes time.  He’s good, he’ll make a decent living out of writing if anyone can, but inevitably, it’s a slow start.  I could do so much for him but I can’t help wondering if I would only be feeding my own ego by doing so.  He’s not a closed character but he doesn’t give much away, not if he doesn’t want to.  I won’t get all my own way with him.  I know he’s fond of me but I don’t know how deep that feeling is.  Or, to be honest, I am pretty certain I know but maybe that’s nothing more than wishful thinking.  I’ll confess I don’t mind in the least making a fool of myself but I don’t want to make a fool of him.  That’s not the idea at all.  Right, mum, we’ll see you on Friday next, about nine in the evening I would think.’