The Music Box by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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As Leia walked into the room she saw her father looking at a picture.

A picture she saw him often look at but never really knew anything about it, just that he was the photographer.


“Hey dad! How are you today?” Leia said as she kissed him on the cheek.


“Hello my bunny, I’m good. How are you?” He asked.


“I’m good too dad.” Leia replied with a smile.


He smiled then looked down at the picture.


Leia began unpacking the food she had brought for him.


“Dad, can I ask you something?” Leia asked in a soft voice.

“Of course bunny, you can ask me anything.” Jun replied. 


Leia walked into the room and stood behind him looking at the picture.


“Since I was a young girl, I always wanted to ask you about that picture. Who is she?” Leia inquired.


Jun smiled and handed her the picture.


“I don’t know who she is. I have never met her.” He replied with a smirk.


“Really? No way! But you did photograph her, no?” Leia asked.


“I did. She wasn’t actually posing for me though. She was just in a field hanging out one day. I found it to be a beautiful shot so I snapped the picture.” He explained.

Just then his brother Dong-Kyu entered the room.


“Come on Jun, tell Leia the truth, how you fell in love with her. How you watched her every day.” Dong-Kyu added.


Jun laughed with an embarrassed look on his face.


“I was enamored by her. It’s a different thing.” He said with a smile.


Dong-Kyu nodded in disagreement.


“A different thing? Love is love dad! But do tell.” Leia said with a flirty smile.


“I think I can tell you about it better than he can. He will change the real story so he doesn’t sound like a love crazed young man.” Dong-Kyu said with a laugh.

“Is it ok if he does, dad?” Leia asked.


Jun shrugged his shoulders as he stared at the picture.


“This is a great story but it has no real ending.” Dong-Kyu explained.


“No ending?” Leia asked confused.


“Just sit here and listen.” He said as he motioned for her to sit next to her dad.


“She had come into the hotel I work at many years ago.” Her uncle began.


“She was alone so I figured I’d check her out. Not for me of course, I was married.

The moment I met her I felt she’d be nice for Jun. Every day she’d pass the counter and I’d watch her go for her walks on the trails.

I wanted to tell her about Jun because I felt he needed a friend at that time but I felt embarrassed, it’s a stupid guy thing.

Little did I know, Jun had been watching her also.” He continued.


Leia sat listening in amazement.


“I was watching her, as in she passed where I was working, not anything strange, you are making it sound creepy.” Jun corrected.


Leia looked at him with a smile.


“That evening when I arrived home, Jun was already home.

He was developing the pictures he had taken that day.

He runs up to me and shows me her picture. First thing out of his mouth was; isn’t she beautiful.” He said.


“Come on Dong-Kyu, No it wasn’t.” Jun countered.


“See what I’m saying. Quiet Jun, I’m telling this story, not you.” Dong-Kyu continued.


Jun smiled and raised his eyebrows at Leia.


“I automatically recognized her from the hotel. So I thought, perfect, I want to introduce them to each other but how?

Then it suddenly came to me. That night while Jun slept, I borrowed copies of those pictures plus a music box he had on his dresser and took them to work with the intention of showing her, giving her a gift and then introducing her to Jun.” He said smiling.


“So that’s where my music box went. You know I had to order a new one. You owe me.” Jun joked.

Leia smiled and laid her head on Jun’s shoulder.


“Well… It didn’t go that way. She entered the lobby and when I saw her, I became nervous so I shoved the pictures in an envelope and just handed them to her, no note, nothing.

She probably thought I was strange but she took them.” He remembered.


“What did she say?” Leia asked.


“She said thank you.” Dong-Kyu said with a laugh.


“No really? Did she say anything?” Leia asked Jun.


He nodded no with a pout.


“What? Why not?” Leia questioned.

“Maybe she wasn’t interested.” Jun replied.


“She hadn’t look at the pictures, she just put the envelope in her bag. But I felt she was interested.” Dong-Kyu whispered.


“How do you know?” Leia asked.


“Every evening she took that same path, the path where Jun was supposedly taking pictures and for the last few days she would always return with a sad face.

The thing was, I didn’t know Jun had changed spots.

She was actually looking for him, but he was gone.” He explained.


 “That’s not true.” Jun replied.


“To this day we argue about that?” Dong-Kyu informed.


“Because you are speculating.” Jun argued back.


“I know interested when I see it.” Dong-Kyu ended.


Leia giggled.


“So what happened then?” Leia inquired.


“Nothing. That’s why I say it has no ending because she went away.” Dong-Kyu said.


Leia pouted.


“One thing I clearly remember, she always played this song, over and over again. Universe was the name. It was popular at that time.” Dong-Kyu added.


Jun smiled at the memory of that song.


“I always liked that song.” Jun commented.


Leia watched as Jun face lit up to all these sweet memories.


“So she never returned? Did you look for her?” Leia asked.


“No and No.” Dong-Kyu added.


“I had no idea where to look for her.” Jun justified.


“So you kept her picture all these years?” Leia said with a smile.


Jun nodded.


“Yes, in hopes she’d come back.” Dong-Kyu added.


Jun rolled his eyes.


“I wonder what she’s doing now. If she still has your pictures or if she thinks of you.” Leia said.


“Oh my sweet bunny. Probably not, it wasn’t that serious. That’s how life works.” Jun ended.


“Trust me Leia, if she came around again, I will personally bring her to Jun.

I truly felt if they had met there would be romance.” Dong-Kyu promised.


“You are so dramatic!” Jun joked

 nodding no.


Dong-Kyu playfully punched Jun’s shoulder.


“Why not dad? It’s obvious this picture has brought you joy and serenity throughout the years, why not finally meet her?” Leia asked.


“That was a young Jun’s wish. Many years have passed. I’m sure she went on with her life and maybe threw away those pictures the moment she received them. Let’s leave it alone, ok.” Jun insisted.


Leia smiled and began making dinner for her father. She wondered if she could find her.


“Uncle, do you remember anything about her? Like where she came from or her name?” Leia inquired.


“Ms. Park.” Jun and Dong-kyu said in unison.


“Are you two serious? Ms. Park?” Leia said with a laugh.


They laughed and Dong-Kyu pointed at Jun like ‘see you remember her name’.


“My father has been a great father. He’s taken great care of me after my mother died. He has spent many years alone, he deserves to love again. Maybe I can find her and make his wish come true.” Leia thought as she watched Jun.


“That was a great story. Thank you for sharing.” Leia said with a smile.


Jun winked at Leia.


“Haru, brother.” (하루/One day) Dong-Kyu said tapping Jun’s shoulder.


Jun nodded.


Back at home I prepared for my next adventure.

Equipped with just an old picture, I planned my trip.

I had no idea where to start, so why not go to where I first saw him so many years ago.


Jeju Island.


I made a reservation at the same hotel. I even had the taxi driver take me along the shore before arriving, just in case, he may be there. I also planned to begin my walks along the ocean side the moment I arrived.


I had wasted so much time and this time around I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass me if I saw him again.


 I was greeted at the door by the concierge who remembered me from years ago.


“Welcome back Ms. Park. Remember me, It’s Dong-Kyu.” He said with a slight accent as he grabbed my luggage and helped me inside.


“Yes of course, I remember you. It’s so nice to see you again.” I replied.


“It is very nice to see you again also. Long or short vacation this time?” Dong-Kyu said with excitement.


“I’m hoping it’ll be long.” I replied with a smile.


“Doing anything in particular? Maybe I can arrange some sightseeing.” Dong-Kyu suggested.


“We’ll see, If I’m not busy I’ll let you know, ok?” I answered.


Dong-Kyu smiled and left me at my door.


I smiled and felt weirdly at home as I walked in the room.

The place looked as if I had never left.

Nothing updated but very well kept.


I loved that my room had a view of the ocean area. I opened the windows to let the salty air in.


As I took a deep breath I felt at ease.


While unpacking, there was a knock on my door. I found it strange because no one knew I was there.


“Who is it?” I asked through the door.


“Front desk with a package for you.” The voice said.


I opened the door to a young man with a box.


“Are you sure it is for me?” I asked confused.


He nodded yes and handed me the package.

The package was addressed to me but no return name or address.


“I wonder who it’s from.” I said to myself as I shook it softly.


As I began to pry the box open, a strong wind blew through the curtains. I reached in and pulled out a note.


“Close your eyes and make a wish…” it read.


“Hmmm, I wonder what that means.” I thought.


With excitement I kept looking through the box. Inside was another smaller box.

I slowly reach in to find a wooden music box.

I stared at it for a few minutes and then opened it.

It began playing my favorite song.

I sighed and listened as the music faded.


“I have always loved that song.” I said to myself.


“But who would know that?” I added.


I closed it and placed it near the bed so I can always see it.

I walked to the window and looked out again.

From my window, I could see the field where I sat while watching him and where he also sat once.


“I must be crazy. Why am I doing this?” I said to myself as I looked out.


I laid down and let the warm wind coming through the window envelope me.


I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.


Automatically, I began dreaming.


I was out in that field, but it was super windy.

I stood looking around but there was nothing in sight.

Suddenly in the distance there he was, with his camera taking pictures of the ocean.

 I slowly approached him and tapped his shoulder.


As he turned around, he smiled and pointed out into the distance.

I looked out but as I looked back he was gone.

Abruptly, the window slamming closed woke me up from my sleep.


“Oh my gosh, what was that?” I thought as I sat up startled.


I got up and ran to stop the window from slamming again. Looking out, I saw the area he was pointing at.


“Is he there?” I thought.


I prepared myself, quickly grabbed my stuff and made my way there. I waved at Dong-Kyu as I rushed out of the hotel.


As I got to the shore a small boat was about to leave for the destination I was going to. I waved it down so I can board.


“Are you going to the festival?” A young woman asked.


I nodded yes.


She smiled and pointed to an area where I could sit.


I had no idea where I was going or what I was doing. I just knew I had to go there.


I looked out towards the area feeling anxious but serene.


A million questions passed through my mind.


Will he be there?


What would I encounter?


Am I crazy?


What would I say if I saw him?


The boat reached shore quickly and everyone made their way towards the festival area.


I walked slowly behind everyone, looking around. Everyone looked so happy and festive.


Reaching the entrance, I could see many vendors and people rushing around.

I could hear music and the smells were so delicious and inviting.

 I made my way around slowly. Taking in all the sights.

Looking at what was for sale.

As I walked, I heard in the distance the song from the music box.


It grabbed my attention and drew me closer.


As I approached, there was a booth with beautiful scenery pictures for sale.

I became intrigued and stared deeply into them.

Many of the pictures I had seen before and many were new.

I smiled as I saw a picture of the field.

I was snapped out of my daze by the vendor.


“Hello! Can I help you?” A young girl asked.


“Oh, I’m just looking, thank you!” I replied.


She smiled and began helping another customer.


She kept watching me as if she knew me.


“I’m so sorry to bother you but do we know each other?” She asked.


“I don’t think so. I don’t live here. I’m just a tourist.” I said with a smile.


“Are you sure?” She said glancing at the pictures as if she were looking for a particular one.


I nodded no.


She smiled and began talking to another customer.


I kept looking at the pictures with a smile. So many feelings rushed at me. I felt as if I was there again. I took a deep breath.


As I began to walk away I saw a banner for this booth. It read

심장의 감동입니다

(Impressions of the Heart)

with a local phone number.

I took a picture of it with my cell. Just in case I may need that info.


“What a nice name for a studio.” I thought considering if this was his studio, the impression he made on my heart.


I had spent the whole day there.

It was so much fun and interesting but unfortunately I didn’t see him.

On the way back to the boat, I went past the booth but it was closed already.


I felt so close but still so far.


As I got on the boat the lady asked “Will you be joining us tomorrow?”


I smiled and nodded yes.


“Ok we will be departing from the shore at 11am so be prompt.” She added.


As we pulled away, I looked back wondering if he was there and maybe I just didn’t recognize him.


It’s been so many years. I’m sure he looks very different.


Sitting near the back of the boat was the young girl from the booth.

She smiled and kept looking at me.

Still in my daze I didn’t think anything of it.

“I probably passed him a few times and didn’t even know it.” I thought.


The girl and I kept exchanging looks.


As I got off the boat, I heard someone call my name. I looked around and accidently bumped into the young girl. She smiled then looked towards Karen.


“What are you doing here?” Karen asked.


“Hey Karen! I’m on vacation, you?” I replied nervously.


“Same thing. You know, our yearly girl thing. Dianne and Daija are here too.” She said excitedly.


“Oh really? That’s awesome!” I responded.


“Wanna come with me? I’m going to meet them for a late dinner. They’ll be happy to see you.” She invited.


“Are you sure? I don’t want to interfere.” I said.


“Interfere? Never! Girl, we tried to invite you on this trip but you are hard to find these days.” Karen explained.


I smiled but watch the young girl as she passed. I felt I knew her also but from where.


“I’m serious! They’ll be happy to see you.” Karen added, snapping me out of my stare.


“I don’t know.” I replied with hesitation.


“Come on. I know you are hungry.” Karen pleaded.


“You know me. Ok, let’s go!” I said with a laugh.


As we arrived at the hotel restaurant the other girls had already arrived.


“Look who I found wandering the area!” Karen said to the others.


“Oh my goodness, it’s been like forever!” Daija greeted.


“Look at you girl! I love the pink hair.” Dianne added.


I smiled as I passed out hugs.


“So, what are you doing in these parts?” Dianne asked.


“Looking for a man!” I said jokingly.

“Same here.” Daija said with a laugh.


“No, I’m serious.” I said giggling.


“Really? A man? Do you know this man? Or you are just looking to get yourself a nice Korean boyfriend?” Karen asked.


“It’s a long story.” I explained.


Well we have time, but let me order us some Bokbunja.(복분자 / Blackberry wine). It always makes the conversation better.”

Dianne added.


I went on explaining about how I first saw him and how he sent me pictures but I had never met him and now many years later I’m back looking for him.


“So, you are looking to what, after all this time?” Daija asked with a creepy smirk.


“I’d like to finally meet him. I have held his pictures dear to my heart since that day and I’d like to thank him.” I said shyly.


“Ok?” Daija replied with doubt and a laugh.


“Do you know his name?” Dianne asked concerned.


“Is he even still here in this area? That was a long ass time ago.” Karen added.


I shrugged my shoulders.


“What does he look like?” Daija asked nudging me playfully.


I reached in my purse and pulled out the old picture.


“Oh wow! He’s very handsome. Look at that smile.” Karen complimented.


I smiled proudly.


“Oh, I know what you want from him.” Dianne said suggestively with a laugh.


Daija nodded in agreement.


“Dianne…oh my gosh.” I said blushing.

We all laughed.


“Do you have any info on him? I mean this is a big place to look for a person.” Karen questioned.


“Well, at that festival there’s a small booth selling his pictures. So I’m thinking, actually I’m hoping he might work for them or it might be his photography studio.” I said with a soft smile.

“Girl, you seem very enthusiastic about this man, can we help you find him? We have nothing else to do and it can be fun. We can make this a bonding experience.” Daija said.


Dianne nodded yes.


“What’s the name of the studio?” She added.


I scrolled through my phone for the picture I took of the banner.


Daija quickly took out her phone and dialed the number.


“Impressions of the Heart, huh? Sweet.” Dianne said as she read off the number.


“It’s late Daija, you should do that tomorrow morning.” Karen suggested.

“It’s ringing.” Daija said with a smirk.


My hands began to shake and get sweaty. My heart has never beaten that fast in my life.


“Awww, Voicemail pickup.” Daija whispered disappointed.


We all got up, surrounded her and began to listen as she put her phone on speaker.


“Hello, this is Mr. Kim for Impressions of the Heart Photo Studio. Leave your message after the tone. Thank you.”

(여보세요.김씨 님입니다. 하트 사진관의 인상입니다. 신호음 뒤에 메시지를 남겨 주세요. 감사합니다.)


I unintentionally sighed as I heard his voice.


Daija looked at me and smiled as she hung up.


“If that’s him, he has a nice sweet voice.” Dianne said.


“Did you hear the sweet music box song in the background, very cute.” Karen complimented.


I smiled as I caught my breath.


“So what now? Do we go to the studio tomorrow or?” Karen added waiting for suggestions.


They all looked at me.


“I don’t know. I never thought this far ahead. What if this isn’t him?” I said looking like a deer in headlights.


“This is so much fun, I feel like a young girl helping her best friend with her crush.” Daija said excitedly.


“I mean. I know nothing about him. What if he’s married? I’m barging in and disrupting things.” I blurted out.


“What if he’s not?” Dianne countered.


I looked at them with worry.


“Let’s just go to the studio tomorrow and look around. There’s a café across the street maybe we’ll go there and do some surveillance.” Karen planned.


“Yeah! We are just 4 women having coffee at a café. Nothing weird about it.” Dianne added.


I laughed and agreed.


“But only if you want to. We don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want to do.” Dianne said with praying hands.


“What do I have to lose?” I said.


“Nothing!” They yelled in unison with a laugh.


We spent the rest of the evening, catching up and reminiscing.

I couldn’t help but think of him when I returned to my hotel room.

I looked at his picture and wondered if that was his voice.


“Oh Mr. Kim, I waited so long to hear your voice. I hope you are the right Mr. Kim.” I said jokingly.


In the distance my eyes connected with the music box. I got up and went over to open it. The music on his answering machine and the music box’s tune were the same. I smiled but became nervous and jittery.


“Could this be a coincidence or are you sending me hints?” I asked myself with a smile.


I looked at his picture again and held it to my heart.


“I really hope this is you.” I continued as I stared deeply into the picture.


Preparing for bed, something kept prompting me to go to the window.

I walked over and looked out into the darkness. A calm feeling came over me.


As I began to close the curtains, I saw a light flicker far in the fields.


“Is that you?” I said in a whisper.


Then I giggled and replied to myself.


“Yes if he’s a firefly.”


While walking back to my bed a strong wind again blew my curtain open which made me turn around.


I stared at the curtain but it didn’t happen again.

I grabbed the music box and replayed it again.

I smiled as I fell asleep to its calming tones.


Simultaneously, the same strong wind came through Jun’s window.


“What a windy night.” He commented as he walked toward the window to close it.


He also saw the same light flicker.


“What was that?” He asked himself.


“Could that be you in our fields?” He said with a smile.


He touched his heart as he walked away.


“To this day, I’m still dreaming about you. I need to stop that.” He ended as he lay down to sleep.

