The Music Box by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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I woke up from a deep sleep with the warm sun caressing my face.


“I know I closed that curtain.” I said as I shielded my eyes.


Suddenly a knock on the door startled me.


“Ms. Park, room service.” said a voice behind the door.


I glanced at the door from my bed.


“I didn’t order room service.” I said to myself.


Second knock at my door got me up from the bed.


“I didn’t order room service.” I said as I opened the door.


“Good morning! You are Ms. Park, correct?” Said the concierge as he pushed the cart past me.


I nodded yes and followed him.


“Wait a minute! Dong-Kyu, since when do you deliver breakfast?” I asked jokingly.


“I do, once in a while, to important guests. It’s a beautiful day, enjoy your breakfast. Oh! By the way, the flowers were delivered as a gift for you.” He said with a wink in a cheery tone.


I uncovered the food to see a nice spread of eggs, bacon, fruit and peach juice.


On the side of the flower vase I noticed a small note.


It read “Close your eyes & make a wish.”

As I glanced at the note, with the corner of my eye I noticed a dandelion puff in between them. I reached for it and pulled it out.

I was hypnotized it.

I smiled and closed my eyes.


“As I always have, I only wish for you.” I said out loud and blew the puff.


I didn’t even notice that Dong-Kyu was still in the room, he smiled shyly as he closed the door.


I felt a soft warm wind enter my room. It caressed me as if it was letting me know my wish would come true.

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled.


“I’ve made that wish a million times. Keeping my fingers crossed that this time it will come true.” I mumbled with a giggle.

“Oh geez, I’m so dumb.” I whispered.


Suddenly my hotel room door flies open and the girls entered, ready for the day.


“Aren’t you ready yet? Today is your day!” Karen said with a smile.


“I couldn’t sleep with all the anticipation. I feel like cupid.” Daija added as she grabbed a piece of bacon off my plate.


“This is going to be great! I have a good feeling about this.” Dianne said as she handed me a bag.


“What’s this?” I asked.


“We got you something pretty to wear.” She added.


“Why? I have clothes.” I replied.

“This is pink, pretty and flowy. So you look like a dream.” Dianne described.


I laughed as I put the dress up against me chest.


“Thanks guys! But you all are making a big deal of all this. How about if it’s not him?” I explained.


“How about nothing, stop worrying. Geez you make me crazy with all the worrying.” Karen countered as usual.


“Get dressed and lets get going. Early bird catches the worm, in all respects.” Daija said laughing as she pushed me into the bathroom.


While I was getting ready the girls talked among themselves.


“So how about if this goes wrong? I’m sorry to sound negative but I didn’t think about it until she mentioned it.” Daija whispered worried.


“It’s not, well I hope it doesn’t. It can’t.” Karen replied.


“I’m thinking positive. She deserves something nice like this.” Dianne whispered.


They all became quiet as I entered the room.


“You guys talking about me again?” I said jokingly.


They laughed.


“Are you ready?” Karen said.


“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied nervously.

We all made our way to the car to begin this journey. I sat in back just looking out the window.


“Did you bring his picture with?” Karen asked.


I nodded yes.


She smiled in the mirror and began driving. She drove fast because we were in front of the studio in no time flat.


“Oh great! It’s open!” Daija said in an excited voice.


“Are we all going in?” Dianne asked.


They all looked at me.


“I can’t go in there.” I said in a scared tone.


“Ok, don’t worry. I’ll go in and just ask a few questions and we’ll go from there. Cool?” Karen said.


“Perfect! We’ll wait at the café. Come on ladies, the pastries await us.” Daija said grabbing my hand.


“Damn, I love our teenage girl shenanigans and pastries.” Dianne said grabbing my other hand.


“Oh my gosh pastries but I can’t eat right now. I can’t believe we are doing this. I’m freaking out.” I mumbled as we walked into the café.


“Don’t freak out! We got you.” Daija assured.


Dianne nodded in agreement.


Meanwhile Karen enters the studio. She looks out the window and waves at us as a young girl enters the lobby.


“Hello! Welcome to Impressions of the Heart studio, my name is Kristen. Can I help you?” The girl said.


“Hi Kristen, is Mr. Kim in today?” Karen asked in a jolly tone.


“He will be in later on this evening. He’s at the festival today. Is there anything I can help you with?” Kristen asked.


“Is he your father?” Karen bluntly asked.


“Oh no! I just work here.” Kristen replied with a giggle.


Karen wandered the studio looking at the pictures.

“Oh that’s nice.” Karen complimented as she looked at one of his photographs.


“Yes, Mr. Kim is a wonderful photographer.” Kristen said with a smile.


“Oh Shit!” Karen mumbled as she came across a picture of me in the field.


“Is this his wife?” Karen asked with a smirk.


“Oh no, Mr. Kim isn’t married, well he was many years ago. That’s a picture he took as a young photographer. He always keeps that picture close to his heart though. I’m not sure who she is but I think she was special to him. I never really asked.” Kristen explained as she followed behind.


Karen nodded as she spoke.


“She is very pretty.” Karen complimented as if she didn’t know who I was.


“It’s a beautiful picture.” Kristen replied.


Karen smiled and kept looking at the pictures.


“Is this Mr. Kim and his family?” Karen asked as she pointed at a family portrait.


“Yes. This is Mr. Kim, his daughter, his parents and brother.” Kristen confirmed.


“That’s a very nice picture.” Karen said.


“I took that one. I’m just learning though. I hope to be professional one day.” Kristen added.


“It is very nice, you did very well.” Karen said with a smile.



As Kristen turned her back, Karen took a picture of it with her cell and texted it to me.


“Here is our brochure, if there is anything we can help you with, let me know.” Kristen added.


“Well thank you Kristen, you’ve been very helpful. I will go see Mr. Kim at the festival. By the way, what is his first name?” Karen asked.


“JunMyeon. But everyone calls him Jun.” Kristen answered.


“Thank you, sweetheart. I will see you soon.” Karen said as she exited the studio.


She had the goofiest smile on her face as she crossed the street. She rushed to the table and sat down. We were busy looking at the picture she had texted.


“That’s him and his daughter, parents and brother.” She said as she pointed at him.


This was so surreal.


Then she stood there with that same goofy face. As if she had a secret she needed to tell.


“WHAT?” Daija said loudly.


“Your freaken picture is in the shop.” Karen said with an excited giggle.


“What?” I replied.


“Oh shit!” Dianne reacted.

“Yeah! There you were looking all cute sitting in a field blowing them poofy flowers. You are his muse.” Karen described.


“Oh my gosh! That’s so adorable.” Dianne added.


“I asked the girl who she was and she’s just an employee, then I asked if you were his wife.” Karen said with a laugh.


“Oh my god, that’s hilarious! You are such an ass.” Daija interjected.


Karen laughed.


“Of course, I knew you weren’t his wife but I got my answer, he isn’t married anymore so there you go. Boom!” Karen said proudly.


“You are on it girl!” Daija complimented.

“Ok.” I said.


“Ok? That’s all you gotta say. Really?” Karen said in a mimicking tone.


“Oh, I almost forgot, his name is JunMyeon but everyone calls him Jun. Isn’t that a dreamy name?” Karen added.


I automatically felt a ball in the pit of my stomach.

How could I have known that?

I thought I had just picked that name because it suited him.


“So where is Jun now?” Dianne asked.


“Well he’s not here. He’s at that festival we were at yesterday.” Karen added.

“We should go.” Karen directed.

I just stared at the new picture. His smile made my heart flutter, even after all these years. I was so enchanted by him that I didn’t notice his daughter was the girl at the festival and the concierge was his brother.


“Well?” Dianne said


“Wake up girl, lets go find Mr. Kim. I mean Jun.” Karen said shaking me.


“Wait! Wait! I don’t know. This is becoming too real guys. I have to think about it.” I suddenly said.


The girls stopped and looked at me confused.


“What’s wrong?” Karen whispered.


My mind was going 100 miles per hour.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. He’ll probably think it’s weird. It is weird! I never really thought it’d get to this point. I’m freaking out guys.” I said reluctantly.


They looked at each other.


“Really guys, I totally appreciate it but I feel strange about it now. Maybe cause he is actually a real person. I don’t want to disrupt his life with my crazy wishes.” I explained.


“It’s ok. If you don’t want to, we can drop it.” Dianne comforted.


“Yeah hun, don’t worry about it.” Daija added.


“I’m sorry guys. I hope you all aren’t upset.” I said apologetically.


Daija and Dianne nodded and smiled.


“It’s ok, no worries. At least you know, where he is if you ever want to find him.” Karen said.


 “So what shall we do next? We still can go do something, it’s still early.” Daija said changing the subject.


“Can you guys just drop me off at the hotel?” I asked somberly.


“Sure.” Karen replied confused.


“You ok sis?” Daija asked.


“Yeah, I’m ok.” I replied.


“Ok. If that’s what you want, hun.” Dianne said as she kissed my cheek.


I sat in the car just thinking as the girls had a conversation.

I looked at the new picture and felt awkward.

I know I came here to look for him but now knowing exactly where he was, kind of deterred me.


I had waited so long for this but was it what I really wanted? Would he want this?


As I moped around the hotel room, my friends were off on their adventure.


“Festival, anyone?” Karen asked the girls.


They both smiled then dropped their smiles.


 “But we said we…” Dianne said.


“Dianne, we are just going to have fun, right Karen?” Daija interrupted.

Karen nodded yes as she drove.


“This festival is huge. We are never going to find him anyways?” Dianne added.


“We are visiting a festival, we aren’t looking for anyone?” Karen instructed.


“If it’s meant to be, he will find us.” Daija said giving Karen a high five.


They entered and began walking through. They stopped at few a stands to try the food and bought some souvenirs. They wandered for more than an hour.


“Lets stop there for some patbingsu.” (팥빙수/ Red beans shaved ice) Karen insisted.


“Oh yes, something delicious to cool us off.” Daija agreed.

They all walked quickly as they noticed the order line had gone down.


“This is so delicious.” Dianne described as Karen handed her the dessert.


They found a table and sat to enjoy their treats and people watch.

As they talked they were interrupted by a man’s voice.


“Excuse me ladies, can I take your picture for the festival booklet?” The man said.


As the girls turned around there he was.


Karen coughed.


Dianne smiled and tapped Karen’s back.


“Hallelujah! Need I say more.” Daija mumbled.

“Hello. My name is JunMyeon Kim, I own Impressions of the heart studio in town. This is my daughter Leia.” He said as Leia handed us a card.


Leia bowed and smiled.


“This is my card. I don’t want you to think I‘m some weird creep just taking pictures of beautiful ladies.” He said with a laugh.


“Oh no, you are ok.” Karen mumbled as she took a bite of the shaved ice she had just purchased.


“Stay right there. Look natural and happy. Those are the best pictures for great memories.” Leia instructed as Jun began taking pictures.


The girls mumbled about him as he photographed them.

“So Mr. Kim, do you often take pictures of tourists?” Karen said looking at his card.


“Call me Jun please. And no not often, but you seem to be enjoying your time here and that’s a great memory to have and show others.” He replied.


“What a coincidence, we were just at your studio.” Daija said with a smile looking at his card.


“Actually we were across the street at the café and saw your studio and became interested in the photos in your window.” Dianne explained.


“You have many beautiful photographs. My favorite was a picture of a young girl in a field.” Karen blurted out.


Dianne nodded her head and looked away.


Daija giggled.


“Hmmm. A young girl in a field?” He said as he tried to remember.


Leia rolled her eyes at him with a smirk.


They smiled at him as he thought.


“Oh yes, I took that many years ago.

She seemed very content where she was. The sun shone on her perfectly. I had never taken another picture that flawless. It was one of my very first creations.” He explained.


Karen looked at the girls with a devious smile.


“Don’t Karen. Remember she said to drop it.” Dianne mumbled with a frown.

Daija looked at Karen with concern.


“That’s a nice story. Was she a model? Have you seen her since? It would be super cool if you can recreate that shot so many years later. Don’t you think?” Karen asked.


“I guess that would be lovely but unfortunately, I didn’t know her. She was just my muse that moment. I just liked the way she looked as if she were making a wish while sitting in the field. I keep that picture with me always, you know for motivation or inspiration. I call it close your eyes and make a wish.” He added with a sparkle in his eye.


Leia nodded her head in disbelief.


“By the way, were you looking for something in particular at my studio?” Jun asked.


“I wanted to have a portrait taken with my sisters. So I went in to see your specialty and fees.” Karen said pointing at the girls.


“Oh ok. I hope Kristen was able to help you.” He replied.


“Yes, she was very helpful. I will definitely be contacting you soon.” Karen ended.


“Yes thank you. I’ll be glad to assist you. And thanks for posing for me today.” He said with a smiled as he walked away.


“Enjoy the festival.” Leia added.


Karen quickly turned to look at the girls.


“What the hell is wrong with you guys?” Karen scolded.


“She said to drop it, that’s all. Relax.” Daija countered.


“Do you guys think she came all this way to vacation?” Karen countered.


“She’s looking for him. She’s been looking for him for years. And he’s right there guys. Come on!” Karen said pointing at Jun.


The girls looked at each other.


“We are her friends, we can’t let her down. He needs to at least know she exists. Don’t you think?” Karen ended.


Karen quickly ran after him.


“Mr. Kim. I mean Jun. Hold on a second.” She said.


“Is everything ok?” He replied.

“Yes, ummm no.” Karen mumbled.


He looked confused.


“Listen this is going to sound strange but that girl in the picture at your studio is my friend.” Karen said with a smile.


“That’s not strange.” He replied as he messed with the buttons on his camera.


Leia quickly looked at her and smiled.


“She is looking for you. She has been for a long time.” Karen added.


He looked intrigued.


“Is it Ms. Park?” Leia interrupted.


“Leia please.” Jun scolded.

“She’s looking for me? Why?” He asked concerned.


“Yes, wait, how did you know her name?” Karen asked Leia.


Jun motioned to Leia to remain quiet.


“I knew it was her the moment I saw her.” Leia whispered.


“She has her reasons, I guess. I really don’t know. She never said. I think it has to do with that picture. I know I sound crazy but it’s true.” Karen said.


“Ok?” He replied.


“I’m sure you are probably married or whatever but this is not a hook up, she just wondered who you were for many years and wanted to meet you.” Daija added.



“Where is she now?” He asked trying to remain calm.


“At the hotel, she asked us not to do this. But we couldn’t let this chance pass for her. She waited so long for this.” Dianne added looking at the girls sternly.


He looked at them with a shy smile.


“I’m truly honored by this but...” Jun replied.


“Dad!” Leia scolded.


“It’s ok, Jun. Don’t say it. It’s weird! I just wanted you to know. If anything, here’s my card and if you feel inclined to meet her, call me. Please.” Karen said quietly.


He nodded, grabbed Leia’s arm and walked away smiling. Jun was trying to contain his happiness. The girl went in the opposite direction.


“We just messed things up. He’s freaked out but too much of a gentleman to tell us.” Dianne said.


“Why do you think that?” Karen replied.


“Didn’t you see his expression? We spooked him.” Daija added.


“Actually now he’s probably thinking of her and wonders about her. So it’s freaken good.” Karen explained.


“Or he thinks we are all total nut cases and will leave the country. Did you see how he grabbed his daughter?” Daija added with a laugh.


As the night grew to a close the girls returned to their hotel and Jun returned to his studio.


As he entered his studio, the picture caught his eye.

He walked towards it and began staring at the picture with a smile.


“Why did you do that Dad?” Leia asked in an upset tone.


“Bunny, please. Get ready for bed.” He instructed as he grabbed the picture off the wall.


“I always wondered about you. For years I wondered what wish you were making. Were you making the same wish I was?

Little did I know while I was watching you, you were watching me also.” He whispered.


He was startled by Kristen and Leia re-entering the room.


“Good evening! Mr. Kim.” Kristen greeted.


“Hello Kristen, you’re here late.” Jun said.


“Just finishing up with inventory. My husband will be here soon to pick me up.” Kristen advised giving Leia a wink.


Leia looked at her as to prompt her to ask about the picture.


“Mr. Kim, I don’t mean to pry but why do you always stare at her picture? Who is she?” Kristen asked.


Leia smiled and then looked at her father.


“The truth is I have never met her. I saw her in the field that day and took her picture. It was all an innocent act. I’m a photographer. I take pictures of beautiful things.

She seemed so happy and carefree. But when I developed it, I felt a tingle in my heart. I said to myself tomorrow I will say hello, but I became shy and never returned. I’ve never been able to forget her though. She’s a great memory. I keep the picture because strangely it always gave me comfort.” He whispered.


“A tingle in your heart? That’s called love, dad. You fell in love. Face it!” Leia said with a giggle.


“Have you ever looked for her?” Kristen asked.


“No, he hasn’t” Leia interrupted.

“I don’t have too now.” Jun replied.


“Why not?” Kristen asked.


He smiled trying to contain his happiness.


“Tell her why not dad?” Leia continued excited.


“Because she is looking for me.” Jun mumbled.


“What! That’s great, right?” Kristen said excitedly.


He shrugged his shoulders.


“It is! He’s just acting weird about it.” Leia explained.


“I feel you should go to her? You know to see if its love. Just saying” Kristen inquired.


“See dad, I’m not the only one that thinks that.” Leia exclaimed.


Jun smiled but nodded no.


“You are young romantics. It’s been a very long time. It was just a simple crush on a picture.” Jun replied.


“Dad, if it’s that simple, why is she looking for you?” Leia added.


He smiled and shrugged his shoulders again.


“Take a chance, dad, you deserve it.” Leia ended.


She smiled and walked to the back of store.


He continued to look at the picture with adoration.

“Close your eyes and Make a wish…” He whispered as he ran his fingers across the picture.


“Do it dad.” Leia said with a smile.


In the meantime, I was packing to leave.


“This was a big mistake.” I thought.


I really didn’t think things through. I don’t even know what I was thinking. How could I just come into someone’s life and disrupt it because I have a crush on a picture.


 “I need to get out of here and just forget this dumb idea. I should have let it go years ago.” I thought.


As I climb into the cab, I looked back at the hotel.


Immediately I was transported to the day I had left the first time.

 The feeling was strange but very familiar.

I looked down at my lap and I was holding the package of pictures once again.


“Where to?” The driver said waking me up from this memory.


“I need to go to the airport but can you pass me by this address before please?” I asked the driver handing him the address.


“Yes of course.” He said as he put on his seatbelt.


I sat looking out the window with tears in my eyes. For some odd reason, I felt as if I was leaving my soul behind.


As we pulled up by the studio, I rolled down my window.


“Can you take it slow? I want to take one last look.” I asked politely.


The driver nodded.

The street was dark and empty.

As he drove up, to my surprise Jun was standing in the window looking at a picture.

As I looked in, he turned around and looked directly at me and then at the picture.


As we drove away, I saw him come out of the store and follow the car with his eyes.


“Oh my, that’s him.” I whispered as I held my heart.


He whistled & waved the car down.


“Should I stop, ma’am?” The driver asked.


“No.” I whispered as a tears streamed down my face.


I looked back to see him just standing there.

Immediately I became overwhelmed by seeing him.

He was just as beautiful as the first time I saw him.


“Yes, please stop.” I suddenly said.


I got out and saw him still standing at the end of the street.


“Hold on for me real quick.” I said to the driver.


He nodded yes.


We began walking slowly towards each other.  


He was holding a picture, my picture