The Paranormal 13 by Christine Pope, K.A. Poe, Lola St. Vil, Cate Dean, - HTML preview

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I came to a movie theater, stopped and stood among a crowd waiting for a movie to start. I was glad to discover that artificial lighting didn't affect me negatively.

As I stood amongst the people, I looked into the distance as far as I could see. If Adam had managed to track me, I couldn't see him. I had taken many random turns and ducked between a couple dozen buildings. He would have had to have some crazy tracking skills to keep up with me.

I walked to a wall and leaned against it to rest and regain as much energy as possible. I'd run at least fifty miles and still felt energetic, but I didn't want to take any chances.

Someone nearby said, "Did you hear that they think that girl from Delphic Cove was spotted tonight?"

I looked down, letting my hair fall in front of my face. I didn't want to be seen again so soon. I needed to find a place where I would be able to hide out when the daylight came back.

"They did? Where?" asked another.

"They were near the woods where we go camping every year."

"I wonder if it was really her."

"It sounds like they were really sure, according to the news interview I saw before I left. It was at a wedding, and they're looking through all the cameras there to see if anyone got a picture of her. The guy that recognized her said that she had disappeared before he could get a picture of her."

"Her boyfriend wasn't with her?"

"No, she was alone. I wonder if something happened to him."

"It's so crazy that there are just no clues in that case. I sure hope this will help find them."

"Do you think it was the bullies at her school?"

"She's so hot. I can't believe that she was getting bullied."

I couldn't help smiling despite everything, and was glad that my hair was covering my face.

"That's exactly why she was getting bullied. Other girls were jealous of her. That's what happened to my neighbor before she moved to our street. It was so bad that they had to move to a different district."

I decided to move on before anyone recognized me. I was obviously a hot topic of conversation all over the state. I casually walked away from everyone to a dark part of the parking lot and began running again.

Before long, I came to a neighborhood with some very fancy houses. I saw foreclosure signs on many of them, and decided that one of these houses would make a great place to stay and rest. I picked the one with the most pristine yard, because I thought that it might still have electricity and water. I really wanted a long hot shower after everything I had been through.

I walked around the house, making sure that nobody else had decided to squat there. A motion activated light went on when I walked in front of the garage. That was a great sign that I might be able to get a shower. I couldn't find any sign of people or vampires so I walked to a dark corner and leaned against the wall.

Once inside, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the foreclosed owners had left in such a hurry that they had left quite a bit of stuff behind. They must have had to move someplace smaller and only took what they could bring with them. Or maybe they were coming back.

I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, and I saw the food in there. I was still hungry but hadn't realized it until I saw that food. I grabbed things that I could eat quickly, and then made a couple of sandwiches and had some juice. Some of the stuff had expired, but I didn't care. If it wasn't moldy, it was fair game at this point.

After I was finally full, I checked out the second story and found some bedrooms and several bathrooms, all with items left behind. I found what looked like a teenage girl's room. She had left some decent clothes behind, they would be just a little big, and she had left enough stuff that I take a decent shower too. I could live without conditioner.

I listened intently to make sure that nobody was in the house before taking a shower, even though I was certain that I was alone. I couldn't be too cautious.

Never before had a shower felt so good. Not even after my hibernation, it felt like a lifetime had passed since then. Once I was out of the shower and dressed in some clean clothes, I felt like a new person. I noticed that the sun was beginning to come up, so I went through the house and closed all of the blinds and curtains as tightly as I could. I didn't want to have to deal with any sunlight.

I was getting tired but wanted to wait until it was light out to sleep. I found a small black and white TV in one of the bedrooms on the third floor and turned it on. The early morning news was on, and I watched the weather forecast—sunny with no chance of rain so I would definitely be in this house all day.

After that, the story they were covering was about the disappearance of two teenagers from Delphic Cove. They were discussing the sighting of me at the wedding, and everyone was really excited to finally have a lead in the case, even if it wasn't much. They had found one picture taken of me on a camera there, but it was blurry and a side shot. So, they were debating whether or not it was really me.

They interviewed some kids from school and a couple of neighbors. Nobody had anything of significance to say. It seemed to me that people were taken in by the case and obsessing over it the way that people do sometimes. Every little detail gets hashed over to death, and everyone has a theory and an opinion to share.

They showed images from candle light vigils at the park, and I felt horrible when I saw my family holding candles with tears pouring down their faces. There was a lady and a boy with them, Tanner's mom and brother I assumed.

Next, they went through a slide show of pictures of Tanner and me to make sure that everyone knew what we looked like, even though everyone already knew since I had been spotted so easily. They had pictures of Tanner playing football, pictures of us from class, pictures from the homecoming dance, and even a picture of the two of us together. I didn't even know that there were any pictures of us together. With so many different pictures of us on the news, it was no wonder that I had been so easily recognized.

There was a full, ten-minute slot dedicated to us. I couldn't believe that there was so much interest. I knew that our families would be upset, but for the news to be so interested in it so many miles away seemed surreal.

When the topic moved to stocks, I turned the TV off and went to an old computer that I had seen in one of the rooms to see if it was online. I wasn't surprised to see that it was, since everything else in the house was running. I wondered if the owners were planning on returning for the rest of their stuff. I hoped they would wait until after dark, if they were coming back.

The browser's startup page was a national news network site, and a picture of Tanner and I was right at the top of the page with the caption, "Sighting of Alexis Ferguson Last Night."

I shook my head. National news? This was crazy. I knew that statistically, the missing cases that got the most attention were of the people who were the most attractive. For some stupid reason, the masses cared less about ugly missing people. It was ridiculous, because beauty doesn't make one person more worthy than another.

I wondered if Cliff was aware of any of this news coverage. Everyone was calling Tanner my boyfriend, and that picture of the two of us looked pretty cozy.

I thought about checking my email or social profiles, but I didn't want anyone to know that I was online. I could be tracked too easily.

I turned off the computer and went to the master bedroom with the only bed that had been left behind. It was also the bedroom with the thickest curtains. It had no blankets, but I remembered seeing a couple of blankets in another bedroom, so I grabbed those on the way.

I lay down on the bed and thought about my plan. I had no idea where Cliff, Brooke or any of the other vampires were. I wanted to communicate with them somehow, and I was extremely tempted to email Brooke.

I thought about Adam and those vampires. I was glad that it was almost daylight, so I didn't have to worry about them hunting me down in the light. Or did I? I was trying to remember how dark it was when they approached us at the edge of the woods. The sun was setting, but it had been dark inside the woods. I really didn't know if they could be in the sun or not.

Next, I thought about my family and was worried about their safety if I returned. Home was the obvious place for me to go, and that would be the first place that Adam or the Morettis would look for me. I hoped that if I stayed away they would leave my family alone.

I thought about Tanner and hoped that he was okay. There was a chance that Adam would have told Samantha to do anything she wanted to him since I had escaped. I thought that it was more likely that they would keep him safe, so they could use his life against me. If there was any way to help him escape, I needed to figure it out.

I could feel myself getting drowsy, so I listened one last time to make sure that I was alone in the house, and aside from some critters in the attic, I had the house to myself. I let myself drift off to sleep.

I woke up feeling refreshed and decided that I would risk sending Brooke an email. I climbed out of bed and walked out of the darkened bedroom. The light inside of the hallway was blinding, but not enough to cause pain.

I closed my eyes, covered them with my arms and ran to the room with the computer. It wasn't as dark as the room I had slept in, but it was dark enough. This time of year, the whole house would be dark enough in a few hours, and I would have to decide whether I should move on or stay another night.

When the computer was back on, I quickly went to a free email site and created a fake email address. In a matter of minutes, I had begun composing a message to send to Brooke. I hoped she would open it, despite it being from an email that she didn't recognize.

Subject: Important! Important! Read me! Do not ignore!

Message: Brooke, it's me. ME. I have to stay on the down-low, so you know I can't say more than that. Some guy named Adam and his jokers grabbed you-know-who and me. The M's have a bounty out on me, and they want me dead. I got away from Adam and his stooges. You-know-who is still captive with one of them as far as I know, a v. named Samantha. I doubt that he can get away, for obvious reasons. I'm on the run, but I'm fine. I'm not going to stay in any one place for long. I don't want to be found, and I don't want to put my family in any danger. I want to find you guys so that we can team up against the M's. I don't dare say where I am or how to contact me aside from emailing me back at this address. I can't guarantee when I will next be able to check it. -Me

I stood up to see if I could make it downstairs to eat. Not all of the windows were covered downstairs, so I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it yet since the hallway was blindingly bright on the middle level of the house.

I walked into the hallway and closed my eyes immediately, because it was so bright that I felt like I was looking directly into the sun, yet there wasn't even any direct sunlight in the hall. I felt my way down the stairs and cracked open an eye when I got to the bottom.

The painful daggers shot through my eyes once again, and it felt much worse than the day before. It took all of my strength not to scream at the top of my lungs and draw attention to any neighbors that might be nearby. I ran upstairs as fast as I could and jumped into the room with the computer.

I lay on the floor in agony. The pain was too much, and I started to feel sick to my stomach. I crawled to the closest bathroom with my eyes closed as fast as I could and threw up in the toilet. Five times.

When I was done, I fell on the floor in front of the toilet, grateful that this bathroom had no windows. I watched as stars danced before my eyes and the pain from the daggers lingered. I lost track of time and could think of nothing else except the pain that refused to leave.

By the time that the pain was gone, and I could get up without getting nauseous, it was dark outside. I could walk around the house freely. I hoped that my stomach was settled enough to eat, because it was empty again.

I walked cautiously to check my email. I glad to see that Brooke had replied to my email.

Message: Thank u 4 the update. Keep hiding & stay safe. Email me when you can - but not 2 often. I don't want 2 raise suspicion. We R working 2 keep your family safe. We R on a strong lookout 4 any v's. We feel horrible that we missed Adam coming 2 town 2 get u. If you want 2 come home - go to the house where C was staying. No other v's know that we own it so it will be safe. Talk soon. -B

At least I didn't have to worry about my family, but I wished she would have told me if Cliff had come back or not. I knew that I hadn't asked directly, but it seemed like something she should mention.

I decided that I didn't have time to worry about it. I needed a plan, and I needed one soon. I walked downstairs and decided that I would calculate a plan while I ate.

I wanted to stay here and take it easy. It was nice that the house had everything I needed, even though I didn't know when the power would go out or if anyone would return. I was also afraid that if I stayed in one place too long, it would become easier to find me.

I didn't want to just keep hiding as Brooke had recommended. I was a born princess after all. I was not meant to run and hide all the time. I needed to have a mission and to focus on that.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote out a list of what I needed to accomplish:

Rescue Tanner

Take down Adam, Samantha, etc.

Find Cliff

Meet my vamparents

Take down the Morettis with Cliff

Rule the kingdom

I looked over the list several times and didn't even know where to begin. I didn't know how to accomplish anything on the list, especially on my own.

Taking a bite from a sandwich, I noticed that I could smell some cheese that was in the closed refrigerator. If I could smell food that way, I could surely use this sense to find people and vampires. I could also make stakes with just a stick and my own fingernails.

I smiled with the realization that I could actually do a lot more than I realized. I really could come up with a plan and follow it through. I was destined for greatness, and it was supposed to be me, not my knight in shining armor, that was going to beat the Morettis once and for all.

It was up to me to figure this out on my own and I could. I was no damsel in distress. Being in this mess sucked, without a doubt, but it seemed like it was the ideal way for me to find out what I was capable of.

I finished eating and then went through the house, looking for things that would help me. I grabbed a bag from the girl's room and put in some clothes, food and some makeshift stakes that I made from pulling apart some empty picture frames.

Before leaving, I sat down, closed my eyes, and tried to recall the scents of the people and vampires that I knew. I hadn't paid much attention to the smells before, but when I thought about it I could remember each one's distinct scent. I held on to each one in my mind so that I would be able to detect it as easily as possible.

When I was outside, I took a deep breath to see if I could pick up any of the scents, even though I doubted that I would be able to. I was certain that nobody I knew was anywhere near this place.

My heart nearly stopped when I picked up the faintest scent of Tanner. I couldn't smell Samantha or any other vampire.

Maybe it was a relative of his. His dad had run off, so maybe he lived around here.

Strapping the backpack around my shoulders as snug as possible, I started tracking scent. There was no breeze, so it was more difficult to determine the direction, it was coming from. I started walking away from the house, and the scent became minutely weaker. I turned around and walked in the other direction and it became slightly stronger. I kept walking, and little by little the scent became even stronger.

Even thought it was dark out, I kept as close to the shadows as possible and did my best to stay out of the lights from the houses and street lamps. I had to go through some yards and in between houses in order to follow the trail of the scent. The trail did not go neatly down the sidewalk.

The further along that I went, the more I developed the feel for tracking the scent. It was similar to tracking an animal in the woods, but there was much more at stake, so I wasn't going to take any chances just in case it was Tanner and not some random relative.

I picked up my pace as I became more comfortable with the process. However, I was afraid of going too fast and losing the trail altogether. I also didn't want to become so focused on that one scent that I failed to recognize any of the others.

I was worried about the fact that I didn't smell any other vampires near him. I was worried that they would have harmed him and then left him. I told myself that he was fine and that they just had him locked up somewhere as they had me locked up.

I hoped that after I had completed the transformation and became a full vampire, this stuff would come naturally. It felt like so much to keep track of the scent that I was following, to remain aware of other scents, to stay out of sight and to stay aware of anyone who might be watching me. I felt like I was focusing on too many things at one time. It was difficult to do anything effectively.

The closer the scent became, the more that I felt something was really wrong. I had already traveled several miles. The urge to run at full speed was overpowering. I decided to give it a try, so I broke into a full run and was glad that I could still track the scent and change course as often as needed.

The feeling that something was very wrong kept getting stronger, and I couldn't go any faster. I came near some woods, and the smell was undeniable.

I ran into the woods in the direction of the scent and a few miles in, I came to a rundown shack. I had no doubt that the scent was coming from inside. I didn't smell anyone else, and I was certain that it was Tanner inside. I tried the door, and it opened right away. There was one little room and two smaller ones in the back. I looked around at the dirty, old furniture but didn't see him. I could smell him; he was in the shack somewhere.

I followed the scent to one of the back rooms, and there was Tanner, lying on the floor, not moving.

"No," I gasped. I ran to him and sat down next to him, shaking him. "Tanner! Wake up. Wake up."

He didn't budge.

"Tanner!" I didn't care who may have heard me. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Wake up, you have to wake up."

His head wobbled back and forth as I shook him, which meant that he wasn't stiff, and there was a possibility that he could still be alive. I couldn't hear his heartbeat, so with tears streaming down my face, I put my ear directly to his chest and heard a faint and weak heartbeat.

I blew into his mouth to start CPR to see if I could help him. He was so close to gone. I did a couple chest compressions and heard the cracking that they warn you about in CPR courses. Somehow, I bit my tongue during the process but I ignored the pain and the blood in my mouth. If he didn't survive, then a little blood in his mouth wouldn't matter anyway. I just kept going.

Eventually, I became tired and had to take a break. I hated myself for it, but I was still part human and had too many limitations. I looked at his nearly lifeless body and started crying again.

"Tanner, please wake up," I begged. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his lips as my tears ran down onto his face. I lay my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat going slower and slower.

I sat up. "No. Don't go." With what little energy that I had left, I started the CPR again. When I was too tired again, I listened for his heartbeat, and it was gone.


I lay my head on his shoulder and cried. "I'm so sorry, Tanner," I whispered. "This is all my fault. Samantha used you to get to me." I sobbed until I couldn't shed another tear.

I thought about trying to find a hospital to take him to, knowing that they had defibrillator machines that could bring life back to his heart. It was most likely light out by then, so I was stuck in the woods until nightfall. There was nothing more that I could do to bring him back. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed.

Starting to fall asleep on the dirty floor, I woke up with a start. What if Samantha and the others came back? I didn't want them to find Tanner's body, and I didn't want to be there either.

I had to move his body so that I could make sure that his poor family could get it back to mourn properly. Without thinking, I picked up his body and carried him out of the shack. When I realized what I was doing—carrying someone much bigger than myself—I nearly dropped him. I had forgotten about the time I carried that huge farmer.

I walked further into the woods with more ease than I would have expected. I decided to try running, and was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that I could run while carrying him. I ran for miles until I came to an abandoned bear den. From the smell of it, no bears had been in there for a very long time.

I lay him down on what looked like the bed used by the bears that once lived here. I went outside, gathered leaves and covered him up in hopes that they would mask his scent if the vampires decided to look for his body.

After he was covered up and taking on the scent of the leaves, I reclined next to him. I wished that I could hear a heartbeat but knew that it would not return. I fell asleep from the emotional exhaustion.

When I woke up, I was certain that I could smell Samantha's stink. Although it was faint, I was willing to bet that she was at the shack to remove or destroy Tanner's body.

Anger surged through my body, and fueled with rage stronger than I'd ever felt before, I grabbed two makeshift stakes from my bag and stuck one in my sock and the other in the arm of my hoodie. I also put some matches in my back pocket.

I went outside of the bear den and saw a rock that was large enough to cover the entrance. It would be perfect to cover his scent from animals and vile vampires. I moved the rock with as much ease as I had run with Tanner across the woods.

When I was certain that nothing would disturb him, I ran as fast as I could back to the shack. I hated her more than anything, and I would see to it that she did not live to see the next sunrise. I was prepared to take her down or be taken down myself.

Before I walked in, I could hear two distinct voices. One was Samantha's, and the other was probably that of one of the vampires that had gone with her when she took Tanner.

"He was dead. Where could he have gone?" Samantha demanded.

"Maybe he wasn't actually dead. Did you take his pulse?"

"Of course he was dead. I've killed plenty of people. I know when someone is dead."

"It's obvious that he wasn't dragged off by an animal, so he must have gotten up and left."

"Did you hear a thing I told you? He was dead."

"Maybe another immortal found him, and took him."

"Who would do that? Why would anyone? He's not even an important human."

My fists clenched tighter and tighter as I listened to their exchange. The rage and hatred pumped through me, right along with my blood. Had there been any electricity, I would have blown out every light for miles.

I walked up to the door and said, "I found him and I took him, you good for nothing pile of flesh!" I flew at her as she turned to look at me in complete shock.