The Wedded Whore by Ugochukwu Kingsley Ani - HTML preview

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One year later

Adamma stood at the balcony overlooking the veranda of the master bedroom, lost in thought. She could hear the sound the twins were making as they bickered as usual over who was right in whatever silly game they were playing in the hall. She just wished they’d keep their noise down, though she knew she’d run mad if they went on radio silence; they were the reason for her existence.

She then turned back into the room and caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. She looked fine; though she was sure she’d lost some of her muscle tone after her pregnancy and the rigors of the labor room. But thanks to her husband who had kept her on her toes and the routines he undertook with her so she could get back her killer body and be ready for public work within five weeks after childbirth, she looked better than she’d looked a month ago when she’d considered herself too bloated to be beautiful anymore.

‘You look sexy,’ Obinna always told her. ‘I love the way you look pregnant than in everyday life.’

‘You lucky devil,’ she’d said. ‘You can afford to mock me.’ But her heart had swelled with pride that the handsome devil really loved her and made her aware of that fact at every waking moment. That he was a handsome man was only too evident from the looks he garnered from the women they ran into, though he had eyes only for her and made it plain to her every day they were together. And he was really great; he was fun. That was one aspect of the new him that had her heart swelling up with pride and joy whenever she went out and remembered that she had to return home to him.

‘Honey, are you all right?’

She whirled round, and there stood Obinna, dressed casually in denim and a plain white shirt, looking tall and magnetic and sexy as hell. He looked good enough to eat right there.

‘I am,’ Adamma replied as she leaned in for his kiss. ‘I was just lost in thought. Are the photographers from the Daily Telegraph ready?’

‘They can’t wait to see the twins. Andrew is as fussy as a needy chick while Andrea is lying contentedly in her crib, her eyes blinking at her older siblings in a show of queenly coolness. She really will take after Helen, which means that they both take after you, but the boys are me to the core. Shall we?’

They went out to the new nursery, and while Adamma bent over and retrieved the otherworldly pretty daughter who had arrived two minutes before her brother, Obinna picked up Andrew in his large arms and they headed for the living room where the members of the press were waiting for them with baited breath. At the entrance to the living room they were joined by the older twins, Helen seemingly engrossed in a word puzzle in her head, Ian poking around with a Game boy. Together, they all marched in to see their visitors, as one family.

‘I love you,’ Obinna whispered into Adamma’s ear.

She smiled up at him and a flashbulb went off. ‘I love you more,’ she replied.