Till It Happens To You by Dada Modupeola - HTML preview

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Jude’s father laughs.“Interesting” Jude’s father says

“Your daughter has very expensive taste. You should agree on this deal chief so that you can afford to foot the bill she will bring in three weeks.” Jude father continues

“We will talk about that later.” chief says and walks towards his car.

Jude’s father picks up his phone and dials a man’s number.

“Come to my office in the next hour. We have issues to resolve.”

Jude’s father tells the man and cuts the phone walking back into the bank’s building.


The man Jude’s father calls is Akin. At least, that is the name he calls himself recently and he has been working for Jude’s father for 3years now. With no true identity, he used to be in the military until he is kicked out for forging documents; SSCE and Birth certificate.


Ever since, he has been doing jobs based on referrals both good as a bodyguard, bad as a political thug and worse as a killer.

One day, a bad job went very bad and Akin is caught. He is denied trial because there was no need for one and no one will spend money on a lawyer for him. Akin is thrown into jail for life imprisonment in Adamawa State.


6months later, Akin sets the administrative block of the prison on fire. No one knows how the fire started and reports said few staff sustained injuries while prisoners were in their cell.

They lied.

The fire was a diversion for Akin to escape. He was working as a mailman at the prison. Getting mails that belongs to prisoners at the administrative block and distributing it to the prisoners.

On one occasion, he started a fire with items he had collected over time from opening other prisoner’s mail. The fire engulfed the whole place within minutes and on his way out, one of the prison guards caught in the fire was choking and asking for help because he couldn’t move his legs.

Akin ran past him, not looking back and rushes for an exit. He runs out into the street, sees a palace guard in a palace near the prison, beats him up and takes his clothes.

Akin then walks to a bus park, steals someone’s wallet and buys a ticket back to a city in the south-west region of Nigeria.

The next morning, he alights from the bus and heads straight for a micro finance bank but security men at the bank refuse to let him in when he asks to meet with the owner.


Akin waits at the gates of the bank until late in the evening when Jude’s father had closed for the day.


“Jardon” Akin calls out

Jude’s father stops in his tracks and looks back. No one calls him that name since his university days.


He sees Akin and asks him to get into the car. As the driver drives, Akin is in the back sit with his mentor and former cult member.


“It is good to see you, Laski. Although I heard you were in jail.” Jude’s father says

“They let me out early for good behaviour.” Akin tells Jude’s father

“Hmmm interesting, how may I help you?” Jude’s father asks

“I need a job,” Akin responds

“As always eh” Jude’s father asks

Akin nods

“Okay, you can work for me. I need someone whom I can trust to watch my back.” Jude’s father says

“I am expensive.” Akin tells Jude’s father

“Yes, I know but everyone has a price.” Jude’s father responds and that was the start of a new relationship.

The next day as Jude's father walks into the bank, he is seen with Akin at his right-hand side walking alongside him with a black well-cut piece of suit and nice shoes, leaving the security men who had seen him the previous day confused.


Chapter 12

Three years later, Akin becomes Jude’s father handy man and he is sitting in Chief’s office.

Since the merger, Akin has been working for both Jude’s father and Chief. He is mostly a body-guard for Chief who thinks his competitors are trying to kill him.


Chief’s secretary announces he has a visitor.


“Who” Chief asks, and the secretary responds “Jamal Oyemade”

“Okay, let him come.” Chief tells his secretary.


As Jamal walks into the office, Akin steps out.


“Jamal, how are you and your wife?” Chief asks

“We are fine. Thank you,” Jamal responds

“So, how may I help you?” Chief asks

“I have information for you sir but it will cost you.” Jamal says as he sits opposite chief


Chief laughs.


“What information?” Chief asks

“It is about Jude. I tried telling your daughter, but she seems hard-headed,” Jamal tells him

“Jamal, the only reason I accommodate you because I know your wife takes good care of my daughter. I will not allow you come in here and insult Sandra.” Chief informs Jamal

“The information will save your daughter’s life.”Jamal says “Jude has a secret he is hiding,” Jamal continues

“We all have secrets. I have known that boy since he was little.... So tell me what you want in exchange for this information?” Chief asks


“Money” Jamal replies “I need money to settle debts that took everything I own,” Jamal continues

“I am not interested.” Chief tells him

“Your daughter has had two miscarriages, hasn’t she? Well, what if I told you I am familiar with the culprit of those miscarriages.” Jamal tells Chief

“I am listening,” Chief responds as he leans forward

“No more... I won’t say another word until you give me money,” Jamal tells Chief


Chief laughs.


“How much is your asking price?” Chief asks

“Two Hundred Thousand naira,” Jamal responds

“Only?” Chief asks

“Yes” Jamal says

“Okay, let me think about the offer and get back to you.” Chief tells Jamal who stands up, brings out a piece of paper and writes his number and address handing it over to Chief

“That’s my contact. Do not take too long in contacting me,” Jamal says

“I won’t.” Chief tells Jamal

That was the last time anyone ever saw or heard from Jamal because as Jamal leaves Chief’s office, Akin steps inside the office.

-------------------------------------------------------------- Jude’s father is sitting in front of Akin absorbing the information Akin is telling him.

“Jamal’s visit can only mean one thing. He is snitching on your son,” Akin says

“Hmmn, the things Jude did for that man.” Jude’s father responds

“Don’t hate the player boss, hate the game.” Akin continues

Jude’s father leans forward and looks at Akin with a stern.


“We know each other way back. We did nasty things in the fraternity and you have been in prison for murder and I will never ask you to kill anyone. But, I have a problem here; a leaking ceramic sink that needs a plumber. I do not care how you fix the sink, I never ever want to find out but I will appreciate if I can just focus on my dirty dishes and never on the leaking sink.” Jude’s father tells Akin who is used to talking in codes


“I understand because I am the best plumber for the job,” Akin says

“Good...” Jude’s father says and changes the conversation.

This conversation happened a while back that led to Jamal’s death. Now, Akin is sitting in Jude’s father office after Jude had called him over to meet him in one hour and they are having the same conversation.

“So she has a son for Jude,” Jude’s father asks

“I guess, from the looks of it.” Akin responds

Silence... Then

“Akin, I have a deal I want Chief to approve. He is strong headed on it and I understand, Chief doesn’t know how to get his hands dirty but I don’t mind teaching him. This baby mama is not good news for Chief although I am elated to find out my grandson exist but if this woman continues to prey into Sandra’s life I don’t think I will even get the chance to school Chief when a divorce between Sandra and Jude is sparked up by this woman and I can’t afford to lose this deal. She is a threat, Akin.” Jude’s father says

“I don’t want threats walking the streets with breath in their nostrils,” Jude’s father continues hoping he doesn’t need to explain himself

“You need another leaking sink fixed right?” Akin asks

“Yes please, as soon as possible and don’t lay hands on my grandson. He is an asset,” Jude’s father responds

“I understand.” Akin tells Jude’s father

As Akin walks out of the building, he thinks through the conversation he has had with Jude’s father and concludes that for once threats should be given the opportunity to live. He has never hurt a woman before, his mother taught him to be respectful to women. So until he has justified reasons to hurt Elizabeth, he will hold his plumbing skills.

His phone rings again and the caller ID reads Sandra.

“This rich people sef get problem.” Akin says as he picks the call and tells Sandra he will meet her in an eatery near her father’s house.


Sandra is drinking orange juice and reading a magazine as Akin walks in wearing a dark suit and sunglasses.

“Ha, please tell me you have something to show?” Sandra asks

Akin drops an envelope on the table and takes a seat opposite Sandra. Sandra tears the envelope open to see pictures; she glances through them and drops the rest on the table.

“How are you Sandra? Don’t you think you should have left sleeping dogs alone?” Akin says

“No!” Sandra responds “I suspected Jude is cheating but this is proof of my suspicions and I have seen that woman in my house,” Sandra says

“How dare him.” Sandra continues

“So what next, you divorce him and what?” Akin asks

“I don’t know.” Sandra responds with a teary eye

“Listen, you do not know what you have until it’s gone. What your husband did or is doing may be wrong but you must think past yourself and consider your unborn child. Are you going to deprive that child a father and a home just because you can’t stand a cheating husband?” Akin asks

Akin wasn’t a counsellor or has he ever been in a relationship long enough to advice other people but he grew up without a father and turned out badly despite his mother’s effort. A father’s influence is very important in a child’s life whether women can stand them or not and children should not be denied that right. He had seen Jude with his son and could tell that he will be a good father. So, if he could save another child from growing up without a father... He will save that child.

Sandra sobs and then composes herself

“Okay, I will forgive him.” She says in the mist of tears

“Good,” Akin says as he stands up to leave

“What do I owe you?” Sandra calls out as she searches her purse for her check book. She looks up and realises Akin is out of sight.


As Akin leaves the eatery, he feels light and fulfilled. For once in his life, he had done something right. Alas, he forgot to remove the picture of Jude’s son from the pile after showing the pictures to Jardon awhile ago


Sandra picks up the pictures and promises to burn them. Akin is right, her child deserves a home but as she looks through the pictures again, more carefully, she sees the woman; Elizabeth carrying a child. She brings out her phone, checks through the media to check for her husband’s picture. She looks at the picture of the boy and then her husband, looks at the picture again and swipes her tears.

In shock, she says “No... No... It can’t be


Jude sits in a detective’s office as the detective introduces himself as Kola and they shake hands. Detective Kola takes out a paper and pen, getting ready to write.

“Thank you for coming Jude.” Detective Kola says

“I want to help.” Jude says

“Well, murders and suicides happen on a daily basis so your maid’s husband found dead in his apartment is not new,” Detective Kola responds “But, you do not know this information, right?” Detective kola continues

“Um, I don’t think I am knowledgeable. The only information I know is that the cause of death is strangulation and a professional job,” Jude responds

“Did you ever meet the deceased?” Detective kola asks

“Yes, I knew him a little.” Jude responds

“How will you describe your relationship?” Detective Kola asks

“Casual.”Jude responds

“Are you aware he was in debt?” Detective Kola asks


Jude laughs “Um, I am not sure I do. I can’t remember,” Jude lies

“Where were you the day Jamal died?” Detective Kola asks

Jude stands “I don’t understand why you are interrogating me when the culprit is out there. If you do not have any court order to demand I speak any further, I am sorry not much I can say.” Jude replies


“It is a simple question, sit. Just tell me where you were the day Jamal died?” Detective Kola asks again

“I was with my wife.” Jude replies and sits

“Which one” Detective Kola asks

Jude looks confused “I beg your pardon?” Jude responds

“Walls have ears. I did a check and what I gathered is; there are two women in your life. So, which one were you with?” Detective Kola asks

Jude bites his lips “I was with the other one.” Jude responds

“Is your wife aware of the other woman?” Detective Kola asks

“That information is none of your business or does the information has anything to do with this case,” Jude fires back

“You see, Jude...I can call you Jude, right?” Detective Kola asks while Jude nods in agreement “How it looks from my end is that your wife is oblivious of a side chick and a child. Mr Oyemade on the other hand who is the husband to your wife’s maid finds out that you are keeping a double life and he blackmails you. Since you two have a casual relationship, easy for him to hold you down for a few Nairas and cancel his debts. But you do not give in to his demands, he threatens to tell your wife and you get him killed while you go on vacation to see your other woman that gives you an alibi. After Jamal dies you get interested in the case because you want details when we find you out so you can either cover your tracks or run. So Jude, every question I ask is my business.” Detective Kola continues


Jude looks at Detective Kola in disgust and starts to laugh. He laughs hard

“I am so sorry. I never ever considered myself as a suspect. The theory you just laid out is impressive but they are only theories until proven. You do not have any evidence to back up your claim.” Jude says and stands up to leave.

“If you ever find the culprit, please do not hesitate to contact me,”

Jude continues and leaves the Detective’s office.

“Oh I will call you sooner than you think,” Detective Kola calls out behind Jude

“What insolence,” Jude responds and storms out of the police station.


Chapter 13

In the evening of the same day of the board meeting, Chief and Sandra eat dinner together. Chief watches Sandra so close, she is uncomfortable. They make frequent eye contact and Sandra starts to get more uncomfortable. Sandra requests to be excused from the table.


“How did your day go?” Chief replies instead

Sandra stammers, not knowing how to lie to her father

“It went well. I just need to rest early,” Sandra lied




“Are you stressed out?” Chief asks

“A little,” Sandra responds


“Well, my day was not good.” Chief says

Sandra looks at her father; suspicious because he never tells her how he spends his day or any other detail about work.


“I was in a board meeting with your father-in-law and he was proposing preposterous things. Then I remember you are coming over and rush to the house hoping to see you but I find out you have gone out again. I head to my study and stay there till I hear you come in,” Chief Continues


Sandra desperately wants the conversation to end not knowing what her father is trying to achieve with his narrations.


“I am sorry. I needed to settle things,” Sandra responds

“Please, can I be excused?” She does not wait for a response before standing. She takes her plates to the kitchen and her father follows with his own plate.

“It gets interesting dear. After you come in, I leave the study to come greet you and see you are not in the living room but your bag is there opened. I get curious seeing bits of photographs in it and I open it up to see for myself.” Chief continues


Sandra drops her plates in shock as they chatter on the floor

“No privacy? I can’t leave my things and not get you snoop into my bag?” Sandra calls out

Chief slaps Sandra hard on the face and she hits the floor

“This is my house. You are my daughter. If you won’t grow up and act responsibly, I will have to do the growing up for you.” Chief says

“How did you get those pictures? I thought I explained to you what this marriage is and you agreed to it.” Chief continued

Sandra with her hand on her face just stares at her father.

“I tried protecting you long enough but you think you can now protect yourself.” chief says

“You knew?” Sandra shouts


“Of course I knew... Do you think I will leave my only daughter out there with those thugs without protection?” Chief shouts back

“Why daddy, why didn’t you tell me Jude had another family?” Sandra asks

“I didn’t tell you because I was trying to protect you,” Chief responds

“Protect me from what; from whom? The playboy you made me marry?” Sandra asks

“You will know in due time.” Chief says as he walks to the sink and drops his plate and walks out of the kitchen leaving a confused Sandra.



At early hours of the morning the next day, Chief is sitting behind his study desk scribbling something when a maid knocks and announces he has a visitor. He beckons for the person to come into his office.


Detective Kola walks in and takes a seat.


“Detective Kola, I hope you have good news for me?” Chief asks

“I do.” Detective Kola responds

“What were you able to dig?” Chief asks

“We can pin the murder on Jude,” Detective Kola says




“How will you do that without his father’s bailing him out?” Chief asks

“That is why I am here. Sir, you work close with his father with inside details. If you know incriminating details that can be given to EFCC or get his father arrested, Jude’s father will not be able to do anything for his son while under scrutiny.” Detective Kola says


Chief drops his paper.


“Great idea, I may have something that we can both work with. So we must first get his father arrested for fraud then get Jude arrested for murder. One way or the other, they are ruined.” Chief says

“Yes sir,” Detective Kola agrees

“I know they killed Jamal. Not long after the poor man came to me as an informant did they find his dead body. They can’t go scout free with it.” Chief says

“Good job detective Kola. I will contact you soon.” Chief continues as the policeman stands to leave shutting the study door behind him.


“The reign of the Jardon is finished. It will soon be over, just a matter of time.” Chief says to himself



Meanwhile, Elizabeth takes her son to the supermarket and doesn’t notice the stranger following them. She gets to the isle where they have ice cream and she stops, trying to figure out what flavour to buy for her son when the stranger joins them.


 “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but notice we live in the same compound," Akin says


 “I don’t think I have ever seen you” Sandra says and wonders why men like to use pickup lines


 “I moved into the quarters at the back of the main building," Akins replies


 “Oh, isn’t that Mr. John’s apartment?" Sandra asks


 “Yes, it used to be, but the man travelled and told me to occupy the place while he is away," Akin replies


 “Oh okay, I am Elizabeth and this is my son Eli," Elizabeth says


 “Eli in Elijah” Akin asks


  Elizabeth giggles


  “No, Eli in Elliot” She responds


 “Am Jim... Jim in Jimmy," Akin says



Elizabeth blushes


  “Good to meet you Jim," She says


 They smile at each other and Akin walks away to shop. He is curious and drawn to this woman because she reminds him of his mother and himself. Almost the same scenario that happened with him but his father never came back for him after leaving his mother.


  He will protect this woman. That is why he went over to John’s apartment and struck him on the head to take full occupancy of the place.


 Mr. John won’t be coming back from his journey forever, that’s for sure, giving Akin the opportunity to be close to Elizabeth and Eli.


 Elizabeth and her son leave the shopping mall with Elizabeth carry many nylon bags as they leave the mall; a car approaches them with Akin driving.


 “Why don’t I give you a ride home?” Akin asks


 “Oh thank you. That will be nice," Elizabeth responds


 She enters the vehicle with her son and Akin drives to their compound. He parks inside the compound, gets down and helps Elizabeth with her nylons.


 Elizabeth looks impressed

“Thank you Jim” She remarks


 “You are welcome” Akin responds


 Over the next week, they become great neighbours.




 One day, Elizabeth is having lunch with another neighbour’s wife. The woman envied Elizabeth because Elizabeth was cared for by a man. It shows in everything Elizabeth does unlike her.

She lives with a husband who expects her to do everything, she works like an elephant and gets pampered like an ant. The woman can’t even remember the last time her husband bought her anything.




 But Elizabeth has this constant glow until recent. She noticed Elizabeth has a gloomy face and a not so vibrant attitude so she invites the woman for lunch to find out the latest scoop on her as they eat a plate of Jollof rice with beef.


 After Elizabeth neighbour’s wife gets updated on Elizabeth, she is not so envious of Elizabeth and empathises with her instead and is grateful for the husband she had for once. At least the man has never left her or threatened to leave her and her children.


 “I am so sorry Liz” the woman says


 “I don’t even know what to do” Elizabeth replies


  Akin walks into the restaurant


  Elizabeth stops eating


 “Remember that new neighbour I told you about?” Elizabeth asks


 “The nosy one at the BQ” the woman responds


 Elizabeth laughs



 “He is not nosy joorh....He just walked into this restaurant” Elizabeth says


 Her friend turns to look but Elizabeth stops her half way.


  “Don’t look...He will know we are talking about him. Oh my goodness, too late, he is walking towards us” Elizabeth says


 “Hello Elizabeth” Akin says


 “Jim good to see you here, this is Joke Mr. Adelana’s wife” Elizabeth says


 “Hello” Joke says


 “What are you doing here?” Elizabeth asks


 “Very interesting coin

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