Timeless Love by I.R.B.A. - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 – The Approval


[March 9th, 2001] Outgoing call


Luana   Hello, who is this?


Rasul    It’s your knight in shining armor.


Luana   You loser!


Rasul    I’m here to save you from boredom.


Luana Shut up! I’m content with my life; I can go a whole year without talking to you.


Rasul Honestly, you can never do such thing! You would go insane, thinking about me.


Luana   I’m not in the mood...


Rasul    You miss me. Stop pretending as if you don’t.


Luana   As I said, I’m not in the mood. Have a good day.


Rasul    It’s never a good day without you. Tell... [Phone call ends]


[Outgoing call]


Rasul    Did you really hang-up on me?


Luana   I don’t want to talk!


Rasul    I know something is wrong, what did I do?


Luana   It’s not...


Rasul Hey, I’m sorry for not calling you earlier. This is my father's old mobile phone; yesterday was his birth...


Luana I don’t care Rasul. I’m sorry, but I don’t care. For your information, yes I’m in a bad mood, and it has nothing to do with you. Now have a good day.


Rasul    What is the problem? Please, tell me what is wrong.


Luana   You can’t help! It’s personal. No one can help, but my parents.


Rasul I know I can’t help, but I can make you feel better, or help you forget about your problems for a while. I don’t like the way you sound, smile beautiful, you look and sound better with a smile on your face.


Luana My parents are getting divorced. I’ve seen my friend's parents get divorced, but I never thought it would happen to me. They have always been in love; they are perfect for each other. Currently, they don’t talk to each other anymore. They don’t acknowledge each other. It feels like living with strangers in the house, she goes out without telling him where she is going, and he does the same. Sometimes, she sleeps over at my auntie's house or a friend’s house, without telling him about her whereabouts.


Rasul    I’m very sorry, Lu…


Luana And the worst thing is; I haven’t seen her for two days. I hate the fact that, they are not together making each other happy. I know, deep down they are both hurting, but they are pretending as if they don’t care, as if everything is fine. Even the blind can see they are hurting. My Father used to wake me up every morning, and he used to make sure I was in a good mood before leaving for school. And now he can’t even look me in the face. My mother always talks to me, she tells me all her secrets, and she has always been there for me. Without her I’m nothing; sometimes, we spend half a day talking about life, but not anymore, I miss her. I wish everything could go back to the way it was. Everything has changed Rasul; it feels like we have nothing to talk about whenever we see one another. I think she is embarrassed. Family is very important, but you never realize how important something is until it’s gone or almost gone...


Rasul Everything will be fine, I promise. I know how important family is; but I’m not on talking terms with my brother and most of the times, I try to avoid my father because all he does is complain, and find faults in everything I do. It irritates me.


Luana   That is because, He cares about you.


Rasul    He is overprotective. I understand, but sometimes it’s disturbing.


Luana You should thank God, for having a father who cares about you and loves you.


Rasul Your parents love and care about you, they are having some minor problems and hopefully everything will work itself out soon enough, I promise.


Luana Nothing will work itself out; you’re just saying that, to make me feel better.


Rasul    You have to try to be positive...


Luana How?! How can I try to be positive when everything around me is falling apart?! Tell me!


Rasul Don’t let whatever is going on with your parent come between your relationship with them. Try to talk to them, as if nothing is wrong, and maybe they will open up to you. You said they have always been there for you; I think now may be the time you have to be there for them. Also, nothing around you will fall apart, and if everything around you falls apart, I promise to be the one thing still standing.


Luana Thank you, I’ve to go to sleep. I didn’t get enough yesterday. Call me when you wake up.


Rasul    Good night beautiful. [Phone call ends]


[2:23 AM] Incoming call


Luana   Hello Rasul.


Rasul    Why are you not asleep?


Luana I couldn’t sleep. I saw a picture of us together, happy as a family in Florida during the summer of 1999, and it reminded me of how perfect we were as a family. We had our personal problems, like every family but together, everything was perfect as if we made each other’s problems disappear. We were smiling and laughing. I’ve been crying for almost an hour. Why is this happening Rasul? Why?


Rasul    Tell me about that day.


Luana I called you to help me forget about the reason I’m crying, and you want me to talk about it?


Rasul    Yes! Tell me about that day.


Luana   I don’t want to. All I want to do is fall asleep and never wake up.


Rasul Just relax and listen to this song. Hopefully, it will help you fall asleep.  Just listen.


[March 10th, 2001 - 10:46 AM] Incoming call


Luana   Thank you for last night.


Rasul    It was my pleasure. Good morning to you too.


Luana Good morning loser. Thank you, for letting me know you will always be here for me.


Rasul    Stop saying thank you. I love talking to you,


Luana   Do you have any plans for today?


Rasul I don’t. I woke up, at seven o'clock, thinking I had to go to school today.


Luana   Ha! Did you get dressed?


Rasul No! Of course not! I went back to sleep the moment I noticed today is Saturday.


Luana   I had a good night’s sleep.


Rasul    I’m still tired, I need at least one more hour of sound sleep.


Luana Call me, or send me an email when you wake up, and I’ll give you a call.


[Later that day] Outgoing email


Rasul The truth is, I don’t know why I was put in the position to meet you but I’m very thankful for that; you’re the type of girl musicians write award-winning songs about, the type of girl writers write good books about that influence readers’ lives. All I’m trying to say is thank you for being in my life.



[March 11th, 2001] Incoming email


Luana I’m sorry, we didn’t get to talk yesterday; I’m just getting home. I went to my auntie's house with my mother. And she had no internet access available. How are you doing? I missed you loser!


Rasul Don’t apologize, I’m glad you did. I spent the day with some friends. How was your day?


Luana My day was great, I didn’t expect to have a good day but I did. We went shopping; we had a normal conversation. We even went as far as making jokes about moving to Florida, if my parents do get divorced.


Rasul Why would your family move to Florida? Also, there’s nothing funny about that. I’d miss you.


Luana My mother said, my father demanded I move to Florida with him if he decides to live over there. Calm down loser! It was a joke. I think everything might be fine. My parents left the house together just a few minutes ago.


Rasul Well, I’m glad everything is working out perfectly. Also, never joke about moving far away from me, the distance between us is already an obstacle. I’ll not allow more distance to come between us; one day I’ll wake up in the morning and start walking to Long Island, I’ll not stop until I see you.


Luana I’m sorry, but you made me laugh. I would have run into your arms the moment I see you, and then give you the biggest kiss ever.


Rasul I regret not kissing you at the carnival. Honestly, I thought you would slap me if I did. Also on the day you told me you were leaving, I woke up with a plan to kiss you, then we began to argue and I forgot.


Luana You should have kissed me, maybe we would have stopped arguing, or I would have slapped you, either way I like that idea.


Rasul    Why would you slap me?


Luana I would have loved the kiss, but I’d have also enjoyed slapping you, just to be dramatic.


Rasul    You’re insane, I need to stay away from you.


Luana   You can’t live without me, you love me.


Rasul I could never love someone like you, you’re ugly, and I can’t stand you.


Luana You’re a terrible liar. I told my friend about you, and she wants to meet you.


Rasul I know I am. I hope you said good things about me; I’d love to meet her. What is her name?


Luana I told her how sweet you are and how smitten you are with every single thing I do. Her name is Delilah, but I call her Ladee.


Rasul We promised never to lie to each other, and that is clearly a lie; I am not smitten by you or your actions. We need to make a plan for when we’ll meet.


Luana Where can we meet each other? I think you will have to come to Montauk, but honestly, there’s nothing special to do over here.


Rasul    You should come to Manhattan, it will be worth it.


Luana   I’d love to, but my parents would never let me.


Rasul Tell them you’re going out with a few friends, I’ll come to Montauk and take you out to Manhattan, and then I’ll take you back home.


Luana   I’d love that, but maybe on our second date.


Rasul    That sounds like a good plan!


Luana   I’ve an essay due tomorrow, I’ll talk to you later loser.


Rasul I also have a U.S. History essay due next week; I should start working on it now, but maybe later.


Luana Start it now! History is my weakness; I hate it! I can’t help you, but I’ll talk to you when I’m finished with mine.


Rasul It’s one of my strongest subjects, you don’t have to worry about it, I don’t need any help, darling. Always remember, to be good at something, you must learn to love it.


Luana Don’t call me that, you earn that privilege after you start your assignment. Goodbye, I’ll talk to you later!


Rasul    I’ll miss you, darling!


[Several hours later] Outgoing email


Rasul To ensure myself that I don’t have any terrible nightmares, I need to talk to you before going to sleep.


Luana   Did you start working on your assignment?


Rasul Not exactly. I was listening to music, and then I realized two hours had passed by, I’m currently doing a mathematics assignment, which is due tomorrow.


Luana Stop trying to make me angry. Why are you now attending to it, when you know it is due in a few hours?


Rasul Are you telling me, I can’t complete an assignment that is due tomorrow, today, but you can?


Luana I’ve been working on this assignment for the past week. I reserved three days for research alone. You need to stop fooling around; that makes me angry.


Rasul    Calm down, I’m not fooling around. I’m almost done.


Luana   Don’t lie to me. What do you mean, you’re almost done?


Rasul I’ve two more questions. One is to find the longest part of the triangle, and the other is to find the shortest.


Luana   Do you mean Pythagorean Theorem?


Rasul Yes, and the only values that were given are "A" and "C". Don’t worry, darling I know what I’m doing, isn’t the equation for Pythagorean Theorem "A + B = C"?


Luana   That is correct, but the terms are all squared.


Rasul    How do you remember all of this?


Luana   I love math.


Rasul I hate it! Half of my classes are college level, but I just can’t understand math.


Luana   To be good at something you must learn to love it.


Rasul    Don’t use my words against me.


Luana You need to get extra help; it will only get more difficult as you’re graduating soon. If you need help, I’m here for you.


Rasul I don’t need math! How can calculating for the longest side of a triangle help me when I’m in danger?


Luana Quit being ignorant. Maybe it can’t save your life at this moment, but when we have children, what would you tell them if they asked you how to use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the longest side of a triangle?


Rasul    Did you just say when we have children?


Luana   Yes I did, but I don’t think I want to marry an ignorant man.


Rasul I am not ignorant. Also, to answer your question, I’d tell them to go and ask their beautiful, exceptional and intelligent mother for help, and come back to me when they have a question about biology, history, English, art, or anything that has nothing to do with mathematics.


Luana   Are you trying to make me smile?


Rasul    No, actually my goal was to make you blush.


Luana   Well, it worked.


Rasul    I know it did, I’m that good. When are you going to sleep?


Luana   I’m getting ready, as we talk. How about you?


Rasul    I’ll try to go to sleep in an hour.


Luana   I’m very tired. Good night loser!


Rasul    Don’t forget to dream about me. Good night beautiful!


Luana Complete your assignment on time, and maybe I’ll dream about you.


Rasul    I’ve not started the essay yet. I’ll try my best. Sweet dreams.


Luana   Start now! Good night!


[The following day] Outgoing call


Rasul Good morning beautiful, I spent several hours thinking about you last night, because I missed you.


Luana Thank you for waking me up, I missed you too, did you at least work on your assignment?


Rasul    I will. I’ll begin my research later.


Luana Honestly, I woke up eager to talk to you but not anymore. Don’t try to call me; send me an email about your progress if you choose to stop being lazy and ignorant, then maybe I’ll consider talking to you. Have a good day! [Phone call ends]


[A few minutes ago] Outgoing email


Rasul I’m emailing you to say, I began working on my assignment. I don’t want you to be angry. I never want you to be disappointed in me.


[March 30th, 2001 – 5:49 PM] Outgoing email


Rasul I just returned home from school. How was your day? I’ve a lot to tell you.


[Two hours later] Outgoing email


Rasul Are you angry because of what happened this morning? I miss you and need to talk to you; mainly because I miss you.


[Three hours later] Outgoing email


Rasul I’ll call you in the morning. I spent my whole day wishing you were here, closer to me. I’m not supposed to say I love you yet, because I intended to say it when I see you, after you run into my arms and kiss me like a girl who has been waiting for years to see the love of her life. But here I am saying I love you. I’m sorry, but I do, and if you want to know what I did today, I just missed you. Good night beautiful.


[March 31st, 2001 – 7:05 AM] Outgoing email


Rasul Good morning, I don’t know why I’m smiling when I should be sad because you’re no longer talking to me; but if you’re wondering why I’m smiling it’s because I was looking at your picture. I miss you, I was hoping you would answer my phone call, when you didn’t I decided to send you this email, but it’s not the same not listening to your voice. I’ll try calling you again later in the evening. Have a wonderful day.


[The next morning]


Luana Hi, it was pointless for me to ignore you. I’m sorry. Also, you don’t have to apologize for loving me; I do too. I love you loser!  I love everything about you, I can’t believe it has been three months since I had that dream about us, I still can’t tell you or anyone about the dream, because I promised to keep it to myself; until it becomes a reality, but that is the moment I knew you would be mine. And, yes you’re mine whether you want to be or not.


Rasul Hi, can we just forget about what happened? Also, do you mean the dream you had in January? If so, then it has been four months since we have known each other; Luana, every second we spend apart, I promise we will make up one day, we will make up for all those lost moments, someday soon.


Luana I’d love that. Time seems to be flying fast; I wish it would fly faster. If you have ever wondered what I wanted more than anything in life is to be with you physically, emotionally, and mentally, every second. Also, I think I’m coming down with a fever, I wish you were here to make me feel better.


Rasul You always know how to make my day better. You’re the reason why I walk with a smile on my face. One day we will be happy together. Also, I’ll board a train, in a few minutes; I’ll have with me, some soup, tea, flowers, a romantic movie, chocolate, and strawberries. I know how much you love strawberries and chocolate. What else do you want?


Luana I want nothing, but you. Actually, I also want a foot rub. I wish you could be here, but we will be together one day, because I believe in us. I believe in you. Until then, you need to take education very serious. Do you need help with any assignments due this week or next week?


Rasul Thank you, but I don’t. I’m almost done with my history assignment. I just need to put a few things together.


Luana You know, I dislike history but I can help you. You have to quit acting stupid, you are very intelligent. Please start putting more effort into your school work, I’d hate it if you allow laziness to be the reason we stop talking. You’re going off to college in a few months; quit acting like someone without a future.


Rasul I’ll never let anything come between us. I’ve a few errands to run. I’ll return in a couple of hours, and I promise to complete my assignment tonight.


Luana I’m glad to hear that. I need to rest; I took medicine for my fever. Have a good day! Remember to finish your assignment, and email or call me. Kisses!


Rasul I hope you feel better. Get some rest, and I’ll talk to you later. Kisses? I don’t want that, I want the real one from your lovely lips.


Luana   I want my chocolates, and then you will get yours.


Rasul Deal, you will get your chocolates and I will get a lovely kiss, whenever I lay my eye upon your perfection.


Luana I want the best chocolates in the world; sweet, mouthwatering chocolates.


Rasul I can be your sweet, mouthwatering chocolates; you know, legend says I taste better than chocolates.


Luana   I’ll be the judge of that.


Rasul Okay, I love the sound of that. Have a good day. I’ll talk to you later.


[Later that night]


Rasul Hi, I’m currently revising the history assignment. I spent all night working on it; I’m hungry, I want a Korean Taco.


Luana   What?! Yuck! It sounds disgusting. I just had fried chicken.


Rasul Chicken with what? I want some. And quit being close-minded, Korean Tacos look delicious; I want to try it.


Luana I had only fried chicken. If I could, I’d spend the rest of my life eating only fried chicken, while you eat Korean Tacos by yourself.


Rasul    Sharing is caring Luana. I’d share my Korean Tacos with you.


Luana You can eat all the Korean Tacos in the world without me. But I missed you; I only slept for an hour. I woke up early thinking you would call me, and you didn’t.


Rasul    I’ll share anything of mine with you. Can I call you?


Luana I can’t talk at the moment, I’m meeting Delilah at her house, we have a few assignments to complete together. I’ll call you when we are done.


Rasul    Tell her