To Get Me To You by Kait Nolan - HTML preview

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I am always humbled by the number of people who help me get a book from that twinkle in my eye to fruition, and this one, in particular, has been no exception. I have so many people to thank!

My brilliant cover artist, Robin Ludwig, as always, you far exceeded my expectations!

My dear friends Melissa, Erica, and Alyson for a regular supply of small town hilarity that makes me bray with laughter and provides a constant source of inspiration,

My beta readers, Julie, Lauralynn, Melissa, and Erica,

My critique partners Susan Bischoff, Claire LeGrand, Jessica Fritsche, and Liana Brooks, this book is so much better because of your input and the many, many people who talked me off the edge of crazy during my pre-release spaz, especially Lisa Kroger, who knows when to give me a Gibbs slap to get over myself.

Love and thanks to you all!