WORN by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven

It’s almost twilight when we make our way back to the main house. The protagonists of our life drama are all in sight doing whatever they are doing while the little world I was in for hours now start to fade as we enter the garden hand in hand.

‘Heather!’ mother is the first to notice us and walk to us and she shocks me—no almost gives me a heart attack by planting a kiss on my face

‘Hello—mother.’ I manage to say as she gently pats Taylor’s hand. I can almost forgive her for showing affection to me. She doesn’t know anything. To her everything is simply this—Taylor and I are married and we are meeting Taylor’s family.

We do small talk for a moment before Celine comes and takes her away like the good in law that she is.

‘I thought you said mother knows that I ran away.’ I say to Taylor when we are alone’

‘I never mentioned who—but no in your family only your father knew.’

I sigh, ‘that’s why I didn’t get any chastening.’

‘I’m relieved too—she wouldn’t have spared me.’

I chuckle under my breath.

‘Heather.’ Its father who has approached us now and of course his eyes land on the ring on my finger. It’s his smile I don’t understand. Like he knew that I was supposed to be wearing it by now. ‘Father.’ I say with a small smile

‘I am happy that you came back!’ he mutters as he gives me a hug, pats Taylor on the shoulder and walks on.

I watch him as he joins Mr Abiwu who is just starting to light the grill I think. I was wondering how my father behaved around a mafia king? Well Mr Abiwu looks like he doesn’t like father but behaves otherwise. Father knows that too and he is having the time of his life annoying the man.

‘Ah you two.’ Celine appears holding a large bowel, ‘let go of each other’s hands so that we can get this shitty dinner started,’

‘You have such a foul mouth.’ Taylor says

Celine shifts the bowel in one arm so that she can point at him, ‘that’s because you two caused this. The sooner we get this over with the better. So you are not helping by standing here holding hands while I’m trying to get out of here,’

‘Let me take that.’ I stretch my hand towards the bowel in Celine’s arm and Taylor pulls me back

‘What are you doing you are not her servant.’

‘You can’t keep her in your pocket!’ Celine nods at me before she walks on to whatever that she is doing.

‘What is the dinner about anyway?’ I ask Taylor when I try to take back my and and he holds it firmer.

‘Nothing you’ve never heard before—we don’t even have to attend.’

‘It’s just dinner—and let go of my hand!’

‘No—let’s get out of here,’

I raise an eyebrow at him, ‘you’re not serious.’

‘I am—we came here on our own, they came here to do their thing, let them do it.’

‘I want to know what the announcement is about.’

Why is he trying to get me away from it?

‘You want to watch them sign contracts and talk about Mr Abiwu’s position in the company now?’

I grimace, all my brain companions shake their head with shudders.

‘I can’t watch that—does that even need a grill?’

‘I know right?’ Taylor scoffs

‘Do you have a place we can go?”

A smile lights his face, ‘this is the best day of my life—she actually suggested going with me without a fight.’

A glare at him, ‘what?’

‘Can’t you let a man have his moment?’

I lift my hand which is still connected with his, ‘maybe I just want you to stop disturbing blood flow in my veins.’

He presses his lips together before he suddenly turns and begin to stride towards a small gate pulling me behind him.

I steal a quick glance at the scene in the garden. Mr Abiwu and father have finally lit the grill while mother and Celine are arranging tables. To a normal viewer it seems like a little family dinner being prepared. Come to think of it- we are family now by the self-imposed laws that now bind us.

But in the midst of the cheery seemingly easygoing picture is a mafia king, and the ones around him hold their own secrets. All these secrets and intentions have all brought us here to this very place. Where contracts are signed and we all dive into the next phase of life drama. I wonder what that is.

‘Car’s outside.’ Henry appears and Taylor catches the keys midair.

‘Thanks Henry.’

Why do I have a feeling that he planned this as well?

‘Always sir.’ He grins at Taylor, nods at me and hurries away.

We walk out the small gate and sure enough Taylor’s car is there where I last saw it last night.