WORN by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Another walled house in the populated residential areas of Mogoditshane. My brain companions and I note that as the car enters the gate and parks in front of the garage where four other cars are parked already. The yard is big and doesn’t have any trees. The only structure is the massive bungalow and the pavement.

There is a strong vibe of dangerous bloody money all over the place—or it could just be me because I am speechlessly freaked out at the moment. Heart has long huddled herself into a dark corner and the only part of my brain that still have it all together is logic, sense, emotion and my wild side. I cling on to the last strand of sanity that I have as I wordlessly follow Taylor and Julian into the massive house.

It is just as I expected and so much more. What I assume is the living room that we enter is filled with numerous intimidating faces. It’s almost like a theatre with leather couches and what I think is a make shift podium up in the front where everyone is facing. Dump struck I stare at the front where an intimidating Mr. Abiwu is standing staring everyone down. An immaculate African evil looking princess Celine is there beside him.

Heart gives up and faints. The sight is frightening just by looking at it. I shouldn’t be here in a room full of intimidating men and one quack woman. Taylor takes my hand and leads me to an empty couch Julian at our heels. Pairs of eyes study me as I sink into one of the couches and I wish it could swallow me whole at once.

Mr. Abiwu’s gaze directly land on us and I lower my eyes. I clench my fists to prevent shaking. I am scared out of my wits. Taylor squeezes my hand and I only realize then that he was holding it all this time. I turn to look at him. the look in his eyes seem to implore that I endure this moment for whatever reason he can’t tell me right now. I lower my eyes and swallow a lump that is in my throat.

An eerie silence suddenly comes. I still don’t look up to observe what has caused it before a deep voice says out loud;

‘What are you going to do about this disaster Abiwu?’ the man accuses, ‘it’s been years since we have witnessed such a chaotic disaster we are still surprised.’

‘Can’t say that I didn’t see it coming.’ interjects another man, ‘the lion is getting old to keep carrying his crown.’

‘don’t turn all Socratic here Carson,’ that comes from Mr. Abiwu and I  can’t resist but look up to see his murderous glare aimed towards the said Carson who doesn’t even flinch ‘if you don’t have anything valuable to say I suggest you keep your mouth shut.’

‘I agree with Carson.’ The man who had spoken earlier says, ‘you have lost your edge Abiwu to allow such misfortune into your family. I never knew you had a soft spot in you.’

A few men snicker all over and then some more when Mr. Abiwu tries to stare them down. As for me, my head choose that moment to start spinning as the meeting proceeds. They discuss the chaos that happened yesterday like its everyday business and decide what to do to clear this mess as they called it. Taylor’s hand in mine start to feel like a set of cuffs imprisoning me to this present madness. But it is also the only thing keeping me from slipping out of the present.

I have been questioning my sanity and normalcy for the past two years and six months but I know I am normal enough to conclude that I don’t belong here. I suddenly think about the pregnancy. Is this the world that they will be born to? Oh god I wish I wasn’t pregnant. I long for the old doctor’s words to be some sick joke.

The meeting or whatever that was, finally comes to an end and Celine approaches us with some cards in her hands. With the sadistic color of their design I can already guess that they do not hold any good news. Lawyer is right behind her, his gaze intent on me. What the hell is wrong with these people all of a sudden?

‘I’m sorry about your father.’ Celine pulls a remorseful look that brings out a shocked blink out of me. She pulls a card from the ones she is holding and hands it to me. Taylor snatches it from her hand and pins her with a dark look.

‘There is nothing to be sorry for.’ He says curtly. I turn my shocked look on him.

‘That is no way to remember your father in law Taylor.’ Lawyer says but not as seriously as his words imply.

Celine pays Taylor no attention as she keeps her eyes on me. If I already didn’t think that I was in some form of almost real hallucination I would have thought that she is trying to tell me something. Something other than being sorry about father. Based on the meeting that everyone is now strolling out of, no one cares.

Again, for the second time since I met her. I can’t help but wonder exactly what happened to Celine?

‘I have these to distribute,’ Celine says, her expression switching suddenly to business like, ‘see you around everyone.’

Julian takes the card from Taylor’s hand, ‘what on earth possessed the boss to hold an obituary for Eric?’

Boss—why does that make me want to laugh?

‘He is an old friend Julian watch your mouth.’ Lawyer says.

Julian immediately sobers. I just want to get out of here already but my hand won’t escape Taylor’s steely grip.

‘You are really going to talk to the police?’ Lawyer casts a worried look my way

‘There is no other choice.’ Taylor says

‘Boss won’t like it.’ Says Julian almost singsonlgy but I don’t miss the dread in his voice.

‘Who cares what he likes or not.’ Taylor snaps

I think all of you should care- I want to tell them but I don’t think I have any ability to speak at the moment. I am still processing my shocks and discoveries.

‘This is no time to dwell on your dual squabbles.’ Lawyer looks exasperated, ‘Heather’s life is on the line here Taylor you need to be level headed.’

‘Don’t you think I know that?’ Taylor glares at him, ‘that’s the only thing I ever think about.’

Lawyer settles a silent gaze on him for a moment and I think they are having a silent dialogue before he says, ‘then let her come with me.’

Julian’s eyes bulge out while Taylor settles for an if-looks-can-kill glare on him, ‘you really want me to kill you.’

‘You can’t outdo him for long Taylor, you know that unless you really want a war.’

An old street gang war movie pops into my mind.

‘He can declare a war if he wants, it’s not happening.’ Taylor says with conviction and I think Julian is already starting to decide which side to fall into.

My breathing starts to become affected as my heart picks up into panic mode. My brain companions pushes the button and I try to pull my hand from Taylor’s.

Julian subtly shakes his head at me when he notices what I am trying to do.

‘I want to get out of here.’ I choke.

‘You want to face the police?’ Lawyer looks directly at me

‘I didn’t do anything wrong.’ I retort. Julian laughs. I scowl at him and he sobers, well because Taylor scowled at him not me.

‘You and boss can hold a sword fight match if you want but Heather is not going anywhere.’ Lawyer declares adamantly. What’s his deal anyway? When did he start to care about me over night? All my brain companions wonder.

‘A sword match won’t be necessary.’ Says a cool voice. Four heads turn to stare at Mr. Abiwu as he easily saunters towards us with a small amused look on his face. No one moves an inch as he approach us and stands among us. Gosh I hate it that he and Taylor look so much alike.

As if he heard my thought, his gaze settles on me, and I’m not sure what is so amusing to him – maybe besides the fact that Eric is dead. When he is sure that he captured my undivided attention he turns his head slightly behind him. I follow his gaze and I, my brain companions and the other three notice a tall gentlemen walking towards us.

Julian, Lawyer and Taylor exchange looks and seem to suppress sighs while Mr. Abiwu’s smile seem to grow an inch bigger by the look on their faces. A breeze seem to have come out of the blue and swats a few braids against my face, one even pokes in my eye. I don’t even notice as blood rushes into my ears.

It’s Alex.

I don’t know how I do it but I am all poker face as he approaches our group and stands confidently beside Mr. Abiwu before his eyes rest for a second on each one of us as a form of greeting.

‘Alex.’ Julian speaks first, ‘what are you doing here?’ his displeasure is apparent in his voice.

Alex’s expression mirrors Mr. Abiwu’s.

‘Must I answer that?’ Alex looks at Taylor, ‘isn’t it obvious? The clan is about to fall apart because of this ignorant.’

Lawyer’s mouth marshes into a hardline and his jaw locks as Taylor looks back at Alex impassively.

‘Oh I had missed your genuine affections for the clan long ago Alex.’ Taylor says easily, ‘to say that I am surprised would be an understatement.’

‘Believe me Taylor I always have the best interests for this family and what it stands for.’

I blink twice to chase away the twirl that is threatening to settle inside my head. Somebody should just delete my existence now. My brain companions agree with curt nods.

‘Well I don’t have time to chitchat,’ Taylor says, ‘I hope I won’t see you around.’

‘What’s the hurry Taylor?’ Alex comes close to us, my body involuntarily stiffens, and ‘I haven’t met your wife yet.’

Lawyer comes to stand in front of me, blocking my view of the man that has been embedded into my horrible memories for years, ‘you don’t need to Lex—and you won’t.’

‘Heather!’ its Mr. Abiwu, I dare not look at him, ‘why don’t you meet the uncle you couldn’t meet sooner?’

Yes it would make sense that he is related to Mr. Abiwu. I try to pull my hand from Taylor’s hold, he gives mine a little too rough tag and I meet his stare. If I wasn’t completely freaked out at the moment I could be positive that he is pleading with me for something.

My gaze wonders back to Mr. Abiwu who is still watching me steadily. Taylor also looks at him.

‘Hello Alex.’ At least my voice is not hoarse, ‘I have heard so much about you.’ I manage a stranded smile.

‘So have I.’ if I keep hearing that voice…, ‘I hope to get to know each other better.’ He smiles.

Taylor and Lawyer growl at him.

‘Maybe another time.’ Mr. Abiwu says a little too cheerfully, ‘Taylor I would like to have a word with you.’

Taylor is about to answer when Lawyer steps in, ‘yes you can—we will be going.’

Lawyer lifts Taylor’s hand from mine and pulls me to him. Tension is high among them and I am not sure who is going to snap first. I just want to run and hide.

I have never been so relieved to see Celine since I met her. I don’t know why but I snatch my hand from Lawyer and before the men could figure out what I am doing I rush to meet Celine half way who doesn’t at all look surprised by my behavior.

I took my arm with hers and turn back to look at the five intimidating men, ‘I am leaving with Celine.’

Julian is the only one who thinks it’s a good idea, ‘yes—that one is solved, we can have the sword match in peace.’

Four glares land on him and he recoils and clamps his mouth shut. I don’t waste precious seconds gouging their reactions. I literally turn Celine towards the gate and we begin to march out.

‘Where are we going?’ she whispers to me

‘Anywhere.’ I answer her.

‘Don’t look back, rush into my car.’

Thank god I know which her car is. I rush into the passenger side and close the door. Celine comes to the driver’s seat and immediately fires the engine. Only then do I look up and see all their eyes on the car. Lawyer has a firm grip on Taylor’s arm while Taylor looks like he is ready to charge towards us and turn the vehicle upside down.