Waiting for Me by Graeme A Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


At a quarter past eleven exactly she nervously knocked once on the door of room 619. It opened immediately and Danny welcomed her in. "You came," he stated surprised. "I wasn't sure you would."

"You invited me," Jamie replied, still nervous,

"Why do you think I did that?" He cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

"You wanted to have sex with me?" she whispered, not looking at him.

"No, not sex," he added smiling. She was puzzled; why then had he invited her? "I don't consider you like I do groupies. I don't know why but I think you're special. I want to make love to you. There is a difference - a big difference. But I want to get to know you a lot more first. If it was just sex, I wouldn't care if I knew nothing about you. Please remember - you are free to leave whenever you wish."

Why would he think her special? And what was the difference between 'making love' and just having sex? Did he say that to all the women he invited to his room? And yet he seemed sincere. She was confused.

For a few seconds nothing was said. "You seem nervous and yet you accepted my invitation. Why?"

"I've never done this before. Gone to a man's room. I'm not a groupie."

"If I thought you were I wouldn't have invited you. Please sit." She sat on a chair, still feeling nervous but reassured by his politeness. "Then why did you come?" He sounded intrigued. He sat on the sofa in the room and invited her to sit next to him.

"It's silly really. My boyfriend dumped me a month ago and he turned up at the restaurant with his new girlfriend this evening. Fortunately at the other end of the room. I wasn't jealous of her; she is fairly attractive but he didn't dump me for her looks but because her father can offer him a decent job after he graduates. When you made your comment when you arrived it was exactly the boost to my ego I needed. When I read your note, it further boosted my ego. I could be having sex with a much better looking man than my ex would be having with his new partner."

"Would it have mattered who the man was if he considered you attractive?"

"I can't really say if I'd've gone to any man's room; probably not. I'd seen your band in October and I liked the band a lot. I knew who you were immediately. Plus I appreciated your intervention when someone asked if I was on the menu. I'd have felt awkward if you hadn't said what you did."

"So, I was a knight in shining armour on two counts?" he grinned. "Maybe I shall make love to you twice." He moved closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She shivered slightly. "If you aren't comfortable with anything I do, please tell me. I don't want you to feel anything but pleasure while you're with me."

"Like I said. I've never done anything like this before. I don't know what to expect or how to behave. But you haven't done anything to make me feel uncomfortable."

"Good. Now tell me about yourself."

"Such as?"

"Who you are, what you like, do you enjoy waitressing? Anything that makes you who you are."

"My name is Jamie Weston and I'm twenty one. I'm in my last year at uni and graduate this year in Business Studies. I don't expect a first but hopefully a 2:1. I was with Alasdair, that's my ex, for a little over two years and we lived together for the last eighteen months. As I explained, he dumped me a month ago. Both my parents are alive and miracle of miracles, they're still together. I have an older brother who is doing dentistry. He's the brains in the family."

"That's a good start. But don't sell yourself short. I get the impression that you are pretty brainy too. Pretty and brainy. That's a good combination. What do you enjoy doing?"

"I like listening to music. I've a wide taste. I particularly enjoy going to see live bands but on a student's pitiful allowance I don't get to do it that often, I do waitressing to supplement my income and keep my loan as low as possible. Mostly I enjoy it. I like meeting people. All kinds of people although the prices here make the clientele mostly affluent. "

"What will you do when you graduate?"

"Get a job. What else? I'm prepared to move anywhere I can get a job. I'd even go home and live with parents if I found a job in their area."

"And the future? Marriage? A family?"

"Not for a few years. I want to see life a bit first. Do some travelling. Which reminds me. You will use condoms, won't you?"

"Of course. And do you use any other contraception?"

"I'm on the pill." Jamie was surprised how easy it was to talk to him about intimate matters. She liked him; liked him a lot and realised she was looking forward to him making love to her."

"Very sensible. Would you mind if I kissed you?" She shook her head and he held her head as he gently kissed her. He placed his tongue on her lips and her mouth opened to let him in. It seemed so delicate. Alasdair seemed to regard it as tongues fighting but with Danny, it was tongues dancing. Because of that, it was more erotic. As they kissed, he moved a hand to her breast. Again, it was gentle, but her nipples responded as quickly as they did to Alasdair's more urgent and rough handling. She began to realise how little experience she actually had with other men. She should stop comparing Danny with the few other lovers she'd had. Just enjoy it because it truly was pleasurable, she told herself.

Danny did nothing quickly. She felt treasured. When he eventually removed her white blouse, he appreciated her smallish breasts encased in her small pink bra. All the while he was kissing her and romancing her tongue with occasional changes to nibbling her ear. No one had ever spent so much time on foreplay before and she now knew that there was as much pleasure in the foreplay as in the act itself. When he removed her skirt, she was left in just her bra, a black thong and her tights. Her shoes had slipped off but she couldn't remember when. Despite being almost naked, she felt cherished and revelled in the attention and praise he lavished on every part of her body as it was revealed. This was a new experience that she would willing have repeated time and again. But would she ever find another man who would treat her as if she was the most beautiful being in the world?

In time he removed her tights, thong and bra, again praising every newly discovered body part. He kissed her from her lips through her breasts to her navel before transferring his attention to her feet. His kisses covered first one foot to her knee and then the other before he began to move from her knee up her inner thigh. She moved her legs apart so he could kiss between her legs. Alasdair hated kissing her there. He did it perfunctorily as he wanted her to let him come in her mouth. That was her quid pro quo. She had never enjoyed a mind blowing orgasm that way with Alasdair but it was beginning to build due to Danny's ministrations.

His tongue licked her lower lips and it darted as far inside her as he could make it. And then he was flicking her clit with his tongue. She could no longer hold back her orgasm and it ripped through her like a tsunami. But that was not the end for her. While sucking her clit he inserted two fingers into her vagina and moved them to devastating effect. Her first orgasm had hardly subsided before a second one began to swell and burst. How could she survive so much pleasure? The orgasms kept bursting and still he refused to stop the pleasure she was experiencing. Never before had she had multiple orgasms. Never before had any man put her pleasure before his own.

When eventually he finally moved up her body, she was desperate to ensure he had as much pleasure as she'd had. Yet he was still fully dressed. "My turn," she demanded as she struggled to undo his belt and his trousers. He stopped her.

"There is no rush," he told her gently. "I enjoyed everything I did, as I hope you did too. Take your time and savour enjoying yourself as you pleasure me. I don't expect to get much sleep tonight but I do expect to enjoy every single thing we do." Trying to copy everything he had done to her, she slowly divested him of his shirt. Her kisses covered his body mirroring his kisses on her. It was a revelation. None of her previous lovers allowed her time to worship their bodies, apart from their penis. Once she was naked, they seemed to see no need for anything else before penetration or performing felattio. Danny responded lovingly to every kiss. He appreciated that she was showing him how much she wanted to make their time together special.

Once she had removed his trousers, she could see how aroused he was by the way his boxers tented. Again, following his example, she was in no rush to finish what they had started. When he was finally revealed in all his glory, she just had to kiss the tip of his erection. She wanted to take it deep into her mouth and bring him to an orgasm to match the ones he had given her. It took all her resolve to delay it by less than a minute. He wasn't the biggest lengthwise she had seen but he had by far the biggest girth. He sighed as she took him deep into her warm moist mouth. As she licked and sucked she held his balls in her hand. They seemed big and full, ready to release a torrent of sperm. As soon as she sensed he was approaching his orgasm, she released him and delayed it.

"You little minx," he smiled at her as once again she delayed his release. "When I come, you won't know what hit you." Her response was to take him into her mouth again and smile as she looked into his eyes. She was pleased that he was enjoying the frustration she was causing. The next time she sensed he was nearing his climax, she didn't stop and he filled her mouth as he emptied his balls of their contents. She swallowed the contents as wave upon wave filled her mouth. When he had no more to give she moved up the bed and kissed him.

"You are the sexiest woman I have ever known. I said you were special and you are," he told her as he held her in his arms. "And I still haven't made love to you. Oh this is going to be a night to remember."

"It's been an experience for me too. I've never willingly swallowed before but after what you did for me, there was no other way I could repay you. I'd willingly do it again. No man has given me even half the pleasure I've had tonight. I'm so glad I didn't chicken out. I nearly didn't come. Into your room I mean."

"But you've come several times since," he laughed. "Let me just explore and enjoy you delectable body while I recover my strength so I can make love to you."

Half an hour later, he was rigid again. "I'd like you to be on top first," he told her as he lay on his back. "I want to see your face when you come again and I hope you come again and again." She stood astride him and lowered herself onto his erection. It stretched her but slowly she accommodated him completely. "That feels good," he told her as his hands gently massaged her breasts. Slowly she rose above him before falling onto him. He smiled at the 'Ooh' that escaped each time she impaled herself on him. He rise and fall continued for a couple of minutes before she felt her orgasm rising. And she continued as it overtook her; first one wave, then a second and finally a third.

"Time for a change of scenery," he teased as he made her get into position for doing it doggy style. "You have the most wonderful front, but an equally gorgeous rear. And besides, it's time I did some of the work."  He eased himself inside her and moved slowly. She had known what she could take when she plunged down onto him but he didn't want to risk hurting her. She wiggled her bum as he pushed into her. It was a new experience and he could tell she was enjoying their lovemaking. When she had had another couple of orgasms, he flipped her onto her back and entered her missionary style. She had lost count of the number of orgasms she'd had but felt it was time she again helped him reach another.

"Move over big man," she ordered him. "Time for round two". He protested that he wanted to come in her tight pussy and she promised him he would. She discarded the condom he had used and once again she brought him to the edge of an orgasm before leaving him hanging. The next time he approached an orgasm, she grabbed another condom and dressed him before positioning herself onto his rigid penis. Rather than just rising and falling, she moved in a circular movement. Moments later he filled the condom. She had never had sex without a condom but she wished she could have felt his semen rushing into her. It was wishful thinking and would have been totally irresponsible to suggest they dispensed with the condom the next time. For all she knew, he had an STD and she wouldn't risk getting pregnant. That didn't stop her wishing this was more than a one-night-stand. If it was a regular occurrence and she knew he was clean she might, just might, take a chance and feel him release himself deep inside her. She was convinced it would be something special.

After just cuddling and lightly kissing each other, he suggested they should have something to eat. Within twenty minutes, Room Service had delivered a plate of club sandwiches and a pot of coffee. As they ate and drank, he apologised that this would be their one and only night. Immediately after the gig that evening (it was now well past midnight) the band would climb aboard their bus and head off to the next venue. After a tour of the UK they were off to the continent for three months, then to the Middle East, Asia and Australasia for another five months before a two month tour of the US of A.  It was a punishing schedule but they had to gain and keep fans all over the world if they were to stay at the top.

"Do you have any regrets about being famous?" she asked.

"If I wasn't famous you wouldn't be here, so how can I have any regrets? Mind you, if you were with me on all my tours, I'd be a wreck in no time; a very pleasant wreck; a very happy wreck. And I'd have written more songs about you than the Beatles ever wrote. "

"The Beatles never wrote a song about me."

"Ha Ha Ha," he said sarcastically. "I promise the next song I write will be about you. I already have an idea for one. It will be called 'Waiting for me' and it will be a hit. You are my muse." She asked how they decided on the band name. "Well, we are three men all around six feet tall. We thought of 3Men6Feet but it seemed clumsy. People knew we were men so we had no need to have it in the title. We played around a number of alternatives and that was the one we chose."

"Neat," she said. "I like it." They chatted about life on tour, college life and other things until the sandwiches were finished and the coffee cold.

"I promised I'd make love to you twice. It's time to keep my promise," he laughed as he picked her up and took her into the bedroom. As before, he began very gently, but as she was already naked, progress was much quicker. He didn't want to make her sore (he had asked and she said she was alright) so spent less time on the foreplay and moved quickly onto making love. They chose doggy style as he achieved greater friction and he felt he had penetrated deeper that way. As before, Jamie had multiple orgasms but Danny was reaching his much quicker. She was on about her fourth or fifth when he reached his. He checked his watch. It was just before a quarter to five. He suggested they should get some sleep as he had a gig to perform the next day and she had to work again the next evening. He didn't want her dropping things because she was so tired.

They fell asleep naked, his hands around her and holding a breast each.

She slept like a log and he woke her just before nine that morning. He had rehearsals to attend and she needed to get home and get some more sleep. Before she left his room, he told her there would be two tickets at the ticket office with her name on them. The show started at seven forty-five. He thanked her for an amazing time together and hoped she had enjoyed herself. "More than you will ever know," she told him as she climbed into the lift.

She hadn't admitted to him that she was sore but she was - very sore. It had been worth it. She went straight to bed. Sleep eluded her as she remembered in intimate detail what he had done to her. Now she had a standard by which to judge every other lover she had. Reluctantly she admitted to herself that she doubted any would come close to giving her the pleasure Danny had.

She must have fallen asleep at some stage as her phone woke her up. It was almost five in the evening. It was the manager of the restaurant calling to say she would not be needed that evening. She was too sleepy to ask questions and the call ended before she could ask why. She was about to try to go back to sleep again when she remembered Danny had said there would be two tickets for her that evening. She called her best friend, Amy, and told her she had two tickets; did she want to go? Amy said she supposed to have been going out with her boyfriend. She would go to the gig and make it up to him the next day.

As the two friends travelled to the venue, Amy was curious as to how Jamie had acquired two tickets for a show that had been sold out for two weeks. Jamie explained that she had been waitressing the previous night and had spotted Alasdair and his new girlfriend in the restaurant. She didn't think they had seen her but it upset her. And then Danny Cooper had come into the restaurant with several friends and she was their waitress. Jamie recognised him immediately and was temporarily star struck but he was very kind and friendly. At some point she mentioned having seen Alasdair and his girlfriend but that Danny and his friends had cheered her up. Instead of giving her a tip, he told her he would leave two tickets at the box office for her. She was still nervous in case there was no ticket waiting for her; after all, she was probably one of many women he had slept with. Did he give all of them tickets?

Jamie approached the ticket office more confidently than she felt and asked if there was anything for her. She was handed an envelope. She and Amy walked away from the ticket office and Jamie opened the envelope. Inside were two tickets for the front row, fifty pounds and a letter. It said:

'I remembered too late that you would be working this evening so I had a word with your boss and persuaded him to let you have the evening off. As no work equals no pay and no tips, please accept the enclosed as compensation. Enjoy the show. Danny.

So that explained the phone call and £50 was a little more than she normally earned on a Saturday night so she wouldn't be losing out. She wondered what her boss would say the next time she was at work. Would he know that she had spent the night with Danny? Would he care or would it affect her employment? They hurried to their seats. As soon as they were seated, they were approached and offered complementary drinks and food. Jamie had coffee and a hot dog while Amy had a Diet Coke and a bag of chips. No sooner had the food and drinks been delivered than the supporting act jumped onto stage. They were bearable but nowhere near the quality of 6Feet3.

After twenty minutes, 6Feet3 strode onto the stage. Danny was the front man and he welcomed the crowd, saying how pleased he was to be back in our city. "We are pleased to have some special guests in the audience tonight," he told everyone. Jamie began to blush hoping he wouldn't embarrass her. "They know who they are and I don't wish to embarrass them by pointing them out. So, let's get on with the show."

The band was brilliant. The songs were some of their first hits and a couple of new ones. After three-quarters of an hour there was a short break. Jamie and Amy were again approached and offered food and drink. Fortunately they weren't the only ones given special treatment so they didn't stand out too much. People might have wondered if they were the 'special guests' Danny had referred but with maybe a dozen people receiving complementary food and drinks, it was unlikely anyone would have suspected why Jamie was special to the band. Or to Danny.

The second half started much as the first half had, except a different supporting act came on. They were marginally better than the first act. Jamie wondered if the choice of supporting act was deliberate. Were they bad to make 6Feet3 look even better by comparison?  Jamie didn't think so. 6Feet3 were great anyway. The girls enjoyed the performance and wearily made their way home; Jamie once more to dream of Danny, and Amy to consider what she would have to do for her boyfriend to make it up him missing a night of sex. She had a good idea what he would want and although she didn't much like the idea, seeing the show from the front row was worth it.

Jamie had completely forgotten Alasdair had dumped her. She couldn't care less. Her boss told her Danny had offered two tickets for his children. That was why he had let her have the evening off. No mention was ever made of her spending the night with Danny.

The rest of her course went by swiftly and successfully. She was awarded a 2:1 with which she was pleased.