Waiting for Me by Graeme A Watson - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


It was early May and approaching Jamie's twenty-fifth birthday. Calvin had been in a very good mood for almost two months although he had been away on several secret business meetings recently. When Jamie enquired what was making him so happy, he replied that he was planning something really special and she would know all about it when the time was right. And when he told her he was taking her out to celebrate on her birthday she became excited. It must mean he was going to propose to her on her birthday. How romantic, she thought. And she would definitely say 'Yes' when he asked. Would he go down on one knee? She hoped so and then dreaded the idea if it was in a public place. He had told her they were going to 'The Eagle', an upmarket restaurant, but she would have to make her own way there as he had one more business meeting to attend.

Jamie arrived at five minutes to eight. She never wanted to be late for anything and tried always to arrive a few minutes early. Calvin was already seated at the table, looking very handsome in his business suit. He greeted her with a smile, but no kiss. Somehow it reassured her that there would be no public proposal. He'd probably do it when they returned to their home. She asked how the meeting went. He told her to enjoy her meal first; then he'd explain everything.

Seated at another table opposite Jamie was a man with long hair, a beard and thick glasses. He was well dressed and alone and was uninterested in anything around him. As he sat and enjoyed a brandy after his meal he became aware that the women two tables in front of him was screaming and crying. "Why? Why are you doing this to me?" she screamed. The man with her seemed unperturbed. In fact he seemed to be smiling. The bearded man had to walk past the woman and her companion to go to the gents. On his way back, the man with the woman was getting up to leave.

"That should pay for the meal and I want you out of the house by Sunday evening," he told her loudly as he threw some notes onto the table. As the bearded man neared the woman he suddenly stopped. He recognised her. He sat down in the chair the other man had just vacated,

"Jamie? Jamie Stewart? It is you isn't it? What's just happened?" The woman looked at him blankly. She didn't recognise him and it made her nervous. "Do you remember February 24th 2012? The Hanover restaurant. I remember you vividly." It took a few seconds for Jamie to think why the date should be significant. "Waiting For Me'?" he added, hoping that would jog her memory. He was disappointed that she seemed to have forgotten the night they spent together. For him, it was something indelibly etched into his memory. When she remembered she looked at the man but didn't recognise him.

"Danny?" she whispered. He smiled and took her hand.

"I think we need to talk and I don't want to do it here. Can we go for a walk?" She nodded. "I'll just pay my bill."

He took her hand and guided her out of the restaurant. It was a warm and dry evening and they walked towards the river. "What happened back there?" he asked gently.

"I was dumped and sacked at the same time," she said glumly. "Anyway, where have you been and why are you in disguise?"

"It's a long story as, I guess, is yours. I heard the man say he wants you out of the house by Sunday. Where will you go?" Jamie had no idea. "I'm renting a small cottage a little out of town. I have it for another six weeks. You're more than welcome to stay with me. No strings attached. There's a small second bedroom. I'll be a perfect gentleman."

Jamie was relieved she wouldn't be homeless, at least for six weeks. She would need to look for another job but didn't expect Calvin to provide a glowing reference. "I don't want to go back there on my own. Can I stay at your place tonight?" She couldn't know how happy that made him.

"Of course. Do you need to get anything from your home tonight? I have a car and I'd go with you if it made you feel safer."

"Thank you. I think a change of clothes would be a good idea. If I turned up tomorrow wearing the clothes I'm in now, it would be tantamount to a walk of shame, but it wouldn't be, would it?" Danny shook his head and guided her back to his car. If she had expected t to be a luxury car, she would have been sadly mistaken. He pointed his car keys ahead of him and the lights flashed on a small car about five years old from the number plate.

When she had collected several items of clothing, washroom items and cosmetics he drove out of town to his cottage. "I should have taken my jewellery," she suddenly said. "I wouldn't put it past him to take it and sell it." Danny wondered if Calvin really would go back to the house before his ultimatum had expired. Jamie wasn't totally reassured but agreed to go and collect the rest of her things early the next day. Danny offered her some cocoa. He said it helped him get to sleep at night. Jamie accepted.

"My story is going to take quite a long time," Danny told her. "Perhaps you should tell me yours first and I'll tell you mine tomorrow." She took a deep breath before she began.

"I graduated as expected and applied for several jobs around the country. I hadn't any particular desire to be in any specific place. I had three job offers all in different towns. I chose here because I liked the man who interviewed me better than I liked the others. Not the best reason, I know, but he seemed really pleasant, plus he was only about five years older than me. I felt an immediate connection. And I fitted into the job and liked working there.

"My boss, Calvin, was frequently asking my opinion and making me feel valued. My ego was boosted, so when he suggested we went out for a meal one evening, I was more than happy to agree. He flattered me and made several comments about how attractive I was."
"And so he should," Danny interrupted. "You are incredibly attractive." She looked at him sternly. "Sorry for interrupting. Please go on."

"After a few more dinners or after works drinks, he asked if I'd like to see his house. I'd heard about it but never been there. Needless to say, the room he really wanted me to see was the bedroom. I hadn't had sex with anyone since you and thought 'why not?' It was better than with my previous boyfriend, but nowhere near as good as it had been with you." Danny smiled but didn't interrupt.

"After less than six months he suggested I moved in with him. I'd be saving on rent for the place I had and I couldn't see a problem. He was an attentive lover; he always made sure I had an orgasm, but only one a night and mostly with his fingers." She looked at Danny, remembering the multitude of orgasms he'd given her that one night they spent together. He returned her smile but again didn't interrupt.

"Life seemed good, very good in fact. When he told me he was taking me out tonight as he wanted to celebrate, I was convinced he was going to propose and I was going to say 'yes'. My only concern was that he might do it in the restaurant in front of everyone and embarrass me. When he told me he had a surprise but would save it until we had finished our meals I was convinced it was a proposal and relieved that he wouldn't embarrass me in front of everyone. And then he told me he had sold the company and the new owner didn't want me. I was out of a job. And then to compound my misery, he said he'd been having an affair with the woman who had bought the company and she would be moving into his house on Monday. He dumped me and sacked me in less than two minutes. There was no reason why he was dissatisfied with me, other than the other woman was buying his business and demanded that he was part of the deal. Now I have no job and nowhere to live. I feel like shit."

"I seem to make a habit of intruding in your life just after you've been dumped. I hope I can make you feel better because he was right in one respect - you are incredibly attractive. Even with tears in your eyes, I can see that. But I have to correct you on one aspect of your story. We didn't have sex, we made love. I thought I made that clear and that there was a big difference between the two. Now I think it would be a good idea to get some sleep before I start on my story."

"Can I sleep with you?" her eyes pleading.

"As long as that is all we do. You need to hear my story before you decide if you want to repeat our one night together. I'll happily cuddle you and keep you safe and warm, but there will be no love making. Do you promise?" Reluctantly she agreed. "I'll let you use the bathroom first.”