Wayward Paths and Golden Handcuffs by S.J. Thomason - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

The Decision to Believe


Nick held his mom’s hand tightly, yet let her go when the doctor approached. He moved his chair back to let the doctor do his work. He watched as he checked her pulse and changed the supply of fluids in her feeding tubes.

“How’s she doing?” He asked.

“About the same.”

Nick moved to the other side of the bed where Tanner was sitting.

“Tanner, mind if I hold her hand?”

“Of course not buddy,” Tanner said as he gently let Catherine’s hand go so that Nick could hold it. Nick held tight.  He prayed silently as he watched a heartbeat line on the monitor next to her bed.  Her heart was still beating.

He winked at Piper who was watching them from her chair by the window.

“Nick, I’m sorry that you’re going through this.”

“Thanks Piper.  And thanks for being here.”

“Well, the company couldn’t be better.”

Nick smiled as he turned to his mom. “Mom, if you can hear me please listen to this. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can find the Father without first going through his son Jesus, who died for us and for our salvation.  He forgives sins and will forgive even some of the worst sinners so long as you believe in him.  Ask for forgiveness and believe in him, Mom, and you will be saved.”

He waited but couldn’t detect any sort of response.

“I’ll be back in a couple of hours to check on her,” the doctor said as he left the room.

Nick felt his mom’s hand as it suddenly gripped his hand.  She whispered, “Please forgive me Jesus.”  He felt her hand become limp as the heart monitor flat-lined.  Nurses and doctors rushed into the room to revive her.  They pumped her heart and tried several methods of resuscitation.  Nick watched them, half in shock, as he backed the chair he was in away from them to give them some clearance and stood up.

As he stared at the frenzy of doctors and nurses in the room hovering over his mom, he whispered the Lord’s Prayer, over and over and over in a slightly audible voice.

A doctor pushed the heart pump, vigorously and methodically, while Nick stared at the heart monitor.  “C’mon Mom.  You can do it.  Please Lord.”

A few minutes passed.  Then something unusual happened.  The monitor indicated that her heart had started beating again and her body soon regained some color. The nurses and doctors cheered as his mom appeared to be gaining strength.  A few left the room, while a few stayed.  Moments later, only one nurse remained in the room.  She’d been stabilized.

“I love you Mom,” he said as he moved closer to her hospital bed.  Watching her closely for a reaction, he grabbed her hand and held it tightly.  He could feel her grip his hand in return and watched her as her face regaining all of its color.

Her lips moved. “Love.  I felt love.  So much love.”

Nick hugged her as tears fell from his eyes. Tanner and Piper followed.

“Mom, maybe all of this is just God’s way of working on you to bring you closer to him.”

“I have much to learn,” she whispered.

“I love you Mom.  I’m here with Tanner and Piper, a girl I’d like you to meet when you feel well enough.”

Nick, Tanner, and Piper soon fell back into their seats as they watched Catherine.

The final nurse in the room took her vital signs.  “She’s doing better.  It looks like she has the will to pull through this.  Regaining consciousness was a big achievement. But she’ll need to rest as she recovers from her two broken ribs. Other than that, she has no other physical injuries, aside from a few minor cuts and scrapes.”

Nick took a breath and stood up and walked over to the window to look out over the city of Orange Bay, over its many buildings and streets. The sky was still bright as the sun wouldn’t set until around 8:30 p.m., which was two and a half hours away.  He thought of Christmas with his mom, and Easter, and his birthdays, and Thanksgiving.  He felt blessed to be her son.

“Hey, I want to check on Fey.  You guys want to join me?”

“Sure,” Piper said as she stood up.

“Okay,” Tanner said.

The three walked down the hallway and into Fey’s room.  They walked in and walked right up to Fey and each gave her a hug.

“She said she felt love, Fey.  Lots of love.”

“But it’s not her time,” Fey said, “Jesus wants her to complete her mission on earth.  She has many gifts and can use them to serve him very well.”

“Thanks Fey.  You’re so insightful.”

Piper and Tanner smiled at her.

“Nick,” Fey said as their eyes met, “she had the ears that could hear.”

Fey looked at Tanner and Piper, “Thanks for offering your support.  Your prayers and love have been heard and felt.”

“Thank you for your kind words,” Piper said.

“For sure,” Tanner confirmed.

Nick smiled. “I’m going to head back into my mom’s room.  Rest up, Fey.”

“Thanks, Nick.”

Nick, Piper, and Tanner returned to Nick’s mom’s room and sat down on the chairs in the room.

“This is a hard one,” Nick said, “I really appreciate you two for being here with me.  You’ve really helped my mom.  But it’s getting late.  I know you need to get going.”

“We’re here for you, Nick,” Tanner said.

“Yeah, Nick, we are,” Piper said.

They all adjusted themselves in their chairs for comfort and watched Nick’s mom as she lied in the hospital bed.  She looked stronger than she’d initially looked and it appeared that she’d win this battle.  It appeared that she wanted to win this battle, and her battle against cancer.  She’d been given strength.

A short while later, Tanner said, “Hey, I think I’m ready to head out, head home, grab some grub.  I’m a little tired.”

“No problem, and thanks for coming by.  You really helped my mom.”

Nick turned to Piper, “Are you ready to get home?”

“Yes,” she said, “I’m a little tired too.”

“Thanks Piper.  Thanks for coming with me to the hospital. You’re the best.”

Nick got up and the two walked through the hospital corridors to its front doors.  He planned to return to the hospital after that and would spend the night in his mom’s room, if permitted by the hospital staff.  Otherwise he’d camp out in the lounge just down the hallway from her room.

As they exited the hospital and headed to its parking garage, Nick looked upward into the sky and said another prayer.  That’s when he spotted a magnificent double rainbow.  His eyes welled up in tears, but tears of joy.

“Piper, look at the double rainbow.”

“It’s beautiful.  What colors!”

“Piper, have you ever seen a double rainbow show up on a sunny day?”

“No, I can’t say I have.”

Nick put his arm around her and winked, “Nothing is impossible with God.”


While driving Piper home, Nick reflected on the day.  He thought of how it started in such a pleasant way at the beach and ended in such a surprising way in the hospital. He looked at Piper and smiled. He was lucky to be with the girl he’d admired all through high school.

“Nick, you’ve impressed me today.  It’s too bad I didn’t realize what a great guy you were a long time ago.”

“I probably wasn’t such a great guy a long time ago.  Life’s changed me.”

“It does that.”

‘I’m glad you were with me today, Piper. You’re a good woman.”

“Thanks, Nick.”

Nick turned on the radio and flipped stations to a Christian station.  He heard “Lord I Need You” from Matt Maher and hummed along.  He heard Piper humming with him and he could tell she was familiar with the music.  That made him happy.

When he pulled into her driveway, he said, “Wait just a minute.”  He stepped out of the car and circled to her side and opened her door, hoping to be as chivalrous as he could without seeming too cheesy.

“My dear.”

“Why, thank you Nick.”  Piper stepped out of the car and he walked her to the door.  He thought of trying to kiss her but decided he’d be the complete gentleman.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Sounds great.  I had a nice time with you Nick, even in the hospital.”

“Likewise, Piper.  I can’t wait to see you again.”

She walked up and hugged him and they held each other tight.


A short while later, he pulled his Mustang into the garage and walked into the house.

Chipper was there to greet him, as always.  The miniature schnauzer mix always brightened his day.  She was a blessing, the perfect dog.  He thought of a bumper sticker he saw while driving to the beach and recalled its words, “Who rescued whom?”  He knelt down to pet Chipper before grabbing her leash.

“Do you want to go for a walk?”


“Let’s go.”

He slipped on her leash and walked her out of the front door and onto the lawn where she immediately did her business.  Then he walked her around the neighborhood.  She sniffed and chased squirrels and lizards all along the way, as always.

“So spunky and curious.  Our little chief security officer,” he thought.  They walked for about an hour before she started to seem a little more relaxed and ready to return home.

“You ready girl?”  Nick knew her answer as they turned back towards the house. Once they got home, he fed her the usual fancy fare that his mom had purchased for her.  His mom put Chipper on a pedestal and treated her very well.  He fluffed her blanket and placed it on her dog pillow to prepare a place for her to sleep.  She climbed onto her pillow and stared at him.

When he turned to go up the stairs to shower, she followed closely behind.  Once he was finished and dressed, she followed him back down the stairs.  She watched him as he prepared himself dinner.  Nick relaxed on the couch with her for a short while before heading back to the hospital around midnight.

“Bye girl.  Watch the house.  I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”  Nick watched as Chipper resumed her place on her pillow and stared at him with her lonely eyes.  He felt a little guilty.

“See you soon Chipper.”  He closed the garage door and got into his car and headed back to the hospital.  He knew it was going to be a long night, and that he wouldn’t be sleeping well, but he hoped the blanket and pillow he’d brought along would make things somewhat comfortable.