Went to Woo a Porn Star by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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Breaking Out


Two weeks later, Cynthia drove the cats to the cattery for a couple of days. She left the car at home and took the bus to London, as it was cheaper and she was tired of repairing her car.


On arrival, after a lengthy journey which she spent chatting to an elderly man visiting his daughter, she went to the bus station toilet and changed into the outfit she had described to Asher, just in case he didn't recognise the hair from her silhouettes. They still didn't really know what each other looked like. Maybe he would see her and simply walk away? She wanted him to have that option, because despite feeling better about herself, she still felt like an oversized and inappropriate gnome.


At length, she heard a surprisingly deep voice behind her.




Cynthia laughed and turned around. He was very tall. She smiled at him.


It's good to see you.” Asher kissed Cynthia on the cheek. “Let's get you some tea and head back to mine.”


They didn't speak much, but it was a comfortable silence, and he took her hand at times as they made their way to his flat.


Once inside, after a shower and more tea, Cynthia stood, partially undressed, as Asher looked her over. They both laughed at this.


“I think you'll probably do. I might have to spank you quite a bit though.” he rolled one of her nipples between his fingertips as they stared at each other.


“What did I do?” Cynthia laughed.


“You are a terrible whore. The very worst.” Asher shook his head.


How can I be a terrible whore if I don't ever sleep with anyone? I've been celibate for seven years?”


Yeah, well, a good whore would be putting it out there. That makes you a terrible whore.” Asher stifled his urge to smile.


I see. In that case yes, I probably am a terrible whore. I see your point.” Cynthia looked studious.


“I shall just have to remind you how to do it.” He twisted the nipple between his fingers.


“That, Asher, could take some time.”


“How appalling.”


If you accidentally asphyxiate me with your giant knob, please feed my cats.” Cynthia looked genuinely concerned for a moment. They laughed.