Whistlin' Dixie by Maggie Adams - HTML preview

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Later on, Chance and Mac decided to grab some sandwiches with their beers while they talked business, so they walked down the hill to Montana Mac’s saloon, a local bar that served dinner. They found an empty table by the bar and placed their order. Mac looked around the old place as they waited to eat.

The decor of the place left a lot to be desired, consisting mostly of mismatched chairs and scarred tables. The dark paneling that covered the walls was decorated with old beer signs and various pictures of local sports teams that the owner had sponsored over the years. A dilapidated jukebox leaned in a corner, broken over ten years ago and never fixed. But the crotchety old man who owned the place made a truly fabulous cheeseburger and the beers were only a buck.

Their food arrived and they began to discuss the various problems they had run into at the company today as they consumed the burgers and homemade onion rings. Chance took a sip of beer and asked what everyone wanted to know. “Care to tell me how the kid that allegedly broke into our houses is now working for us?”

“He didn’t do it. He said some guy approached him. His sister confirmed the story, so I gave them a break.” Mac reached for the ketchup sitting in the middle of the table.

 “Was that what she was doing wrapped around you the other day… confirming his story?” Chance chuckled.

Mac shot him a fulminating glance that he hoped told Chance he didn’t care for his joke. “Don’t be stupid. Think about it. Kids who vandalize usually do so randomly. Why just us? And why only the houses that are ready to go on the market? Something more is going on here.”

“Got any ideas? Somebody we outbid, maybe? With all the damage the flood did to this area, there’s enough work here for everyone for years.”

Mac nodded in agreement. “I don’t know what’s going on yet, but I’m going to find out.” Mac drained the last of his beer and motioned to the bartender to fix another round.

Chance looked at him, then shrugged and accepted the proffered beverage. “It’s not like you to drink more than one beer with supper, but the way things are going around here lately, I can certainly understand why you need to unwind a bit. Personally, I think you take too much on your shoulders. You’ve always possessed an ingrained sense of responsibility, usually above and beyond the call of duty.” Chance took a sip of beer. “But I’m thinking this sudden interest in alcoholic beverages has to do with a sexy blonde.”

Mac flipped him the bird. “We aren’t talking about this. It was a mistake. One I don’t plan on making again.”

“Well, that’s a real shame. Of course, she will need a shoulder to cry on, since she looked to be quite taken with you.” He looked to his left. “Well, lookee here. I seem to have an open shoulder right here.”

“Touch her and you’re a dead man,” Mac growled.

Chance laughed and slapped him on the back. “Oh my! Big brother’s got it bad!” Chance smiled, then sobered. “Good for you. You deserve some happiness-more than most.”

Mac grunted. He knew what Chance was saying. He loved Chance, too.

They finished their meal and Chance threw some money on the table as he got to his feet. “Sorry I can’t stay, but I’ve got a hot date.”

“Do you have any other kind?” Mac asked dryly, tipping back his beer bottle.

“Not if I can help it,” Chance grinned. “Speaking of a hot date, maybe you should check on the kid’s sister. She seemed pretty upset when she left. I know why you rile her up. She’s fuckin’ gorgeous when she’s mad. All that passion could be put to better use if you ask me. Maybe you should go over and apologize… or something.” Chance wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.

Mac lifted his finger once again. Chance laughed and walked out the door.

Mac finished his beer and deliberated on the sensibility of yet another one. Perhaps he should just go home-to an empty house and a lonely bed. He could seek out any number of old girlfriends, but he didn’t want just any woman. He wanted one with bright blue eyes and golden hair. The woman with the face to rival an angel and a body to tempt the devil himself.


Chance had said she’d been upset. Boy, was that an understatement. She’d been ready to blow. But he had been right. She had been fuckin’ gorgeous glaring at him with fire in her eyes and that magnificent chest heaving in indignation.

She just didn’t know her own appeal. It wasn’t her fault that Jeb Hawkins had tried his lines on her, but she needed to be more cautious. Perhaps Chance was right, Mac decided as he signaled for the bill. Perhaps he should go over and apologize… or something.


Dixie was just getting out of the shower when the doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock with a frown. She wasn’t expecting company and it was after nine o’clock. As the doorbell continued to peal, she came to the conclusion that Jamie had forgotten his keys again when he’d gone night fishing. She made a mental note to hide one outside for future use.

 “I’m coming,” Dixie shouted as she tightened the sash on her pale pink bathrobe and adjusted the towel on her head. She reached for the bolt and unlocked the door. “Did you forget your… Oh!” She stared dumbstruck as Mac filled the open doorway.

“Do you always answer the door half naked?” he growled.

Obviously, she had just gotten out of the shower. He could tell her blonde hair was wet hidden under a towel, and the bathrobe was haphazardly knotted at her waist. “Only on Mondays,” she snapped.

 Dixie regained her senses after the shock of seeing him standing on her porch. She remembered she was mad at him for his earlier obnoxious attitude.

“Cute,” Mac said wryly as he stepped into the cottage, forcing Dixie to back up or be trampled.

 She noted his perusal of her home as she closed the door. New leather furniture mixed with antique pieces. Built-in shelves on either side of a stone fireplace were lined with books and knickknacks, pictures and candles. A large floral wreath was centered on the chimney. The latest bestseller in romantic fiction sat on the coffee table next to a bowl of potpourri and an empty iced tea glass. It was a cozy room, filled with warmth and wholesomeness – at least that’s the way she hoped it appeared.

“Please come in,” she snapped as she walked behind him.

Mac raised an eyebrow and pinned her with his silver gaze. “Do I sense hostility, little girl? I came by to check on you and your brother. Where is he by the way? I need to talk to him about our carpool situation.”

 “Don’t call me little girl, I hate that,” she snarled as she stepped even closer, tempting fate so near his body.

“I know. Jamie told me. Why do you think I did it?” Mac smirked in his slow sexy fashion.

Dixie’s frown deepened. She was almost sure he was laughing at her. “Jamie isn’t here. He went fishing. I can take a message if you like.” She tried to sound as cold as possible. It wouldn’t do to have him know the effect he was having on her senses. She could feel the blush steal right into her cheeks. When he just continued to stare at her, she lifted her chin and stared right back. He was not going to intimidate her in her own home.

Dixie noticed the subtle change in tension the minute Mac straightened his posture. He raked her from head to toe with a slow gaze. He was no longer content to lounge around and indulge in conversation. He was a man with a purpose. He wanted something. As his steely gray eyes deepened into the color of shiny pewter, Dixie realized with a start what it was. He wanted her. She could see the flames of desire leaping in his eyes. For an awful second she felt she’d been stripped naked and he had stolen her soul. He was definitely the Devil.

Much as she wanted to, Dixie just couldn’t hold his stare. It was time to cut and run. She suddenly felt uncomfortable with him so close. His size filled the room. The thought that she was alone, here, with this man, suddenly sprang to mind and she got scared. She wasn’t prepared for this. She could feel the heat building between her thighs as she remembered that she only had on a bathrobe. She was naked underneath. Pointing to the door, she silently pleaded for him to leave. She wasn’t scared of him personally, she was scared of what she really wanted him to do.

Mac shook his head in the negative in response to her demand. “I think I’ll wait. I like the view.”

His voice was smooth as molasses, dark, deep, and sweet. To the casual observer he appeared totally relaxed, but Dixie knew better. The fire in his eyes belied the relaxed stance. He was definitely a predator. And she was so very afraid she was his prey and he was ready to pounce. A shiver of sexual awareness coursed through her and she turned to walk down the hallway on shaky legs, determined to end this bizarre conversation before her body betrayed her.

Good God, girl! Get it together! You act like you’ve never had a handsome man in your home before. Well, she hadn’t.

Dixie glanced over her shoulder to see if he would take the hint and leave, then flushed as she noticed his gaze had centered on her butt. This was a side of Mac she wasn’t sure she was ready for. She had smelled the beers on his breath, but his footsteps were sure and his speech wasn’t slurred. He didn’t seem to be drunk, just bent on seduction.

She tried to remain calm, but her heartbeat accelerated alarmingly as he continued to stare at her. She was penned by the twin fires radiating from his gaze. When it became obvious that he wasn’t leaving, she tried for a neutral tone. She would show him that she didn’t care whether he left or stayed. Then she would run like mad to her bedroom, hoping he wouldn’t follow.

“Please, sit down then. I’m not sure when Jamie will be back. Can I get you anything?”

Mac smiled the Devil’s own smile of satisfaction. “Now that’s a loaded question.” He gave her a slow, sexy wink.

Flushing now with anger, she turned to him and stammered. “You, oh, I meant anything to drink.” She advanced on him, her uneasiness forgotten. “Just because you caught me off guard with that kiss in your office is no reason to go think I’m easy ‘cause I’m not.” Her accent returned with a vengeance.

Mac grinned at her display of temper. Her eyes were flashing blue fire again, and she was so worked up, she wasn’t even aware that the knot on her robe had loosened. But Mac had definitely noticed. Desire slammed into his gut, taking his breath away. She was no longer cautious around him, and he was thankful for that. He wanted her to want him with the same intensity that was running through his body right now.

He wanted her so badly, he was practically shaking with it. And she still didn’t have a clue. Or if she did, she was choosing to ignore it.

To hell with that.

 “Easy?! Honey, the only thing easy about you is your looks. Did anyone ever tell you how pretty you are when you’re spitting mad?” He straightened from the wall and took a step towards her.

“Then I must be blooming beautiful right now,” she raged. “Just where in blue blazes do you think you’re going?”

 Mac just smiled and kept walking.

“Stop! What is it with you and the whole stalking like an animal thing?” She ran around the coffee table.

Mac smiled at the thoughts that flitted across her face. She was so easy to read. “Maybe you bring out the animal in me, baby.”

She started to laugh. “Really? That’s the line you’re going with?” She snorted then clapped her hand over her mouth.

Mac smiled. Yeah, where the hell did that cheesy line come from? “Hey, you put me on the spot. I can’t think straight when you’re standing there all sweet and naked.”

Dixie blushed. “Much better, but I think you should leave.”

Mac wasn’t going anywhere. “Come here.” He crooked his finger at her as he took another step.

Heavens, she almost did what he commanded, Dixie thought. The sensual web he was weaving around her was pulling her closer to him, closer to the fire. A few more feet and they would be toe to toe. She needed to take a stand. She wasn’t going to make this too easy on him. “No,” she squeaked.

He nodded his head. “Yes.”

Dixie turned to run. Too late. He grabbed her around the waist and turned her around to him, hauling her up against his chest. She gasped at the intimate contact of her breasts against his chest. Oh God, she was naked against him! She pushed at his chest.

“Stop wriggling, you little hellion.” he mumbled as he wrapped his much longer leg around both of hers enveloping her completely with his body. “I came here to apologize for yelling at you today.”

Dixie looked into those twinkling gray eyes, searching for some clue of his feelings for her. She knew he wanted her, but she didn’t want to be just another woman. She needed to matter. But, on the other hand, these feelings he so easily aroused in her with his simple touch defied anything she had been brought up to think about. Boy and girl meet, fall in love, get married, have babies. No one had bothered to tell her about the feelings of wanting, the physical need consuming her without benefit of vows or even a declaration of love. Was it all just physical? Was there something more? It was all very confusing. She knew one thing for certain though, she didn’t want these feelings to end until she explored a little more. Dixie was lost and she knew it. She didn’t care. His scent, his taste, feeling his desire for her had turned her shyness into wanton abandon. She wanted him.

Well, you wanted an opportunity to get to know him better. I’d say this is a pretty good one. Just remember to take it slow. Dixie wasn’t listening to her inner voice. She was too busy feeling, exploring all the wonderful sensations that rocked her naked body when she was being held in Mac’s arms. This was just like the last time, only better. Slower. More intense, more exciting. His hard body pressed so closely to her was making her breathless. And hot. He was so warm all over, all hard muscle and tender lips. Surely he was hot, too? Maybe he needed to take off his shirt, she thought with a smile.

  She pulled at the buttons on his shirt, eager to feel his skin. She whimpered as the shirt refused to budge when she tugged it out of his jeans. Mac was doing incredibly wonderful things to her breasts, cupping one in his big hand and pulling on the turgid peak. He repeated the process with the other breast and she felt the pull in her very core.

“Please, Mac.” Dixie didn’t know what she was desperate for. She just knew it was there. Just out of reach. She ground her hips against his jeans, loving the roughness against her.

His mouth hovered over hers, his steel eyes gazed at her questioningly, alight with passion’s promise, but willing to call a halt to what he wanted if she just said the word. “Dixie?” He breathed against her mouth.

Dixie melted and smiled as she met his gaze. Oh Yes!

When she silently acknowledged her agreement by shifting closer to him and the flames of desire flicked through his body, Mac knew he was in heaven. He slid his hand around her neck, pulling her up to meet his hungry mouth. His tongue danced with hers as he devoured her.

He realized Dixie must feel his arousal through his jeans and the friction of cloth against her wiggling belly made him realize that her deepest desire was now simply to get him naked. She gyrated against him, hands fisting in his hair. He tightened his grip on her waist, telling her that the time for reconsidering had past.

His free arm reached up to discard the towel that hid her damp tresses from his probing eyes. Threading his fingers through her golden curls, he followed a winding path with his hands down the small of her back. Lifting one curl, he brought it to his lips then placed it with reverence on her bared breasts, smiling slightly, remembering his fantasy dream of just a few days ago. As he gazed at her beauty, he silently acknowledged that reality, in this instance, was a thousand times better.

His gaze returned to her face after a moment. He inhaled her scent. She smelled of lavender and vanilla. Sweet. She licked her lips in anticipation, her tongue darting out to skim across her upper lip. His hands moved to her face, cupping her cheek. He groaned and lowered his lips to hers, crushing her against him, securing her in place.

He plundered her tender mouth. This was no gentle kiss like before. This was full of pent-up passion and promise; his lips crushing, demanding entrance which she willingly supplied. She had every right to be frightened at his intensity, but he made sure she was being inundated with so many other, more exciting feelings that required her attention.

She opened her mouth wider and his tongue swept in again. He crushed her to him, his tongue mimicking the love play he hoped they would soon be sharing. Her hands crept up from his shoulders to wind around his neck, pressing even closer to him, yet it wasn’t close enough. He rained kisses along her cheek and jaw line, down her throat, and across her collarbone as she drew in a ragged breath. Dixie threw back her head and moaned when he plucked at her silk clad nipples. Mac pulled the robe completely off her. She gasped when he let his whiskers scratch her soft skin. He nuzzled the creamy breasts his hands had freed. When his cheek lightly grazed across one taut peak, Dixie cried out softly and pulled slightly away from him, arching her back over his braced arms and lifting her breast for more of his caress.

“Did you like that, baby?” He smiled and repeated the tender gesture. When he took the sensitive bud into his mouth, she flinched. Mac grasped her butt and lifted her higher, pushing her more firmly against his hardened manhood. She wrapped her legs around his waist, nestling herself against him, opening to his touch. The scent of her arousal propelled Mac’s need out of control.

Mac knew he couldn’t stand much more of her sweet, uninhibited response. He began walking toward the back of the house, breaking their kisses only when he had to gauge the direction of her bedroom. He toe-opened the first door with his foot, noting the masculine design. Dammit! Jamie’s room.

Dixie pointed to the door at the end of the hall. “There.”

Mac made it in two strides, pushing open the door, and once again taking her mouth in fierce possession. He tore his mouth away to look over his shoulder and find the bed. A single lamp was aglow on the nightstand beside the huge four poster bed that dominated the room. The soft pale sheets were turned down, and the drapes closed against the noises of the street outside.

Mac settled Dixie gently on the down comforter, taking a moment to view her completely. He drew in his breath sharply as he gazed at her innocent beauty. Her eyes were half closed, and her blonde hair was spread across the pillows in wanton disarray. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, her breasts blushing pink from his whiskers, her nipples erect and begging for his mouth. Her hands were grasping fistfuls of the sheet as her hips undulated rhythmically searching for his touch.

Mac stared at her uninhibited display of passion. She was lost in a haze of desire. He had made her feel this way. She was beautiful. She instinctively lifted her arms to welcome him, wanting more. God, he was the luckiest man in the world.

He leaned down to trace her aureole, so pink and perfect, with one finger. Dixie grabbed his finger, sliding it down her torso. Mac smiled and slid his finger down to her clit, circling the swollen bud, but never touching. His finger slipped lower.

 “God, baby, you are so wet,” His voice was a low growl, his control quickly deteriorating.

“That’s good, right?” she whispered, suddenly shy.

“Oh, yeah, baby. It’s perfect.” His finger invaded her again, his breath harsh and hot as he leaned over her. He removed his finger and brought it to his lips. “And you taste so sweet. I knew you would be sweet.”

Mac returned to her saturated folds, opening her gently with one finger, then two. She was so damn tight. He began to pump his fingers within her, stretching her for his cock. He laved and nipped at her breasts, tiny bites of pleasurable pain while his thumb touched her clit, pressing down.

“Oh, God, yes. Yes!” Dixie screamed. Her pussy clenched around his fingers, milking them with her climax. “Mac!” she keened as tremors shook her body, leaving her helpless in the aftermath of his mastery.

Mac’s last vestige of control slipped at the sound of her sexy scream. He withdrew his fingers, once again sucking on her sweet cream and began to undress quickly. He pulled his shirt over his head, heedless of the popping buttons and began unfastening his jeans. Perspiration dotted his forehead as he lowered them over his hips, his cock so hard he knew he wouldn’t last long inside her. He prayed he had enough control to take it slow, to ease the pain he knew she would experience. She was a virgin. He had felt her hymen when she was in the throes of her passion. He would be her first. God, he loved that.

He reached for the condom he carried in his pocket.

 He heard the slamming of the kitchen door and flinched.

Jamie was home.

Mac swore under his breath and glanced at Dixie, who was completely unaware of the change of events. He was unable to stop himself from running a light caress down the center of her body. She moaned in ecstasy as he grappled to get his own aching need under control.

Dixie was in a state of rapture. She knew she was on the brink of the most exhilarating experience of her life. Her first climax was so erotic, she couldn’t imagine it could be better with Mac inside her. But she wanted to find out. Oh, God, how she wanted to find out. She continued to writhe as aftershocks of her orgasm tore through her body. Yes, she wanted more. More.

 She never wanted it to end, but she became vaguely aware that Mac was no longer touching her lovingly. She wanted to cry. She craved his touches like the flowers crave the rain. She needed it to survive. But Mac wasn’t trying to make love to her. In fact, he was busy stuffing her back into her robe.

She became aware of the chill in the room. Oh God! What had she done? Why was Mac acting this way? Then she heard her brother’s voice in the kitchen and reality intruded with a vengeance. Dixie sat bolt upright in the bed and turned a shocked face to Mac.

“Hey, where are you, Dixie? Is that Mac’s truck out there? Where is he?” Jamie’s voice rang out like a shotgun blast to her height senses.

“Go into the bathroom and repair yourself,” Mac whispered. “I’ll catch him before he hits the hallway.” After a furtive glance at the still unoccupied hallway, Dixie did as Mac ordered, grabbing yoga pants and a t-shirt from a nearby chair and leaving Mac to deal with Jamie.

While Dixie beat a hasty retreat into the bathroom, Mac retrieved his shirt and tried to make himself as presentable as possible. He zipped up his jeans and fastened his shirt as well as he could considering he had lost three buttons, then ran a hand through his wayward hair. He exited the bedroom just as Jamie came from the kitchen.

“I’m right here, Jamie,” Mac called out as he came to the living room. “I’m afraid I got your sister out of the shower. She’s finishing up. I’m just looking around. I hope you don’t mind.”

“It’s awfully late to come calling. Has something happened with another home?” Jamie asked suspiciously. He tried to peer over Mac’s shoulder in search of Dixie, but Mac clapped a hand on him and steered them into the center of the living room.

“Well nothing tonight, but I wanted to apologize to you and your sister for that scene earlier. I overreacted, but Jeb is a letch and I didn’t want your sister near him. I’m sure you’d do the same thing. I still believe its best if I picked you up and brought you home. It’s no trouble and it will save your sister any embarrassment in the future.”

“Gee, Mac, that’s awfully nice of you, going out of your way just to pick me up.” Jamie offered the older man a saccharine smile. Mac knew his little speech hadn’t fooled the young man.

Dixie came up behind him. “That’s exactly what I thought, too.” She had donned her clothes and haphazardly braided her wet hair. She couldn’t do anything about her swollen lips though.

Jamie smirked.

 “You want something to drink, Mac?” Jamie headed back toward the kitchen.

“No thanks. As you said, it’s late. I better go. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning around seven thirty.” Mac started for the door.

“I’ll walk you out,” Dixie said quickly as she closed the door and followed him outside. The night air was cool and she shivered as she walked to his truck. “You think he realized what we were doing in there?”

Mac quirked an eyebrow at her question. “A blind man would’ve known what was going on in there.” He pulled her into his embrace. She laid her head on his chest as he began rubbing her back to keep her warm. “I’d say I’m sorry about what happened, but I’d be lying. I’m just frustrated that it ended so soon.”

Dixie smiled into his chest. She felt the same way. She snuggled against him. She could hear his heartbeat, sturdy and comforting. Just like Mac. She’d come very close to giving herself completely to this man tonight. A man she hardly knew. Yet she knew he would keep her safe as she discovered the passion within herself. What about after their lovemaking? Did he want her now and forever, or was she just a temporary affair? And did it matter?

After a moment’s contemplation, Dixie came to the conclusion that what would be, would be. She wanted Mac Coalson on any terms. She desired him with her whole heart and soul, not to mention her body, and she would have him, forever, if possible. If not, she knew she wouldn’t find a more tender lover for her first time. She may cry when their affair ended, but she wasn’t about to pass up the time spent loving him. It was definitely worth the risk.

She longed to tell him all that was in her heart and more, but her shyness was returning. So she hugged him closer and kissed his chest through his shirt, willing him to understand what she couldn’t bring herself to say just yet.

Mac inhaled the fragrance of her golden hair. He smiled to himself as he absently rubbed his hands up and down her back, wrestling with the fact that he had been on the brink of initiating this young woman into the ultimate act of love. Unless he wanted to make a lifelong commitment to her, he should do the honorable thing and bow out now before the relationship became more involved. But even as he thought this, he tightened his arms around her. He knew he could never leave now. He sighed with little regret because his heart had already accepted what his mind had tried to reason through.

 To hell with being a gentleman.

 He remembered her uninhibited response to his lovemaking. She’d driven him to the very brink of control with her sweet mouth and gentle caress. She had been on fire for him and only for him. Her climax had stolen his breath away. She was beautiful in her passion. No other woman had ever responded to him like she had. He knew she wasn’t experienced; her timid touch told him that much. So the very fact that she would have given herself to him so willingly and with such sweet surrender, was enough for him to know just how deeply her affections ran. It rivaled the intensity of his feelings for her. And they hadn’t even had their first official date yet.

 “Will you go out to dinner with me on Friday?” he whispered.

She lifted her head and stared at his handsome face. “I think asking me for a date after what we’ve been doing is a lot like putting the cart before the horse.” She smiled and then took herself on tiptoe, trying to reach his lips to give her answer.

Mac was more than happy to meet her half way, and their kiss was slow and sweet and nowhere near as satisfying as what they both wanted. As he lifted his head, the porch light blinked off and on several times. “Very funny, Jamie.”

Dixie laughed softly then pulled on his shirt to bring his head down yet again. Minutes later, Mac reluctantly loosened his hold. “Go on in, little girl.” He turned her loose and gave her a swat on her bottom just to be silly.

 “Don’t, you little girl me. If you hadn’t noticed, I am a woman,” Dixie said with feigned haughtiness.

“Oh I noticed alright. I can promise you, I am going to be remembering throughout the night, cold shower or not,” Mac rumbled as he opened the truck door.

Dixie laughed as she walked up the front porch steps and turned back. “Good night.” She blew him a kiss.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” With a long last look, Mac turned and climbed into his truck. As soon as she was safely inside, he drove off into the night.

Dixie leaned against the front door, closed her eyes and sighed. This was what falling in love was like. Grandpa Harris was right. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before and better than anything you could ever imagine. When she opened her eyes and drew away from the door, she spotted the damp towel and hurried to pick it up as her brother came out in the kitchen.

“Any luck fishing tonight?” she asked politely, trying to gauge what he saw.

“Nope. Fish weren’t biting.” He stared pointedly at her swollen lips. “Something was, but not the fish.” He plopped on the sofa with a bowl o